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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

If any of you are planning on but have yet to preorder the Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition, they're still giving them out at gamestop though you may have to do so in store if it's not available on their online site.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

100% free today
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Man, Amnesia sure has gotten cheap for what's probably considered the greatest horror game of our generation, perhaps in general.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tch. Missed it. Probably just as well. I get freaked out by horror games like that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Konami is actually, without the least bit of irony or self-awareness, promising for Metal Gear Solid 5
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, it's not just horse armor. You also get boobie clothes!

Seriously, Quiet's design is justified in the silliest way. :p

That being said, there's always the #fuckonami slogan.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't have a problem so much with Quiet's obviously over-done (Or underdone depending on how you look at it/phrase it) costume as with her ridiculous rolling around and posing in the Helicopter.


"But daaaaad, I breathe through my skiiiiiiiiiin."
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nick Bruty, the creator of 'MDK' and 'Giants Citizen Kabuto' has just launched his kickstarter for his new game project "First Wonder". He was also a lead member of the design team behind Earthworm Jim, Sacrifice, and Armed and Dangerous. Giants Citizen Kabuto remains one of my favourite games of all time, and this is essentially a spiritual successor to it.

Unfortunately the pitch video itself... is pretty atrocious, to be honest. Probably the least hype building attempt at marketing I've seen in a long time. <_>;

So instead, here's a short older video for a better first impression of the game being worked on itself,
And here's the Kickstarter page,

I'm not wrong about the video am I? But if it doesn't get funded, no one gets charged, so it's worth a shot. I'm not sure there's much I can say here to sell the project myself, and they clearly aren't hot shot marketers themselves, so this is probably going to have to be a simple case of whether or not you have fond memories of the older games, and are willing to give these old fashioned derps a chance. I'm getting the word out, because with marketing like that, they're gonna need every nostalgic fan they can muster.

If you're not a nostalgic fan, then the best I can do is plug old Giants:CK.

Total Biscuit had good things to say about it too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the topic of free games, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 is free to download on Origin right now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Was wondering if the "On the House" had changed. Usually, I'll snap them up but as I suck at RTS, probably going to pass on this one. Might let my one friend know, though. Thanks, Rule.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You should pick it up for the delicious live action cutscene cheese alone. :D I remember having a bit of a crush on the female Allied adjutant as a youngster playing this.

And all the great unit quotes.

"High speed, low drag."
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wrote another thing

Good idea, bad execution

Planetbase is a great, if simple concept for a game. Yet flawed in its execution and sadly not in what I would consider a release ready state.
The game as is (A few days after release) seems to be more akin to an early access of a game, there are some parts of the game that are there, and the idea and gameplay is good, but there are too many flaws to consider it a good game.
Most breaking of these flaws is, as seems to be standard for games, the AI. Your colonists do not have any self-preservation instincts whatsoever and also have no clue how their machinery works. Nor do they have any idea of prioritisation (And there are only VERY basic options to give them a priority). They will happily stand in front of a filled food vendor while they starve to death, because the food vendor has had a task queued by some guy on the other side of the base looking to grab a snack. They will also head to the canteen for a drink, return to work and then decide within a minute of arriving that it's time for a meal.

The second big flaw is in the interface and controls. You are very limited in how you can control the game, there are near no prioritisation buttons, you can not pause the game except by going to the menu, and there do not appear to be any graphics settings of note(Only 'high' 'medium' 'low', anti-aliasing and a resolution? Seriously?). There are no ways to prioritise one building over the other, nor any way to prioritise for example your doctor making a medkit to treat the injured over hauling some vegetables to the trader. Nor can you tell when someone has just started work or when they're going to stop working. In general, there just is no structure to the base. Your crew just does what they feel like with no regard for the consequences while you have no way to tell them what to do.

The base itself is empty, and yet there is not enough room. Every single dome needs a long corridor that goes only from it to one other part of your base. There is no way to split from a corridor, and corridors need to have a minimum length, thus making sure you have long travel times no matter how you build. This of course means very little work gets done when you expand, with less and less getting done the more you build.
And then if you somehow manage to get through all this, your colonists will stop working anyway. Why? Well, that's simple. They'll stop working because they're dealing with malnutrition!...What's that? You give them 3 kinds of meat and 6 different kinds of vegetables? Doesn't matter. The game makes every kind of food ingredient into a generic 'basic meal' unless your unthinking colonists just happen to load the right combination of ingredients into the food making machine to make a nutritious meal. But they're not smart enough for that. I've personally witnessed one food maker filled up with beef and only beef, and right next to it one filled up with only maize. Those two could have made burgers, nutritious delicious burgers, but instead I could do nothing but watch as the game turned them into generic 'basic meals', and soon found my entire colony collapsing since the malnutritioned refuse to work and just stand around doing nothing. You can only cure it with a medkit as well, so they could not simply eat a nutritious meal. That, or none of my meals ended up nutritious over all that time.

This game needs a lot of work before I would consider it viable, and as much as I was looking foreward to it and was hoping to just relax, sit back and build myself a base, I found myself unable to do anything except fast foreward as my base slowly died off. It's a good idea, and a good base for a game. But with the interface, options menu, and the AI as it is, I wonder if they bothered playtesting it before release

In other gaming news, Overkill has committed PR suicide earlier this week. After swearing right left and center to never ever under any circumstances add microtransactions to Payday 2, they added microtransactions. This is after a long string of them flat out lying so it's not like it's a surprise. Still, check the metacritic score for more news on this
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alright, played through the final episode of Tales From The Borderlands. Wow, what a roller coaster. I really hope we get to see some of those characters when Borderlands 3 comes around. Maybe even as vault hunters?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alright, played through the final episode of Tales From The Borderlands. Wow, what a roller coaster. I really hope we get to see some of those characters when Borderlands 3 comes around. Maybe even as vault hunters?

I played it too, and I have to say... I had mixed feelings about some of the previous episodes, but the finale was amazing! One of my favorite game experiences ever.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

my all time favourite game is still , didn't see anything better, yet...:p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Another reason to avoid Payday 2 and Overkill as much as possible, and to always advise others to do the same
