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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Smokefish will [not] fap furiously to this.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Too much squid. Not enough barbs. Not enough yowling. 2bestiality4me.

-2/10 would not fap, best I can do
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I've never had the opportunity to play an evil character before. It's interesting.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That awkward moment where something has come up where I have a reasonable need to address my character's biological urges beyond sex and stuffing her face with food and water (and kitsune crotch), but the particulars of DG outhouses/chamberpots/toilets haven't really been mentioned yet because it's normally just assumed as something that happens off screen and so I'm not really sure of a smooth way to handle it in my reply.

Where's a lore post on the plumbing in Xeon's mansion when you need it?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just shit/piss in a plant pot.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I think I'll have to pass on your unique brand of watering and fertilizing a demon queen's potted plants, I'm pretty fond of my PC being alive.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Surely she'd thank you for it.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Badaria, and by extension Acheron, has the capacity to construct rifles and has factories. This would mark the early stages of the industrial revolution. This is also the same time the early flush toilet came into existence. combined with the fact that magic exists there is likely a good chance that they have access to such things.

On the other hand, Demons as a species only need to eat bi monthly and are creatures of magic. So there may not be a true need for such things except for their more mortal servitors.

So it basically boils down to ask Tass.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

No, pretty sure I need an in-depth lore post on the construction of Xeon's mansion. What sort of stone was used in the foundation? Have they added knob and tube yet? Does it have an ice cream machine in the kitchen? All the important questions.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Badaria has plumbing and flush toilets in most reasonably well settled areas. Some portions of Crolia have it as well, and there were actually magical equivalents available more or less everywhere for the wealthy beforehand. It can be assumed that Xeon's palace has one or the other since Artmirst had a working sewer system before it was destroyed.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*imagines Amazonians and Anudorians taking shits while ducking in the jungle and desert, respectively. And all the sand and not so pleasant plant life.*

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

They just have more primitive techniques for dealing with waste. Yes, sometimes that ends up producing... Less than fun results, but hey, that's life.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Laena just uses the high altitude bombing run method :v
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

When your characters are traveling, you know what's always skipped over?

When they poop in the grass.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Do demons and half demons even need to poop?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Pretty convinced that Mavra doesn't poop, and that that hole is just there for double the fun.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If a region based contest were founded, like a Dark Gate Equivalent of MMA or Boxing, what would you say would be an ideal amount of Prize Money for the Champion who beats everyone else? Along with being given the title of "Heavy Weight Champion of Badaria" and such.

Or does everyone have as little a concept for money in this world as I do. Because clearly, denarii are just points that are used to fuel the power of your weapons and armor.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I dunno. Let's see. Potions cost 10. I'd put it at 50 or so.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Currency in DG is generally pretty high value, at least compared to how it is in most fantasy games. There's a list of prices for various things in the lore thread to produce a benchmark for the value of money, mostly shit off the top of my head (and thus without real research to work out better equivalencies) but it's good enough. Fighting in DG isn't worth all that much since it isn't as commercialized as anything modern, with the possible exception of Acheron, but for a regional champion I would guess about 100 to 300 denarii in any of the major areas, not counting bets or sponsorships. It'd also depend heavily on the specific region and the manner of fighting. To give an example, you wouldn't get much for pure hand to hand in Crolia or Anudor, whereas you could get a lot for it in the Amazon. Badaria (again not including Acheron) would be on the low end of the spectrum for competition fighting since the vast majority of their military is now mostly using firearms rather than melee weapons, leaving armed hand to hand combat as mostly a curiosity and whatnot.