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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Don't quote me but most of the time I've only seen the slimes in relation to the Aliens. They might be an offshoot of them?

The Inquisition have popped up a good bit since Badaria seems to be the most popular of settings, probably cus yay prudishness to get screwed out of.

Essentially the Inquisition was built by the undead ruler of Badaria under the banner of the star god. It's overall goal is basically an enforcement of the xenophobic nature of Badaria, persecuting mutants, spirit users, and non humans. Somewhat hypocritically they often were spirit users themselves, many having been brainwashed using Psionic spirit powers or old fashioned methods alike.

They were powerful, cruel, and zealous, and generally feared, a secret police force essentially. While the actual warfare arm of Badaria was more the realm of their riflemen and warmages and necromancers, the Inquisition held sway over more internal matters.

When the Invasion came though, the Inquistion was scattered and smashed like much of Badaria itself. It's HQ and the capitol in general became an alien fuck pit, and without any central leadership the inquisitions survivors have from what I can gather reverted to wandering vigilantism, or forming independent headquarters in the few surviving major settlements. They aren't the same force they once were, but individually they are still very dangerous and no less capable of throwing their authority, though they now have to balance that risk with their fewer numbers and resources.

A small band of inquisitors is a significant threat to any non human character, not just because of their individual skills, which are often significant, but because in all but the cities, they can exert absolute authority and supercede leadership, rallying militias, and soldiers and the like. It'd take a noble to really tell them no, and none of them will do that straight out.

The Inquisition is just one threat to a conquering supernatural force, but it's not an ignorable one.

This.... Is actually pretty much completely accurate, minus the bit about the Star God. The Inquisition trains their brainwashed inquisitors to use religion to sell their message to the masses about purity and whatnot, but they aren't explicitly religious themselves.

Slimes do not yet have a lore post, and there aren't enough of them to produce any sort of society. Combined with the fact that "wild" slimes don't naturally conglomerate, they don't really have any sort of civilization. They're a newcomer to Donevrion, the playable ones basically being mutant offshoots of the alien or demon ones, so they don't have much in the way of a history to call back on.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Until Xetal came along! Maybe! Assuming she doesn't get killed by all the races and groups that have a good reason to try and kill her! In fact, I can't find a group that wouldn't want to kill her and destroy whatever she builds.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yes, well... Turning people into pantomimes of their former selves, tearing apart their souls and remaking them into horrid monstrosities that hunger to do the same to other, and generally being a rapist monster will not earn one many fans. I would hope that thetwo never ever puts an angel anywhere near your character.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Pretty much. Denna already is dealing with one soul stealing mind warping conqueror, she'd not be a fan of a second :p.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

What about angels? What would make them especially dangerous?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Angels are insanely powerful as a species, and the older they get the scarier they get. Older angels can see the future sort of.

They're good people, or try to be, and aren't the type to ignore someone in need. And being under threat from soul sucking mind raping goo people counts as being in need.

And not all angels go the redemption route, they want to help people. Doesn't make em pacifists and they definitely don't have to try and redeem. That's up to them.

While there are scarier things out there than angels, as a species as a whole angels are some of the scarier ones to have glaring at you. The good news is they're one of the types who aren't out to steal souls, act selfish or rule you, and are generally there to help if you are a good person. Usually.

Bad news is they can fall. Or if you're not a good person.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I see. Well, like I thought in the first place, the only chance of making Xetal's goal come to true is to act quietly and slowly.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Also dammit Hafnom.

I'm just trying to spread word of the dangers. Don't want anyone to find a princess in the bamboo tree they're cutting down.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Angels are the scariest. You think they're nice, pure people and then they rape a demon succubus when you aren't looking. Dangerous, dangerous creatures!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Idealism and honorable do not a nice angel make. Minus some forced traits, they're very much the same as people, so you can expect assholes as well as a few angels that are nice to hang around. Though from what I've been told, angels at large mostly only concern themselves with dealing with supernatural threats like demons and aliens. If a mortal bandit group comes by to rape and pillage your city, you're less likely to get angelic aid than if it was demons coming to do the same thing.

Then again, you can always use a spirit power to magically make one appear. In return, they'll probably have you help with their task that you distracted them from of dealing with the supernatural threats.

Also, pluck those feathers. Become rich.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm just saying, Youkai, you need a magistrate/PR guy. Preferably one that is the color of oil on water and who likes carrying around a skellington inside of them.

Also boning. Lots and lots of boning, to make slimes that aren't converted people.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sources agree that having a skeleton gives massive bonuses to diplomacy.

Something like 99.9% of things that engage in diplomacy have skeletons. That's gotta be a sign, right?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

But there's also an overwhelming majority of cases where negotiators have Eyes, which skeletons lack.

I think we need to take a step forward.
As you can see clearly in this comparison, the left skeleton has eyes. And fleshy ghost boobs. It will no doubt be very successful compared to the skeleton on the right. Eye contact is very important.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

For some reason the one on the right seems much happier to me. Am I seeing things?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

For some reason the one on the right seems much happier to me. Am I seeing things?

It's smiling, you can see because the teeth are a little apart.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Grinning is one of the things skulls do really well.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

But there's also an overwhelming majority of cases where negotiators have Eyes, which skeletons lack.

I think we need to take a step forward.
As you can see clearly in this comparison, the left skeleton has eyes. And fleshy ghost boobs. It will no doubt be very successful compared to the skeleton on the right. Eye contact is very important.

I'm going to go lay down now.