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Games Discussion Thread


Grim Reaper
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Lol, only have the Hijack and killing about 1500 more blokes for Veteran and getting the platinum trophy.

But really, I thought the Reapers we're the easiest when I was playing Human Engineer. Since most of the bigger ones use armor and that I could just incinerate the crap of. Ok, the Banshee's took a bit time since it lacks warp penetrations powers and using overload on Mauraders but still, it was the easiest for me.

Also, promoted my Engineer, started a Vanguard and I couldn't play for shit. It really looks like I'm on a more distance soldier and also partly because of my bad connection.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Regarding MW:Online, have you made any plans regarding who you'll be fighting for Lurker? I'm quite interested in getting involved with one of the houses and taking part in some inter faction wars, but not knowing much any of the setting lore or story I'm a bit lost about who to give my allegiance to. Alternatively some friends think I should set up our own Mercenary group. Don't know what the specifics of that will involve. To fight for a flag or my pocket book. I dunno.

Hows bout you, any idea at all? '-'
I think I'll withold any real concrete decisions until the game reaches the masses, though in Second Life I used to run around in MCM as House Kurita, and my bit of Battletech research from there rubbed off a bit on me. It's been ages since I seen any of that group of MCM people online or even active though, so more then likely I'll either hook up with a Mercnet team or try to join Draconis Combine. As for mechs I prefer, Osiris was always a favorite of mine (I pilot it a lot in Mechwarrior 4, and used the MCM equivilent Nightshroud when it was doing a Clan Wars event), with Uziel and Hellhound also up there in my likes. I always prefered being speedy and dodgey, and by the sounds of it they're gonna need pilots like me for the whole 'scouting' metagame.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Definitely a lot of potential factors that remain to be seen.

-Learning that Davion currently has the most members puts me off them.
-The Cappellans being the current under dog has the opposite effect, but that's not really the best reason.
-Steiner was seeming like an option, but people have recently been talking about their socially appointed generals and assault class spam.
-The Rasalhague Republic also gain favour for being the supposed canonical under dogs, and for their hardcore Swedish cooking techniques, but I don't even know if I'm pronouncing their name correctly.
-The Draconis I'm looking forward to seeing how many bizarre custom paint jobs, sporting anime characters and the like, turn up in battles. Ita-mechs, even.
-And the Free Worlds League... I don't even know. They've not got my attention for anything yet.

I won't be making any hard choices yet either. Just tricky to get a handle on these groups. If I want to take it seriously that is.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was soloing the mission at the time, because i was tired of trying it and having the atlas get missiled. I can do it in singleplayer with a shot or two, three if i have to drop the shields myself, but the same tactic just seems to kill it in multiplayer. back in the demo, i used to use a tempest and go for the cockpit out of habit, didn't seem to happen then either, but the demo may have been different.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

There's further reading between the lines as well. Kurita, by what I know, are a good purveyor of 'underhanded' tactics like stealth and sabotage, and act quite ninjalike as their Asian stereotyping leads to believe. That could be a powerful factor if the tactics design of the game is true. In addition, I can't argue that working for MercNet wouldn't be a bad idea either: Lots of pay, good selection of Inner Sphere and salvaged clantech from your enemies, and yer always in business cause, as an Australian assassin put it, 'long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.'

Once again, once we know our matches and who we can go with, I'll open up further on my plans, if any.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Overload works about as well on barriers as it does on shields, taking down phantom's barriers in one hit and the boss enemies (atlas, banshee, and gethprime) will take 2-3 hits to drop their outer defenses. I've found that warp + the first heavy pistol you get at X level with an extended barrel and armor piercing mod works really well for killing brutes and banshees.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tried taking the pilot out of an atlas already, confirmed that it's impossible. Pumped that cockpit with round after round, all right at the pilot's head, killed the mech before it broke the cockpit open.
Did it once in single player with a mantis and inferno rounds. Wasn't worth it really cause it was almost dead. Also... fucked up the cutscene

When I do get a chance to go multiplayer I usually rock a Human infiltrator with a mantis. Upgraded the cloak to just keep doing more and more weapon damage. Kills hunters in one hit, two hits to take out a reaper ravager... and recharges fast enough that its back before my sniper is reloaded.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

speaking of the manits, which is the only sniper I have worth using, I don't know if everyone knows this or not but you can reload-cancel it (I think I'm using that term right, I mean shorten the reload time) by using a power shortly after you've ejected the clip you'll stop the rest of the reload animation and have a round chambered to fire. I assume this will work with other weapons too, but I haven't really tried it that much because none of them reallly relaod as slow as the mantis.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I've done that with a few weapons by combat rolling.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, we apparently killed over 3 mil brutes so the event was a success. And an easy one at that, despite the idiot randoms on XBL telling me it would be hard (though to be honest they couldn't even grasp the concept of multiplication, saying that 800,000 people would have to kill 100 brutes to get 1 mil). Don't know about ps3 people though because it only said PC and 360 kills were linked.

Also, found which explains why the geth have suddenly gotten a bit tougher.
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've played through Mass Effect 3 again, this time with FemRenShep, and I've managed to pin-point the moment when the ending falls apart. I know I've been harping on this, but I just feel like sharing my thoughts.
I've come to accept the Star Child, and I can even deal with the three choices that are none. A force behind the Reapers was sufficiently alluded to by the Prothen VI on Thessia. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's stupid, but I can kind of see where they wanted to go with this.

The exploding relays are stupid and the implications are horrid (the krogans end up eating everybody), but that's not what I mean.

It's the fleeing Normandy that forces it beyond ridiculous. Many reviewers have correctly pointed out (and I agree) that your squad would never just leave you or the fight on Earth behind. This part is just wrong and goes against everything set up in the final push. They all were ready to die down there, and damnit, if I screw up that badly across all boards, I want to see them die down there. It just baffles me so much that they would run. This is what ruins the ending, not just for me, but for most.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

lol, out of the four N7 weapons available I ended up getting the only one that I didn't want, and it turns out I was right not to want it because it's the most worthless shotgun ever.

They really need to stop making the geth harder to beat, it's annoying and I don't like it. And they really need to put a cool-down timer on the phantom's whole "you can't do a damn thing to me while I spam this shield" bullshit.

Also, what the hell is with these dumb low-level fucks trying to get into gold and silver matches? If you're below lvl 10 you're worse than dead weight to a team.

Edit: Just finished my first gold match that actually got to extraction, asari adept with stasis field is just beast, though to be honest I was pretty much holding down the fort while the rest of the team was getting most of the kills. But a win is a win. Oh, and does anyone else find that the preimum veteran pack pretty much ONLY gives out experience cards? It'd be nice if they'd implement a pack that had NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE CARDS.
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

They really need to stop making the geth harder to beat, it's annoying and I don't like it.
I really don't have much trouble with the Salarian Engineer. Decoy draws fire, energy drain eats shields, incinerate eats armor, and I carry an assault rifle to fire during the recharge. The decoy really helps with the hunters and pyros though, and I can see how those could be a problem without forcing them to attack something else and reveal themselves.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

For Walking Dead fans.

Tell Tale games did a good job with Back to the Future, can they continue to please fans with their rendition of The Walking Dead.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I dunno, I got some pretty good stuff in the premium veteran pack. Also, my victory pack included the Spike Thrower. Also, I've unlocked the Quarian Infiltrator, and while its power against geth is undisputable, I find it lacking against other enemies. Also, I'd really appreciate it if the other numbnuts in my team would stop killing the pyros I hacked so that I can get some proxy-kill experience.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I only got a lv. 2 upgrade for the Graal Spike Launcher in the Victory pack. Was pretty disappointed. I've tried out a couple of classes though I'm only really enjoying the human engineer at the moment. Was having fun as a krogan sentinel but I kept dying too easily because I had to get up close to the enemy.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The graal spike thrower is pretty good for a shotgun, I've only got lvl 1 but it one shots anything that doesn't have shields (silver) with just a little bit of charge. Also, the charge will hold while you do other things, like use powers and run round the map as long as you hold down the trigger. It doesn't have bad accuracy either, certainly better than the common and uncommon shotguns, able to hit things reliably 20 ft a way and you can extend that range using the smart choke (because for some retarded reason I have lvl 5 of all shotgun mods and have yet to get an extended barrel for the assault rifle). It definately beats the claymore because having to reload after every shot is suicide in close range, but I'm willing to bet the geth plasma is the best shotgun.

And all this to tell you that I got a geth pulse rifle in my victory pack, because it's awful. Woo fuckin hoo! It's crazy accurate, but I don't give a fuck because its dps is lower than the m8 and to be honest even that's too slow for me, the longer I'm out of cover the closer to dead I get. Oh! And it's a shit-ton heavier to boot.

Sorry to tell you Rule 34, but they'll never stop doing that, maybe if you get a team full of quarian infiltrators but not otherwise. People are either don't know what's going on, actively try to kill your hacks, or (and I'm guilty of this) get too excited and end up killing the first thing they see. The latter is from sniping with the manits and having no defensive upgrades, so you try to make your shots as fast a possible.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Rented Ninja Gaiden 3 today, just cause I enjoyed the first two (even if I never did beat them) and... only after an hour I'm disappointed. I won't be able to have full thoughts until I'm further in, but these are my very first impressions.

Controls: While still very good, they don't seem nearly as silky smooth as the second one did. But for the most part they do really well.

Swordplay: Since this game the creators decided to focus almost entirely on the sword, and take away pretty much all the other melee weapons, it should be pretty bad ass. Well, it is for the most part. The animations are slick, speedy and blood sprays everywhere. X for light, Y for heavy, hold Y for choppy choppy, just like earlier titles. But this time, they took away decapitations and amputations.

So despite the game supposedly focusing on the player getting the feeling of steel cutting through flesh and bone, we get characters whose blood sprays our, but don't really show any obvious wounds, and can take a sword through the chest and still live in glorious video game fashion. Because of this the violence feels toned down by a noticeable amount compared to the second installment. This point leads directly into...

Consequences of Violence: This was apparently the theme the designers wanted to hit the player with. They wanted to show the consequences of killing, of taking lives.

After one hour it's already very heavy handed, and it's failing miserably. They tried to get me to feel sorry for one guy who I had the option to kill or let go (I think. I just jammed the X button and chopped into his heart, didn't try or look for a get away button) by having him say things like "I have a family" "I don't want to die" "I only took this job to feed my kids".

First off, there's plenty of fucking jobs that provide enough money to feed your kids. Zero sympathy. You're saying all these things after you shot down a bunch of civilians, many of whom more than likely had family, and took hostages (who you killed) just to demand a ninja show himself (which he did). Honestly, the game sets up zero sympathy for this guy who was not ten seconds earlier telling you that he would see you in hell, and enjoy killing you.

The rest of it so far is just baddies yelling out how your a monster (coming from the guys who killed a bunch of innocents to get you to show up... don't mean much), and to get away. Way too heavy handed, yet little impact.

Maybe talk about this more later on, we'll see.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So this weekend's ME3 multiplayer event focuses on promoting 150,000 characters. Promote 2 characters and you get a bonus pack. Well, I already had a soldier on level 20 and an infiltrator on 18, so the deed is done on my part.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, most of my chars were sitting at lvl 20 for a while, only the soldier and vanguard left to promote, since soldier sucks in MP (the loss of ammo powers for this class really gimps it in comparison to the SP soldier which was my main through all 3 games) and I need to be connected to a decent host for my vanguard meteor (carge+nova rinse and repeat untill all enemies are gone) stratagey to work.

Got the widow a few days ago, not really happy with it, would have rather had the black widow because more shots are better, or the javelin because it comes with the scope mod 5 already installed and with the armor piercing 5 it will give 1:1 damage through objects (because bioware decided to skimp on texturing and everything within a foot of cover is solid).

To be honest I think they're taking it easy on us untill they can get events set up with sony on the PS3.