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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sadly I can only speak for what feels intuitive, but I know computers like I know haircuts. A mysterious eldritch process that leaves me always slightly annoyed yet it does what I want it too. Usually. Kinda.

Yeah, we should talk about that. Me I'm happy with doing things, anything honestly. But having an overall idea may be a good plan as well. Probably need Vyrian around same time too, time zones and such. Figure something out I suppose.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Welcome strangers! You are, of course, welcome to join DG at any time, and while I would normally take on your thread myself I am a bit overworked at the moment, and will have to allow someone else to GM for ya this time. Might I inquire as to how you found us on this lonely corner of the internet?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Vyrian found you through me. Now I've been erm, let's call it, observing for maybe half a year now. How? Well I'm a large fan of roleplaying games and systems. I originally found this forum via random google, and became a bit enamoured with the system you've made and the stories it's created when I noticed there was a sizable rp section here.

Yeah, I know, kinda creepy I guess, but its probably par for the course in this corner of the interwebs. I finally got the confidence to try my hand instead of just reading, mostly cus Vyrian is far more outgoing than I am and said we should do it.

So, here we are I guess.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Most of us were lurkers once too. At least I lurked, anyway. Get ye Dark Gate and enjoy.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I just noticed my math brain has failed according to the master of the dice roller. To the edit bar. And thanks, the welcome definitely helps put me at ease a bit. I'll admit to being incredibly nervous around new people and that leads to me being verbose, bizarre and well, nervous. Verbosity at the very least on high charts at the moment. I'm just gonna go edit that total now before I choke on this tasty foot.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! (And the bio checkups, those are greatly appreciated.)

I don't have much more to say... well, actually. If the dice roller's written in Java I might be able to help with the UI part. If it's not, I'm afraid I'm a one-trick pony in programming.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okay... well that was fun. Updated dice roller yet again. Interested parties can see my terrible/uncommented/unprofessional source as well. As a partial "explanation", half the code was the result of decompiling after I changed computers and lost the source, but was able to find a copy of the old .JAR.

And a reminder: the stuff at the top with "attack" and "dodge" is for testing DG4 rules. If you don't know what the currently proposed DG4 rules are, don't worry about it.


  • diceRoller3.5.zip
    417.1 KB · Views: 0
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just gonna repost this just coz, and poke your diceroller to see how different it is.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I was offering to GM threads directly before these two made their sheets, and was planning to make their duo thread.

Reluctant GM's need not concern themselves.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So, I was sitting here thinking to myself, and I suddenly had the strangest idea. GIFTS. GIFTS as far as the eye can see. One thread dedicated to GIFTS and all the assorted antics one would think they get into. No battles, no dice rolls, (unless someone really wants to...) just pure derp from a mountain of fuzzy white spiders. It doesn't need to be GM controlled, just RP for RP's sake. Could set up a dedicated thread or simply take over Mud Wrestling, and if people feel like throwing their characters into that mess than good for them.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So, I was sitting here thinking to myself, and I suddenly had the strangest idea. GIFTS. GIFTS as far as the eye can see. One thread dedicated to GIFTS and all the assorted antics one would think they get into. No battles, no dice rolls, (unless someone really wants to...) just pure derp from a mountain of fuzzy white spiders. It doesn't need to be GM controlled, just RP for RP's sake. Could set up a dedicated thread or simply take over Mud Wrestling, and if people feel like throwing their characters into that mess than good for them.


What are you waiting for?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I could get behind this idea.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So, I was sitting here thinking to myself, and I suddenly had the strangest idea. GIFTS. GIFTS as far as the eye can see. One thread dedicated to GIFTS and all the assorted antics one would think they get into. No battles, no dice rolls, (unless someone really wants to...) just pure derp from a mountain of fuzzy white spiders. It doesn't need to be GM controlled, just RP for RP's sake. Could set up a dedicated thread or simply take over Mud Wrestling, and if people feel like throwing their characters into that mess than good for them.


OhgodGIFTS. This is the kind of silly that needs to happen more.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My current thought is I need to finish beating that series.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Uh... We're talking about monsters, not whatever series you think is being discussed.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

They might be correct if they're speaking of either Avernum or Exile, from which the acronym and mannerisms of yon beloved spiders were shamelessly stolen. Just saying.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Both actually. So yes. Crazy spiders, yeesh.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I am totally for Termite's idea and am envisioning a webbed up amphitheatre with a Greek-style senate of giant, possibly-delicious-olive-skinned spiderladies in togas yelling at each other.

Vaguely pondering seeing if anyone wants a new thread of the slice of life-y, just-derping-around variety, but given my even-more-abysmal-than-it-used-to-be post rate now that I'm back in skool (months and up between poasts ohgodwhy) it seems intensely ill-advised.