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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 6/37, Pregnant, Static

xivvix last post:
'Thrice damn me for a fool,' Elea curses herself. How could she not consider the possibility of magic? While the woman is issuing commands, she also sounds stressed. Possibly injured and frightened. Deciding it best not to push the woman, Elea complies with her demands, spreading her hands away from her body and taking a few steps away from the source of the voice and into the street.

"I'm alone," she states calmly, "And I see no demons nearby." Looking around as she said the last sentence, she adds, "If you are an enemy of the demons, then you are an ally to me. There is no need for threats."

Kathies last post:
Sable was very pleased at the bow being set down, even if the person didn't mean to be disarmed. She waited a moment for the answers, hesitant to welcome the new arrival closer so willingly.

She had a twinge of feeling bad about her aggressive stance, whispering out after her demands, "If you do not lie, and are not hostile, I swear I shall not harm you." she realized she was spotted after calling out, and slowly moved forward from her hiding place, gun trained carefully upon the woman, she revealed herself, putting on a tough front to hide her weakened condition.

"Speak fast.. if you are an ally, I would rather not linger here chitchatting when dangers are everywhere."

(Since this is an RP moment, and you rolled 0 for your encounter dice, I'm going to let you two work this out. I'll check in whenever I see a new post to see when to get things moving.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(Going to try to join our seperate encounters into a unified one. Ignore Sable's second questioning in her last post.)

Sable glared around carefully, not lowering her gun for an instant. "How do I know you're not... nevermind... foolish question... even if you were, you'd come up with some lie as a proof of your good will."

"Here girl... good girl..." she called for her dog, smiling, "Go sniff at our new friend a bit and tell me if she's safe or not."

Sable trying to coax her dog into coming closer to the woman, having seen the dog's reactions to demons, she hoped this would be a good test if the woman was safe or not.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Feeling vulnerable standing with her arms outstretched in the middle of the street, Elea grows a little impatient with the woman's distrust, though she can understand it. "She already approves of me, as I helped her escape the monstrous hound that chased her away from you." As she stands there, she continues to scan the area around her. Those gunshots were rather loud, and it would be best to be moving before anything came to investigate.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The dog gives an approving bark and runs in circles around Elea, wagging its tail, before stopping and looking between the two.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"As you can see," Elea says with a slight grin at the dog. After a second she asks, "Perhaps we could continue this conversation someplace less exposed?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable held the gun for a few seconds longer, then quickly lowered it, "Get your weapon quick then. The beasts this close to the portal are not to be trifled with."

Sable searched the area quickly, trying to find someplace they could hide and talk in secret, "We should either conceal ourselves and speak a bit, or leave this area. in favor of safer grounds."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

With the change in the woman's tone, Elea nods and drops her arms, taking slow, cautious steps towards the source of the voice. When she gets closer to the alley, she can see the SuKuTa woman with her weapon lowered, a sight that greatly relieves the ranger. "I agree. The demons seem to travel in small packs, but each group is never far from another."

Stepping into the alley, Elea says, "I passed an inn which appeared to have been cleared of demons, but set up to appear as though still infested. It may be safe enough for us, unless you would prefer to keep moving?" Elea turns to peer out of the alley and into the street, watchful for any disturbances. After a few moments she turns back and adds, "I am Elea."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"A plant monster?" Sable asked with a soft grin, "At a tavern a distance back that way?" Her tail curled gently around herself and she purred quietly, "I set that up after being... ah..." she rubbed her belly over once, blushing a bit, "Ambushed. I was going to prepare it as a gathering point for adventurers if I could no find my master by the portal here..."

The catgirl sighed softly, leaning back against a nearby wall and staring off towards the portal, whispering silently."oh master... where are you..."

She turned back to Elea, smiling at her new friend, "I am a humble slave, Sable." She giggled a bit, "Well perhaps not always so humble... but a slave for certain."

Sable bowed lightly, "Introductions aside... you may take the lead... but I need some rest soon... that last battle took more out of me than I care to admit."

(p.s. how much Xp does Sable have now? 1 insect, 1 plant, 2 demons shot, 3 demon dogs killed.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Slave?" Elea asks, turning her head around to stare at the catwoman. The elf, having lived most of her life within her people's forests and cities, was unfamiliar with the customs of other races, but knew of their practices. The idea that a woman of such power would willingly submit herself to another person was strange to her, and she was tempted to ask more.

She puts her questions aside however, and speaks authoritatively, "Very well, then let's find someplace close to rest." With that, the elf picks out a nearby building, across the street from the alley, and makes to move towards it before stopping and looking back. She steps back over to Sable and says, "Lean on me, if you need to." Once the catwoman is ready to move, Elea makes a small motion with her hand at the dog, and heads out towards the building.

(would also like to know how much exp Elea has. 1 bear, 2 darkstalkers, 1 corrupted woman, 1 demon lady (matthias killed), 1 claw demon, 1 darkstalker and 2 wolves, 1 succubi?, 2 claw demons, 1 demon dog)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable looked a bit confused at the questioning tone of the word 'slave', but shook it off, purring softly, she leaned against the other woman and gave her cheek a gentle lick. "It's okay. I'm not that bad off. Just a bit drained." She politely stepped back a pace or two, then motioned to the building that Elea seemed to choose, following briskly behind.

(Actions: Elea and Sable move to the building Elea pointed out, Sable keeping her rifle at the ready as they attempt to conceal themselves so they can continue to speak, and Sable can recover.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 6/37, Pregnant, Static

The building, a two story house with few windows and an intact door, is empty when the pair (and the dog) enter.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea pulls her head away quickly when Sable's tongue darts out to lick her cheek, a hand coming up to feel the spot. She stares for a second, then quickly turns and heads across the street, saying nothing.

When the pair (and dog) enter the seemingly empty building, Elea is quick to shut the door behind them, then look around the room. "It should be safe for you to rest here," she says, softly, "And we can see the street and the alley from these windows." Padding quietly around the house, Elea peeks into the rooms on the first floor before returning to the catwoman. "You said you are looking for your... master?" she asks, stumbling over the last word.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable smiled and politely came along for the brisk search of the house, knowing if anything bad were to show up, her magical power might've been lax, but her rifle certainly would be of use.

Only after the house was fully explored did she release the last of her spells, finding any soft chairs or cushions nearby to flop over into, yawning softly and beginning to purr as she flexed her claws against it, a very feline trait, that some of her kind suppressed in front of other races, but she saw no strong need to.

"mmh. yes. My Master." she purred ever louder at the word before calming herself again, taking long, relaxing breaths. "I have been Master's good, loyal slave since I was very young. I was a present to Master, and always got to play with the toys Master did not want to play with, in exchange for picking everything up." she purred again softly, now looking out one of the windows with a worried expression, obviously pained to be apart from the one she spoke so highly of.

She blushed a bit as she realized how long she'd been going on about herself and her task without even having the courtesy to ask the other woman why she was there. "Uhm... Miss Elea. I must apologize for my actions earlier... You are.. not a slave..." it was almost a question, but also Sable looking at the high elf, trying to remember what she knew of other cultures. She turned to Elea and looked up, kneeling and bowing politely in respect as she was trained to, her cheeks ever so slightly reddened, "Please, miss, would it be rude for me to ask why you have come here?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

As the catwoman relaxes on the cushions, Elea cannot help but stare, amazed at the actions the woman was performing that were so similar to the many felines the elf had seen in both the elven cities and forests. Becoming a bit self conscious at her staring however, Elea turns around and walks over to a window, peering out as the SuKuTa spoke. "I... I see... So you were a servant from a young age," she says, in response to the woman's explanation. Elea's idea of slaves was that of abused and impoverished people, despondent for release, but Sable's representation of her position as a willing serving girl, as well as the fondness evident in her mention of her master, did much to ease the elf's mind. Elea had been taught at a young age that it was her duty to serve her people. Perhaps the two women were not so different then?

Before Sable's apology was fully out of her mouth, Elea's hand had already come up in a gesture of dismissal. She paused at the catwoman's questions however, then turned and stepped closer, before saying. "No, I am not a slave." The elf smiles at the expression of humility, and says, "Rise, Miss Sable, I do not require such deference." Elea's hand reaches down to rest in front of Sable, palm up, to help her stand should she wish.

"I have come because I am a servant, like yourself," Elea says, "though I have no master but my people." With a gesture to her sword and bow, Elea continues, "I am trained to fight my people's enemies, and the demons here are enemies of all." Turning away and moving back to a window, Elea continues, "And so I hunt them, and look for a way to defeat whoever or whatever is responsible for their entry into our world."

Turning back to the catwoman, Elea asks, "You are a mage, yes? Is your master one as well? Powerful?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable purred softly and completely misinterpreted Elea's offered hand, leaning forward and rubbing her face gently into the offered hand, accepting the outstretched palm as an offer for petting. Her ears flicking a few times as her purrs vibrated gently against Elea's hand.

Sable could only giggle softly from the way Elea was trying so timidly to compare the two women to one another, awkwardly using the word 'servant' instead of slave. She politely listened to the elf and nodded along, only adding her quiet comment at the end, "So you are a slave without a master to love you. Poor thing..." she stood with a more serious expression and approached slowly her arms moving around Elea, offering a tight hug, trying to reach up and cradle the elf reassuringly, "It's okay... it's okay... I know I was lucky to have such an amazing master... I'm very sad for you, to not have one... m..maybe my master will take you as a slave too? I... I can ask... if you'd like. Then we would both have the same master and you wouldn't be so lonely."

"You don't need to be scared. Master is a strong warrior, but can barely cast simple spells. I was trained specially when I showed talent, so we could go adventuring together." she was purring contently again, "I'm sure Master would let you come adventuring with us too, once you're our slave."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(trying to write this to react to Sable's actions and comments, so parts of it reference my earlier post)

Elea tenses when Sable moves to press her face against the elf's hand, about to pull away, but too stunned to do so. She weakly attempts to speak as the purring sends shivers up her arm, only managing to make out, "Uh... what...that's..." before her mouth clamps shut and she takes a step back, taking her hand with her. As she idly rubs her wrist with her other hand, she calms herself and continues her explanation of her intentions.

When Sable's arms encircle her, Elea is taken aback once again, tensing up and stammering as the catwoman attempts to console her. "That's not..." she starts, before she is hushed. When Sable finishes, Elea, can only weakly say, "No... I don't... I'm not... lonely." That wasn't entirely true though. Living out in the woods with only occasional training sessions from other rangers and infrequent run ins with the forest residents or it's invaders was isolating, to say the least. After a moment of thought she manages to grab the Sable's arms and pull them out from around her, and steps away. Clearing her throat, Elea decides to change the subject back to the catwoman's reason for entering the town: her master.

Sable's response surprises Elea. She had been hoping that perhaps the catwoman's master might be strong enough to close the portal that Matthias had told her about. She doubts that a warrior, no matter how skilled, could assist, aside from slaying more of the demons. With a slightly disappointed sigh, Elea smiles and shakes her head. "That is an... interesting... offer, but my duty is to defeat these demons, not seek adventure."

Gesturing back to the cushions Sable had left, Elea says, "You should rest and regain your energy. I am sure you will need your magic to keep you safe in your search." She continues to ask, "Do you have any ideas where he might be or how you might find him? This whole place seems to be a wasteland of destruction."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(of course ;) I thought the conversation was fairly smooth despite longer posts. I prefer this to 1 line posts that will take us 3 days to complete.)

Sable felt a bit put off by the woman as she slipped away from the hug, but still smiled, "Master is not so petty to merely go off for fun. Our adventures are always noble and good. Even if Master is only doing it for fun, we still do it for the good of our people..." she nodded firmly, then giggled and returned to her cushion, laying back against it and closing her eyes, purring softly again and recovering.

"Miss Elea should think about it... After we finish with these demons, you should be a slave with me." Sable nodded slowly and closed her eyes, breathing slowed and letting herself quickly doze off for a catnap. Her last few whispers a little uncertain, "don't know where master is... master didn't even tell me she was leaving... oh master... where are you..." she yawned ever so lightly, mumbling off, "I know you're okay... silly demons couldn't harm you..."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea grins as she looks over the dozing catwoman. Despite the dangers of this place, Sable seems to be able to relax completely in such a short amount of time. Elea wishes she could do the same. Instead, she peers out the window, watching the street for any signs of demons coming to investigate their earlier battle.

(action: Elea and Sable rest)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37, Pregnant

Elea watches as quite a few demons pass by the house she and Sable are resting in, some of them alone while others travel in groups. Some are humanoid, wearing armor or robes or nothing but malicious smiles, while many more are bestial or so alien that Elea can't think of anything to compare them to. Deciding discretion was, in this case, likely the better part of valor, she only watches them. None of them bother the corpses or the house, so the pair and the dog are able to rest without being disturbed.

After a few hours, Sable awakens to a sharp pain in her belly.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable jerks awake from the pain and looks about, groaning ever so softly and rubbing her belly. She instantly knew what it was, and after a second of getting her bearings, she knew she remembered how close the small gathering was to the portal, and that she needed to keep quiet for this.

She stood up and began to slink off, whispering to Elea, "p..please excuse me... I... must take care of.. this... privately. And keep the dog with you if you can..." Searching the rest of the house once more to find a small, dark, private room that was safe, Sable removed one of her armor's decorative leather bits that wouldn't affect its function, with her knife if necessary, and undressed. Nude, and sneaking off to find someplace to birth the plant creatures in private, Sable kept the strap of leather with her to bite down on against the pain, and her rifle for protection.

She quietly hoped that removing these plant things was not going to be as horrible of an experience as she'd been told childbirth was.

(Sable leaves and gives birth in private if allowed and unbothered, biting down on the leather strap she created to prevent any yelling caused by pain.)