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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Bweeheeheehee... I'm approaching 24 hours wakefulness just now, so if this is rather less coherent than usual, you know why.)

Feeling the slime's climax, Alisa pulls herself downwards, trying to take inside every last bit of length she can. It's not quite enough; even though she can feel her own orgasm near, the slime's inability to keep up its fondling currents and tweaks leaves her just short of the edge. She starts inhaling deeper, slowing her own movements and leaning into the slime's notional shoulders, waiting for the slime to recover for the next round.

Just hang on and wait for yer partner, and when she starts working you again, she'll give ya the most unbelievable peak. It's all in the anticipation...

(Hold off until the slime recovers and can fondle Alisa back.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*speeidng along she seeks to gain a little headway on the demon before bounding off the roof her aim to land upon the fleeing demon and bring it to the grund under force of the impact while claws of her hands sought to sink into the tender tissue at each side of its neck getting a firm grip of possible critical nerves and muscle before ripping outwards to shred the beasts neck apart.*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

Stealth: Success. (Hunter!)
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 7 + 2 + 18 = 27 x 2 = 54 damage.

Shadowcats jump lands her perfectly on the demons back, bringing the creature crashing to the ground as it absorbs her momentum. The demon is stunned and helpless, having had the wind and sense knocked right out of it. Her claws tear into the sides of the demons neck, causing it to issue a scream of pain that swiftly turns into a death-gurgle as she finds the vital parts of its throat. It doesn't take long for the demon to expire, but now she is separated from the others, possibly vulnerable in case anything else should come after her.

(With Geralt and Gab, the slime has literally no chance of surviving this round. That, and I'm extremely lazy, and don't feel like doing the rolling for this round.)

It takes only a second after the slimes climax for it to start its motions once more, the slime in her womanhood growing and shrinking inside of her as the demon construct fucks her senseless with its own body. Alisa feels as though she is on the edge of her second orgasm, the slime itself looking like it isn't far from another release as well, when Geralt and Gab close in on the slime from opposite sides. Geralts swords cut chunks of the slime away from her, tearing deeply into the things form, while Gab thrusts his blade from opposite her directly into the things core. The slime stops moving immediately, its body becoming inanimate as the force keeping it 'alive' ceases to exist. The goo loses its consistency swiftly, becoming so much jelly, which Alisa was still stuck up to her neck in, even though it was starting to form a puddle at the groups feet. The slimes aphrodisiac was also losing effect, leaving Alisa still aroused, but not uncontrollably so any longer.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*with the demon dead she turns about to do a quick survey of her surroundings before darting to the nearest shadows to take cover. she would begin to backtrack picking her way carefully and slowly to try and remain hidden as she seeks to regroup with the others*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa lets out a disappointed mew as the slime stops moving, grabbing at it, hugging the goo to herself as she tries to get it to bring her to another peak. It's no use; she ends up kneeling on the ground, the slime's substance gradually sliding off her as she fondles herself with slick hands.

This too comes to a halt, as the aphrodisiac wears off, and she realizes that she's been lewdly fucking a blob in the middle of the street. In front of Gab and Geralt and Shadowcat... and getting her borrowed clothes all dirty and gross...

Alisa opens her mouth, then shuts it again a couple times, while she works through this thought process. Finally she relaxes into an embarrassed smile. "Gaaaab...", she calls in a half-rueful, half-joking tone of voice, "couldn't you have waited just a little bit longer...?"

She starts wiping away the goo, still kneeling in the puddle for now, twitching as the slime inside her starts to trickle out between her legs.
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Success.

Shadowcat silently slinks into hiding behind a nearby stall while she gets her bearings. She is glad she decided to do so a moment later, when a trio of armed and armored men come out of a nearby building, apparently having heard the sound of her attack on the fleeing stalker. They are covered in black armor and held longswords in their hands, but their equipment isn't of anywhere near the quality of the demon knight she'd fought earlier. They moved cautiously over to the corpse of the slain stalker, not even glancing at her hiding place, and allowing Shadowcat an excellent view of what they were doing. One of the warriors knelt next to the body of the fallen demon, flipping it over, and then issuing a grunt of disgust before saying; "He's dead, but not for very long. Whatever filthy local did this is still around. We should find them and teach them some manners." Another of the warriors replies; "If they brought down a wizard without letting him get off a spell, wouldn't it be a better idea to let them be? I'd rather not end up like him, if it's all the same to you."

The warrior that had spoken earlier rises, and claps the one who'd spoken on the back of the head, and says; "I'm the one in command here, so you'll shut your mouth and do as I say. Stay together and search the area for any sign of the one that killed him." It was then that the third warrior, who'd remained silent up until now, spoke up while pointing to the ground; "Look sir! A blood trail! Whoever killed the wizard must not have bothered to clean themselves off well enough." It was then that Shadowcat realized that her claws were dripping with the demons blood, and she slapped herself inwardly as the trio of demons turned toward her hiding place, approaching in a semi-circle. The stall she hid behind was a box, with only one exit unless she wanted to climb out one of the sides, all of which would have gotten her spotted in an instant if she tried to walk out.

Back in the alley, meanwhile, Alisa is covered in the filth of the slimes remains, which is slowly draining out of the holes in her borrowed clothes, and out of her own holes. The slime swiftly becomes a puddle beneath her, spreading across the surface of the alley and slowly draining out into the street as well. Gab seems to catch the humor, though he doesn't seem inclined to agree with her from his disgusted expression, despite having had similar treatment from the slime that had grabbed him. Trying to clean some of the slime off of his fur, he replies; "Bah! Those foul creatures vile touch isn't nearly enough to satisfy you." His tone also carries the hint of a joke, though Gab clearly didn't enjoy himself nearly as much as Alisa had.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*Shadowcat would shift her focus to the one in command as he approached gaining the feel that perhaps if this one died or was even simply put in his place the other two might simply play the smarter move and flee she would remain in hiding as they approached waiting till the leader was as close as he could be for her to spring out and surprise him. This particular moment she wasnt feeling as bloodthirsty since she appeased that little killing desire on the dead demon. When she sprung out at the man he goal would be to throw her weight into his upper body hoping to topple him over to the ground in his bulky armor using as much force to slam his head into the ground if possible and preferably do one of two things. She hoped to either stun him or knock him out cold to give the other two the message she was not one with whom to mess with. During the whole thing she sought to remain as silent as possible to try and unnerve the others further. (up until the man hits the gorund of course)*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Sensing that he's still unsettled from his own experience, Alisa turns conciliatory. "Well... true, but letting them try is still fun, even if they're only good as an appetizer..." She stands up, pulling her shirt away from her chest to swipe the goo from under it, wringing the fabric, hastily patting it back in place when she realizes she's flashing the other two. The pants she takes off entirely, letting the shirt dangle to cover her crotch as she wrings them out too. For the time being, she doesn't step clear of the puddle, dribbles continuing to make their way down her legs from higher up, shivering slightly as the liquid cools from air contact.

Looking around, she notices the lack of someone. "Hey... where did Shadowcat go?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 32/46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 5 + 18 = 23 x 2 = 46 damage.

The demon warriors raise their weapons to strike as Shadowcat as she leaps at their leader, but her attack is too sudden and swift for them to stop her from crashing into the lead demon and bearing him to the ground. His head smacked against the ground with a sickening crunch, his helmet having flown off when Shadowcat tackled him. A pool of blood begins to radiate from around his head, and the demons body is slack beneath her, her attack having knocked him out completely. Rather than intimidate the two warriors, however, one of them shouts; "There she is!"

To-hit: 1 + 30 = 31 vs 36 == Miss.
To-hit: 15 + 30 = 45 vs 36 == Hit.
Damage: 4 + 10 = 14 damage.

Both warriors close and slash their swords at her, but Shadowcat rolls out of the way, coming to her feat to realize that she'd still taken a minor cut on her arm.

Meanwhile, back in the alley, Geralt replies; "She went after the demon that ran off. She should be back soon, but we might as well go after her. With the racket we made, something will probably be along to investigate in a moment."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*giving an irritated growl she simply shook her head at the two shifting into more defensive stance as she prepared to strike once more at the two*

"If you knew what was good for you you would have already begun to flee..now your blood will join his in painting this street.."

*Starting with the one that had called out her location first she moved in bringing one arm high in a fluid motion that was simply a feint to draw his attention while her other hand slashed in low with an upwards angle to claw at more sensitive flesh of the demons side and under-arm area before darting back defensivly*

(10 atk shifted into defense as well)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Blushing over the reference to her penchant for being vocal, Alisa hastily pulls her pants back on, shivering at their damp touch. "Well, lead the way..."

She follows Geralt as he moves out of the alley in Shadowcat's direction.

(Follow Geralt. Head towards Shadowcat.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 32/46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

To-hit: 9 + 48 - 10 = 47 vs 33 == Hit.
Damage: 7 + 2 + 18 - 5 = 22 damage.

Shadowcats feint works perfectly, and her claws quickly dig into the soft spots of his unarmored underarm, gouging out chunks of flesh and causing a gout of blood to erupt from the demons torn arm pit. He roars in pain and rage, slashing furiously at her with his sword.

To-hit: 19 + 30 = 49 vs 36 + 20 = 49 == Miss.
To-hit: 16 + 30 = 46 vs 36 + 20 = 56 == Miss.

Shadowcat almost laughs at their unwieldy and uncoordinated attacks, easily avoiding the injured demons swing and his compatriots lackluster attempt to flank her. She jumped quickly aside as the one to her side swung, leaving the uninjured demon unbalanced and putting her on the side of the wounded demon that now had a bad arm.

Meanwhile, Geralt nods as Alisa pulls her pants up, seemingly unbothered by her being covered in slime and her brief nudity. Either he was becoming used to her near constant nakedness, or perhaps he was still too high on the adrenaline of combat to really notice, she couldn't really be sure without asking. "She went this way, but I'm not sure if the demon turned or went straight the entire way. Hopefully we can pick up some clues along the way."

With that, he turns and begins walking, Alisa and Gab both following behind him, still covered in the now liquid-like slime. Geralt pauses at the first intersection, and kneels down to examine the stone paved road. After a brief examination, he says; "The demon certainly went this way, as it left scratches on the stone from its claws. But I can't find any indication that she was following along behind it...."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Hmm... well, I don't really feel like splitting the party and making off with Geralt, so let's see if I can guide Alisa in Shadowcat's direction without seeming too metagame-y...)

As they walk, Alisa continues swiping at the gunk, gradually working it off of her and periodically flipping blobs to the side. When Geralt stops and examines the tracks, Alisa blinks. "Well... Shadowcat's really good at sneaking and stuff, so I guess she wouldn't leave any traces, right? And I don't think the demon would be able to lose her this quickly. I bet if we keep following the demon's tracks, we'll find her looking bored over its body."

She waves in the direction Geralt indicates. "Let's keep going that way, then. If she did get ambushed or something, I'm sure we'll be hearing about it when we get near..."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*snickering at the pathetic show of combat these two were giving she decided to try and put the one out of its misery with a double swipe of her claws intent on digging them into its side and just ripping fiercly at its already wounded side with enough force and ferocity to just cause death from massive damge. With or without the demons death she would return to a defensive stance and flick blood from her claws at the other in a taunting fashion*

"doesnt fleeing sound like such a good idea right now? hehe too bad your guts are gonna be spilt all over this pavement fool"

(10 into defense again and try to finish the wounded demon off)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 32/46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

To-hit: 11 + 48 - 10 = 49 vs 33 == Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 18 - 5 = 16 damage.

Shadowcats second blow is weaker than the first, as the demon pulls himself away just as she is tearing into his side with her claws, but the effect is just as she'd intended. Another gout of blood flows out of the demon, and he coughs as he collapses to the ground, in great pain. The other demons face pales, and his attack lacks a great deal of his previous enthusiasm.

To-hit: 15 + 30 - 20 = 25 vs 36 + 20 = 56 == Miss.

His attack misses completely, but Shadowcat can tell that the demon is concentrating more on defense than offense at the moment, trying to avoid his comrades fates.

Geralt replies; "Likely enough. She probably took to the rooftops, or ran along the other side of the street, or something like that. Lets get moving." He rises to his feet, and gets moving, picking up the pace so that Alisa begins to have trouble keeping up with him without breaking into a jog. Gab walks beside her, not saying a word but making sure that he stays by her side as they follow the demons trail.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*starting to cricle around the remaining demon she grinned a little at the look on its face* "so even mighty demons know fear in this land of mortals...shouodi show you compassion and let you go..hmmph no..definately not for when would the same ever be shown for someone else..no..i should just gut you that sounds more fun anyways.." *She darts closer one hand drawn back to swipe with her claws down at him and yet another simly trick as her other hand swipes low to rake at one of the demons legs and perhaps begin to hamper its movements before making a quick hop backwards and lowering into a crouch*

(full attack this time)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa does indeed break into a jog to keep up with Geralt. Not quite the relaxed lope of a distance runner, but better than the puffing scurry of a student more used to the classroom than the track. She fiddles nervously with her bow as she speeds up.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 32/46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 30/42, P = 12/42, EP = 11/35

To-hit: 6 + 48 = 56 vs 33 + 40 == Miss.

The demon narrowly dodges Shadowcats attack, despite his careful preparation against it. He catches her hand around the wrist with the flat of his blade and flicks her hand away and out wide, and then swipes directly at her face in her brief moment of vulnerability.

To-hit: 3 + 30 = 33 vs 36 == Miss. (Fail.)

Shadowcat throws her weight back, bending over backwards as the blade of the demons sword passes right in front of her eyes, before straightening, completely unharmed. The demons sword is now out wide, the man having hoped that he was about to deliver the finishing blow, and he scrambles to recover before his foe can counterattack.

Meanwhile, Alisa and company come upon the scene, all three of them spotting her dueling with the only remaining demon warrior. Despite her nudity, Shadowcat seems to have been winning the encounter handily, as two men are lying on the ground, one in a pool of his own blood. They are still a good distance away, too far to aid her in any way should it prove necessary, however.

(The group is 100 feet from Shadowcat.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*Bending backwards to avoid the blade she keeps going bending over backwards and planting her hands to the ground and throwing a leg up in a forceful kick to send herself into a back handspring sort of movemnt while using that foot to kick for the demons jaw letting herself move with the momentum of her dodge to deliver a stunning attack in the same fluid movement*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Spotting Shadowcat ducking gracefully under the sweep of the warrior's blade, Alisa can't help but pause for a moment, awed at her agility. Then Gab's steady pace carries him past her, headed towards the fight. Staying silent to avoid distracting the woman, Alisa resumes moving.