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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Jillian was resting peacefully in her stable, blankets lain on top of the hay were her bed. Her dreams were insignificant, and pleasant, the usual fare she woke up with, and forgot the very next second. A beam of sunlight shot through the mostly dark den, and targeted her eye. This disturbance caused her sweet sleep to be taken from her, as the morning light succeeded in awakening her from her slumber. After checking a nearby glass-less window, she'd note that it was early morning, as well as an odd buzz going on outside, as if the townsfolk were disturbed.

Not long after waking up for a good majority, feeling ready to get moving, Jillian's friend, an Elf woman named Eilsah, with long, blond hair, blue eyes, and a lightweight hunting outfit complete with her usual hunting gear came walking into Jillian's small stable. Eilsah looked angered at Jillian, likely for sleeping in again. "Jillian!" Eilsah called her out, "Jillian, how could you still be sleeping with all the commotion going on outside? Something has happened, and Beatrice is rounding the hunters up."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian looked annoyed right back, as Eilsah chided her for her sleepyheadedness.

"Yawwwwnnnn... I took a really long run last night - wanted to get my legs good and stretched out - that's all. I'll be out in a minute, just lemme grab my gear..."

Fortunately that was easy to do - shrug on a fresh tunic, gather up her second-best spear, her unstrung bow, and a quiver of red-fletched arrows, and she'd be on her way. Anything else Jillian needed, she could come back and collect after finding out what Beatrice, the chief huntress, wanted.

Or at least, it would have been a minute that way. Jillian paused by her eating table, decided to down a mug of water, and snatched an apple to munch on as she made her way outside.

With her hands full, however, Jillian had trouble with the door latch. For the hundredth time, she wondered if the security of the wooden door was really worth the hassle of the latches. Nobody'd mess with a centaur's dwelling, after all.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah sighed, and put her hands on her hips angrily as 'Jillian took her sweet time,' as she would say. Once she got to the door latch, Eilsah showed just how impatient she was, and drew her short sword, and in a flash, sliced the latch, breaking it, and letting Jillian free. "Honestly!" she huffed angrily, "We are protectors of this village, Jillian!" she scolded her, "You need to stop being so lazy! Next time you're summoned, I'd better see you galloping out to the town square, in your bare skin if need be!"

She then turned, ready to go out, "Now hurry! We're both already late!" she announced, running out of the stable.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Eilsah... you know how long that'll take to fix?" Jillian groaned, as she followed, quickly catching her up after they exited the building. Blasted cheap tin crap... doesn't even stand up to a half-assed chop from a shortsword...
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Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Moving at a quick pace outside, and then to the middle of the town, Jillian and Eilsah made their way along the dirt path, towards the center of the town, passing by the townsfolk, elves, other centaur, and even a few others just visiting the town, such as a few arachne, nomad tribes of centaur, just passing by, tetra arms(nomads like the centaur, except they're the closest in appearance to humans, the main difference being the two extra arms, and of course, the urge to rape men.) looking for goods such as food mostly.

Upon reaching the town center, Jillian and Eilsah found the whole hunting group, elves, centaur, and even a few humans, waiting for them to arrive. Beatrice, a centaur who uses a long spear as a personal favorite, along with a sword in the other hand, short, blond hair that didn't go past her shoulders, and one of the most handsome faces in the village, stepped forward upon their arrival. "Jillian, Eilsah, explain your absence!" she demanded on her powerful, commanding voice.

Eilsah, stood straight, with her hands at her sides, and made a salute, bringing up her right hand, and putting it firmly on her chest, "My apologies, captain!" she said, "I had to go fetch Jillian and-"

Beatrice interrupted her, shaking her head, "I had a feeling that was the case... If Jillian does one thing exceptionally well, it's sleep." she sighed, and some of the other hunters chuckled a little. "Form a line!" she suddenly commanded, and everyone did the routine, forming a straight line, waiting like chess pieces on a board. "Listen, we've got reports that another human vessel has come to this island, right after we thought there'd be no more. It was, of course, attacked by the monsters of the sea, and destroyed just like the rest. We have reason to believe that a large number of the humans aboard made it to the island. As you all know, it's dangerous for humans to walk alone in our world, so we need to hurry, and venture to the beaches, and hopefully find the humans before any other monsters do."

"Those are your orders, do whatever it takes to find and rescue as many humans as you can, then bring them here. Dismissed!" she said, and the hunters began to scatter, most in their own little groups, friends that decided to work together, just like Jillian and Eilsah.

Eilsah sighed, "More humans. How despicable." she spat. "Let them be taken by the monsters, their lowly race deserves it!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian sighed as Eilsah went off into her usual rant. Humans weren't that much of a bother to her. Why, some of them were almost as good with weapons as centaurs, otherwise they wouldn't be hunters.

"Eilsah... we let the other monsters have the humans, then they'll make more little annoying monsters and make hunting harder for us. So we bring 'em back here and keep them from the other monsters."

She takes another bite out of her apple.

"C'mon, if we're gonna be searching a wide area, I want my hands free. I'm gonna go back and grab my carry harness." And maybe it'll keep any we find from getting ideas about "rides"...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah walked with Jillian back to her home so she could get everything she needed. Meanwhile, during the trip back, she shook her head, "We're called a high species for a reason, Jillian." Eilsah claimed, "That's because humans are disgusting, vile, and evil creatures. Who's to say these humans we bring in won't try to take advantage of you, or me? They're perverted, evil, monsters. An Imp has more common courtesy than most humans."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

As she settled the harness into place, Jillian got a sly look on her face.

"Are you trying to say you couldn't keep a human from 'taking advantage' of you?"

She hastily ducks her head, trying to hide her grin while she tightens straps and fastens pouches on, sticking a few more fruits and veggies into one and a waterskin into another, settling her weapons in their accustomed places. That leather jerkin she sometimes wore as armor shouldn't be necessary today.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah blushed, and took offense to Jillian's accusation. "H-how dare you!" she exclaimed, "I'd rather die then let a human do such things!" she claimed, "What about you? You seem like you can't wait to get at those humans, do you plan on mating with one of them?" she accused right back, walking with her as they left the stable, and down a general path towards the beach.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(I think Eilsah's laying it on jest a little bit thick... :eek:)

Jillian snickered. "Hey, I'm kidding, I'm kid-" Then she froze as the rest of Eilsah's words sank in. She stopped walking, perforce causing Eilsah to stop as well.

"Eilsah... I'm trying to get you to loosen up a little. I don't remember you ever being this uptight about humans before." Her face takes on a serious cast. "Look. If you really don't want to do this, we could go talk to Beatrice and I could go alone..."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah blushed, and looked away, "I-I didn't mean..." she stuttered, before sighing, "I just don't think we should be inviting all of these humans into our village... It makes me feel uncomfortable." she said, folding her arms, as she always would when defending herself in a conversation. Perhaps to use her arms as some sort of emotional shield?

She took a few steps along the dirt silent for a moment, "I'm not going back. I've been put in charge of you, and so have you, in me." she told Jillian, turning to her. "If I leave you alone, you're likely to find some comfortable spot in the forest, and fall asleep again!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Well, if they're like the last group, they're some kind of explorers, so I'm sure they'll all want to go out and see the rest of the island. They won't be sticking around, no matter what the leaders tell them. And if any of them come back, they'll be better behaved."

Jillian smiles weakly.

"The way you were ranting, you just sounded like you'd stand there, threatening whatever humans we found, ignoring everything else. Remember, the squiddies attacked 'em. I can't see the squiddies not pursuing escapees onto the beach. An' I don't think they'd pass up you or me if they thought they could get away with it."

The smile turns into a grin.

"Not that they would, of course."

Jillian starts walking towards the beach again, taking one last look around the town square to be sure of where they're supposed to take any rescuees. Some of the townsfolk are hauling out barrels of food and water, and making a pile of blankets or clothing.

Eilsah's comment about napping brings out one last retort. "Hey, I'm awake now! I wouldn't do that! Beatrice would start swatting me with her spear again!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah waved her off, "Don't you worry about me, I obey my orders. Loyalty towards a common goal is what holds civilizations together. I may not like it, and mind you, I'd happily rather take an order to exterminate those humans, but... Orders are orders..." she concluded.

And Jillian would be right on one thing, Eilsah was acting overly hostile recently. It might, to her knowledge, be possibly because she hadn't had sex recently... And as Jillian learned when she was but a little centaur, Elven history spoke of a demonic curse put on their kind, making them have sexual, demonic tendencies. And the ironic part for Eilsah was, the longer she went without sex, the more she wanted it, which only led to her becoming more and more hostile, and moody. She was like this every month, and if Jillian remembered correctly, it was about that time again...

Soon, she'd be coaxing another man into having sex with her, or if it went too far, attacking him, and raping him until she was satisfied.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Well, there wasn't much Jillian could do to help Eilsah with it. She'd tried suggesting something, once, and Eilsah had almost bit her head off. Hopefully she wouldn't go too long, and get it over with before she raped someone. Eilsah always tried to hide herself in shame after that happened...

Jillian gave Eilsah a nod, then turned her attention towards their path. Leaving the town boundaries, she paused a moment, and strung her bow, a quick shove against a planted hoof snapping the string taut. A gentle tug at the arrows and her spear, to make sure they were loose and easy to draw, and the centaur was ready to move on, eyeing the surrounding trees with some caution.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah didn't appear near as worried of an attack as Jillian did, simply walking along the path to the beach, not paying much heed to things around her. Some bee women, and little annoying fly women passed by occasionally, but didn't care about the presence of the centaur and elf's presence beyond a second glance...

After some time passed of silent travel, Eilsah suddenly spoke up, "Keep your eyes open," she told Jillian, "We're nearing the beach, and the humans most likely have scattered onto the island by now." she told her, and as if the timing couldn't have been better, both Eilsah and Jillian heard something that sounded like a cat... Followed by the inaudible sounds of what they knew to be a

"Well, I suppose we're fortunate..." Eilsah commented, "It would appear our sake loving friend has caught one of the visitors for us..." she turned to Jillian, "C'mon, let's stop Tilde-" the name of the Red Oni, that often makes visits to their town to trade for more and more sake, "-before she carts him off to her home."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

("inaudible sounds"? Then how do we even know they're being made? :D)

Jillian eyes the bees and flies with some suspicion. They might not be interested in her and Eilsah... but the twosome are going to be marching humans back along this path, and she'd rather not have to fight all the way back. But she doesn't waste any arrows just yet.

"Pfft. If they knew better, they'd wait for us to take care of 'em. Oh, well, I'm sure any that made it off the beach will get found by the hunters sooner or later."

The rumpus from ahead, after they've both figured out what's making it, causes Jillian to lose some of her tension. "Yeah, that shouldn't be hard. Just promise her that he'll be at our village, and so will a barrel of sake, and she'll give him up easily enough I'm sure."

She moves ahead carefully, not wanting to get too close to the pair just yet in case it isn't Tilde.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(Oi! Go fudge yerself! :D)

As Jillian and Eilsah cautiously approached, the sounds of a drunken Oni grew louder, and apart from other things, they heard her voice, the voice of Tilde,

"Rule's be the rules," she said incorrectly, "gotta be naked. And, sexy men gotta have sex with Tilde!" she said, and after Jillian and Eilsah got past enough forestry to spy on the situation, they looked at none other than Tilde herself, raping a human feline half-breed rather enthusiastically. It was likely, given her strength over the average human, that the half breed stood no chance after she caught him.

Eilsah looked to Jillian, "That must be one of the newcomers... It must be..." she said strangely, standing behind Jillian, out of view. She was surprisingly not in a big hurry, as she trailed one hand under her skirt, and started to prod her flower with her fingers, heavily turned on over the rape happening in front of her...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Not looking back at Eilsah, Jillian whispered, "Yeah, probably."

She looked over the scene some more. If the half-breed wasn't actually trying to get away, well, it'd be a lot easier to talk Tilde into letting him go after they'd gone a round.

So Jillian starts circling around the clearing, wanting to get upwind. And thereby avoid getting knocked out by the red oni's breath when they got to talking.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian and Eilsah watched as Tilde had sex with the cat-boy. The half-human seemed more than willing, leaning up to suck on Tilde's breast, and helping her fuck him by thrusting upwards a little into her pussy. Eilsah distanced herself from Jillian, as she only continued to masturbate herself, getting more furious with herself as she came closer and closer to cumming. And when she saw that the cat-boy ejaculated into Tilde, she felt herself release her cum all over her hand playing with her pussy.

Eilsah cursed herself as she cleaned off her hand, still feeling the hunger for sex, as she moved back up with Jillian. "Following your lead," she said, getting to Jillian's side.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Seeing the cat-boy suckling on Tilde's ample bosom generates its own sympathetic heat in Jillian's chest. She clenches her hands around her bow, gritting her teeth until the feeling passes.

"Okay, just stay back... I don't think Tilde'll give us any trouble..." whispers Jillian in reply.

Seeing Tilde laughing in enjoyment, and taking a drink from her ever-present bottle, Jillian steps out into the clearing, bow casually dangling from one hand.

"Hi, Tilde! We'd heard some more humans came washing up... I see you found one!"

Jillian tries to remember whether Tilde had visited their village recently, like within the past couple of days. She wouldn't have missed such a visit, not with how boisterous Tilde tended to be... so if she was currently on her way to the village, maybe she could get Tilde to take the human to the village. Certainly he didn't seem to object to her.