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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Edited because Squid makes good points. Probably still needs tweaking.

Changed it to this (the last one is also edited, too, but for keeping things a bit clearer):

Adaptive Defense (Activated) - The character my trade up to a total of 10 points into their Resistance, Dodge, or Armor stats by removing the difference from any of the other two. Multiple of these three stats may be subtracted from at once in order to boost the other, or one can be divided to boost both others (i.e. 5 dodge and 5 resistance to 10 armor, 20 armor for 10 dodge and 10 resistance, etc.).
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I suggested being able to do something like that to Tass some time ago, but the one thing I don't really like about that skill is the possibility of using it offensively with spirit powers. I think the bonus from Adaptive Defense shouldn't apply to resistance checks where the user of the skill is on the offense.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I suggested being able to do something like that to Tass some time ago, but the one thing I don't really like about that skill is the possibility of using it offensively with spirit powers. I think the bonus from Adaptive Defense shouldn't apply to resistance checks where the user of the skill is on the offense.

I agree with this. The problem with boosting resistance is that it can be both defensive and offensive.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm not actually sure that I agree that boosting resistance for offensive purposes is an issue in this case, beyond that the name might use some tweaking given that option. It's not like warriors have a huge selection of resistance boosts for their abilities without multi-classing (by which I mean they have literally no class means of temporarily boosting their resistance for offensive skills), and it follows the standard skill rule of being a tradeoff. If it happens to give spirit wielders and mages a reason to dip into cross-classing as a warrior, I don't really see the problem in that either.

Using up 10 dodge or 10 armor as a means of boosting resistance by 10, defensive or offensive, for a round on demand doesn't seem unbalanced to me when compared with the possibility of using a round and blessing x = 10 in order to gain 30 resistance, 30 dodge, and 30 attack and to confer it to all nearby allies, regardless of how far away they get from you afterward, until you deactivate it, or losing 10 dodge and 20 attack in order to deal x2 damage. I mean, 10 resistance isn't even likely to help the average character in a noticeable way against a tier 4 monster unless they have around 5 stacks of resistant on top of their innate resistance, and it would more than likely simply tip the scale slightly in a character's favor against a tier 3 monster, and if they succeed against whatever resistance check you're putting against them then you've opened yourself to being hit or potentially getting hit harder.

That said, if I'm the only one who sees it this way, there's always simply adding (for defensive checks only) somewhere after resistance. Or maybe throwing an EP cost equal to 1:1 or 1/2 the total amount of points traded in that way.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I wasn't so much worried about the stats (as Tass is aware, I never am) so much as I was looking at the name, "Adaptive Defense". I was merely saying that using a skill named for defense in an offensive manner seems kinda silly.

In that same regard, I still want my defensive fighting, but for Resistance. Even if only for mental effects.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You can use Defensive Fighting to boost Resistance already, actually.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

-Whenever a character would make any attack that requires an attack roll, they may fight defensively. Effectively, the character can sacrifice up to 20 points from their attack roll, gaining a bonus to Dodge for that turn equal to the number of points sacrificed. Characters may instead add the bonus to defensive fighting to their Resistance for the round, but this bonus only affects their Resistance when defending against effects, not for determining whether their own effects work.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


I implemented that suggestion almost right after you made it. >.>
I'm also tempted to add Perception to it, which is already included in Full Defense.

Also, I keep forgetting to add the penalty for using ranged weapons in melee combat. -10 penalty to Dodge and attack rolls. I'd probably add some skill to let people use pistols in melee without penalty, or throw it into Pistolero.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I like MAF's suggestion regarding defensive use only. An at will +10 bonus for use of resistance based attacks seems plenty significant enough to me. It turns a uncertain 50% success insta-kill/domination attempt, into a guaranteed success, and for very little penalty given that the average spirit user is incapable of dodging most foes anyway when not using buffs.

Also having a decent resistance isn't at all beyond a normal warrior. A high body score combined with the resistant talent is something you could reasonably expect to see in any warrior build. Add onto that the Adaptive Defense skill and a single talent in Demonologist (for example), and they now have a significantly powerful insta kill attack for only 5 ep.

Though as said, the defensive use only thing would fix all that as far as I can see. Just like defensive fighting has it.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh, suggestion for either a spirit power or talent. Since spirit wielders are able to shape their own energies to do what they will why can't they gather the power outside of themselves and hold it there? Then they could focus on building another attack and release both at the same time.

Chichi, a Spirit Warrior, sees a group starting to advance on her from a distance. She starts building up for Energy Wave to deal with them once they're in range, but then she notices a couple more enemies suddenly appearing to her side to flank her. She holds back the attack for the first, and during her second turn she releases it and throws another to the second group creating 180 degrees of scorched earth.

In an actual battle this would be a quite dangerous thing since most enemies appear within striking distance, and using a turn to charge a power leaves a character open to attack. In exchange they gain the ability to hammer someone's defenses or gain a wider range of effects.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Probably because holding onto tapped energy like that causes immense strain on the mind and body. Although personally I agree with you, I also think it's something that is handled by the Ceiling. If the Ceiling is the absolute limit of power that a Spirit Wielder can handle without causing personal injury to themselves, then I imagine simply holding onto violent energies would cause similar damage to breaking the ceiling.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, But I also think that's more related to a characters resistance stat as well, and should probably be made a talent if implemented rather then simply a flat allowance of complete control.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Idea that I came up with for a Spirit Power, possibly to replace Shatter Soul:

Reflect - The next damage dealing spirit power or spell that would target the character is reflected back at the caster. Probably a 5 EP thing or somesuch. Maybe alternatively let one put up a barrier that lets one absorb so much damage from spells/powers per round or per attack, as I have on several magic items, without taking any damage in return. Maybe a barrier that can take 10X damage costs X EP and X or X-2 upkeep, or somesuch, but if the barrier breaks you have to recast it.

Edit: Also, I need to make Selective Fertility harder to get, so introducing some requirements in order to take it as a succubus power might be good.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Metamagic Feat suggestion:

It's a Trap! (Activated) - The character may pay 2 EP in order to cast a Trap spell while in combat. The spell takes 2 rounds to cast, and the caster takes a -10 penalty to casting during both rounds. If the caster fails their casting check during either round, or the spell is interrupted (by the caster canceling the spell or being grappled, etc.), the spell fails and the caster loses the EP spent attempting the spell.

Name subject to change... <.<
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So, recap on things I need to do:

-Bring back Sweep, the skill. And maybe Adaptive Defense. And maybe Brawler.
-Add at least one mage Talent that upgrades Traps.
-Complete the new mechanic for Spirit Wielders in order to introduce more flavor for them.
-Add the rules for fighting with a ranged weapon in melee combat, aka the penalties.
-Complete and add all of the new Spirit Power trees.
-Add the new mage elements, expand the old ones.
-Add the requirement of Fey or Demon and at least Naturally Warped to taking Selective Fertility as a Succubus Power.
-Add spell runes to items, and a ritual to make them, along with one unlocked by Warp Shell.
-Make Psyker's ruling more explicit. Also possibly switch it to an option, rather than a Talent, or maybe let one take an extra Flaw in order to get it.
-Add a Talent for additional starting money, possibly restricting it to the procurement of a magic item or somesuch. And Mental Fortitude and Sexual Tyrannosaurus. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=1829&page=40
-Getting hit with a second Pollen Shot doesn't automatically send someone to horny.

Also, as I've come up with something to replace Shatter Soul, I was thinking about adding a function to Warp Shell that would allow it to be used a save or die, thus allowing people to turn things into creative stuff. Like bunny rabbits. Or pop tarts.

Also also, I was thinking about making that one of the options for ye new mechanic @ Termite's idea. Basically, how I would do it would be to allow a character to spend their turn gathering energy from the air, probably up to their Spirit Ceiling or SC/2, which they could then use on a power on their next turn. They wouldn't be able to store the energy or use it to replenish their EP, and only on the one activation of a power, so maybe enough to recoup the activation cost of a buff or get off a free alpha strike.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


I was going to at some point ask if I could get a talent to expand how many concurrent buff/utility spells could be active at once, also.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


I was going to at some point ask if I could get a talent to expand how many concurrent buff/utility spells could be active at once, also.

This sounds like a good idea. And/Or maybe a feat or something to turn normal buff spells into area effects, and probably a spirit user equivalent once you implement the spirit thingies. Lumi is supposed to be support type, with healer and everything, but there's not much she can do when she has to use all her buffing slots just to make sure no-one dies if they get hit.

Maybe something like: Glowing Presence: Instead of targeting a buff or healing spell at a specific person, you share the effect with everyone close to you. Using this feat costs 4 EP and increases the casting DC of the spell by 10 and the upkeep by 1. The spell also counts as one lever lower for the effects. Requires Healer.

EDIT: Also, Hafnium suggested scaling the upkeep cost according to the number of people affected. I think maybe make the upkeep something like base+1+spell-level/2*number of targets instead. So a 1st level spell would cost 1+1/2 targets per round, 2nd level 1+1/target, 3rd level 3+3/2 targets, 4th level 4+2/target and 5th level 5+5/2 targets.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Also, as I've come up with something to replace Shatter Soul, I was thinking about adding a function to Warp Shell that would allow it to be used a save or die, thus allowing people to turn things into creative stuff. Like bunny rabbits. Or pop tarts.

Like a "baleful polymorph"? Whilst that sounds like loads of fun, I can't help but feel that adding that to what's already one of the most desirable powers in the list/spirit wielder arsenal, might be over loading that one power?

Reflect sounds fine, even if dull defensive stuff doesn't excite me. : P
I was trying to think of something related to mastering ones soul/energies to fit the Daemonic flavour, but have no alternative to suggest, so... *shrug*

Also also, I was thinking about making that one of the options for ye new mechanic @ Termite's idea. Basically, how I would do it would be to allow a character to spend their turn gathering energy from the air, probably up to their Spirit Ceiling or SC/2, which they could then use on a power on their next turn. They wouldn't be able to store the energy or use it to replenish their EP, and only on the one activation of a power, so maybe enough to recoup the activation cost of a buff or get off a free alpha strike.

Use dirty air energy? Eww. :x

Though that does make me wonder about Mage/Spirit cross class skills/feats/talents along those lines of alternative energy sourcing.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So I came up with a new outfit for Lani, which I'm thinking she'll get after her and Vanilla has finished in the mines. The biggest change is her top, Lani loses the tiny leather corset thing and is replaced with a sleeveless hoodie inspired my Gaige's own hoodie from BL2. She also does have new boots and arm gloves as well, the latter more resembling Eleanor's. Decided to keep with the colour scheme of Lani's current outfit mostly out of laziness.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Double post, but whatever.

Remade, and put into my first post, Ragnarok the half dragon-half vampire (and now part elementalkin), and all badass.