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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Probably just the way I play, I almost always end up alone and outgunned. Not that I don't want to be a team player, I really do! BUUUUT no-one ever wants to give me a squad invite, or let me in their vehicle that has 11 fucking spaces free. Untill tonight I hadn't had an ally to speak of! Luckily enough though, tonight I got in with a platoon that was steam-rolling through the server. Didn't get any kills to speak of, but quite a bit of cert for caps and the like.

Anyway, hit me up when you're on I'm hardly ever doing anything that I can't drop.

Also, god-damn 1k certs for a weapon? That's 10 hours if you're abusing the rocket-pods, but for lowly me making an average 10 certs an hour... that's like two weeks playing this game IF I play ALL DAY (unless medals just keep going higher, which I doubt) . And 15$ for a single month of membership? Their prices are just too damned high. I'm going to get bored before I can unlock any of the good stuff :(

As a suggestion for good certs, try piloting your faction's MBT and giving it some of the most basic upgrades (ammo, first-level zoom, respawn timer and so on), as when you can run with it that's a good way to get killmark certs. Weapon medals I think DO scale, but probably not a huge degree, and I know that when ya reach Battle Rank 20 ya get a free 100 certs. Additionally, you do get certs for your exp, so things like a AMS or Shieldbreaker Sunderer will assist with your cert gain a lot. That and playing and actively helping as support classes is really fast way to get exp, even if you aren't getting kills. And naturally, after upping your supports you can up your combatees, add a sight here and a foregrip there and you'll turn into a nasty piece of work.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nunu started off planetside 2 now that honours is done. step one, delete character and change to red so i can destinguish between firends and enemies.

step 2 is underway... it involves grinding for the rest of time so i can have a gun that will result in me being able to deal damage.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You gain 1 passive cert per hour.
24 per day.
168 per week.
672 per month.
8064 per year.

That's quite a lot really. In just two months with only very light playing, any player should have 2k certs to spend. But the game does certainly make beginners feel like they're in for an endless grind, which seems a bit of a problem for it.

I'm currently saving for the rocket pods. Having trialled them, I'd say the anti infantry guns are actually better cert gain weapons than the rockets, but I'm fed up of being chased off by a pair of Sunderers, so rockets will let me bite back at anyone that fires a basilisk my way. Currently just under 500 off.

And mentioning trial weapons again, don't forget them. Well worth playing with some things. Just be careful to try and get the most of the 30 minutes it gives you. Don't grab a trial for the AP tank cannon if you've only just got blown up and have a 10 minute waiting period. You can do one trial every 8 hours, per character, and can't retrial the same item again for 30 days.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It seems to be capped though Squid. I did a experiment and didn't log in for 48 hours, and I only had around 10 or so certs extra... :S
Re: Games Discussion Thread

About the whole damage thing, this is going to sound cliche, but... Aim for the head. If you shoot the head, then even the pistol is a force to be reckoned with.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have enough trouble spotting them before i am horribly mauled let alone aiming for the head.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It seems to be capped though Squid. I did a experiment and didn't log in for 48 hours, and I only had around 10 or so certs extra... :S


I best log into my NC and TR characters to check this then.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, you get one certificate per hour.

IF you've logged in sometime in the last 10 hours.

Also, for certificate gains, play a medic or engineer and follow the zerg around. Just drop an ammo pack near the fighting and revive the idiots that get shot, 3 people grabbing ammo is the same xp as a kill. One revive is roughly the same xp as a kill
For bonus points, deploy a sunderer for them to respawn at. 10xp per spawn

And with the zerg, they will shoot a lot of bullets, and die a lot.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd consider putting in the 60$ I would have spent on a game, if a double or triple station cash day comes along. But I won't be spending it untill they do acount-wide purchases, more than a dollar for a gun that's sever-locked is fairly absurd IMHO.

I know what you mean nunu, I've had enemies move their heads an INCH down just as I shot my sniper-rifle, causing the shot to miss. Though most of the time I'm in close combat wishing for a shotgun or melee that actually does damage. Do note however that even though melee attacking is fairly usless for all other classes, a MAX's melee attack is brutal.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And now for something NOT related to Planetside! I know, I'm shocked myself!

I've hopped onto Firefall recently and it seems they've done another influx of content, including various achievements (some based on exploration, some based on combat), a few new distractions, and a fuckton of bugfixes. Anyone on the beta may wanna hop in and give it a looksee.

A few highlights from the patch notes:

- A new variation on the Crashed Thumper world event. Instead of scavenging it, you have to reassemble it and send it back up.
- World Bosses, like the Chosen Acrolyte and others not reported on openly.
- A variaty of new distractions, like LGV races, bounty hunting, and even pirates.
- Various bugfixes, nerfs, and buffs to the Chosen, so less spawning in rocks, more actually fighting semi-intelligent foes.

I'm gonna hop ingame so I can see what's new with my own eyes, once this patching be done :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Watched the trailer, looks like to be a great game. :)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

From what I heard, they're developing it for the PC at the same time as for the consoles, so I won't have to wait to get to play it. Though I wonder how Fromsoft is going to handle the fact that there are two different endings to part one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wasn't one of the big problems with the PC version the controls? Fromsoft do seem to follow the Japanese tradition of rather arcane and wonky control schemes for their games. Trying to play Armoured Core 4 with the default control scheme suggested was horrible. There was a perfectly good alternative scheme right there in the options, but I've always wondered how many people never tried the others and simply stuck with the default.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, they were. As a matter of fact, I complained about them right here - they didn't even replace the button icons from the Xbox version, and that always pisses me off, even though I now have an Xbox controller hooked up to my PC. It's still extremely lazy. Generally, it was extremely convoluted.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

From what I read, II is going to be new world, scenario, people, etc. (except still being an undead though lol), so what happened in I might not even matter. I'm loving the masked people in the trailer though.

Another trailer I thought was interesting was this one...(yay whales)
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

And now for something NOT related to Planetside! I know, I'm shocked myself!

I've hopped onto Firefall recently and it seems they've done another influx of content, including various achievements (some based on exploration, some based on combat), a few new distractions, and a fuckton of bugfixes. Anyone on the beta may wanna hop in and give it a looksee.

A few highlights from the patch notes:

- A new variation on the Crashed Thumper world event. Instead of scavenging it, you have to reassemble it and send it back up.
- World Bosses, like the Chosen Acrolyte and others not reported on openly.
- A variaty of new distractions, like LGV races, bounty hunting, and even pirates.
- Various bugfixes, nerfs, and buffs to the Chosen, so less spawning in rocks, more actually fighting semi-intelligent foes.

I'm gonna hop ingame so I can see what's new with my own eyes, once this patching be done :p

I forget, what's your name in the game? Send me a PM.

One more thing: Anyone looking to play Firefall, send me a PM/leave a message on my wall. I've got 5 invites sitting collecting dust.

One MORE thing: Of course Dark Souls 2 would get announced on the day that I chose to pick up Dark Souls and give it a try >.>
