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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

People demanding that the K2 variant is removed from the game outright and all sorts of nonsense. : /

I don't want to be in this Inner Sphere anymore.

See, for all it's flaws I liked the Mechwarrior 4 approach to weapon hardpoints, as you can't just stuff enough secondary systems to counter putting fuckhuge weapons in a port for light ballistics with the current system, as the only limiter is 'one weapon here' instead of 'one weapon of 1-2 port sizes here'. It'd help make mechs 'unique' as well as set apart the variants, as well as help dictate spare space for all those ammo reserves and other things for those looking to upgrade in future.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't want to be in this Inner Sphere anymore.

See, for all it's flaws I liked the Mechwarrior 4 approach to weapon hardpoints, as you can't just stuff enough secondary systems to counter putting fuckhuge weapons in a port for light ballistics with the current system, as the only limiter is 'one weapon here' instead of 'one weapon of 1-2 port sizes here'. It'd help make mechs 'unique' as well as set apart the variants, as well as help dictate spare space for all those ammo reserves and other things for those looking to upgrade in future.

Why would you ever want to be in the Inner Sphere anyway? Clans all the way!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Honestly though, light mechs seem to be the most profitable to pilot. And it can be quite fun screwing around in river city with a jenner and some jump jets, only problem is there are alot of bugs in the level so you might get stuck. Throw a long laser on one and get ontop of that large building in the middle and you can have yourself a ball pinging mechs that can't hit you.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The new X-Com: Enemy Unknown has been pretty damn fun so far. There's a thin veil of a storyline, but for the most part you just manage the base and the soldiers, then run off to go fight aliens with your squad.

The memorial wall for the soldiers you lose through a game was a nice touch, complete with bagpipes.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Borderlands 2 has been out for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, there's a bug that seems to reset any and all information saved across characters. Fortunately, they released the new character DLC early. Unfortunately, this seems to have triggered the aforementioned bug for some people.

I don't even know, I'm fucking off to X-Com.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meh, Dishonored will be released tomorrow so yea... I don't really.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've yet to have that bug affect me, and so far I've put 65 hours into Borderlands 2. Completed playthrough one with Salvador and now I'm doing playthrough 2, and I've started a Gaige playthrough.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post, but whatever. Got info.

The first campaign DLC is coming out for Borderlands 2 next Tuesday, entitled ' '
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, this is a game so...

"The amount of time that Pokémon spend stuffed in pokéballs is akin to how elephants are chained up in train carts, waiting to be let out to "perform" in circuses. But the difference between real life and this fictional world full of organized animal fighting is that Pokémon games paint rosy pictures of things that are actually horrible."

This is all i am going to say about this. First mario and now pokemon like really ......
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To be fair though... for the longest time i did believe pokemon was full of borderline animal abuse.

But i also have a moral obligation to oppose peta on all fronts so pokemon is just fine in my books now. Time to go teach my dogs water gun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't understand how it's worse to use animals that you've trained to fight than acutally killing another person... I mean the pokemon are completely protected from death, and they like fighting anyway. I think it's time for my spider to learn psy-beam!

Edit: Just opened that page and... are PETA trying to make me LIKE pokemon better? Those are some badass pokemon. Think I'll put my next pikachu in a chain collar and take a chunk out of it's ear.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

PETA can be a tad confusing in their goals and motives, but as far as I could tell, they don't so much have a real issue with pokemon, as much as they are simply riding on it's popularity for general publicity. I find it hard to imagine many taking them at all seriously with stuff like this though.

And as strange as the Pokemon world is, with how it seems to entirely revolve around organised animal fighting, the series in general is packed full of animal rights friendly messages and themes. Through out the games the common bad guys you're pitted against is team rocket and their pokemon exploiting and experimenting ways. And in the animated series it bombards the viewers with the idea that if you don't understand and treat your pokemon right, they won't do shit for you. It's been years, but I vaguely recall an episode where Ash would have been disqualified from the league or had his Pikachu confiscated or something, had he pushed it harder rather than conceding defeat. Half of the pokemon ash ended up with seemed to be rescued from either rough scrapes, abandonment or bad trainers.

The battling stuff aside, when you look at it, it's hard to think of a more pro "animal" rights franchise around. If anyone at PETA behind that game really saw it as a protest against the franchise itself, then they really are barking up the wrong tree.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've said it once and I'll say it again: PETA is the nonreligious Westbooru. Considering one of the earlier protests was attempting to say boiling lobsters was akin to boiling babies... >___>;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meat promoters? I'm not sure those exist, but if they do then their existence is wholly unnessecary.

I don't think anyone campaigns against vegan/vegetarianism, but rather those who observe those practices and then decide that everyone else MUST. AND YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT THEY'RE SAYING.

Anyway, RE:6. I'm glad I bought it, though there's really nothing spectacular about the game. Story's pretty much there to get you through the gameplay. Lots of quicktime events for you to die in (set it on easy and they're taken care of for you!), and now most of your supplies are dependant on luck. Some playthroughs you'll have shit-tons of sniper ammo but no bullets for your goddamn pistol, others you'll have exactly what you want when you want it.

I'd go more in depth but there's really no need, you'll either take it for what it is and enjoy yourself, or you'll piss and moan because they didn't do things the way you wanted them to. Do note, that this isn't a survival horror game, more of a frantic "I can't kill THAT" or "I need BULLETS not grenades damn you!" game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't be surprised if there actually were people campaigning against vegetarianism. That shit can cause severe malnutrition and even kill children if their parents don't know what they're doing.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't think they're really classified as meat anymore though.