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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not that I ever noticed, then again I don't recall finding a Harpoon before, and I'm starting Secret Armory with that character o,o

Apparently Harpoons are rare to find because of the combination of parts you need. It HAS to be a 1-shot barrel with a clip of 1 (can't be 1.X, has to be exactly (or less than (lol)) 1), and the only manufacturer that can get the spread below .75 that I've found is Hyperion. Also, the 'normalized' damage can't equal or be more than 10, else the "Destructor" title gets priority.

Edit: Used Gearcalc real quick, here's an 'optimal' harpoon (I didn't screw with the scope, though) -
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Remember I Wanna Be The Guy?

I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden is fresh out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Remember I Wanna Be The Guy?

I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden is fresh out.

Great. Now we'll have 50 million more videos on Youtube of people complaining about it being unfair.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's a special version in the clip made just for this guy. It looks easier and just as funny
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Walking Dead game has been mentioned here before, but I just sat down and played it for four hours straight. So yeah, thanks steam summer sale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Great game, it really is. The other one that'll be coming out in 2013... maybe not so much.

But in whacky news:

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That Deadpool game has me worried. Activision has been churning out a lot of shit Marvel games lately, ASM notwithstanding. Plus the group actually making it doesn't have a great track record. At least the writing and voicing acting will be fantastic, that much is for sure.

In other news, Eversion is a freaky ass game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i have no idea whats going on but i hope crispin freeman is involved.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That Deadpool game has me worried. Activision has been churning out a lot of shit Marvel games lately, ASM notwithstanding. Plus the group actually making it doesn't have a great track record. At least the writing and voicing acting will be fantastic, that much is for sure.

In other news, Eversion is a freaky ass game.

High Moon Studios recently put out Transformers: War for Cybertron, which was about as good as an FPS featuring robots that turn into cars, jets, and tanks can be, and was at no point so divergent from what transformers was supposed to be that nerds rallied against it. It' is now getting a sequel, which also looks good. Activision owns the studio, but the studio does the work. Deadpool's got a good shot.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can't post what made me feel giddy today in the related thread, so as penance, has the Trailer for Mechwarrior Online
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For such a bizarrely shaped machine, the Jenner does certainly pilot really nicely.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yanno... I might just pay up, simply because that mech looks awesome. Quick, agile, and annoying as hell.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yanno... I might just pay up, simply because that mech looks awesome. Quick, agile, and annoying as hell.

Jus to let ya know, them Founders mech chassis are only different from the normal chassis's of the mech due to a bonus to C-Bills earned. It's able to be gotten normally too but eh *shrugs*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Left 4 Dead 2 is currently 75% off (4.99USD) on Steam for anyone interested. Only lasts for 11 more hours and 40 minutes.

@Lurker: Huh. Well then, guess it comes down to how fast I want to earn C-bills. Probably won't care. Then again, I would get my name in the credits and a shiny emblem... shiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I certainly don't have enough money for the Legendary founders pack, but I did manage to convince myself to splash out on the Elite pack. It's half the price and still gets me a free mech, access to the founders beta, and $80 worth of premium currency. Chose the Catapult. Kind of feeling like I might prefer a Jenner or Hunchback now, but doesn't matter too much.

The Legendary pack is really only for Battletech enthusiasts that want to support the launch. Getting three extra mechs and one more premium month for $60 more is a huge price leap. Especially considering you'll be able to buy all of those mechs in game with about $10 to $15 worth of premium cash. All spare the very slightly different founders skin/model they have.

If my predictions are correct and they release the clan invasions as large scale expansion in a year or two, then having a little funds saved for whatever goodies turn up then will likely get far more value out of your dollar.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kind of confused, haven't looked at any info on this outside the thread so please bare with me. They're just special mechs that you can purchase with real money, yes? They aren't going to try and make me use real money to get better mechs and parts as I progress... right?

I mean, I'm happy to pay for a game (this game), or even have the game be free and purchase access to content, but if I'm going to have to buy the game and then buy content I'm going to have a problem with that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kind of confused, haven't looked at any info on this outside the thread so please bare with me. They're just special mechs that you can purchase with real money, yes? They aren't going to try and make me use real money to get better mechs and parts as I progress... right?

I mean, I'm happy to pay for a game (this game), or even have the game be free and purchase access to content, but if I'm going to have to buy the game and then buy content I'm going to have a problem with that.

This may be really rubbing the NDA a tad hard, but thus far, currency seems to be taking the LOL style, where game currency is being used to purchase the mechs and equipment, exp is used to purchase mech-based improvements as ya earn it during playing that mech, and finally real currency for extra garage slots (I'm hoping there's a currency choice option later), buying mechs as well (in comparison, faster then millions of CBills), and premium skins to the mechs. In that regards, the Founders mechs are essentially mechs with a premium skin, and a C-Bill bonus- something that no other mech will have, and I guess kinda fits for the point of the founders program.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kind of confused, haven't looked at any info on this outside the thread so please bare with me. They're just special mechs that you can purchase with real money, yes? They aren't going to try and make me use real money to get better mechs and parts as I progress... right?

I mean, I'm happy to pay for a game (this game), or even have the game be free and purchase access to content, but if I'm going to have to buy the game and then buy content I'm going to have a problem with that.


The game will be free to play and download, based on the common "freemium" market model lots of games are taking up these days. In the game you will be able to buy mechs with both in game 'C-Bills' and premium 'MWO Credits'. Earning the hefty chunks of C-Bills in the game will obviously take longer than throwing your credit/debit card at them, but all mechs can still be earned without paying real money.

Other uses of the premium currency include cosmetic details such as custom paint jobs and decals, and possibly small cosmetic tweaks and additions 3D model. Purchasing months of premium account membership will grant a 50% bonus to XP and C-Bill earning rate. There's still plenty of speculation as to what else it might do and buy, or what inevitable special offers and such will be unveiled in the future, but mostly it's a way to get things faster.

Whilst premium cash allows you to get the stuff you want faster, the game is designed in a way (largely thanks to it's tabletop roots) that you can't just buy your way to victory. All mechs work on a tonnage system, which means an 80 ton mech will always have 80 tons worth of distributed capability, same as any other in its weight class. Various chassis may feature more or less weaponry, speed, armour, internal integrity, special equipment or different hardpoint combinations than others, but it will always add up to the same overall sum of values. The weaponry likewise is consistent and modular, and are intended that none are superior over the rest. A 25 ton mech firing a medium laser will do the same damage as a 100 ton mech firing the same weapon. And a large laser may hit at around three to four times the damage and range as a small laser, but it does so at the expense of being ten times heavier and only half as heat efficient. Plus you can start out in the largest mech available right from the start without any premium cash, if that's what you want, so its by no means a case of buying the biggest thing around and assuming that means you win either.

The four available founders mechs are simply normal common mech variants that can be purchased easily as any other using regular C-Bills, except they come with an exclusive "founders skin" (meaning they have a blueish paintjob, have small model differences, and have a red cockpit.) and a 50% C-Bill bonus for when piloting that mech that cannot be bought any other way. Functionally they're identical to any other mech. The gist is that two years down the line when there will supposedly be thousands of players piloting dozens of different mechs of all colours, your founders mech will mark you out as having been in the game from the start.

Hope that cleared some stuff up for you. : )
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Definately, thanks a bunch. With a scheme like that I could just treat the 60$ I'd spend on buying the game normally and get some premium stuff, might even go for a founders mech, since I'll be filling an artillery role most of the time the boost in c-bills will help quite a bit when nobody tells me what map sqaure to level :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

is there supernova yet?