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Games Discussion Thread


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Jesus, how often do you two play? Been playing a bit of PS2, my only character so far is with the Vanu on the Lithcorp server and I've only got a handful of cert points. Also, fuck people that spawn camp.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You get 1 certificate per hour when offline, so you can just make a character and leave it idle for a while.

Just being in the area when something gets captured gets you 1-4, and every 250 xp gets you one. So every 5 kills(100xp/kill) you get 2 certificates. And then there's medals you get when you use the same weapon to kill multiple enemies.

10 kills = bronze medal, 1 certificate bonus
50 kills = silver medal, 5 certificates bonus
100 kills= gold medal, 10 certificates bonus
1000 kills= auraxium medal, 100 certificates bonus

And it keeps track of them for every weapon, so you get rewarded for sticking to one weapon for a while.(I am 450/1000 or something for my basic light assault riflle, and with how its going, it seems I'll spend a bit longer with it)

Vanu on Ceres here, poke XenusIcelon if you want to shoot stuff.
Saving up certificates for a shotgun, need 1000 of them, and I only have 150...And then I still need to buy upgrades for the thing, so that will cost me at least another 200
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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Grapes = Ceres
Blueberries = Cobalt
Strawberries = Mallory I think

Thats where I play, all EU. Vanu Scum on Ceres being my primary place, in an outfit with teamspeak(that I only listen in so far). Driving around in my pimped out magrider blasting people, and tanks if I have a competent gunner for my OPOP "LORD OF MORDOR" Saron secondary. Got me some jewdosh during the black friday thing and all that. None of it spent on blueberry or strawberry chars yet, not sure if I will either.

As for certs, just be everywhere at all times. Lay out ammo boxes as engineer where people are holding up, IE during defenses, heal/revive people as medic, repair shit as engineer, or flip out and kill -everything- as anything. Thats how ya get certs! Oh yeah, capping stuff gets some bonus XP when it is capped, defenders don't get a raw chunk like that, instead they get a bonus to any XP earned while they are defending, like +15% or something.

I'd vote for spending a few bucks on getting weapons you're really hungering for, but only after you've checked out the planetside forums to see if they are not pants-on-head-useless. Like most AA apparently is. I'm pretty satisfied with my magrider weapons so far, haven't bought anything else yet.

Game tends to crash every so often tho, unfortunately. :/


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, well, admittedly I have spent some time just wandering around in between the zones to check everything out. And so far I've proven almost useless in a firefight. And fuck flying. Christ, that is the most god awful part.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And fuck flying. Christ, that is the most god awful part.
A hundred times this and then some. Goddamn.

And if you're useless in a firefight, just go engineer, medic, or start driving around a tank. Hard to go wrong with that. Particularly so if you are vanu and can nab the magrider. Easymode tank to drive, because delicious hovercraft.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well I say I'm useless, I'm good at distracting the enemy while my more capable team mates go to town on them. Though I do better with the heavy assault class.

And what I really mean is I want to be good at sniping, but all my kills seem to be from luck. The rifle doesn't really seem to want to hit the enemy all that often.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm particularly skilled with the support classes (Medic and Engie) and I got a bitchin' sweet AMS Sunderer with Vehicle Reloader, which is basically my EXP wagon. Park it near a assault and watch the exp bonuses for deployment and deploy assists come in. :3 I also am killer with the turret guns on most vehicles, especially upgraded Lib bombing seats and apparently the default M20 Basilisks, and can even steer aircraft (hint: DON'T TILT YOUR AXIS unless you're trying to turn hard. Then turn into the turn with your axis but not enough to go sideways. Considering most air vehicles have a constant upward thrust from their jets, that tends to not help with learning to drive.)

Usually I'm on KelinasGratLurking, server Connery faction VS with a bunch of blokes calling themselves Troll Force One. Nice enough chaps, if a bit essentric in the good way.

I also got a backup character on the AU server Briggs, callsign Gratuitous Gunning faction NC. I only just set him off the screen for the tutorial so he's still relatively clean in certification, though I'll probably get his support skills and the Magic School Bus fitted up when I get the certs on him.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hmm... My char on cobalt is a NC char, but I can just make another one, I've only got like 100 cert points on it. Doesn't take that long.
Up to you. Would certainly be fun to play with some ULMFers, though it seems we've got our characters spread all over the place unfortunately. I won't be moving my Vanu from Cobalt at this stage unless they allow for a server switch option.

Jesus, how often do you two play? Been playing a bit of PS2, my only character so far is with the Vanu on the Lithcorp server and I've only got a handful of cert points. Also, fuck people that spawn camp.
And fuck flying. Christ, that is the most god awful part.
And heh, most of my certs have come from flying actually. Using the Scythe and in Liberator runs. The Light PPA Cannon is a lethal anti infantry weapon, and even the starting weapons on the Liberator are a lot better than I first thought of them, as long as you have a pilot/gunner team that can communicate and know the basics of not going on suicide missions. Before I unlocked the PPA and Infra-red optics for the Scythe, I was at around 250 deaths and 300 kills. Now that's at somewhere around 400 deaths and 1200 kills. (Not all using the Scythe of course, but it had a massive impact.)

Also, be sure to use the trial weapon option. You can choose one item to get as a free trial for half an hour, every eight hours. I've not actually done it myself, since my brother discovered and used it first (shared characters), but you pretty much just click unlock on an item/weapon, and choose the Free Trial button rather than clicking confirm. Try it with something you can afford first if you're cautious. It's well worth trying something out before you blow a weeks worth of earnings on it.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

As it turns out, you're not allowed to have two characters on different factions on the same server, so it seems I'm stuck being your mortal enemy Squid... My name in there is "YouMayCallMeSir" so as I said, gunning for the NC. I'm mostly running as an infil, I'm not really that good since this is the first computer fps I've played since... Well... Battlefield 2142.

I'll be looking for you Marl... From far, far away... ;)

Anyone up for the idea of choosing a server and faction to make an ulmf alt on?

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

As it turns out, you're not allowed to have two characters on different factions on the same server, so it seems I'm stuck being your mortal enemy Squid... My name in there is "YouMayCallMeSir" so as I said, gunning for the NC. I'm mostly running as an infil, I'm not really that good since this is the first computer fps I've played since... Well... Battlefield 2142.

I'll be looking for you Marl... From far, far away... ;)

Anyone up for the idea of choosing a server and faction to make an ulmf alt on?
Same here really, regarding PC FPS games. Never played any competitive multi player FPS on PC before either. It perhaps does show in my slightly panicky aiming and comparatively bad mouse reflexes.

And I'll be sure to look out for you too then "Sir", watching from the sky, in an armoured cockpit where sniper rifles cannot hurt me. And fun tip, the infra-red optics don't much care about cloaking. ;D

If we we're going to claim an official ULMF alt server, we'd need to figure out one that is either unused by us thus far, or has no clashing characters on. I supposed the first step would be to pick a faction. Not sure what we'd do specifically with these alt characters though to make it worth while?

I guess I'd be up for any faction.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Through my thorough research (not really) I have concluded that playing Vanu on Ceres would probably work decently. Any protests to that?


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Update for it today, still won't work. I must admit I feel a little left out, and am quite chaffed about it.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Do any of you folks have any experience with the Scout Radar for the Flash bikes? Been considering picking it up, but uncertain.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Do any of you folks have any experience with the Scout Radar for the Flash bikes? Been considering picking it up, but uncertain.
By what I get, it's a more active version of the standard radar on other vehicles. On other vehicles it only shows to all occupants and not your allies, by the description the Flash radar shows to everyone. I'm definitely considering it for my main Flash build once it gets armed, but that's not till I get the Sunderer AMS finished.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well I don't mind switching to another server if we'll be playing the Vanu, I haven't really done much of anything with my current character.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ok, so far on Ceres as Vanu we have:
Yours truly: "SimenReynolds"
XSI: "XenusIcelon"
Smokefish: "Grapes" (Nut sure if this was the actual name, but if it is it's brilliant.)


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll probably end up deleting my current character and name my new one PawnRenegade. Unless we can have multiple characters with the same name.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've got a TR on Ceres, so probably couldn't join in on that without moving him. Not earned a single cert with him though, so wouldn't be a big deal.

Could always play a TR/Vanu spy... >_>

Also, got my 150mm Dalton for "Marl" on Cobalt server. Time to blow everything up. :D


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

For some reason, the trial weapon button just flat out refuses to work for me

Shame, since I really want to try out a shotgun before spending 1000 certificates on one.
Not that I'm close to that.
(Apparently, a fighter aircraft with rocket pods can earn 100....Per hour.)


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was refering to what factions I played on those servers.

Ceres = eSmokefish
Cobalt = eAzureAgent
Mallory = eCrimsonCrusader

These are my charnames.