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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Lifting her weapon over her head, the arachne swing in a wide arc, her blow only just dodged by Grave, as he could only escape by throwing his body backwards in a desperate leap to get away from her attack. His counter attack, she had seen before, and was expecting. Leaping up on her legs, she flew high into the air, the beam that fired from his sword, a collected concentration of his own energy a split second too late in hitting it's target.

On a pillar above, the arachne crawled around it, using height to move about, and position herself strategically. And while looking for an opening, she taunted him, leaping from pillar to pillar if she showed intent of attacking. "You think your Echidna genes will save you." she stated, glaring down at him, "You're still a human. In the end, you'll always be a slave to monsters."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave's initial reply could be described only as a growl. After a brief pause, he began a proper speech. "Echidna, demons, future, destiny, honor... Give me a break." Cynder followed his opponent's movements, moving around the room as well in an effort to avoid getting flanked, keeping his guard up and charging for another attack. He had to put some effort into this, it seemed. "You know, if it weren't for the fact I have literally nothing else to do in my life, I wouldn't even give a damn about all of that. I don't believe in salvation either. You're right about one thing, though." The young man seemed to be oddly calm - as if in the hurricane of rage he finally hit the eye of the storm, that moment of clarity when every fiber of his being was focused on nothing else but pure, cold hatred.

Grave tensed. He prepared to charge in - he was sure he had to go on the offensive, and he was itching to end this anyway. A rarely felt urge began to fill him - an urge to kill. His hatred was too hard to bear for him any longer, and Cynder decided to let everything go. "I am a human. I don't know anything about monsters, even my own kind, this island and it's plight. And right now, I don't care about anything in this world. I don't care about that woman, you, or even my own pathetic self. I know how weak I am, that I fail at everything I try. But now I understand that I don't have to do anything I don't want to do."

For a moment, Grave's eyes met the eyes of the spider. "I failed to save the girl because I don't understand selflessness and compassion. I failed to live up to my mother's expectations because I don't understand the meaning of honor. I am worthless and ignorant, and all I know is hatred and pain. And that is the only thing I shall share with this world. I will learn what it means to be an echidna - but until then, I'll force my way through life, and repay everyone with nothing else but what I had to suffer, multiplied as I see fit. And I'll start with killing you, tomb dweller."

As soon as Cynder's sword recharged, he began to run, closing in on his enemy. He seemed to be prepared to stab his opponent - if the spider decided to jump straight at him, he'd strike her as soon as she was close enough to ensure a clear hit. If she tried to attack from side, Grave intended to make a quick turn and try a slashing attack to make an energy wave. Right now, he didn't really care how the arachne would die as long as she dropped dead. Afterwards, there was the small matter of getting a certain someone to explain things.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Crawling around a pillar, the arachne appeared, holding her weapon like a spear. "The rantings of an upset child!" she spat, launching her weapon at Grave, which impaled itself on the stone ground, dodged by a quick roll to the side on Cynder's part. Almost immediately after, the blade was yanked back by the string of webbing sown onto the hilt, flying right back into the arachne's hand.

The slashing wave that followed, the arachne leaped accordingly, flying over the shockwave of power, directing her fall towards him, landing on the ground softly, as if the 75-feet she fell from was nothing, and immediately launching a counter attack against Grave, engaging in swordplay, their blades clashing together, with the arachne on the offensive, pushing Cynder back with her superior strength.

A clean sweep under his feet, dodged by a quick jump, was followed by an unexpected attack with the hilt, slamming against Grave's body, sending him flying back before he could charge a third blast.

Instead of attacking, the arachne planted her blade on the ground, holding it in one hand, staring down at Cynder. "With idealizations such as those, you'll never be able to defeat any challenge these cursed lands will set upon you!" she announced loudly. "If you never try, then you will always fail! To pursue power, that is the meaning of life here! Continue to shun all those around you, and cradle your own misery, your potential will rot and wither. It is by their aid you managed to scrape by, and save the girl's life."

She growled, "Are you so pathetic, you don't even realize they are where your true power comes from!?" She gripped her blade, yanking it from the ground as Grave would find the stamina to get up after the breathtaking blow, "My power comes from my beloved sisters, and my stolen children. Without them, I would not possess the vigor that drowns you.

"Purpose is the sole drive of power, and your wild flails of hatred are not enough."
She grips her weapon in both hands, ready for the next attack, "Come at me as a real man. Show me your real purpose to fight."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave rolled on the ground before he stood up, panting. That last blow hurt, but not as much as her words. He had to admit that the spider had a point. Unlike him, she had a drive - a motivation to strive and keep trying, in spite of the danger. It was a humiliating realization - even wild monsters had something he couldn't grasp. Still, his rant wasn't a complete waste of breath. It's been a long time since he began to hide his feelings deep within himself. If he were to improve himself, Cynder had to face his own weaknesses.

Grave could feel a chaotic storm of emotions within him. Hatred, fear, sadness, helplessness... This whole scene reminded him of something - a scene so familiar, yet so hard to remember... Ah, that's right! It was not one scene that he remembered - what he was remembering were all these moments when someone else was humiliating him, berating and insulting the young half-blood, who wasn't even aware of his own origin. People constantly kept causing him pain... Why was he even coming back? Why was he trying to find his place among them?

Cynder's thoughts slowly turned towards his mentor. The old man was one of the few who accepted him, even though his "son" tended to be hard to bear sometimes. When he died, Grave felt as if his world was crumbling. Alone, with no one to comfort him, he set off, trying to get away from those who hated him... Or so he kept thinking. If he wanted to get away from humans, why didn't he hide somewhere in a forest?

Cynder shook his head and tried to focus on the fight. He had to win and get out of here. But then he'd have to deal with Roy and Cynthia, who were waiting outside for him. They probably thought that he was useless. Why did they even bother to wait? What were they trying to accomplish by waiting for him? Assuming there really was something they wanted...

Grave paused, suprised by his own thought for a moment. If the pair really waited for him, this meant that they expected him to win... Furthermore, they considered him important enough not to leave him on his own... Was it possible that they really saw worth in him? That's stupid, the only person who could see anything useful in a wreck like Cynder would have to be dense, like Club - a bratty, annoying half-pint. Bratty, annoying half-pint who actually tried to comfort him. When was the last time a stranger he met was so friendly?

Grave tried to keep his emotions contained. This was futile - he could feel tears running down his cheeks. He took a deep breath, then stared into his opponent's eyes. Slowly, Cynder began to realize something he never admitted to himself - the one thing he desired so much. Five years ago, his situation was hopeless and it remained like that for long enough. But now, this could change... If he just took this chance, he would be able to do this... But Grave wasn't sure. Would he really succeed? On the other hand, death would probably be better than living like this. At least Cynder would have less to worry about.

Grave prepared himself for another clash. He was starting to feel angry again - not consumed by hate and despair, like moments ago, but simply angry at the arachne. She looked down on him - not without reason, that's for sure. But it still was something Cynder did not intend to tolerate. He couldn't change her, but that didn't matter. His mother hoped he'd grow strong enough to reach her standards - it was time to actually start trying. Grave began to focus again, preparing for another charge, before dashing forward to meet his opponent. The plan was simple - a high feint followed by a stab to the guts. Later, he'd just wing it. As he ran, thoughts echoed in his head. His desire. His purpose.

'I don't want to be alone. Not anymore. Even if it's just one person, I want to be with someone. I can't stop here.'
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Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The arachne's many eyes narrowed at Grave as he charged, teary eyed at her. Wordlessly, she took up her arms, backtracking a little as he made the feint, and quickly slapping his blade away moments before it made impact. However, perhaps he'd find some victory, as the late parry to his attack caused a cut along her side.

She gasped at the slight pain, reaching out in an instant, as if reacting to it, gripping Cynder's sword arm, and pulling him close. Her tiny front legs, and other arm wrapped around him, holding him a little below head level. For some reason, she was panting, and the light Grave carried with him like a floating familiar revealed a pink on her cheeks. Not much longer after that, a second, in fact, her nipples were hardening. The pain seemed to turn her on.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave did not intend to go down easily this time. The spiders wouldn't let him go, he was sure of that. Not after what he did. He'd have to fight his way out - otherwise, everything would become pointless. Cynder began to accept that he'd have to fight if he didn't want to lose anyone. First, he had to get this arachne off him before he could attempt to finish her off. As the monster dragged him closer, Grave attempted to raise both of his legs and kick the monster in the gut, aiming for her wound with one of his feet. A brutal and crude tactic, but hopefully it would provide the desired results.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

His feet lifting up, and slamming against her wound, the arachne howled with pain. Her powerful legs gave way, and stopped supporting her weight, while one arm left her weapon to hold her pain. Right at that moment, the emotions from his mother that flared through every part of the fight suddenly went quiet. Grave was now in a position to end the fight. But, whether or not he should end her life permanently, his mother gave no input. Instead of wanting to direct him, she seemed to be watching him, to see the choice he'd make against a defeated opponent.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Finally. The arachne was down and vulnerable, but not completely out yet. She could still make a comeback. Grave knew he could end this now. But when he prepared himself to deal the final blow, he still had to fight against his doubts. Sure, the monster impregnated Valencia, but Cynder was just as guilty as the spider. She attacked him, but he did have the intention to separate her from her eggs. And even in his anger, he just couldn't forget that her motivation was not so different from his own. This day was very difficult for him, with one suprising reveal, breakdown and epiphany after another, and all he wanted to do was to end it without another moral conflict. So he decided to pick the middle way and just knock her out with a solid blow to the head dealt either with a flat side of his sword or one of his feet.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The arachne panted, holding her wound with a strain. Breathing heavily, she looked up at him as he approached, snarling in his direction. "Go ahead... Kill me... Just like all the other humans would..." she dared him. The moment following, his blade smacking flat against her head, she could give no response, as she fell to her side, unconscious. This brought about a curiosity in his mother's spirit. He didn't quite feel scorn, or praise, but in fact, interest washing over him. It seemed she was interested in his choice. However, mixing with his own emotions that washed along with her own like two rivers, she seemed to understand. She went quiet inside him, her presence becoming unknown after a few moments.

After the room had gone quiet for a moment, a curiosity appear out of the corner of his eye... A tan skinned, blond mimic, exactly like the one before, was looking at him, not quite with the same mischievous eyes as before, but with considerate eyes. "... Are you leaving?" she asked suddenly. "... Please bring the echidna back." she suddenly requested of him.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave sighed as he sheathed his weapon. Well, at least he didn't have to reply to her last provocation. His mother's reaction was a bit of a relief - Cynder believed he had a moment or two which he could use to return to the surface without being disturbed. He felt that he could use some time to think about things - he had much to think about. However, the young man quickly realized he wasn't alone in the room.

A mimic, most likely the same one he encountered before, watched Grave. Did she follow him? Most likely. He briefly wondered why the girl was here, and why she looked so concerned. Needless to say, Cynder was suprised by her request. Did she use to live here alongside his kind? After pondering the idea for a moment, the young man found it plausible. Altough echidnas were the rulers, they probably didn't run the place all by themselves. And to someone who lived here when the serpent girls were still in power... Witnessing the fall of their once proud kingdom must have been a shock.

"I have to leave now..." Grave paused. The situation saddened him. The girl in front of him couldn't do anything to change the situation she was in - but she hoped that the young man could. Cynder didn't wish to promise her something he couldn't do... But wasn't he the prince of echidnas? Restoring his home to it's former glory was something only he could accomplish. The only way to change the current situation led through action. Grave had no choice but to prove himself worthy and face the challenges that awaited him, regardless of his own fear. "But I will be back. And I'll bring the echidna back with me. I promise."

Cynder had no idea what he was getting himself into. But it was still better than wandering with no goal in life. He entered a new chapter in his life, and only he could ensure that it was better than the previous one. As he set out to leave the ruins, he mused over his new goals. Grave noticed how most of them were linked with each other - it was quite convenient, actually. He could accomplish one while dealing with another one. For now, he'd have to start with learning more about this strange island that was supposed to be his home, and grow stronger. Strong enough to protect himself... And those around him.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Walking back the way he came, perhaps Grave's mind would briefly go over the events that occurred. The room that he 'played' with the mimic in, the line of echidna statues that held his ancestor's spirits, now released since they had passed their message onto him, and even the square branch of hallways that nearly crushed him, Valencia, and Roy, which Valencia had saved Cynder from by taking the extra length to get him out of the way of harm, no doubt only to barely get out by a thread on her own.

Walking up from there, Grave's eyes would strain slightly from the dusk sky. The air was beginning to become a little chilly, which gave reason for the fire that was burning in the rectangle courtyard that held the entrance to Cynder's ancestor's tomb. Roy had laid Valencia in a sleeping bag by the fire, a large, round lump appearing in the middle of the bag, where her pregnant stomach stuck out.

Roy sat, staring at the fire, leaning back with one arm propping himself up, and the other on an upraised knee, relaxing as he stared into the flames. "How could he have allowed this to happen to her..." he said idly, not yet aware Grave was emerging from the tomb.

Cynthia, who was perched on an Echidna statue's arm, which oddly enough, seemed to be outstretched, beckoning a bird to come and land on it, spoke in her never changing, whisper tone of voice, this time holding a little emotion, a cute, higher pitched voice, in order for Roy to hear her. "He is not the only one among them who struggles to find a path. Even as he overcomes this challenge, he is still not aware of the danger to come..."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

The events of this unusual trip were still fresh in Grave's mind. As he made his way out of the building, he recalled what happened and once again analyzed his behaviour. He knew that the only reason why he managed to avoid a catastrophe today was because he got some unexpected help. On his own, he was barely capable of overcoming a single monster girl. There was much he had to learn and recall - he even forgot some of his old mentor's teachings. As he walked, Cynder began to wonder what to do next. He still had to confront Roy, who certainly wouldn't let the half-blood's ill deed slide.

As he emerged from the ruins, Grave realized he was not noticed by anyone. For a second, he considered walking away before dismissing the idea. It was something that he often did while he still wandered among humans - and Cynder learned today that acting like this not only was a coward's way, it could also get him killed easily. He had to face the consequences of his actions. The young man did nothing to interrupt the conversation. Instead, he just silently left the entrance and moved closer to the fire.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Turning his head, Roy looked to the approaching Grave. Instead of saying anything, he shook his head, and looked away, groaning, eyes looking back to the fire. Meanwhile, Cynthia did not look away. Instead, her piercing red eyes focused with absolute concentration on him. "Did you spare her?" she questioned him in a whisper. Yet, despite how she asked, she did not seem to be searching for an answer. It was as if she knew, but wanted Cynder to speak for himself.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave didn't say anything when Roy turned his head away. The man had a reason to dislike him, after all. Rather than press the issue, he sat down somewhere where he wouldn't get in the way. When Cynthia questioned him, Cynder stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Yes. She's out cold, though." For a moment, he looked as if he was going to continue, but after a few seconds the young man gave up and began to stare at the fire in complete silence. It took him about a minute to finally come up with a question. "How much of this has been planned by you?" Altough he didn't look at anyone, Grave seemed to focus his attention on Cynthia, and the question was directed to her as well.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Keeping silent, Roy seemed to know who the question was directed at. Cynthia, remaining as quiet, and composed as ever, despite the question of how something so seemingly dynamic, was actually planned. "Grave," she began, pausing for a moment, before continuing, "I'm afraid I do not have an answer to give you, which won't confuse you with many more questions... However, what I can say, that I made absolute certain that you would not come to great harm. It was through Roy that I made certain of your safe travels into your lost birthplace. Valencia as well." she added, giving mention to the purple haired, pregnant treasure hunter on the ground.

"Oh, yes," Roy suddenly spoke up, adjusting his glasses with obvious irritation, "As long as he walks out without a scratch, everything is fine. No consideration on our behalf, however." He makes a dismissing gesture at Cynthia, "It's over, our favor to you is repaid tenfold. However, I will see to it that Valencia obtains her own justice." he said with venom on his tongue, and a very unfriendly glance at Cynder.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

"Fine with me." Grave replied without thinking. He wasn't exactly concerned with Roy's threats - other questions plagued his mind, gnawing at his consciousness. What was the relationship between Roy and Cynthia? After thinking for a moment, Cynder realized it didn't really matter to him. No matter what happened in the past, now Roy was most likely going to treat the young man as an enemy. 'Another hole I made for myself... Lovely. He is right, though. Is it really worth sacrificing others just to keep me safe?'

This one question bothered Grave a lot. Deep down, he felt that his existence was worthless. He always tried to forget about this feeling, to silence it. Because anytime he did an ill deed to survive, it'd come back to haunt him. Shame, regret and intense loathing. Wasn't this the reason why he limited his own emotional capacity to anger and hatred over time? Now it was back. And Cynder felt that while he had the answer to his question, he didn't like it even one bit.

There was another problem he had to deal with. Cynthia - she certainly meant well... Or did she? Grave couldn't bring himself to really trust her. The crow kept him in the dark, but even if it was for his own good, Cynder had no intention of staying ignorant. He wanted answers, even if they brought new questions with them. He'd certainly reach a point where there are no more questions to ask - and then he could start getting all answers, one by one. But this wasn't the best time to ask more questions, it seemed.

Grave still had one more question to ask himself: did I really want to go through this? A lot of good could come out of the whole affair if he just stopped being a moping weakling, but was this really what he wanted? He jumped at the call because he only had a vague idea of what's in store for him and nothing better to do. Now, he put himself - and at the same time, was put by others - in a very uncomfortable position. If all he wanted was acceptance of another person, then being an echidna prince wouldn't be necessary. Then again... He couldn't back out anymore. Cynder sighed. Perhaps this was the kind of determination he needed for now - first step off the cliff might be hard, but falling is really easy.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Flapping her wings, she descended from her perch, landing next to Grave. Reaching over, with the end of her wing, he'd feel a claw lightly grab onto his shoulder, which she used as her hand. "Grave, please do not feel ostracized from us after making a few mistakes. If you truly have learned the error of the things you've done, then you have grown beyond your former self. The only thing we can blame is a previous existence of yourself that does not exist anymore. This is what I wanted you to learn; to not carry the carcasses of your previous experiences. To shed them, and emerge a better man."

She kneeled down, her red eyes focusing on his facial features, while her soft feathers brushed along the back of his neck. "I know you must feel worn, and agitated. But despite his pain, Roy does not truly hold profound hate for you. He saw you chase after Valencia, and witnessed your matured heart with his own eyes. All he wants to see now, is that justice be given to his dear friend. After that, I prey all of you can find peace with one another..."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

"That's easy to say..." Grave twitched a little when Cynthia touched him. He still wasn't used to being touched by her. Staring at the flames, the young man pondered what the crow had said. "I don't trust myself as much as you seem to trust me. Can't say I trust you either. Right now I'm not even sure what to think, or what to do next..." Cynder wasn't sure whether he was capable of admitting his guilt right now, in front of Roy. Regardless of Cynthia's statements, he seemed to be really angry, and the half-blood suspected he wouldn't react well... But he didn't disagree with the tengu. That seemed to ease Grave's feelings a little.
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Cynthia leaned in towards him a little, looking at him more closely with her ruby colored eyes, "You are... Completely unsure?" she asked him, "I believe you do know what it is you have to do, but are afraid that you cannot do it. You think so little of yourself... And those around you. As all of us who care for you would say, Club, myself, and your mother, we all have faith in you... All that we ask, is that you don't doubt yourself..."

Reaching a claw up, she gently took Grave's cheek in her wing, encouraging him to look directly at her cold, calculating, blood red eyes. "A moment's hesitation... Is what will turn your fears into reality. Think for a moment that you cannot change fate, and you will suffer that which you fear... Rise, Cynder. Rise from the swamp of doubt, and see what lies beyond the wretched, murky waters of misery."

Removing her wings from around him, which felt like losing a comfy blanket at the time, Cynthia rose, still looking upon Grave from where he sat, "I well predicted that you would have difficulty trusting me, Cynder. But... That is one thing I cannot change. However, I trust you, as does Club. And with your experience gained from this day, it is up to you how to use our trust. I will await your decision at my tower. Should you decide to run away, I will not pursue you. But if you think you can learn to trust me... I'll be waiting for you."

With that, Cynthia extended her wings, and lifted into the air, before soaring off. Letting out a sigh as she flew off, Roy shook his head, "She has a point," he said coldly, "She's gone through great lengths just to coddle you, and protect you. The least you could do is show a little appreciation."
Re: Oval Eyes (Grave)

Grave listened to Cynthia's words in silence, staring into her eyes. He watched her fly away before returning to watching the campfire, lost in thought. Roy's remark, however, roused Cynder from his apathy. "Hmm..." The young man paused for a few moments, collecting his thoughts. After a short while, he shook his head and stood up. "I can't understand her. She probably knows what to expect from me in the end, and yet she's still willing to go that far... She sometimes looks ready to damn herself for my sake."

Grave began to slowly walk around. It was a habit - he tended to do that when he was reaching a conclusion. He have to admit she is one of the most trustworthy people he ever met. Probably the only person that wanted to help him, not counting Club. And the person he hated most. Cynder could remember what he felt during his reunion with mother, when he witnessed the vision of the past. Deep down, there was a small part of him that screamed at him. It shouted one thing: Cynthia stole everything from you. She tried her best to repair the damage, perhaps - but in the end, the young man felt as if betrayed. And he wanted to repay the favor.

For a moment, a sudden thought struck Grave. Was his old mentor aware of all of this? If he was Cynthia's friend, then he probably knew that... The half-blood stopped. This was as far as he could think about it. If he began to doubt his old man, the one person who cared about him for so many years, he'd never be able to trust others again. Cynder sighed. He was overthinking things. He was able to move with relative confidence until he began to ponder things too deeply. But then again... Valencia was a reminder of what happened when he didn't think about the consequences of his actions.

Grave considered this briefly. It was not his carelessness that caused this, but lack of morals and cowardice. He had to start caring about others if he wanted to avoid making that mistake again. For a moment, Cynder began to wonder how he'd feel if Club was in the treasure hunter's place - he had to admit he was quite fond of the little goblin for some reason. The mental image was... Shocking. The half-blood took another look to confirm it was just his imagination. He began to understand Roy's anger - not the reason, but the emotion itself. It was a dreadful feeling - the man would probably go to great lenghts to make sure that justice is served.

After regaining his composure, Grave began to wonder what to do next. If he went to Cynthia's tower, it'd be like declaring he's ready to fight - and he'd have to live up to everyone's trust... Or would he? Cynthia stated he had a choice. The consequences would be his to bear, Cynder was sure of that. But he didn't have to do anything. The young man kept reminding himself of that for a while before exploring this train of thought further. The crow knew this, and yet she stated that she trusted him. This implied that even though she knew what awaited him, she believed the young man could overcome the trials.

Grave stopped walking. When he looked at things like this, Cynthia grew similiar to his old man. Club was simple-minded, but she would probably trust him as well. His mother seemed to have some faith in him too. This conflicted with Cynder's assessment of himself, but the opinion of others was far better and more comforting than his own. The young man realized he couldn't rely on his own feelings alone. Maybe if he accepted everyone's trust and let go of his own doubts, he'd learn to believe in himself? Perhaps it was time to trust someone else, rather than think only by himself, about himself?

Grave hesitated for a brief moment before recalling Cynthia's advice. He just had to try, there was no time to worry. The young man gathered himself before turning towards Roy. "I don't like admitting this, but... You're right." His features changed a little - some of the uncertainty seemed to disappear. "I'm going back to Cynthia's tower. And..." Cynder tried to keep his composure, but the emotions within him made it hard. He felt he had to say it now, before setting off, otherwise it'd be too late. But he was afraid of the reaction as well. "Roy, I... I realize I should have helped her, and I regret what I did. I know it doesn't change anything now, but... I'm sorry."