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ACT [Playshapes] The Legend Of Krystal

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Re: Playshapes' Games

Don't think it's been specifically posted yet: Mario is missing. Here's the link, I don't have a downloaded copy of the game.

Re: Playshapes' Games

Thanks, but posted on the K Fox thread and on the previous page.

Here's the link, I don't have a downloaded copy of the game.

Huuum... I get the feeling that a lot of poeple missed the fact that while downloading a web page, you also download all the resources files that goes with it, including embedded flash files.
Re: Playshapes' Games

You can right click and select play to continue to level 2, and from there you can do the same for the ending. Just keep pressing play for all the endings.

Fun little game, a shame it's so short.
Re: Playshapes' Games

My only problem with it is A) too far zoomed in, and B) there are 'holes' in the ground in both stages, a lot more-so in the castle than outside. I'd go to jump on the next platform in the castle, and about 3/5 of the time I'd fall through what looked like solid ground.

I just played this again today, and it seems like the game was updated because these issues have been addressed. Kind of.

You have the option to zoom in or out by clicking the princess. It only zooms out a little bit, but it helps a lot.

I have noticed that the platforms also seem to be more solid. Holes still exist, though.

There are lots of 1-ups lying around, so it's much easier to complete the game without starting over. In fact, it might be too easy now...

I found a Fire Flower, which changes your dress and appearance, but doesn't seem to do anything else. Anyone know if it has any special effects?
Re: Playshapes' Games

I was actually going to ask about this. The Tanooki suit makes you jump a lot higher, but the Fire suit doesn't really seem to do anything besides being hotter than the original dress (lolpun). If anybody finds a purpose for it, let us know please =D
Re: Playshapes' Games

Thanks, but posted on the K Fox thread and on the previous page.

Well now it's in its rightful place :D

Urk..! Didn't see it on previous page... >.<
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Re: Playshapes' Games

the fire dress makes you jump just a little bit higher, i think
Re: Playshapes' Games

Is there anything else in the castle level besides more platforming? I keep getting my ass kicked by unseen drops into lava and those goddamn spinning fireballs, so I sorta cheat past it with right-click > play.
Re: Playshapes' Games

Nan, just some Bowser's cock sucking.
Re: Playshapes' Games

I found a Fire Flower, which changes your dress and appearance, but doesn't seem to do anything else. Anyone know if it has any special effects?

Anon to the rescue!

Extracted part of the code:

if (_root.fire)
var gravity = 2;
var maxJump = -17;
var speed = 8;
if (_root.coon)
var gravity = 0.7;
var maxJump = -11;
var speed = 7.4;
var gravity = 2;
var maxJump = -16;
var speed = 7;

So, translating nerd speak to plain english, the Fire Flower dress makes you faster with little changes to your jumping (by -1 point in maxJump, but I'm not sure if it makes you jump higher of lower). All in all, the Raccoon dress owns everything else.
Re: Playshapes' Games

Yeah, like how to impose fucking furry :( ...
Re: Playshapes' Games

Thanks, Anon.

I just finished playing it again and thought the fire dress made the princess move a little faster. It's nice to see it confirmed with the source code.

I didn't notice the change in jumping ability, but a -1 may be hard to detect.

Yes, the tanooki suit is way better than everything else in that game. I like her appearance with the fire dress, though. :cool:
Re: Playshapes' Games

Wait, fire dress? Where?
Re: Playshapes' Games

It's hidden. Whereas the "tanooki" suit is hidden on the rooftop of the castle, the Fire Flower suit is hidden in the undergrounds (I don't remember exactly where right now, anyone willing to help me out here?)
Re: Playshapes' Games

If you have that furry costume, just jump across the first big hole I think, you will bump into the wall on the other side, but drop down on a ledge beneath it.

You can also drop down from above, I think it is just before the second flag pole thingy.

turns you into a nanako version of peach basically, with a white dress instead of pink.
Re: Playshapes' Games

The fire dress is under the second checkpoint. To get it, back track (go left) to the edge and fall straight down. While doing so hold right so you'll fall on the ledge to the small underground section. Jump the small gap to the right unto the mushroom and there you go.

It's a nice outfit- but peaches regular dress is just way too hot.
Re: Playshapes' Games

If you download it you can just skip scenes to get all the bonuses.

As stated (somewhere) above (or previous page) you can right-click and select forward a couple times to get the same result without download.
Re: Playshapes' Games

If you press play/forward you can't get all the coins and fuck all the goombas, unless you do it after getting them.It simply skips to the next stage with whatever stats you have.
I advice you to take the firedress first, because you can't get the coins that are next to it whitout getting the dress, and the other one after that (you need to backtrack).
Finished the game with 100 coins and 10 goompas.Do you know other games like that or do you want me to tell you where are the hidden coins?
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