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Madness (darkwyn)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 66

The river rushed by before her eyes, the drops of rain pattering into it just visible amidst the rapids. The massive, forty foot waterfall that lay next to the town was only a short ways down, and the water was far too turbulent to cross here. The small locke system that the town had built was on the opposite bank, a hundred feet away from her, and she couldn't have reached it even before the river had pulled her over the falls and to a likely painful death.

She turned around, surveying the many rotting tree stumps, the trees which had been cut to help build the town. At least she'd see what was coming first....
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

She looked past the river for a few moments, not wanting to believe that it existed. The sounds of her pursuit snapped Liara back into reality.She turned around, eyes scanning over the forest frantically, as she hefted the blade.

"No, those... things can't have caught me this fast." She said softly, voice trembling. Yet, her body responded differently, as she waited her breathing grew more staggered, her cheeks picked up a pink tint, and her legs felt a little weaker.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 66

Liara spots the first of the creatures pursuing her, a quartet of the small clawed creatures that seemed to be ubiquitous among the demons. They passed through the alley she'd come from and immediately spotted her. They began running toward her, though their size slowed them a bit as they were forced to weave between the tree stumps. They were fifty feet away from her as she prepared for the coming demons.

(Not my best writing, sorry.)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

"No, stay away from me!" She yelled as they rounded the alley. Dark flames began to flare around her body. Then they ran down her arm before streaking out towards the nearest creature.

(Energy Blast 2)
(And no prob.)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 64/66

To-hit: 11 + 22 = 33 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 = 3 x 2 = 6 + 2 = 8 damage (Crappy roll.)

Liaras bolt of flame only grazes the demon as it rushes toward her, the creatures closing to 40 feet as she tries to get a bead on the one she'd hit.
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Re: Madness (darkwyn)

"What? How did I?" She store as the flames for a second before snapping back to reality. Liara pointed a finger at the creature and focused, sending another bolt towards it.
(Blast 2 again)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 62/66

To-hit: 11 + 22 = 33 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 x 2 = 12 + 4 = 16 damage

Her second blast strikes more cleanly, causing a massive burn on the demons side. It and its fellows continue their advance, however, coming within 30 feet of her.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Nearly panicking she focuses more energy into her blast this time. An orb flies toward the demons exploding when it hits something.

(10 ft radius blast 6, trying to hit as many as possible)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 56/66

Damage: 8 x 6 = 48 damage.

Her blast catches three of the charging demons, consuming all of them in her dark flames. The last of the creature continues charging blindly, unharmed by her attacks so far and coming within 20 feet of her.
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Re: Madness (darkwyn)

She fires off one more blast and hold the sword in front of her in case it survives.

(Blast 3)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 53/66

To-hit: 13 + 22 = 35 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 = 5 x 3 = 15 + 2 = 17 damage.

Liaras blast hits it fairly squarely, but doesn't kill the demon or halt its momentum, and the demon gets to within 10 feet of her.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Taking a shallow breath she faces the demon.

"Maybe I can get it first."

She mumbles before running forward and swing the sword in a wide arc, the tip slightly cutting into the ground.

(Move to it and two handed slash)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 53/66

To-hit: 16 + 20 = 36 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 7 + 4 = 18 damage.

Her blade slices the demons head clean in half as it charges to meet her. Its momentum carries its corpse forward, causing Liara to trip slightly, but the demon is quite dead.

(Gain 4 exp.)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Taking a few moments to catch her breath Liara looked at the corpse in front of her. Strange thoughts, really half remembered, passed through her mind about the creatures. A shiver snaps her back to reality.

"I need to get out of here."

She started walking upstream trying to recall a way across the river.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 66

Liara remembered that the nearest bridge was a good ways away, a rickety old rope bridge that spanned across the river just above the waterfall and near to a small market in the poor district. She'd have to cross a lot of open ground to get there, unless she wanted to risk going back into the city.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

She paused, trying to think despite all of the fog. Her father told her what to do if something like this happened.

"Well not really this, but if I was attacked...."

Liara looked back at the city, cringing. She took a few tentative steps forward, then actually started walking back, confident that her knowledge of the cities alleys would keep her away form whatever lived there now.

(Nothing ventured nothing gained right?)
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 66

Liara barely gets ten steps into the narrow alley before a sudden cry from nearby alerts her to something going on in a nearby building. It came from a large warehouse to her right, a door conveniently open having allowed her to hear the sound. It had sounded like a woman screaming, though Liara couldn't tell if it was from pain or something else. Nothing hostile came to attack her after the cry.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

She tried to walk past, she really did. But something was bugging her about this whole thing.

"I can't just ignore this."

Liara slowly moved through the door, trying to find the source of the screams.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

Liaras Status: HP = 35, P = 29, EP = 66

Liara hears a few more cries as she slowly enters the building. More sounds reach her ears, cries which she now recognizes as those of pleasure rather than pain, reach her ears, but she is unable to see the source as her view is blocked by a wall of boxes. The crates end only a few feet to her left, however, and she could easily look around the edge of them if she desired to.
Re: Madness (darkwyn)

As the true feeling of the screams revealed itself Trisha's face grew more and more flush. Kneeling behind the boxes she couldn't help, but think.
"Should I really look in? It's something people do in private, but... no I need to."
She peeked around the edge of the crates.