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Humbid0 Games

Re: Humbid0 Games

So, I know I'm real late to the party (going through all your games for the first time as we speak) but I'm stuck in Tears of Inferno. I've gotten to the part where the princess locks herself into her room and I just have no idea where to go from there. Any help?
Re: Humbid0 Games

It turns out to be the TSCC that was the problem . Installed it runs now. Werid ending is it suppose to end with them standing around and talking about taking care of the hunter?. Thats were it ended for me.
Re: Humbid0 Games

So, I know I'm real late to the party (going through all your games for the first time as we speak) but I'm stuck in Tears of Inferno. I've gotten to the part where the princess locks herself into her room and I just have no idea where to go from there. Any help?
The game was never completed past that point.
Re: Humbid0 Games

It turns out to be the TSCC that was the problem . Installed it runs now. Werid ending is it suppose to end with them standing around and talking about taking care of the hunter?. Thats were it ended for me.
I never got around to creating the endings for that game.
Re: Humbid0 Games

The game was never completed past that point.

Well, you should, because I just got there and it's awesome. I was seriously enjoying that game. A lot. <3

Edit: A more easily fulfilled request. Can you re-host your games since megaupload is down? Some of your download links (Night Raider?) point there and so are unavailable.

Edit2: Never mind, I see it! For others that might have been concerned, just use the link on the lab index page, not the description page.
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Re: Humbid0 Games

In this story. some mischievous students decide to conduct their own sex-ed class.
Content: yuri straight-shota
Play it on my site:
Re: Humbid0 Games

just curious in tears of inferno you mention the third eye spell is it actually in the game yet? because I think I found every thing I can but I cant find that also I can only find 7 puzzle piece even though it says there are 12
Re: Humbid0 Games

The 3rd eye spell is in the mountains.
If I remember right, you use either the fireball or phantom-run spell to access an area farther to the right in the mountains and there's a cave with a pool inside.
Throw your clothes in the pool.

Also, there's a glitch in that room. Don't try to go through the cracked wall to the right of the pool. You won't be able to leave again.

I don't really remember where all of the puzzle pieces are. It's literally been years since I last played the game.
Re: Humbid0 Games

I'm sure you are probably asked this alot, but when is the pokemon update going to be released. I'm sure you already know this, but I think that your pokegame will be even more popular if you manage to finish all the way to the pokemon league. I mean do small updates of course its just there are a good number of people wondering what you are planning next.
Re: Humbid0 Games

how do you throw your clothes in it won't let me select them when i go there just bombs bows and any other misc items I have I was able to throw the princesses clothes in there but not the mcs also I don't see the crack in that wall it has some stairs that lead to an invisible path
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Re: Humbid0 Games

hey humbird0 i was wondering where are the other hidden objects because i found the one warehouse key in the first poke center but i'm wondering if that one was hidden there are probably others, am i correct in assuming so? and if yes can you hint me to where the others are?
hey humbird0 i was wondering where are the other hidden objects because i found the one warehouse key in the first poke center but i'm wondering if that one was hidden there are probably others, am i correct in assuming so? and if yes can you hint me to where the others are?

1 Viridian pokecenter plant
2 Viridian forest
3 Rock base (with misty)
4 Viridian phone side-quest

I'm sure you are probably asked this alot, but when is the pokemon update going to be released?
I dunno. I don't work on any kind of schedule.

how do you throw your clothes in it won't let me select them when i go there just bombs bows and any other misc items I have I was able to throw the princesses clothes in there but not the mcs also I don't see the crack in that wall it has some stairs that lead to an invisible path
Okay, I didn't remember it right.
I just now tried the game and figured it out.
Here's how you get the 3rd eye spell:

After the fairy dungeon, go to the human town.
It'll be sunset now.
Go to the house in the north part of the village and a girl will mention her sister is at the library.
Go to the library and see her take a book.
Return to the house, and eat the mushroom they offer.
After the scene, immediately go to the mountains.
Use the fireball spell to get to the pool and then throw in any item.
The fairy give you the spell.
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Re: Humbid0 Games

Remember those school parenting classes where you had to take care of a bag of flour for a week?
Same basic idea.
I hate to disappoint you, but this story doesn't actually contain any flour.
You'll just have to settle for some other white substances.
For your convenience, I added replay and skip buttons to each scene.
Content: bestiality yuri loli straight-shota
Play it on my site:
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Re: Humbid0 Games

Remember those school parenting classes where you had to take care of a bag of flour for a week?

Whoah, What the hell is flour? Don't they use eggs now?

But thanks for the awesome game :D
Re: Humbid0 Games

While the story was pretty well put together and was good on an aesthetic level, it felt rather derivative of your earlier works. All of the plot points were things we have already seen from your previous stories. Now don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, I'm just saying it didn't break any new ground.

On a different note, I am very much looking forward to the next update of the pokémon game. That game contains some of your best writing and character scenes so far.
Re: Humbid0 Games

While the story was pretty well put together and was good on an aesthetic level, it felt rather derivative of your earlier works. All of the plot points were things we have already seen from your previous stories. Now don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, I'm just saying it didn't break any new ground.
I agree. This was just a quickie I threw together on the side.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Hey Humbird0

I'm not sure whether you'll get this but I thought I'd try since I am a huge fan of your Pokemon game. I understand that along with storyline and configuring in RPG maker, you need art for your games. I found this gallery with a bunch of pokemon that might be useful to you. I'm not sure how to contact the author but I was wondering if you could get in touch with them somehow, they might let you use the artwork. Here's the link for the gallery:


Thank you and keep up the great work! :)
Re: Humbid0 Games


I tried to make a sequel with the humbird0's pokemon game, I didn't touch the story but I've add 3 animations, very light animations. Just read the animations text-files, I've put clipboard saves inside, .

It's not an official modification, just a little fan mod. I hope it could help you to start making games, with the humbird0's editor, it's not hard, almost anybody can do it, you just have to think logically.

So here's the link: mediafire.com/?1i336xowkk57vt8
