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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Glad Zeta won't be doing anymore spoilers or estimated release dates. I've skimmed through enough bullshit drama to gouge my eyes out. Why the fuck can't anyone just appreciate the fact that the update will be out when it's bloody well ready. What the fuck is the rush?

EDIT: fuck.
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

It's kinda funny how many people are white-knighting Zeta. This woudn't have even turned into drama if they didn't bother trying to add a deadline then hype it into the high heavens.

Ah well I stopped caring about the project at this point. I won't even get it when it's ready. Not even worth it lol.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Yeah, how dare they try to set deadlines for themselves! The audacity of some people, jeez. And preview their work? What jerks! You'd think they'd been slaving over it without pay for the last 6 months or something.

Not so much white-knighting as it is just pointing out how ridiculous people sound. You're upset that someone set a personal goal for them and their friends and weren't able to meet it. It has nothing to do with you, get over it.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I have come to the understanding that people use the term "White Knighting" to say that people are doing things for others that they don't agree with, and putting a gender role into it.

I give Zeta my full support not ONLY because she is a Robo-Echidna, but because she is a nice person. Also, this does not in any way mean that she is going to "delay the game more" because of the behaviors exhibited. Zeta is not spiteful. She mentioned that in her "I'm mad at you" post.

This means nothing more than check yourselves before you wreck yourselves. The update's release is not faltering in its progress.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Way i see it is they are doing this in their free time and for free so i nor anyone really has any place acting like a shitlord over anything. Just be thankful you have something because they honestly don't owe anyone a goddamn thing.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I have come to the understanding that people use the term "White Knighting" to say that people are doing things for others that they don't agree with, and putting a gender role into it.

I give Zeta my full support not ONLY because she is a Robo-Echidna, but because she is a nice person. Also, this does not in any way mean that she is going to "delay the game more" because of the behaviors exhibited. Zeta is not spiteful. She mentioned that in her "I'm mad at you" post.

This means nothing more than check yourselves before you wreck yourselves. The update's release is not faltering in its progress.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. :cool: I myself have been around since the birth of the Project way back when the forums for the game weren't even conceived, and I'm happy with the progress made with it. Zeta has my respect not because of her gender, but of the things she creates and the progress she has made PLUS the fact that she's not just a nice person, she's an AWESOME person for doing this for us.

To be entirely honest, the announcement of the forums for the game had to have been one of the biggest surprises of my life. She didn't have to do that, and I didn't expect the game to have the amount of support it did to warrant such a thing as a free project, and I'm glad I was proven wrong about that.

I'll say what's already been said for the sake of making it stick. The team is doing this for free. They do not have to continue any kind of work on the game if they don't want to, yet they continue to do so anyway.

So all you self entitled pricks along with this "hype train" nonsense can go collectively fuck a spear. It'll be ready until it's ready, and while some people need to learn how to advert the game effectively (Clarens among others), something about the game is leagues better than nothing at all for two years. The team is making excellent progress on the game, so just be patient and play one of the other fantastic games out there until it is. :)

(Although I have to admit, I did have a laugh with Zeta taking the piss out of a certain someone on these forums with a "Son, I am Dissapoint" statement. They know who they are. :p)
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Honestly, everyone needs to find a balance. Some people here are starting to sound like the Zeta Team are doing this to spite them with all these delays. Clearly that's not the intention.

On the flip side, there is a pattern of behavior, and that is delays. Their batting average of actually hitting their release dates is below subpar. Being free means nothing, this is all just a sign of whether or not developers can keep a promise. If it was sold and on time, the team would still get respect, but because it's not on promised time, respect runs out, even if it's something we get for free.

My point is, either side can't pick and choose. The people defending can't say that you can't complain cuz it's free when it's a broken promise either way, and the people spitting vitriol can't hold the team to something it doesn't have to do. My middle ground has always been, "Just keep your word. If you can't do that, then I can't do anything about it. You can drop the game right now and I will have everything today that I had yesterday. The only thing I lose is hope for a good game and respect for a team."

And I do hope they do everything they want with this game and release it. But I'm not gonna hang on their every word for each progressive movement, cuz their word holds little worth.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I'm certainly glad I'm in with the crowd of people patiently waiting for the release and not anticipating much. If I was eagerly awaiting the release, I would've been let down so many times. But since I'll pretty much just play the game just to play it when it comes out, I'm not feeling too let down by each delay.

I've already got a severe case of "too many games syndrome" as it is, so it's no big deal for me.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I want everyone to know that this response and this rant I have isn't specified for any one single person, nor is it at all directed at the Zeta team, just towards a specific attitude.
Way i see it is they are doing this in their free time and for free so i nor anyone really has any place acting like a shitlord over anything. Just be thankful you have something because they honestly don't owe anyone a goddamn thing.

Yeah? Try living that life sometime. Have someone tell you every day that they'll pick up something for you and do it for you, then fall through. And then afterward, they look at you without a sorry, but more a "if you wanted it done so badly, why didn't you do it yourself?" Try having the people you trust to raise you pick up their cross every time they want to pretend to help and then have them do shit for you instead. Do that for 20+ years and then have the ability to turn to someone else and say "Hey, it's selfish of you to expect people to do exactly what they said they were going to do." Because honestly, if you say you'll do something and then lord it over them, then fuck off, cuz I never asked for the favor in the first place. So, if you seriously have this attitude that people can't expect things from people or take each other at face value, go fuck yourself.

Again, that's not at the zeta team, they haven't lorded this over anyone, I think they learned that lesson just by knowing who Toonpimp is. I even believe that they genuinely do feel bad about each time they can't make their intended release date, but it makes it hard to apologize when you have legions of people telling you how you screwed up. However, if there was any sort of failure, addressing it is an important point, and the second legion of fans fighting that wave back are just as ridiculously stupid: eg, the quote above.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I want everyone to know that this response and this rant I have isn't specified for any one single person, nor is it at all directed at the Zeta team, just towards a specific attitude.

Yeah? Try living that life sometime. Have someone tell you every day that they'll pick up something for you and do it for you, then fall through. And then afterward, they look at you without a sorry, but more a "if you wanted it done so badly, why didn't you do it yourself?" Try having the people you trust to raise you pick up their cross every time they want to pretend to help and then have them do shit for you instead. Do that for 20+ years and then have the ability to turn to someone else and say "Hey, it's selfish of you to expect people to do exactly what they said they were going to do." Because honestly, if you say you'll do something and then lord it over them, then fuck off, cuz I never asked for the favor in the first place. So, if you seriously have this attitude that people can't expect things from people or take each other at face value, go fuck yourself.

Again, that's not at the zeta team, they haven't lorded this over anyone, I think they learned that lesson just by knowing who Toonpimp is. I even believe that they genuinely do feel bad about each time they can't make their intended release date, but it makes it hard to apologize when you have legions of people telling you how you screwed up. However, if there was any sort of failure, addressing it is an important point, and the second legion of fans fighting that wave back are just as ridiculously stupid: eg, the quote above.

This man understands.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

oh boy here we go again, every time people get their jimmies rustled to an extreme.

Even with the "hype" people need to realize this a hobby project, it can end from one day to another without warning.
Not to mention some people and their entitlement issues.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Not to mention some people and their entitlement issues.

Yeah, all those entitled fuckers you see in every thread in this section complaining that authors aren't getting their work done quicker.

Oh wait, what's that? That only ever happens in threads following games that miss release dates? Hmm, that evidence seems to go against your theory. Oh, no matter, it must be people being impatient and entitled

Again, if zeta or team are reading this, I'll just throw my hat in and say if you're doing updates now without telling people when you're expecting, good, that really is the best move. The most respect is if you're doing this game because you want to, and if that's the case, you shouldn't be worrying about the masses on either side, the complainers or the white-knights. Just do what you do and people will enjoy it cuz you did it how you wanted.
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Yeah, all those entitled fuckers you see in every thread in this section complaining that authors aren't getting their work done quicker.

Oh wait, what's that? That only ever happens in threads following games that miss release dates? Hmm, that evidence seems to go against your theory. Oh, no matter, it must be people being impatient and entitled

Again, if zeta or team are reading this, I'll just throw my hat in and say if you're doing updates now without telling people when you're expecting, good, that really is the best move.
The most respect is if you're doing this game because you want to, and if that's the case, you shouldn't be worrying about the masses on either side, the complainers or the white-knights. Just do what you do and people will enjoy it cuz you did it how you wanted.

No not really, people will still complain a lot about the next update, read what zeta wrote.

People now complain about the missed deadlines, when there is no deadlines people will complain about lack of progress and no dates.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

There's a difference between progress reports and release dates. Many authors see that. And people are always going to ask when something will be done. Lying, even unintentionally, can't be the best answer.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I kinda wish some devs/pubs out there had Zeta team's dedication to bug-fixing, though perhaps in a more timely fashion.

As for the argument that's been going on..... I think pretty much everything that needs to be said, has been said. Now can we get back to fighting over the belly-button cum-fountains? 'cause that shit's weird (cuz, yanno, a hentai side-scrolling brawler in which you play a robotic, anthropomorphic echidna fighting fuck-bots isn't weird.....)
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

(Although I have to admit, I did have a laugh with Zeta taking the piss out of a certain someone on these forums with a "Son, I am Dissapoint" statement. They know who they are. :p)

Yeah, I've known Zeta since the very begging of the project and have supported all the way. She knows how I am but this time I took it too far. Odd as it is, I'm honored that she singled me out. She knows that I know better.

Plus she thinks I'm a cool guy. Or thought. She's had to deal with a lot of shit, and I in particular helped make it worse.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Papanomics has a scrambled brain that goes hither and tither. Do not let other people put him on the spotlight though, as he is not the only culprit of "aw gee"ing at the delay.

Though he loves to help me have a neutral opinion of him, I never seem to think way too overly ill of him. I thought about a weird PM he sent me trying to be fresh, then admitting he was trying to get me to dislike him, and I just figured, that's Papanomics.

He is not Hitler.

Again, I would like to say Zeta has my full support. People who are upset do not realize that programs are not cookies. You don't put them in the oven and they're done on a set time. It takes working and manipulating code. That can also cut off some serious "me time" for personal stuff.

If I read her "I'm mad at you" post, and her furaffinity journal prior, she does this game in the back of a supermarket. And it is festival time, so she is booked. You must understand that programs are NOT cookies.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Double post for sake of update. The build of Project X: Love Potion Disaster is finished to the 5.5 stage. It has entered its testing phase.

Zeta wants to thank everyone who didn't degrade into animals for their love and support. Zeta is sweet.

The testing phase is the fun easy part, as it just requires giving the game a once-over for any mistakes and lack of detail. I am sure you are going to love it.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

hail to lady Zeta! :D
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Now can we get back to fighting over the belly-button cum-fountains? 'cause that shit's weird (cuz, yanno, a hentai side-scrolling brawler in which you play a robotic, anthropomorphic echidna fighting fuck-bots isn't weird.....)

Whoa whoa whoa back up a second. You sayin' you don't like it when cum sprays out of their belly-buttons like a hole in a dam? That's weak bruh.

(All joking aside, it is kind of weird that that particular fetish was added, but whatever.)