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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

As Grave started to speak, the snake woman listened, while trailing a finger along his lips. But to his question, she raised an eyebrow, and responded with another question, "You... Don't know what I am?" she said curiously, before a giggle erupted, accompanied by a smile, "I am a Lamia... Bess and her sister-" she made a slight gesture with her head, "-are called Holstaurus. And guess what," she added quickly, leaning in towards him until he could feel her breath against his face, "information is a commodity as well... 'I'll add that to your bill'" she chuckled.

With her tail, she restricted his throat, strangling him just enough to prevent him from speaking, while still allowing him desperate gasps of air. And as his neck was squeezed, he could feel the pressure building around the rest of his body, pressure from the tail tightening around his body. And with full control of his body, the merchant spread his legs open, before undoing his pants, and pulling his cock out. She slithered up so that her human part was on his right side, as if she were sitting with him, while she reached her right hand down, and began running two of her fingers along the underside of his cock, teasing his manhood in an effort to get him hard.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

'Wonderful.' Grave had to admit that his current position wasn't very comfortable. At least he was sure he wasn't dealing with an Echidna. These Lamias were probably some kind of a lesser breed. Now, however, Cynder found it difficult to think about such things. He was sure that he might regret asking his question, considering his partner seemed to enjoy squeezing the life out of him. The fact that the Lamia immediately undressed him didn't help either - he was feeling embarrassed. Grave tensed, trying to fight for a brief moment before realizing the futility of such actions and giving up. It was hard to think quickly and clearly at the same time, and Cynder couldn't stop his body from reacting to the stimulation. He remained more or less silent (not counting the occasional gasping as he tried to get some air), but his cock was getting stiff rather quickly.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Comfortable, perhaps not mentally, but within the snake's smooth, soft coils, Grave might have been able to sleep, laying within them. If they weren't squeezing him, that is. Although, such things were distant in his mind most likely. The Lamia never stopped stimulating his cock, gently touching, and rubbing each of his most sensitive spots. And soon after he fully became erect, he felt the cart begin to move on it's own, likely the two Holstaurus monsters the Lamia seemed to command over.

She placed her whole hand around his member, giving it a hard squeeze, while her other hand seemed occupied with 'something,' soon revealed when she drew that very hand in front of Cynder, showing him her index, and middle finger, soaking wet. Giving a giggle as she wiped her fingers off on his face, she then began to position herself over him, a wicked smile stretching across her face as she took hold of his cock with one hand, positioning it so that it was aimed at her slit, before sliding down, and taking him inside of her. Her warm, tight vaginal walls making Grave feel as if he'd burst his load sooner than later, and since she was already wet, she rode him fast, and hard, fucking him with a passionate fury, likely to make the sex as intense as possible.

This was likely to keep going on for the rest of the trip, even if Cynder came. So, the question was...

How much father was it to the ruins?
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

As the events described above took place, the following thoughts went through Grave's head. With the serpent's coils around him, he couldn't do much - but at least he could think. And be annoyed, too.

'Ugh... This is completely embarrasing... I wish she didn't squeeze me so damn hard! It could be nice if she was a bit more gentle. Damn sadistic freak.'

'What? We're moving now? Great. The sooner we reach the ruins, the better. I just hope I'll last long enough. I wonder what those Holstaurus are... Judging by the name, they're probably related to bulls or something like that.'

'Oh, DAMN! Don't squeeze it like that! Wait, what the... Wet fingers? Where did she... Oh no, keep them off my face! DAMMIT! Great, now what? Oh. The main event, huh?'

'Man, she's tight! Woah, slow down a little! That's a bit fast!'

'Damn it. It's hard to focus... It's... Too intense. I just hope... I can last... Ugh... Won't hold long...'

Trying not to moan, Cynder did his best not to finish too early. Perhaps it'd be best if the Lamia got as much fun as possible during the "first ride", then continue at a slower pace. He didn't have much hope, though. The merchant was most likely used to fierce sex, and the pleasure was simply overwhelming. Grave could feel his body responding to the snake woman's thrusts, trying to move on reflex.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The lamia rode Grave relentlessly, constantly caressing him with her hands, clawing his chest, and placing lustful kisses on his lips. As she was fucking him without mercy, he noticed her own pleasure coming to a spike, while he was managing to maintain his own, as he heard her moans growing loudly, and felt her tail tightening around him. She let out an orgasmic scream as she came all over his cock, her tail squeezing him with even more overpowering force from having reached her peak, drawing all air from his body, leaving him feeling weak, and nearly broken from the abuse.

After a while, the cart still on the move, Cynder felt his own peak approaching. And the sadistic merchant seemed to pick up on this, when she pulled herself off of his cock, and brought her head down to his crotch, her human body laying between his legs as she looked at his member, ready to explode at any moment. Her tongue suddenly came out of her mouth, lashing out at great length, wrapping around Grave's stiff shaft, and coursing up and down, stroking him up and down several times per second in an effort to make him cum. And when he couldn't last any longer, she engorged her mouth over his whole cock, sucking on him, and drinking every gush of cum he released.

Her head raised slowly after Cynder finished, giving him a side grin as she looked at him, "Thank you kindly for your patronage, sugar," she said to him, right before the cart start to come to a slow stop. She left him on the ground, with his pants undone, and his private bits hanging out as she slithered over to his empty canister, and began filling it with pure water, crystal clear as it shined from the sun.

She tossed the canister at him, which landed on his belly, "There's my end of the bargain. I hope you enjoyed yourself," she chuckled, "I sure did."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave was thankful that he survived the experience without major injuries. He remained where the lamia left him as she went to fill his canister with water. Cynder recalled the moment she squeezed him - it felt as if he was crushed in the hand of a giant. She definitely had the same kind of physical strenght as Club. Grave reached his limit quite soon after that, and thankfully, the merchant realized that and decided to use her mouth to finish the job. Cynder was pretty sure he wouldn't survive another one of her orgasms. After satisfying the lamia, he tried to catch a breath or two and get himself back together. It wasn't easy. Grave's body felt sore and his vision was spinning a little. Cynder actually felt thankful when the merchant tossed his canister at him - it was filled with water and the impact hurt a bit, but at least he could focus on something. He felt a little better. "Thanks. It was really... Intense." There were other words Grave wanted to use, but perhaps now wasn't the best time. After all, the lamia was still here. He pulled his pants up, too tired to think about shame, and stood up. "An unusual way of trading, at least for someone not used to this place. Do you have a lot of patrons?" Perhaps not the best question to ask here, but Cynder wasn't thinking too straight.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

"I wouldn't be making a living this way if I didn't." the lamia laughed. "I even got a couple people who got this fetish for snake girls like me. I wouldn't just be fuckin them all day though, I'm a girl that likes to get around." she told Grave.

"Be on yer way now, sugar," she dismissed the blond, cat eyed man, "Be careful with whatever it is you want with those ruins. I tried to loot the place myself a while back, but there didn't seem to be any way o' gettin' in." she shrugged with a sigh, "Good luck to ya though, and yer welcome to come again anytime."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave bowed his head. "Thank you for your help. Maybe we will meet again." He gave his equipment one last check, then opened the back door of the cart, jumped out, and closed it again. Cynder immediately began to survey the surrounding area, sparing a short moment to learn what the Hell is a Holstaurus. He was thinking about the Lamia's last words. If she truly found no way inside, this meant that either the entrance was destroyed, concealed or blocked by some sort of a barrier or danger, either corporeal or magical. However, Grave was sure that no matter what kind of obstacle it was, he'd figure out how to get inside. He just hoped that he'd be able to execute any potential plan he would come up with.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The lamia let Grave go without saying another word to him, simply giving him a wink as he stepped out of the caravan, and walked around it with the intent on investigating what exactly a Holstaurus looks like. When he came into view of the two sisters who had driven him the whole way to his mother's resting place, he came upon two 'meaty' women, who he could immediately identify as a sub-species of cow, via their fur which was a color of white, with black spots, starting at the thigh, and went down the leg, until it ended at the bottom, where instead of a human foot, there was, predictably, a hoof. There were also a pair of horns on their heads, coming forth from their short cut, snow white hair.

The Holstaurus sisters were identical twins as far as Cynder would be able to tell, and although their bodies were 'thicker,' than most other monsters he'd seen, they still kept their womanly, hourglass shape, while the added meat actually helped in some areas of appeal, such as their quite oversized breasts, as well as their voluptuous backsides.

As Grave was passing, one of the sisters had the other bent over a large bucket, with her arms wrapped around her, clenching her breasts, while the other sister rested her hands on her knees as she softly moaned with delight. Milk squirted from her breasts as her sister squeezed her breasts with her hands, filling the bucket a little at a time.

"Am I squeezing too hard?" said the Holstaurus milking her sister,

"N-no," her sister moaned, "It feels good..."

Not halting her sister's milking for a moment, the Holstaurus turned around when she heard Cynder behind her, and blushed when she realized he was witnessing what they were doing. Although embarrassed, she didn't seem to want him to leave, either. But, she gave no request to leave, nor invitation to Grave at that moment, simply smiling at him shyly, just as a young girl did back home, who liked him when he was younger, at a age when he had no clue of the difference between men and woman, even wanting to be friends with him, before she was scolded by her friends, and family, and restricted from seeing Cynder ever again.

After a moment longer, whether Grave stood and watched, or kept walking on his way to the ruins, which were not even 100 feet away, the lamia appeared out of her caravan with a bottle and cork in her hand. She slithered over to the bucket of Holstaurus milk, and dipped it inside, filling it with the white fluid, before taking it out, and pushing the cork down, sealing the milk inside.

The merchant held the milk bottle up in the air, "Here~" she declared, before tossing it at him, which was easily caught, thanks to her good throw, and his good reflexes developed by his master, "On the house." she told him, "I figure I've a good feeling ya'll make it inside those ruins. And when ya do, ya'll likely meet some real nasties what made it their home." She made a gesture at the milk bottle in his hand by nodding her head, "Holstaurus milk is nothin' but nutrition. You drink that whole bottle there, and you, my friend, will feel as healthy as a centaur, ya got my word on that." she winked at him.

The lamia lifted a hand, waving at Cynder, "Take care, hun!" she shouted to him.

The two Holstaurus, still 'milking,' also gave Grave a shout, "Goodbye! Please come again!" they yelled.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Altough Grave swore to himself that he'd never be suprised by anything after leaving the Tengu's tower, the sight of cow-like twins milking each other was something he wasn't ready for. As Cynder's face took on a slightly red color from embarassment, his brain was already working on memorizing the details. The twins definitely looked like cows, but at the same time they've still managed to have quite a lot of sex appeal. Of course, he was quickly noticed. However, instead of raising Hell like human women, the Holstaurus simply smiled. It was a smile he remembered well. For a moment, Grave's mind was focused on this memory. He lowered his head, then raised it as if to speak. However, instead of the little girl he remembered he saw a pair of Holstaurus. Snapping back to reality, Cynder scratched the back of his head, gave the cow-girl a sad half-smile, trying to express an apology, then turned around and left, waving his hand as if saying goodbye. He didn't manage to walk away too far before he heard the lamia again. Turning around, he caught the bottle, examining it for a few seconds before putting it into his backpack. He listened to the explanation before nodding. "Thanks! I hope I'll see you soon!" Grave faced the ruins once again and resumed his journey. The first part was over. Now, it was time for the main event.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Proceeding to the ruins, Grave found himself taking a bit of a 'detour' thanks to his lack of knowledge regarding the area. He proceeded around the ruins, going further and further away from the entrance, until patience would wear thin, and an immediate entry would be desired. He saw a climbable side of the ruins, which seemed to have come from the decay of time. Thanks to his ever useful training, he would find no difficulty in climbing the rocks. Even the occasional fall of a loose brick hardly making him lose his stride as Cynder found himself on the large wall surrounding the ruins. The wall itself seemed able to defend against armies... Which would make one think; why would Grave's mother wish to own such defenses?

Likely to Cynder's dismay, as he walked the wall in search of a way down to explore the building guarded by the walls, he eventually heard voices, a man and a woman, arguing amongst each other, who seemed to have arrived before Grave managed to.

Stepping up to the side, while hiding behind the stone railing along the wall to cover from searching eyes, Cynder saw a tall, tan skinned human woman, wearing a loose fitting tunic, and tight fitting pants, quite properly dressed as an 'adventurer.' Her hair was a dark purple, it was quite long, going past her ass, flowing in the wind as if weightless. Her hands were on her hips, with a scowl on her face, directed at the back of a thin looking man, wearing a greasy shirt, "I don't have all day!" she shouted, her voice a mature, and stern one, "Aren't you done figuring out how to get inside yet!? You're useless!"

"Working on it..." the man replied plainly.

"'Working on it?' That's what you said an hour ago! Just blast it open!" she continued to scold him.

"Won't work," he informed her, "It seems like it's waiting for something, what you might call a 'key,' and if I can just figure out what that is based on these runes..." he trailed off, resuming what he was doing, crouched down before the large door before them, baring many different symbols, all magic in nature, which, quite fascinatingly enough, from where Grave stood, looked like a single, oval eye... Likely overlooked by the two below, who were too close to see the big picture.

However, that soon was not about to matter.

The man seemed to have come onto a conclusion, as he stood from where he was crouched, and planted two hands against the large door, "I think I understand." he said as if to himself, but loud enough for both Cynder, and the woman to hear, "It needs a certain kind of magical influence, if I just concentrate, and feel for it, I might be able to find out what it wants..."

The purple haired woman suddenly gave a start, raising one arm defensively in front of herself as she seemed to be looking straight up at something Grave did not immediately notice, "S-stop fucking with it!" she demanded, "That... Thing above is activating!" she announced, before Cynder suddenly noticed a large statue depicting the upper body of a lamia, or perhaps his mother, flash a bright blue light. In that moment, the woman's body seemed to solidify, held frozen by some invisible force. Her eyes widened with fear as she begged for help, "I... I can't move!" Statues on opposite sides of the doorway, combined with the one above, began moving their previously inanimate bodies, taking hold of the tridents they held in their hands, directing them directly at the fortune hunter caught in the ruin's trap. "IT'S GOING TO KILL ME! Do something!" she pleaded, at the mercy of the three statues, who didn't seem about to show her any such thing for trespassing.

It was clear that the trap which caught the woman would make her suffer, while the man who accompanied her seemed at a loss for how to stop what he'd done. Grave could, perhaps, save her. His sword could break her magical bonds, as well as absorb any force directed at her for ill purposes. But, these were people he did not know. Saving them could be a mistake. Worse, he himself might be rendered a victim to the trap!

No matter Cynder's moral decision, the woman only had a few moments left...
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The long walk around the the ruins certainly served to annoy Grave, who was growing more and more impatient with every single step as he looked for a way in. Thankfully, he managed to notice a climbable surface - something he could use to his advantage. The extra exercise also helped Cynder deal with his irritation, allowing him to remain calm. He expected that a clear head would be necessary - if getting past the outer wall was that hard, then his mother really wanted to keep people out of here. And perhaps she took her time to add a few suprises inside as well. A grim smile appeared on Grave's face - he certainly wouldn't be bored. Said smile died when Cynder realized that he wasn't alone.

As he sneaked closer, he found out what was going on. Treasure hunter with a companion, apparently some sort of scholar or mage. The woman was most likely interested in raiding the crypt and taking whatever she wanted. 'Great, just what I needed.' The mage seemed to be a bit more patient and reasonable fellow, devoted to his job. Well, maybe he was just content with the payment, maybe he was more interested in learning more about the place, rather than pillaging it. As he watched the pair, Grave also noticed the runes on the door and the pattern they formed. An oval eye. Clearly, this symbol was somehow significant. Did they overlook this? Or maybe they had noticed it earlier? Cynder didn't care. More important matters demanded his attention.

As the man attempted to attune to the magic of the place, he activated a trap - and Grave found himself in a perfect place to watch what seemed to be the beginning of a bloody execution. He watched in awe as the large statues began to move - and quickly realized that the situation called for an intervention. He had no reason to save those people - in fact, they could turn out to be enemies. But the woman didn't seem to have any ill intentions, aside from greed... Unless she wasn't looking for simple treasures. In that case, it'd be two against one. Then again, Grave somehow felt wrong about leaving her to die like this. The treasure hunter seemed to be an impatient type, one that leaps before thinking. A weakness that could be exploited, but not something she should be damned for. And perhaps the man could be reasoned with. Also, Cynder wasn't sure whether he'd be able to deal with the immense trap all by himself, and worse things could be waiting inside. And he had a feeling that there was one particular advantage he had that'd be very useful in future bargains...

Grave quickly decided what he needed to do. Find a way to quickly descend from the wall to the ground, then dash towards the woman. The touch of his blade should break the enchantment, and the sword would probably ward off anything nasty coming at him, and perhaps he could shield both himself and the treasure hunter. Yanking her out of the way after breaking the charm shouldn't be that hard. Finishing this plan in a split second, Cynder sprung into action, throwing stealth out of the window. Speed was the key.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The quickest way turned out to be simply jumping down, although not straight to the ground, as that would bode ill for Grave's legs. Instead, Cynder would jump on the back of a statue of a snake woman, before sliding down along her tail, giving him not only a safe, but smooth landing on the ground, only taking a few seconds in time, thankfully not too late for him to arrive for the purple haired fortune hunter's rescue.

When Grave approached the victimized woman, he began to notice the presence of a barrier around her, morphing itself to the shape of her body, revealing itself to be the force responsible for her inability to move. With a quick slash, Cynder was able to destroy the spell that caged her, the magical force quickly being absorbed by his sword as she was set free. And in her first act of freedom, she fell backwards on her rump, staring without words at Grave as he positioned himself in front of her, between her and the statues who were only seconds away from firing their spell.

With their charge completed, the three statues shot forth beams of blue light, which would pierce Cynder in their attempt to shoot the fortune hunter. Grave's only defense was his white, marble sword at that moment, which proved to possess the capability to save his life, when the sword stopped the beam's progress dead in it's tracks once they collided with the blade. The force of the beam pushing against him nearly sent Cynder on his back in a similar way that the woman fell, before a quick step back with his leg allowed him to brace himself from falling.

The beam's wrath was over as soon as it started. Grave's sword had absorbed all of the magic sent at him, and was brimming brightly with a blue glow from all of the magic it had absorbed. Then, rather than a thanks, the purple haired woman remained in a sitting position behind him as she shouted, "Who the hell are you!" questioning his presence.

"A stranger who just saved your life, I believe." said the supposed scholar, who activated the trap to begin with. Walking towards Cynder and the fool hardy fortune hunter, he adjusted his glasses with the push of a single finger, while giving a curious glance to Grave. "Thank you for saving Valencia. I won't question why you came to our rescue, but..." He folded his hands on his chest, "If you've come to seek riches or the like from this tomb, you're only to waste your time, should you even live, in case the shenanigans you likely witnessed wasn't evidence enough."

He sighed, gesturing back at the door he was just examining, "I figured it out just before it was too late. This door requires a 'key,' or rather, a very specific magical tone, which only the heir of the one who owned this place is likely to possess." he explained.

The fortune hunter, Valencia stood on her feet, before brushing off her ass with her hands, and approaching Cynder from behind, placing a friendly hand on his shoulder, leaning over to look at his face with a sly grin, "Is that so?" she said with amusement, "Well, then what would that make you?" she asked Grave, "I think it's a little odd our friend here just happened to be in the right place at the right time, don't you?" she asked, turning her head to look at her knowledgeable cohort, while moving closer to Cynder, sliding her other hand along his chest suggestively. Her sexual suggestion no doubt assisted by her heart's lust for treasure.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave never considered himself to be anything resembling a hero, even though he used to love heroic tales as a child. The fact that what he was doing now was basically a heroic deed was something that amused him a little. The fact that he could lose life made this slightly bittersweet. Using the statue, Cynder managed to get down safely and quickly enough to reach the woman on time. As he liberated her, he braced for impact - one that nearly caught him unprepared. He didn't expect such a powerful magic-based attack, but he managed to hold on long enough to stop it. As the spell died, Grave took a look at his sword to check whether it was damaged. It's capacity for storing mana was incredible, that's for sure. Right now, it was glowing like a holy relic.

The woman's sharp reaction was something that didn't suprise Cynder. After all, someone who just appeared out of the blue saved her from certain death. The scholar was, just as Grave predicted, a bit more helpful. Thanks to him, the young man learned the woman's name and partially confirmed Cynthia's words. Only one person could open this door. Cynder snapped out of his thoughts when the woman approached him and put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't like her grin that much. She did, however, reach the right conclusion, even if it was just a quick assumption. Though under these circumstances, this was an obvious conclusion. Perhaps now would be a good time to take advantage of the woman's greed. On top of that, Grave wanted her to stop rubbing his chest. He stepped to the side, ducking under her arm to break physical contact. He turned to face both of them, leaning his sword against his shoulder.

"What would that make me, you ask? Certainly someone interested in this place, since I doubt anyone else would be here." Cynder gave each of them a look. "I didn't expect to meet anyone here, but whatever. I guess that you two are as interested in getting in as I am, and if there's more stuff like that..." The young man pointed towards the three statues that nearly killed the woman a moment ago. "... inside, perhaps working together might be a good idea. And speaking of your 'key', I might have a solution. Interested?"
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

As Grave ducked under Valencia's arm, his rejection of her affection was something she clearly took to heart, as she simply stared straight ahead for a time, looking at neither of the men with her, before glancing at her hand, the one used to lightly molest Cynder's chest, proceeding to stare at it, instead of just blank space.

In her place, the man spoke up in response, "It would appear that we both have interest in this place... And we do owe you at least a little something for saving my comrade's life, I suppose." he nodded, adjusting his glasses with his hand once more, the lenses glinting off of the sunlight, "Yes, I do believe a collaboration might benefit us both."

Valencia suddenly turned from where she stood, now facing Grave with an angry expression, venting her embarrassment from having been pushed away, "Just don't get in our way!" she commanded him, folding her arms as she walked away from the two men, towards the large door that blocked their path.

The man, far more polite than his partner, sighed, shaking his head as he offered an explanation to Cynder, even if only as a future warning, "She's very possessive... Once she puts her hands on something, she immediately thinks it belongs to her..."

From the distance, Valencia stood at the doorway, looking back at Grave and her partner, before shouting impatiently, "Get this god damn door open! While I'm still young!" she demanded.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave sighed. "I'm going to have a headache after this..." He approached the door, studying it closely, ignoring the woman for the time being. She was annoying, and right now, Cynder needed to stay calm in order to solve the puzzle. He sheathed his sword - he doubted a weapon could help with this task. Grave regretted that he knew so little about magic. That was, of course, the first problem he'd have to face. Cynder had to make sure that the woman didn't get her hands on his property. Otherwise, things could get ugly. The young man shook his head, then put his left hand on the door. He brought his head closer to it, checking whether he could sense anything unusual. At the same time, Grave recalled the shape of the pattern formed by magical inscriptions on the door. This had to be significant somehow. "Say..." Cynder spoke without turning his head. "What exactly did you find out about this door?"
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The man adjusted his glasses as he walked with Grave, "A migraine, if you argue with her." he said. Then, once they reached the doors, the man placed his hand on the door, gesturing at the many runes that covered it. "As I told Valencia, these runes speak of a 'key' of sorts. Although you can translate that however you like, as this is a language with many meanings for the same word, written on this stone. I say 'key' not because it's an actual key that will unlock this door, but as a generic term for anything that will." His glasses slid off of his face a little, before he pushed them back up with his hand, and began directing his finger at various points of the door, as if Cynder might make sense of it, which he could not do. Despite all of his mentor's training, Grave only knew the bare knowledge that a child would possess of elven text.

"As for what that key is, I'm afraid I have no clue. All that I was able to learn was that the heirs of the bloodline who owned this place would be gifted with this 'key' upon birth. And among other references, most of which regarding all who possess royal blood as gods on Earth, there is a passage further along," he stepped over, more towards the arch of the large doorway, sliding his finger along in the process as he tried to read the runes once again, "which appears to be the most recent entry. From what I gather, it tells the tale of the bloodline's end, as if they were foretelling their own demise, before this-" he stabbed his finger at a single rune, which was the exact shape of Cynder's eyes, and that of the statues as well. "This is not a word. It's just a symbol." he claimed, "From all that I can gather, it's like an insignia, meant to send a message to those who truly understand the meaning of it. I, obviously, have no idea what it means. But look at this-" he told Grave, gesturing for him to come closer as he adjusted his glasses yet again.

"Look," he said, and when Cynder would look at the rune, he might have been surprised to actually understand it's meaning to a degree. The symbol was a pair of eyes on opposite ends, with a single beam connecting from one pupil to the other as the eyes stared at each other. "This one is curious... Perhaps it's a clue?" he asked aloud, slowly turning to Grave, looking directly at the man's oval eyes...
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave listened carefully to the explanation. He had no choice. Cynder's understanding of the strange language in which the text was written was very weak, at most. Still, he understood quite a few things the man spoke of. The passage speaking of the bloodline's end interested him. Was it added here by his mother or her ancestor, who foresaw her death? Or was it written by someone else? Grave doubted that anyone else would bother, but he didn't like the implications of this fact. It would mean that he was never meant to have a normal family, destined to be an outcast - and that his own mother most likely knew it. A thought he found hard to stomach.

The fact that the eye kept popping up didn't suprise Cynder. However, the second rune was quite odd. Two eyes staring at each other, a mysterious beam between them. What could it mean? Grave stepped back to look at the whole door. The oval eye, the symbol of his mother and the trait that made him unique among normal humans. Not only was it depicted here, the runes formed the very same shape, as if someone took his time carefully arranging the pattern. It couldn't be a coincidence. Cynder recalled what the man said about the key. A gift recieved upon birth. In that very moment, Grave discarded all remaining doubts he had regarding his origins, and began to realize what was necessary to open this door.

"The eye is the key... Somehow, that's what unlocks the door." But how? Cynder asked himself the question. The lock would most likely be an eye as well, either a sculpture or a rune. But how was he supposed to use this unique key he posessed? Grave doubted that simply staring at the door would work. Did he have to channel magic through his eyes? Or would the lock's own magic suffice? Perhaps something was still missing... For now, identifying the lock itself was most important. Cynder quickly focused on this task.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

After Grave and the scholar investigated the door for a time, carefully searching for anything that might be of help. And during that time, Cynder was asked of his name by the man, so that he could stop calling him, 'you' all the time. And once the introductions passed, the man nodded, "Grave... That name sounds familiar..." He shook his head, "Pleased to meet you, Grave, my name is Roy. I'm a treasure hunter, much like my friend here. Her name is Valencia." he gestured at Valencia, who winked at Cynder,

"Yeah, nice to meet ya." she said offhandedly, before Roy continued his introduction, "I used to be a scholar, back on the mainland. I began my studies when I was a child, and not long after I became a novice of my order, I met Valencia, who sold me on the idea of fame and fortune... Among other things to help convince me," he said with a small heat in his cheeks, while adjusting his glasses. Valencia smiled slightly in the meantime, hinting at a possible sexual history between the two, or at least a flirtatious one.

Another moment of silence passed, lasting for a few minutes, before Roy stepped away from the door with a sigh, "I have no idea. I can't figure out what it wants... How frustrating..." he said with an irritated tone, and an adjustment of his glasses.

Valencia giggled mischievously, "Maybe it's like that other time? When we needed to lend our 'sexual energy' as an offering to the gods." she said with a perverted grin.

Roy blushed with embarrassment now that his potential friend knew about something he would have preferred to be kept secret, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves..." he said quietly. "We've already discovered that the eye holds the key to opening the way, so I don't think it wants us to... Commit an act of debauchery..." he told Valencia, who simply chuckled, turning away from Roy while rolling her eyes.

As Grave would witness the exchange, a strange feeling began to occur within him. Cynder had constantly felt eyes on him, but his mind wouldn't even notice, since Roy and Valencia were focused on him. Now that they were not paying attention to him, he still felt as if he was being looked at. And as he would search for the eyes that looked upon him, his vision suddenly focused on one of the statues above, the one looming over them with her trident in hand. As he would move to get a better view, a shock was to see that the head moved with him! The statue of the Echidna, for some odd reason, was staring at him!

Then, the eyes of the statue glinted with a blue glow, but for only a second's time...

It seemed to react when Cynder looked back at it, but something went wrong...

"Use your sword," Roy suddenly said, perhaps giving Grave a start when he revealed himself to be standing next to him, having silently approached while he was distracted. "I think it used all of it's remaining power when it attacked Valencia. If you can, could you use your sword to give the power back?" he inquired.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave never heard about anyone named Roy, but the fact that the man seemed to recognize his name was a bit suspicious, at least until Cynder learned that the scholar came from the mainland. Perhaps he knew Grave's old master? Either way, it seems that his motives for traveling with Valencia were typical for a human. And in this case, Cynder had to admit that it was totally understandable. He didn't try to inquire about the nature of their relationship, or the 'incident' Valencia mentioned. He did his share of 'acts of debauchery', after all.

Either way, Grave didn't pay much attention to the conversation. He was simply annoyed by the fact that he couldn't find a way in, a feeling that was soon replaced by creeping dread. If those two weren't staring at him... Then who was? The answer came quickly, but it was unexpected. A statue looked at Cynder, following his moves, as if it recognized him. And that strange blue spark that flashed in it's eyes for a second... It couldn't be a coincidence. The statue was both a guardian and the lock, but something was wrong. Roy's suggestion that it was simply out of energy sounded reasonable enough.

"Alright, I'll see what can be done." Grave unsheathed his sword. Slashing would release a destructive blast of energy - probably not a good idea. Perhaps it'd be possible to touch it with the blade. If that failed, Cynder would try to somehow release the energy at a distance without creating slicing waves, either by making cautious moves or trying to will it out. If that failed as well... He hoped that the statue could absorb magical attacks.