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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia smiled at his question, her eyes closing a moment, remaining in silence, before suddenly opening, pupils wide, almost frighteningly so, "Words would ill prepare you, I suppose... Instead, I feel I should show you..." she told him. But then, her smile faded as she spread one black wing open, where Grave could feel her gathering magic again, just like many times before, not seeming to grow fatigued in some way at all. "I will create illusions... But do not mistake, they will act very real. Each monster of this island, no matter it's power, has a weakness. If you do not exploit these weaknesses, you likely will never win."

"Ready yourself~" she cautioned him, and a moment later, Grave found himself holding his blade in his hands, even though he didn't recall drawing it himself. The whole room around him seemed to take a darker tone, as if it was suddenly night time, but with an eerie glow in the room, giving just enough light for him to see. And suddenly, directly in front of him, was a lone chest.

And before he could investigate it further, something suddenly sprung out of the chest, the chest itself actually growing eyes, and a tongue on the front, while a young looking, flat chested girl popped out, with black hair done in pony tails, and red eyes, seeming to mimic Cynthia's appearance to a degree, although the shape of the body was vastly different.

The young looking woman didn't hesitate, suddenly summoning magic in her hands, before shouting the words, "Carthos, Centor, Pargon, Ulla, Pargon! Immobilize!" she chanted, before letting loose what could only be a paralyze spell...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's eyebrows raised as he listened to Cynthia. It seemed that she was quite powerful, considering how much magic she was using in a single day. As the illusion appeared, Cynder decided to draw his sword... Only to find it in his hand. But it was not the time to ponder that. There was a chest in the room that wasn't there before - and it quickly turned out to be a monster in disguise. Grave adopted a combat stance - and quickly realized that he was about to get hit by a spell. Cynder moved the blade between himself and the creature, intending to block the incoming curse - and hoping that the weapon really had the ability to neutralize magic. If that worked, he'd attempt to quickly reduce the distance between himself and the chest-creature, then strike.

((Why does this spell remind me of "Eternal Darkness"?))
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

The spell charged forth, before it met Grave's magically immune blade, seeming to seep into the marble weapon, vanishing from sight as his blade absorbed the bolt of magical paralyzation. The blade itself seemed to glow afterwards, as if the magic spell had charged it somehow... And this oddity revealed it's purpose, when Cynder slashed his weapon, causing the box girl to take a defensive leap back, evading the attack, as the energy inside the blade released itself as a razor thin wave along the path his blade swept.

The mimic panicked, and hid inside the chest like a frightened puppy. The reflected spell from Grave showed no effect on the mimic's protective chest, simply landing against it like water on the surface, bouncing off slightly, before the girl popped out of her chest again, chanting the same spell over, "Carthos, Centor, Pargon, Ulla, Pargon! Immobilize!" she shouted.

And with this repetitive behavior, it occurred to Cynder in the back of his mind, that this was not a simple test fight, this was a puzzle. A puzzle that Grave was challenged to solve. And upon investigation, it turned out that, while handy on making the monster retreat, reflecting her spells did not help his cause, as she would always seek shelter in her chest when she felt threatened. And therein, was the problem; If she could constantly hide in the chest before Cynder could accomplish something, how was he to defeat her?

And, in his search for answers, all in the small moment given to him from her charging of another spell, something looked odd about the keyhole on the chest... But, even though it did look like a weak point, Grave had not a key in his possession... If only he could 'magically fabricate a key out of thin air' to test the theory of the keyhole...

(Illusions are not necessarily just images. They are just artificial, although still as 'not real' as the name implies. They can interact with the real world just like their real counterpart, however, should the image be attacked, or distorted in some way, it will most likely vanish unless a considerable amount of concentration is given to it. And even then, unless the creator has the imagination to morph the image enough to match what ill happened upon it, whatever attacked it, should the spell have been used to deceive, will likely learn that the sight before them is false.)
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Altough his attack failed, Grave noted with satisfaction that his blade had an interesting - and without a doubt, useful - trait. Rather than simply dispelling magic, it absorbed it and released during attacks. It'd be useful against powerful mages, without a doubt. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall... But how do I crack this blasted chest?' The answer came to him as he observed the creature. The keyhole. It was worth a shot, wasn't it? Besides, even if it failed, at least he'd know it doesn't work. Cynder focused. He intended to block the next spell as well, then charge and pretend to attack again - however, this time he was holding the blade in his right hand, keeping his left hand behind his back. In his mind, he created the image of a key. Grave doubted he'd be able to make an exactly matching key - all that mattered right now was getting the right size and general shape. Considering he could see the keyhole all the time, it'd be easy. Now, it was time to break out the magic. 'Trace... on.' Using the knowledge and power bestowed upon him by Cynthia, Cynder began to construct the key he imagined. He'd use it during his faked assault, and attempt to put it in the keyhole. He hoped it'd work...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

The spell, once again, was absorbed into the blade. And, just as Grave planned, the proceeding blast from the sword sent the girl back into her protective box. This worked out to his advantage, due to the fact that, since she is inside the box, she cannot make any attacks. And, with his mind coming into focus, forming the shape of a key just about the size he thought would fit into her keyhole, he felt his hand grip around the same key pictured in his mind, the gold material, almost convincingly real, glinting off of what little light was around him within the palm of his hand, was ready, and prepared to serve it's purpose.

And that was what Cynder did, putting his first spell to the test, and driving the key within the socket, just as the little creature planned on popping out with another spell in tow. And, as a rather funny occurrence, the key didn't seem to need to fit at all. It simply went inside, and reacted strangely with the inside of the girl's chest.

The key vanished, the a bright light shined quickly within the dark of the hole, like a rocket being set off, as the girl hiding within the chest suddenly was sprung out of the chest by a great force, ejecting her from her safe box. And, landing on her rump upon the solid marble, she gave a quick look to Grave, aiming her hands at him, quickly summoning another spell, speaking the words... Only for nothing to happen.

Not even a puff of smoke sent to her aid, Cynder would notice that, likely as a result of having been departed from her box, the mimic had no magic tricks left at her disposal. She went into a panic from her sudden loss of advantage. Naked, vulnerable, and susceptible to attack, the black haired mimic quickly stood, and took to her feet, running for the window of the tower, intent on fleeing...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

"Oh, Hell no!" Grave dashed after the girl. He was happy that the trick with the key worked, altough in a bit suprising way, but at the same time he was sure that letting his opponent try to regain composure would be a fatal mistake. As Cynder ran forward, he realized that perhaps he'd be able to use his new power to stop the creature. This time, he imagined a leather ball - a toy he saw a few times in his life. Young boys tended to play games that involved either running and kicking it, or throwing it at things (sometimes people as well). Not enough to count as a weapon, but enough to give someone a brief headache. As soon as it materialized, Grave threw it at the girl's head, intending to break her pace. Afterwards, Cynder would run as fast as possible, intending to catch up with her and give her a solid blow to the head with the flat of the blade.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

As Grave might not have expected, the ball he threw simply turned to magical, scentless smoke as it hit the back of the mimic's head. Apparently, Cynder didn't concentrate on a very important factor of the illusion, that the leather ball had weight to it, and that the real thing could accomplish what he desired... This, likely being what Cynthia mentioned when it came to making his illusions believable, was the problem with the current spell...

However, Grave was much larger than the mimic girl, and easily caught up to her none the less. But as he went to slam the flat of his blade against the mimic's head, the creature suddenly turned to face him with an almost startling change of looks. She looked at him seriously, and without fear, with a calm serenity that caused deja-vu bells to ring in his mind frantically, the reason behind the strange reminder revealing itself when the woman brought up her hand to try and stop his blade...

Grave's sword slammed against what seemed like air, before he could identify a spell in front of him, a barrier. And as he witnessed the spell, the image of the mimic seemed to fade, and shimmer like glass, revealing that the 'false image' he was facing, was actually Cynthia in disguise.

She gave a small smile at Cynder's natural surprise, which may have only presented itself on his face, if not his mind, "Some illusions are easier, when you wear them..." she explained, "I was able to disguise myself as something I am not, and still be able to move, and protect myself... Take heed this lesson, for it is a very useful trick to play on your enemies... And perhaps even your friends..."

With the arm that was directed at him replaced with a wing, Cynthia lowered it to her side, before nodding with content, "You certainly learn quickly... I was worried you might not be ready to face what may lie ahead, but it seems your mentor did well to raise you not to be a fool. I know you'll do well, Cynder." she said with encouragement.

Her wings opened up, directed at the archway they came through, stairs leading down following, "Come, we've currently used up valuable portions of this day speaking and training, but no more. You must depart, collect your mother's last gift." she instructed him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave muttered a curse under his breath when he realized his mistake. Oh well, no one is perfect. He'd have time to practice that later. The old-fashioned method, on the other hand, was a good choice. But before Cynder managed to give the girl a concussion, she turned around, facing him calmly. Her face seemed to be familiar - and Grave quickly realized what was going on. His features changed a little to express his suprise, but on the inside, he made a mental equivalent of an ironic smirk as his sword was stopped by a barrier. He should have anticipated that. Cynder sheathed his sword as he listened to Cynthia's explanation. Another useful trick. It'd certainly be helpful if he needed to sneak around. Grave smiled slightly when the tengu praised him. "Thanks." He nodded when Cynthia told him to move. "Yes, you're right. I'll take Club and that imp, and move out." Cynder went down the stairs with the crow girl. It was time to begin the journey.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Walking down the steps, Grave heard the sounds of two youthful voices faintly, too quiet for him to discern words. That is, before he suddenly heard who could only be Club shouting, "You better tell Club where they are, or else Club will really make you pay!"

And then, Alexia the imp's voice was heard, responding to the goblin, "What do you think I am, stupid? If I tell you, then I have nothing if you decide to not agree to your part of the deal! I'll show you where they are, under two rules; You are not to touch me without my permission. I however, will be allowed to touch you whenever I want. Understand? Also, go get that stupid human, I'm tired of waiting for him..."

And right about that time, Cynthia and Cynder had reached the bottom of the steps, where the crow woman was quick to address the situation, "There's no need," she told the imp, who didn't bother to turn around to face her, "I apologize for taking so long, but you will not have to wait any longer."

Before letting anyone else speak, Club suddenly spoke loudly, pointing an accusing finger at Alexia, "Cynthia!" she shouted, "Little Imp says she knows where demons took everybody from Waymeet!"

Cynthia's eyes started to close a little, nearly shutting completely, as if in thought about what Club told her, before she spoke in a slightly saddened tone, "I'm afraid that, even if we did know where they were taken... There is little we could do to save them now... Even though it is cruel, right now, we must focus on gaining enough power to combat this evil, else we will likely meet the same fate as them..."

Alexia remains looking away as she shrugs, "Or maybe Cynthia's not as powerful as she claims. Oh well, let's get going then, shall we~ where to first~?" she asks, directed at no one in particular. And from Cynthia's lack of response, it was evident that she wasn't going to speak in Grave's place.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

As Grave listened to the two voices while walking down the stairs, he payed little attention to them... Until he heard Club shouting. He wasn't suprised by the fact that the two little girls were arguing or that Club was annoyed, given the personalities of those two. The words used, however, were alarming. Cynder quickly assumed that the imp must have convinced Club that her friends were captured by her or other demons... The goblin wasn't really smart - Alexia could trick her into doing the demon's bidding. Even in her pathetic state, the little demon tried to remain in control. As soon as Grave and Cynthia entered the room, however, Club's cry quickly reminded the young man about the empty village. 'Perfect. The little brat think she's got a chip she can use to bargain with us... Club might be her pawn in this situation. I may have made a mistake when I've spared her.' Cynder sighed and crossed his arms, turning his head towards Cynthia. "If it's not a problem... Could you lend me something that'll help me keep an eye on our little demon? I'm not eager to have her run around completely unrestrained, now that I think about it. As for you..." Grave looked at Alexia. "I don't think you're in a position to make rules. Perhaps you think you can have things go your way because we were kind so far. That can be easily amended, and I'm not really a patient person when it comes to dealing with kids. Don't think you've got any power, or I will make sure - personally - that you'll regret your foolishness. I won't trust your words unless you can back up your claims. Now... Club, I don't like the idea of leaving the population of an entire town in the hands of demons either, but we're outnumbered and outmatched, badly. We need to even the odds. First, we have to locate and explore a particular edifice located to the west. I'll explain more when we get there. Are you two ready?" Grave asked his companions with a tone of voice that suggested he wasn't eager to argue with anyone at the moment. 'This is going to be a long trip.'
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Alexia's immediate response to Grave was to turn about with her fists in a ball, which could only mean ill things for either his shins, or his private parts, before Club suddenly growled, directing an upraised fist, normally used among showmen wishing to express their strength, "Yeah! You try anything, and Club will really-"

Club was interrupted when Cynthia's black feathers suddenly blocked her viewpoint from Alexia. And as she did, Alexia seemed to relax. Cynthia stood, trying to keep Club from the imp, with a slightly humorous expression, "Perhaps this little one will be more a liability than a help..." she noted, her red eyes shifting to Grave afterwards, "I'll keep Club here, and send her to you when the time is right. She can be of help at times, but this is not one of those times. I have full confidence that you can handle our new guest, Cynder, without Club's assistance." she told him.

And to that, Alexia seemed unable to contain her joy, "Well, this is excellent news! Now we don't have to the bring the pet along!"

Club immediately had an outburst of protest from this, stomping her foot on the ground, "That's not fair!" she shouted, "Little imp will try to take Gwave's soul! She's ebil! Club has to protect him!" she shouted excuses for her to go.

Alexia looks to Club, annoyed, "I need soul energy to help him you stupid idiot, I also need soul in order to get anything done~ so you can either have him get a little hurt, so I can help him, or you can have him quite literally go by himself~"

Club suddenly started screaming at the top of her lungs in a fury, "GWAVE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU! HE BELONGS TO CLUB! Club is the only one he wants to fuck! Not some stupid imp!"

Meanwhile, Cynthia, who was standing next to Cynder when he next checked on her, her movements gone unnoticed, sighed with despair, "... I do not wish to become pregnant..." she told him, as if wanting Grave to feel like he could share his problem, as well as stating her thoughts on having children much like the two in front of them.
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

"I think I can tell why." Grave whispered back to Cynthia as he watched the two little girls argue. Club was an honest and relatively good-natured, but at the same time a simple-minded, pint-sized oaf with a penchant for playing tricks. The imp, on the other hand, was self-centered and amoral, and most likely wouldn't think twice before betraying someone. Both of them, Cynder decided, weren't very smart, each in her own way. "Alright, you two. Calm down." Grave stepped forward. In his opinion, Cynthia was right about one thing: the goblin wasn't a suitable companion for this trip. Later, she could be useful, but her behaviour would cause problems in the ruins. "Let's not fight each other. Now... Club, I know you don't like this, but I think it'll be better if you stay here for now. We'll be back soon, I promise. As for you, stop causing conflicts. Is being an imp still not enough of a punishment to you? We can achieve our goals without your help, to tell you the truth." Cynder sighed as he looked at the little demon. "We're offering you a chance to redeem yourself, and perhaps regain whatever's left of your former dignity. Don't blow it by acting foolishly. Get ready to move out..." He paused, thinking about something for a moment. "What was your name again?"
Oval Eyes (Grave)

(Since loli said she'd be taking off from the site, we'll have to move on without her character, meaning I'll have to come up with a devious way to continue your progression...)

After finding the imp's name to be Alexia, and finding her half-hearted agreements to Grave's rules to be mostly dishonest, at best, Cynthia gave Cynder her best wishes, and one last helpful tip, pointing him in the correct direction of the ruins he sought after, the ruins of his birthplace...

"Be careful, Cynder... I know not what you might expect within the dark of your old home. But, if you use what I taught you wisely, you will be unharmed...

She gave him a bow before he departed, "I will await your return... she told him before he at last left to explore his origins.

Chapter 2: Oval Eyes

He more than likely saw it coming; During his journey with the imp, not long after leaving the tower, the imp didn't hesitate to run away, vanishing the moment he left the small imp out of his sights, no doubt with the intentions on returning to her master in an effort to change back into her original shape, and to obtain once again, the powers she lost as an imp.

Now alone, with the only comfort of knowing that there would be no miniature woman to cause trouble or misfortune, Grave walked on the forest path, as Cynthia had instructed. Only the sounds of his own breath could he hear, and that of his shoes stepping on the leaves which had fallen from the spring time trees all around him. A few more monster women he did see along the way, however.

One was an odd mushroom woman, her flesh a creamy white, and her human shape ending after her thighs, where her plant body took root in the ground, waved a pasty white hand at him in greeting. Although after sniffing something in the air that caused Cynder to feel a sense of high alert, he had little time to greet her in return, for the natural fear born from the knowledge of certain plants releasing deadly spores gave him haste. And while he felt slightly odd after running from the mushroom woman, a sense of relief came when he felt no ill effects afterwards.

And later, after his water canteen had gone dry, he stumbled upon an odd cart, the kind used by traveling merchants who sought to make their fortune by selling their wares in places people might need them. And in this case, the water glistening in the sunlight was certainly something he needed.

Walking closer, he saw a rather bored looking woman leaning on her arms over a counter, with tan skin, and dark brown hair long enough to go down past her breasts covering some of the counter. But at the sight of a handsome blond haired Grave approaching, her boredom was quickly replaced with a sly grin.

"Hello there, pretty boy." she greeted Cynder with a suggestive wink, "I understand you need a few necessities? Don't be surprised, most travelers walking in these parts do. You can never have too much of anything!" she chuckled, leaning back, letting Grave see, although covered by a thin white cloth, the merchant's large breasts, little more than his large hand could handle.

"What will you be needing, stranger? And don't worry about money, I'll think of something." she told him, with another wink.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave was sure that the imp couldn't be trusted - and the events proved that he was right. The moment he got a bit careless, Alexia got away. At first, Cynder was mad at himself for letting her escape - he was afraid that she'd tell some demons about him. As time passed, though, Grave began to realize that the little imp wouldn't have the time to do that - instead, she'd have to think about surviving on her own. And when Cynder remembered that no pint-sized annoyance would bother him now, anger left him. However, he kept his guard up. At any moment, a wild monster woman could strike, and he didn't want to get caught unprepared. Fortunately, he met no hostile creatures - or at least, no one tried to hunt Grave down. The mushroom woman he met was probably like Nillien - Cynder was sure that she released spores into the air. Not actively hostile, but the spores either deadly or an aphrodisiac, and Grave didn't intend to stay long enough to find out. Fortunately, the odd feelings passed, and he felt alright. The fact that Cynder's water supply ran out was a bigger problem, and as he walked, trying to think of a way to obtain water, he stumbled upon a merchant's cart. At first, Grave couldn't believe that he'd find something like that - but after a moment, he realized that if there are villages on this island, there will be merchants as well. The woman behind the counter didn't gain his trust - Cynder didn't like her smile, and she could be some weird creature using an illusion. On top of that, he didn't like the part about not having to worry about money - in the merchant's universal language, it was usually a trap. He approached cautiously, observing the merchant carefully and noticing her large breasts. Grave sighed. For some reason, every female on this island had to be sexy, one way or another. Oh well.

"I need some water." Grave didn't want to talk too much. It was best not to tempt fate.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The woman raised an eyebrow at Grave's brief, and to the point greeting. "... Of course you do." she acknowledged offhandedly, before gesturing at his empty canteen, "I'll fill it up for you, and give you some food if you'd like." she offered, though it was obvious she was wanting to raise Cynder's 'bill' so he'd owe her more...

But, with nothing to his name, it was clear that the woman wasn't after material goods. And, watching her eyes, Grave noticed that she never really stopped looking at him...
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave shrugged. He managed to get some food in the village earlier. He was sure it'd last long enough for this trip. Cynder was worried about the payment, though. Who knew what she'd want... But as he watched the merchant, the young man began to realize what she might be interested in. "Perhaps the food won't be necessary." Grave sighed and moved a bit closer to the counter. "And may I ask, what would you like in exchange? According to what you've said, you accept not only money." He relaxed a little, but remained focused. This didn't seem to be a trap, but being cautious never hurt.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

"And may I ask, what would you like in exchange? According to what you've said, you accept not only money."

The woman smiled lecherously at his question of payment, "Pleasure's a commodity on this island..." she giggled. "Pleasure with humans, if ya wanna be specific."

"Now, while most merchants just see humans as meat to be traded, and used at anyone's discretion, I'm of an honest trade. You'd have to rack up a pretty high bill for me to claim your right to freedom." she told him. "And besides, if a certain Crow who lives around here thinks I've strayed from the straight and narrow, I'll never hear the end of it."

The brunette stretched her arms upwards, letting out a groan as she made her joints a little more limber. "You're goin' to those ruins up over there, 'my right?" she asked rhetorically, and to the natural look of suspicion, she shrugged, "Ain't much else that way down the road, unless yer lost."

"So, here's the deal I'll make ya," she let her hands fall downwards, one went back to resting on the flat of the cart, while the other directed a thumb behind her, indicating her attention to within her vehicle, "I'll give ya water, and even a lift, all in exchange for a good time." she offered, "When you think about it, that'll save you some trouble. Once your done payin' yer 'bill,' we'll probably be right at the ruins. You can't lose." she chuckled.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave thought about the proposition. Surely, such a coincidence seemed too convenient, but this could make things much easier. The merchant seemed to be honest, and apparently she knew Cynthia. Cynder doubted that the Crow would let him get caught in such a stupid manner, after investing so much in him. It seemed that accepting her help was a safe idea. And the price wasn't that bad. Cynder relaxed. "I guess that's a fair trade. I agree."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The brown haired merchant woman smiled at Grave, with small, yet obvious fangs poking out from the rest of her teeth when he accepted the deal. "Wise choice, friend." she told him, letting her lips close back together, still holding a smile as she gestured towards the back of the caravan, "Get inside, let's not waste any time, you seem like a busy man after all." she said with a chuckle.

And, after doing as the woman asked, going to the back, and opening the rear doors, the first thing that greeted him was the end of a very large snake's tail. Which wasted no time as it quickly coiled around him, and stole Cynder inside the large merchant's cart, where he was greeted by the merchant woman yet again, who was revealed as the owner of the snake coils around his body, her lower half being not quite as human in appearance as her upper half.

Ensnared, Grave was brought closer to the lecherous merchant, who now held a confident, menacing side-grin, her expression that of triumph as she leered over him. But, her eyes looked away from him for a moment, as she leaned over to one of the many windows inside the caravan, looking out at a creature Cynder couldn't quite make out from his position, other than hooves, and white fur with black spots, similar to a cow. And to that creature, she yelled, "Bess! It's time to go, sugar! Get your sister and lets head on up to the ruins some ways down the road!"

The creature stood, and responded in a cute, shy voice, "Y-yes mam!" before turning tail, and heading off, somewhere into the forest. And once she was gone, headed off to apparently collect her sister to move the cart, the lamia turned back to Grave, who she placed on the floor, in a sitting position, before she approached him, looming over him as the end of her tail went around his throat, squeezing gently, as if with affection... But more to satisfy her own fetish.

"Some of my customers tell me I can be too rough at times... Lemme know if you can't breathe, or if I'm breaking a rib or two, 'kay sugar?" she giggled sadistically.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave was suprised when he noticed the fangs, but didn't say anything. This island seemed to be filled with all sorts of strange females. Cynder couldn't find any logical explanation to that until he learned about magic. As he moved towards the back of the cart, he began to realize that no matter what was going to happen, he'd never be the same again. After opening the rear door, Grave was snapped out of his thoughts by what he could describe only as a large snake tail that quickly grabbed him and pulled him in. Inside, Cynder was greeted by a sight he didn't expect - a woman with the lower body of a snake. He quickly recalled the appearance of his mother. This creature was similiar... But was she the same kind of a monster girl as Grave's mother? Cynthia described the echidnas as extremely powerful, yet this one was merely a merchant. Perhaps there was a different kind of snake women on this island. As he shook off his suprise, Cynder decided to try to learn the truth. He heard the order that was given to the one named Bess. The snake woman seemed rather brutal, but trustworthy so far. In fact, this particular way of handling men seemed to amuse her. There was no other choice but to go with the flow. "I'll try not to scream too much." Grave replied with a slight smile. After the usual sarcastic remark, he decided to satisfy his curiosity. "May I ask, what name does your kind bear?"