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Games Discussion Thread


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

it might be because of the dwindling birth rate... less and less people in Japan, less people to work on games... meaning they need to go out of Japan to be able to meet deadlines and such.
That is a pretty grand scale analysis. That could be a plausible explanation, but shouldn't that be more apparent in the next decade? Since the low birth rate is more of a last decade occurrence.


Sex Demon
Jan 4, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

well you also have to remember that gaming is grown tons in the past 10 years... so if you combine the slowly dwindling population with the increased in demands for games, not to mention the need to retain quality, it's not too surprising that they're looking outside of Japan for help.

I mean seriously how ridiculously big is gaming now compared to the duck hunt days?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not only that, but perhaps Japanese gamers are interested in Western games much as us Westerners are interested in Japanese games.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not only that, but perhaps Japanese gamers are interested in Western games much as us Westerners are interested in Japanese games.
from what i've heard its mostly a one way street out of japan on the game thing.

also i've played through Deus Ex, needs much better pacing and seems like they didn't have the budget to tell the epic story they wanted to while having the game look like it does, so it lacks a proper sense of scale for whats supposed to be happening. All in all though its considerably better than what i was expecting (retarded melee system aside).

also i've finaly gotten round to playing alice in wonderland the madness returns. i like that. oddly enough the fantastic job they did of her hair makes it.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

from what i've heard its mostly a one way street out of japan on the game thing.

also i've played through Deus Ex, needs much better pacing and seems like they didn't have the budget to tell the epic story they wanted to while having the game look like it does, so it lacks a proper sense of scale for whats supposed to be happening. All in all though its considerably better than what i was expecting (retarded melee system aside).

also i've finaly gotten round to playing alice in wonderland the madness returns. i like that. oddly enough the fantastic job they did of her hair makes it.
Yeah I heard and read the same thing regarding the fact that Japan like what it makes and doesn't really accept foreign games. Halo and Gears of War, for example, did not make such a movement as it did in other countries. The Xbox in general did not do well at all in Japan, which was why Microsoft decided to just drop Japan all together as a profit focus.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You know what? Fuck Deus Ex in its rage inducing asshole. I'm on the first boss, that gun-arm toting fuckstain and he's killed me over twenty times so far. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have a melee attack that stripped off 50HP and you could get a moments break to pick up the ammo littered around.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's been recommended to me to play the game on easy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's been recommended to me to play the game on easy.
sounds like a pretty difficult game. finished installing it, but i haven't touched it yet. Can I run it? says that my laptop is only a little above minimum specs which surprises me.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

if you try to play it like a shooter you'r just going to die, because as it turns out bullets really really hurt. use cover, pop out and headshot. use melee whenever possible to save ammo and get extra XP (also only knock them out as there is NEVER a reason to kill people in melee and you get less xp) but only when it wont end up with people looking at you otherwise you'll be cut to ribbons.

this brings up the problem with melee it costs a battery to use of which you will typicaly only have one because thats all that recharges on its own and it take like 20 seconds to recharge, and thats the same battery you use for all your other fancy abilities like cloaking, throwing things and punching through walls. so because you can't cloke and melee without using mana potions (or equivalent) kiss any thoughts of that goodbye.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

yeah i think its high praise in this instance to say that its not a let down. but yeah, there is little reason to increase your max energy cells, as only the first one will recharge on its own.

the scale thing isn't about the size of the areas, its about the amount of areas and the things that happen in them. Its not disimilar to the difference between new and old evangelion, the old one feels like everything ever is happening in tokyo 3, where as the new one feels global.

A fix for that might be actualy showing the inevitable global catastrophy type stuff happening somewhere other than in one cutscene at one place. it barely even happens in front of you. if instead they showed global panic instead of implied it.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, I see. You're talking about implied scale, rather than literal map scale. I don't think I'm in any place to say anything about that considering I'm only on the second hub (which is actually huge compared to the first)...
Yeah, you'll have seen what i mean by the end of the game, i'd like to say more but, well, spoilers.

if you dont mind spoilers:
there are only two city hubs, you go back to detroit which is now rioting, that means there are more cops around but you dont actualy see any riots nor are they really mentioned other than there are riots. then you go back to hengsha which is the same as it was before.in fact in all if you're up to the second hub you've experienced about half of all the locations you will ever visit.

these go:
- hostage mission (you do travel to it but its not that far away)
- TYM (its still in hengsha but its kinda different)
montreal (not a city hub, its just one mission)
singapore (not a city hub, its just one mission)
pangea (not a city hub, its just the final mission)
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's my problem, I haven't had much experience with the previous Deus Ex games. I did conserve quite a lot of my equipment and played stealthily through much of it though I did also carry all the extra weapons you got from pre-ordering/buying the Augmented Edition. I have since started again and dropped all my excess gear on the floor in my apartment. Here's hoping it doesn't delete them after awhile. I use mostly the pistol, I've installed the laser sight, armour piercing, a couple of clip upgrades and a silencer, the latter I forgot to pick up before. I'm also playing ultra-stealthy, only killing people when I absolutely have to and using the knock out-take out when I know I can get away with it. I haven't got to the boss again yet, but hopefully with all the remote charge explosives and grenades I've hoarded I shouldn't have too much trouble with him. I'll probably take a pistol machine gun with me as well just in case.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you want another tactic for taking out that boss oni, you can always throw EMP grenades at him to stun him for quite a while, there's quite a few in his mission I believe. I had put every upgrade I could into my pistol, chucked 3 EMPs and emptied about 50 pistol rounds into his head, then tossed one of those pre-order explosives at his feet and shot it (getting them to explode the way they are supposed to takes waaaaaay too long and usually results in me throwing out another), expecting to need to toss another, but he fell after the first.

Alternatively you could rocket-launcher him, I believe theres about 5 rockets in various places you can collect (along with a rocket launcher). Buuuuut I really didn't like having an item sitting in my inventory (even fully expanded it's not enough for me!) doing NOTHING untill I got to the boss, and surprisingly the rockets aren't very effective on him.

*Edit* Does anyone know exactly what triggers the failure of the Ghost bonus. I've had quite a few missions where I hadn't been seen but didn't get the bonus. Maybe melee attacking takes it away?

Also, has anyone else found the dildos?
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can't kill anyone I think... you have to use non-lethal attacks or something.


Jungle Girl
Jun 20, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Ghost bonus is usually, for me, lost when an enemy triggers Hostile alertness mode in the same instant that I put them down, mostly through blindfiring the stun gun. I'm expecting that I'll need to do at least a second playthrough for Foxiest of the Hounds.

Loving Human Revolution, though my PC does creak under its weight at times. I'm severely grateful that I've managed eighteen hours of playtime and I've still not finished. But the boss fights... WHY?


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can't kill anyone I think... you have to use non-lethal attacks or something.
you can kill whoever you want, its just there is no benefit for it because its generaly just as easy if not easier to knock them out, especialy if you are going stealth (as they all tend to be silent, instant knock out weapons).

personaly i think it should be harder to knock people out so there is some reason to use conventional weapons. that way you have to earn that XP bonus and it all starts to make sense.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been doing my kills/stuns morally. Like what would I do if I were in jenson's position. So... I've killed all the gangs,all of the poeple in the FEMA base, and TYM's security personnel.
Though I felt a small pang of regret when I learned that TYM wasn't DIRECTLY involved with megan's abduction.
Also, I really don't like waiting for enemies to get into the set position where I can knock them all out without thier buddies waking them up, so killing them speeds things up very nicely. Besides that, going non-lethal really limits the weapons you get.

TBH the xp isn't that different if you head-shot. And you'll be getting tons of xp from hacking/exploring. I even find that I'm unsure what upgrades to get, because at this point
beneath the picus building, just got there
the upgrades I have left either seem pointless, or unnecessary.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

that being said, i still liked that the majority of upgrades seemed usefull to get, at the end i still had things that i wanted (not very much but yeah).


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Since not having access to my laptop I've been playing DE:HR obsessively, and I defeated that boss a while back. Took three EMP grenades, two clips of machine pistol ammo and a frag grenade to finish him off. Since then I've ben using the pistol mostly to take people down in one shot and the machine pistol when the enemies have found me and I need to make short work of them. The lock-on upgrade has proven useful against the second cyborg boss, just kept walking back as she charged at me and unloaded a full clip into her each time. Helped that I had upgraded its damage output a couple of times and increased ammo capacity to 50 rounds a clip.

I generally don't spend Praxis points until I need to, though I did spend a few on the dermal upgrades and the noise range identifier, though I can't see anywhere that shows the amount of noise I'm making.

Where I am now;
I'm currently tracking down Taggart's doctor, found out he's in a room in one of the apartments in Detroit so I'm heading there.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been thinking for a while about what made this game feel just a little bit...off. Not that that is a bad thing. And I've finally put my finger on it, it's so reminiscent of Metal Gear that by the end I expected to be fighting some giant nuke-launching mechanical monstrosity. Though, I loved every minute of it.

The only real things I feel could have been added (in budget and on time) in would be a couple more upgrades. By the end I had 7 left, the hacking identify tree which was useless because I enabled the pointer so I was shown the detection rate anyway (don't know if it does it without), and the last known location along with target markers on the stealth enhancement tree. And none of those seemed desireable, I would've liked an extra inventory size upgrade. Or something reminiscent of the first, a drone, but instead of the flying one, maybe a little spider drone that would be single use and you'd buy each one from a vendor.

I also would have really liked to see manual control of hacked cameras, turrets, and robots.