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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread



Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Could be worse... *glares over at Johnny Evilguy*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

One hundred? That's all?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Poor Bakan isn't the richest, you see. Spends all his money keeping that many women happy with gifts. XD
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Changes Today!

-Races: Cleaned up the language in the races section. Human half breeds now get the extra Flaw/Talent. Vampires have fangs.

-Rules: Using a ranged weapon in melee combat causes penalties to hit and dodge. Defensive Fighting now allows one to add the bonus to Perception. Spirit Wielders now get 1 + Spirit/30 free Wielder Aptitudes! Yaaaaaaay! Changed the character sheet and updated the character creation guide.

-Talents: Added Mental Fortitude, Sexual Tyrannosaurus, Skilled Wielder, Multitalented, Daemonic Wielder, Rimewielder, Druid, and Starseeker. Changed Erotic Burster to grant Wielder Talents in place of Powers, changed Erotic Wizard to grant a bonus to Base Casting, and made my ruling on Psyker more explicit. Also, fixed the typo in the Spirit Wielder Talents that grant powers. Removed some Talents from the Wielder section that were being turned into Aptitudes.

-Succubus Powers: Altered Pollen Shot to make an earlier ruling about jumping people to Horny after two hits explicit. Also doubled its range. Added requirements to taking Selective Fertility.

-Mage Feats: Divided the list between passive and activated feats. Added new passive ones for Aether and Earth. Wind Caller's bonus to Body went from +10 to +12. Druidic Secrets adds some spells. Added two for aspiring Trap users, Glowing Presence, and Split Mind.

-Skills: Changed Pistolero. Added Sweep, and Brawler. Combined Smite, Spirited Attacker, and Spirited Defender into one skill, Spirited Warrior.

-Enchanting: Added some stuff to enchanting items with Spirit Powers, changed the name of misc items to secondary items. Added an enhancement to allow spell/power blocking, as I've used on NPCs several times.

-Wielder Aptitudes: These exist now.

-Spirit Powers: Added four new trees, Druidic, Boreal, Daemon, and Celestial.

-Spells: Added new spells to Arcane, Body, Force, Nature, Light, Water, and Wind. Zombify and Luck spells in Entropy fiddled with. Force Barrier gained an upkeep and a +4 bonus. Added the Aether and Earth Elements.

-Rituals: Added Earthquake, Forced Mutation, Corruption Purge, and Brainwashing. Fiddled with Animate Dead.

-Equipment: Whips, brass knuckles, and combo weapons.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

There. It's all done, except for Templates which I'll have to get to later, and any additions or suggestions that come to me and that I like between now Saturday, when I'll be able to do stuff for DG again. Hopefully after this, I'll be able to get back to posting.

The only class that had anything added is Spirit Wielders, so all Spirit Wielders should take their Aptitudes when they read this. If you don't take them, I'm probably not going to remind you, because I am lazy. If you see anything on your sheet in the above lists, make sure that you check it.

As usual, concerns about balance/usability and such should be sent to me.

Also, people that had whips before, you don't have to switch them to the newly created weapon type unless you want to.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ooooh, now I just need story reasons to take some of these awesome new toys for Tlech. =3
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Quick suggestion: Have Starblade reduce the stealth of any target it strikes by X until the end of the encounter. This gives Starblade a neat little secondary effect that isn't overly effective (unless it's against something that relies on sudden strike or the like), similar to the other weapon powers.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Fairy fire on a stick? I like it, it keeps the power from resembling energy blade too much. Ill second Hafrogs idea.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Starblade: damage dice down to a d8, but now creatures struck take a penalty to Dodge and stealth.

Aether and Earth got some more spells, as I forgot stuff that should have been in the latter and just wanted to add stuff to the former.

Some templates added.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ideas for Earth Stuffles. Most notably!

Lvl 5: Tremorsense. The character gains the ability to feel the vibrations of everything moving around them on solid ground, gaining a bonus to perception equal to their Mind/6. This spell can be used while bound or in a submission hold and also grants the character the ability to track targets across solid ground as if they had the Ranger talent. Costs 3 EP to upkeep.

Spell type. Utility, Variable. This spell may be cast as any level, granting the appropriate multiplier, but may only be accessed if Focus: Earth is taken, hence the original level being set at 5. Upkeep increases by 1*Spell level EP.

Also, I think Stone to Sand should be usable in reverse as well, allowing sand or loose earth to be formed into a Solid stone structure.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Maybe make tremorsense negate the bonus for invisibility/penalty from blindness as long as the opponent is touching the ground or something in addition to giving a perception buff?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yes! More this. Rough idea is rough, Halp polish it and make better. Because I'm pretty sure I way overthought this and it needs it badly. Well, the spell does.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I like these new ideas and spells going about, mostly Tremorsense because I'm a sucker for relying on senses other than sight for perception in games. I don't know what I can add, since I'm terrible with balance and number crunching and whatnot, but fuck yeah, these new things make me want to play a pure spirit wielder. : D
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Level 5 (maybe 4) light spell suggestion:

Play Possum (Utility) [The character places a buff on themselves or another character which costs 1 EP per round to maintain. The next time an attack would hit someone with this spell active on them, the buffed character makes a resistance check against the attacker and on a success they negate the damage that would be dealt. In addition, this spawns an illusion of the buffed character being slain/knocked unconscious and grants the character an invisibility buff for one round. On a failure the character takes damage as normal and does not gain invisibility or the illusion. Regardless of success or failure, the buff is consumed after the first attack targeted at the character.]
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Probably super-imba and horrifically rife with potential to derail everything forever, but yeah.

Motherfuckin' Heart
The power to control the hearts and minds of men.

Design/buzzwords thing!
Animal Communication


Control (controlled other elements to make Captain planet)

All Inspire Xes last for like, ten minutes, or someshit, and ideally wouldn't take up buff slots or anything. Their effects may be extended by paying [Level] in EP per ten minutes and occupying a buff slot. Afterwards, the subject (Guy X in the below) will wonder what the FUCK just happened.

Telepathy (Mind-to-mind speak; no mindlink, only you and others)
Inspire Friendship - Singular, reverse Foul Aura effect. Res check. Targets Guy X, who suddenly sees Guy Y in a more positive light. While they might sympathize with why you totally killed their buddy, though, they're probably still going to cut you back. They'll just feel bad about it until that shit wears off.
Cupid's Blowdart (Inspire Lust) (AKA Beer Goggles) - Singular Pheromones effect. Res check. Targets Guy X, who suddenly sees Guy Y as fucking smoking hot. 10/10, would awkwardly and desperately hit on again.
Inspire Suspicion - Singular Foul Aura effect. Res check. Targets Guy X, who suddenly sees Guy Y as shady, untrustworthy, and also kind of a dick.

Mind Radar - Sense all sentient thought within 50 ft. Useful for target-finding behind walls?
(Empathy 4 EP ver)
Inspire Friendship - Res check. Guy X treats Guy Y like he was his best friend. May or may not include comp'd drinks and coming to your defense when being accosted by assholes ("Hey, lay off him man" and the like).
Cupid's Arrow (Inspire Lust) - Res check. Guy X gains Aroused, and Guy Y becomes the object of his affection.
Inspire Suspicion - Res check. Guy X thinks Guy Y legitimately fucked their mom.

Empathy (8 EP ver)
Suggestion - Res check. Makes a guy think an idea you want. From "Hey, I thought I heard something over there" to "Man, I should really fuck my best friend's wife" to "Dude, I never realized how fucking sweet that guy's shoes are. I should knife him and take them." They only think it, not necessarily agree - an enemy will most likely realize it's foreign unless it's totally plausible ("I think I heard something that-away!") in high-alert or combat situations.
Inspire Friendship - Res check. Guy X treats Guy Y like he was a flawless [race] being that could do no wrong and is everything right with the world. May or may not include going hongry to feed the subject and timely releases from pillories.
Cupid's Quarrel (Inspire Lust) - Res check -5. Guy X gains aroused. Guy Y becomes the primary object of his desired affection. Aw yeah guurl.
Inspire Suspicion - Res check. Guy X becomes unreasonably and incredibly prejudiced against Guy Y, faulting goddamn everything for no real raisin and seeing everything about him in a negative light, but not actually wanting to kill he (just verbally abuse, harass, and possibly fisticuffs). Das Racist.

Empathy (6 EP ver)
Mind Reading - Res check. What's that? You're afraid of spiders and the enemy's camp is three miles to the north?
Charisma - Target gains a persistent low-level aura of likeability and prestige (basically L1 Inspire Friendship, except it applies to everyone that sees you.) Upkeep 3 EP/turn.
Dayum - Target gains a persistent, low-level aura of FUCK I WOULD TAP THE SHIT OUT OF THAT (L1 Inspire Lust on errbody who sees you). Upkeep 3 EP/turn.
Abra kaWhatanasshole - Target gains a persistent, low-level aura of being untrustworthy, shady, and kind of a dick. (L1 Inspire Suspicion on errbody who sees you). Upkeep 3 EP/turn.

Inspire Friendship - Res check. Charm Person. Guy X believes that Guy Y is incredibly important - possibly not letting him out of their sight or abandoning their post for them.
Cupid's Ballista (Inspire Lust) - Res check. Guy X gains Horny, and thinks Guy Y tooooottally wants it.
Inspire Suspicion - Res check. Guy X thinks Guy Y is a spy or impostor or just FUCKING EVIL HOLY SHIT SLAY IT

Mob Suggestion - Plants a suggestion within a large crowd. One immediately says what's on their mind, and the power of mob mentality reinforces that thought throughout the crowd.
Dominate - As per the Telepathy whatsit
Inspire Friendship - Charm person effect. Guy X immediately thinks Guy Y is the third coming of Dee-Jesus. Not allowed saves for clashing behavior - you don't fucking question Jesus nerd. (Alternately, the reschecks are at -10 or whatever)
Cupid's Hwacha (Inspire Lust), L5 - Guy X gains Horny, and immediately thinks of Guy Y's various holes as something something .
Inspire Suspicion, L5 - Guy X immediately thinks that Guy Y is some sort of doublehitler, and will probably seek his murder OR yell extremely passionately about why he's a shitty person.

(EDIT: Also due to being fairly boring and one-tricky as pointed out by 'Pider I will be re-kerjiggering it later. Also, confusion!

1 Acts Normally
2 Trips over feet and falls prone
3 Does nothing
4 Does something derpy
5 Hallucinates
6 Charges/attacks closest person
7 Hurts Self in Confusion
8 Attacks Allies (presumably mistakes they for an enemy or something/swings wildly)
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I am suggesting a fairly hefty change to the succubus innate class bonus of lowered XP costs. My idea is that, instead of an innate cost reduction, give them the ability to grow more quickly through consuming souls, similar to kitsune and do it through the following class special mutation:

Soul Collector: Whenever the character reduces a target to 0 EP through some form of sex, they may choose to try to consume their partner's spirit entirely. They make a resistance check, receiving a +10 bonus if it's on a round when their target orgasms, against their partner. If they lose, they may make two more attempts (up to a total of 3) before losing their grip on their partner's soul and becoming unable to establish a new connection (i.e. drain anymore EP or try again) for 24 hours. If they win, it kills their target instantly, they gain any XP they would otherwise gain, and may do one of two things: 1) immediately learn up to three skills, two magic feats, or one spiritual aptitude that their partner possesses, or 2) consume their soul for later. In the event of the latter, they gain one exceptional/warrior/mage/wielder/common soul. These souls function as discount tokens.

(Paragraphed for easier reading) An exceptional soul is the soul of a character whose body, mind, and spirit scores all individually exceeded 50 and one of these souls may be spent to purchase one talent from any pool for 6 experience. A warrior/mage/wielder soul is a character who was either of that class or had a stat related to that class which exceeded 50 and may be used to purchase a talent of that class for 8 experience (note that a single creature can offer a token that can have the requisites for multiple class talent discounts but it can only be spent for one of them). A common soul is any creature that doesn't meet the above requirements and may be used to purchase either a succubus class talent for 6 xp or a cross class talent for 12 xp.

So, yes, an overly complicated way for PC succubi to do what NPC succubi more or less do via fluff. And also a way that PC succubi become much stronger through actually smutting things to death rather than just normally murdering them and taking advantage of the XP bonus.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A major problem with that suggested change is that it effectively penalizes anyone trying to play a "good" succubus, as they would almost never use that ability. While there is something to be said for differing playstyles resulting in different progressions in power, there aren't really any warriors or mages that don't get a significant bonus from their free Skills and Feats, and the same will likely be said of Spirit Wielders and Aptitudes in the near future. This would effectively be making a class bonus that isn't useful for some characters but is extremely powerful for others.

Taking an example from my own characters, Aisrideau would eat every soul that she could and thus go up in power extremely quickly. Augustina, on the other hand, wouldn't kill someone through draining under any circumstances.

While there are certain ways for less scrupulous characters to rise in power somewhat faster than those with more moral compass (sacrifices, kitsune tails, etc) they're generally fairly fringe and often come with their own sets of consequences. Making a method for

Also, it's generally been fluffed that succubi can eat a soul from a corpse, as a daemon could. If I were going to add this in for RP reasons, I'd have to include that ability too, which up until now I've been leaving as the reason that succubi get Talents for cheaper in my head, even if they don't drain people to death.

Also, your criteria for exceptional souls is unreasonable, given that people with stats over 50 are extremely uncommon. Despite their prevalence among the PCs, 50 or higher in a main stat is something reserved for knight or archmage level NPCs. I suppose that might have been intentional on your part, but it's still worth noting.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestions! One of which is also a direct reference to something.

Level 5 Aether Spell - Shortened Life Expectancy (Utility) [On a successful casting, make a resistance check against a target within 30 feet. If the caster wins, this swaps the caster's current HP with the target's current HP. In the event that the target has more current HP than the caster's maximum HP then the caster is simply healed to full. If the caster loses, the caster takes 10 damage and spends the EP but nothing happens.]

Level 5 Water Spell - Shatter (Utility) [Has the same range and attack properties as a bolt spell but deals 1d12 + Mind/2 damage. This is multiplied by 1 + X where X is the number of instances of Weakened on the target instead of spell level.]
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