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Xivvix Test Thread

Re: Xivvix Test Thread

"Damnit...." Allyria mutters, as she takes in the news that the place was still infested with demons. Technically, her mission was complete, and with Braithwait dead, she was free to return home. But, she knew that she couldn't leave a demonic infestation intact, even though it wasn't within her own lands. She had heard of the devastation of the demons full on attacks before, though she had never witnessed it herself until now.

Looking back up at the frightened girl, apparently her rescuer, Allyria says; "I'm sorry if I scared you when you woke me up. And thank you for getting me out of the open while I recovered, you likely saved much more than my life. Had the demons found me before I had recovered..." She shakes her head, looking back up at her and smiling warmly. "You don't need to be afraid anymore. Now that their leader is dead, most of the remaining demons shouldn't be too difficult to eliminate. Do you know where they are?"

She starts somewhat as she notices how her clothes are arranged strangely, and the wet spot on her stomach. Allyria swiftly reaches down, pulling her clothes away, and feeling the area with her hand so that some of it smears on her hand. She then pulls her hand back up, staring at what she fully expects to be blood.

(Oh come on, when she was unconscious? :p )
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Blame the pheromones :p )

The girl shakes her head at Allyria's question. "I hid. I don't know where they are, but some of them are outside, looking around. Before you fought the big one, a lot of them dragged the nobles and servants off to the guest area." She gestures to the wall, pointing out the handle that reveals the entrance, then continues, "This room is hard to find if you don't know where it is. I managed to stay away from the demons, then I found you while I was looking for a way out."

Allyria's inspection soon reveals the wetness to not be blood. "I'm sorry, that was me," the girl says, keeping her head down and blushing. "I couldn't control myself, I don't know why. I just needed to touch you." The girl begins to shake again at the admission, and brings her hands up to wrap around herself. "But not... like that... I mean... just your skin."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

:)D Girl-cum, or did she get a special addition from the demons?)

Allyria listens as the woman speaks, all the while staring intently at the liquid between her fingers. "A good hiding place. At least you're safe from the demons clutches, and were therefore able to save me. Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the rest of the demons before their victims are too heavily... tainted." Allyria says, her voice hollow as she remembers the strange feeling that had filled her after killing the demon lord.

Then, likely taking the girl by surprise, she moves her cum-covered hand to her mouth, and begins seductively licking it clean. She moves her tongue between her fingers, licking up the substance, before sliding each digit all the way into her mouth and then back out, each removal accompanied by a pop. "And you couldn't wait until I was awake?" Allyria says, a mischievous grin on her face.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread


"I was safe, but not the other girls," she says, sounding sad and ashamed. "I don't know about being tainted, but I saw some of my friends begging the demons to keep... doing things to them."

The girl's expression changes from shame to shock and embarrassment at Allyria's action. She backs away from the assassin slightly, though the small room doesn't give her much place to go. "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself, you smell so good." Once again the girl brings her hands up to her face, though whether it's to hide her embarrassment or keep Allyria's lewd action from view the assassin is unsure.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Shrugging, and finishing licking her hand clean, Allyria stands up, keeping her shoulders hunched a little just to make sure that she doesn't hit the ceiling with her head. "Not surprising. The demons very touch is corrupting, and twists the souls of those affected by it. Perhaps, if we are quick enough, we can still save them;" She says, her voice reassuring.

Then, Allyria closes her eyes, stretching out her spiritual senses in an attempt to get an idea of the number of demons she still had to deal with. She also tries to look for other survivors, people who might have hidden from the remaining demons. At the very least, she tries to locate a nearby group of demons, so that she can go destroy them. Her scouting finished, Allyria opens her eyes and says; "Do you know how to fight? Or would you rather remain here?"
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Failure

Maybe it's just having regained consciousness, or perhaps a result of the demonic corruption, but Allyria seems unable to stretch her spiritual senses out beyond the small room. She can feel the presences of other auras throughout the house, but can only guess at the specifics of what and where they are.

With Allyria's mood changing to a more serious one, the girl seems to relax herself. "I'm sorry, I'm just a serving girl," she says, "I've never fought a demon before." She stands as well, her smaller frame allowing her to stand upright without touching the low ceiling. "I'd like to leave this accursed place, though."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Shaking her head about a little in an attempt to clear it, Allyria turns back to the servant girl and says; "When I was escaping from the entrance hallway when the demons first revealed themselves, I found an exit out into the gardens that seemed to have some kind of magical defense. I wouldn't know how to pass by it without setting it off, nor would I know what might be lying in wait on the other side, but it presents the best way for you to escape. I could take you there, if you like, or you could remain here. It seems to be safe enough in this storage room, and I could come find you once the demons have been eliminated. As you are my rescuer, I leave the choice up to you."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

"There are no safe places here," the girl says, looking over to where Allyria could only assume the entrance is. "Many demons have come through the room beyond, it's only a matter of time before they find this one." She wrings her hands nervously, obviously unsure about what she should do as far as Allyria's offer to help her escape or come back for her. After a moment, she looks up at Allyria timidly and says "I think we should flee this place immediately, both of us! Someone else can destroy these demons! I don't want to stay here alone..."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Figuring that that would be her choice, Allyria only nods, and says; "Very well. I will do everything within my power to ensure that you escape from this place. But I must stay. The longer the demons are allowed to remain here, the more of them there will be. They must not be allowed to spread their evil across the land. If you make it to safety, all I ask is that you send aid as quickly as possible."

Then, turning away, Allyria tries once more to scan the area with her mind, hoping to detect any nearby demons. She didn't want to walk into an ambush, and if she could detect an easy exit from the mansion, she would gladly take it. "How do we get out of this room?" Allyria asks after a moment, regardless of the results of her search.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

The girl nods as she listens to Allyria's response, as if she too knew how the other woman answer. "You are very brave," she says simply, before turning to face one of the walls. "This wall here slides open," she says as she places a hand on the wall. Her hand shakes for a bit before she presses against the wall forcefully, the exit opening up quickly as the smell of fresh air washes into the small room. "One of the older maids told me about this secret room, and that there were others, though she did not show them to me before she left. Maybe some of the other girls have hidden in them?"? The maid holds the wall open while standing back to give Allyria room to exit.

Outside the small room, Allyria can see a wide room with several long tables in the center, as well as against the walls alongside cabinets. The presence of many knives, spoons, pots, and pans, as well as a large oven quickly clues Mina in that this is the mansion's kitchen. The room is devoid of life, at the moment, but through the large door across the room from her, Allyria can hear the sounds of movement.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria only nods and makes no comment at Minas explanation of how she'd known about the hiding place, making a mental note to try and discover other such places. Hearing something through the doors, Allyria tries to stretch out her senses in that direction, intent on discovering what might be beyond them. She kept herself hidden, the fact that this was a nobles kitchen making it easy to remain concealed from the door by hiding behind a counter or cabinet. Allyria also slowly and carefully scans the walls, looking for alternative exits to the room.

"Which way is it to the gardens?" Allyria whispers to Mina, as she scans the area with both her spiritual and physical senses.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Failure

Allyria's spiritual senses still seem unable to focus much beyond the nearby rooms, and she is unable to detect whatever is moving outside the kitchen. She crouches behind a nearby counter, keeping herself out of sight of whatever might be beyond the door, but as she presses up against it, a container full of knives rocks, making a slight noise. It soon settles, thankfully, and the noise from outside the room seems unchanged. There seem to be no other doors leading out of the room, however, she does notice a small slide door fitted into the side of the wall. It looks barely large enough for a woman such as herself or the maid to fit into.

The maid crawls towards Allyria slowly on her hands and knees, obviously unaccustomed to stealth. "The mansion is built in the shape of a U, we're in the lower left wing right now. Turning right will take us through the storage and laundry areas and eventually exit out of a servant's tunnel to the left yard. The stables and guardhouse lie out there, but the gardens are close."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

"Right. Where does that lead to? I can't tell what exactly is on the other side of that door, but it doesn't seem to have heard us yet. I'd rather avoid a fight while you're around, if that's at all possible. I don't want you getting hurt." Allyria says, and points toward the small side door. Meanwhile, she continues scanning the area with her spiritual senses, annoyed by her sudden inability to detect anything with certainty.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Failure

Once again, Allyria is unable to make out just what is beyond the door. She can tell that whatever is making the noise is approaching the room and will soon be just outside of it.

The maid turns to look at the door, then whispers, "That's the dumbwaiter. We use it to send food up to the second floor. The ambassador's private chambers and offices are up there." Looking at the door further, the explanation makes sense. The door is set about waist high, and looks wide enough for a large table of food and wine to be placed in. The two women might be able to use it to go up to the second floor, but only one at a time.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Wow. Probably shouldn't have upped the stalkers stats. Or whatever it is on the other side of the door.)

Knowing that whatever was beyond the door was heading toward them, Allyria narrows her perception on it, trying to determine whether or not it was familiar to her, like any of the demons she'd fought before. Then, she whispers back; "We don't want to be going up, it'll only make getting out of here all the harder. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather not try jumping out a window. Unless you know of a secret way back down, I'm thinking our best bet out of here is through that door. I'll take care of whatever's on the other side, you just stay out of sight. Sound good?"
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Success
Stealth: Success

After spending so much time attempting to attune her senses, Allyria is finally able to focus them onto the noises beyond the door. The presence outside the room quickly reveals itself into a familiar image: more of the creatures she had fought in the darkened music room. Now knowing the sounds to come from hostile demons, Allyria quickly pulls the maid towards her and the two huddle behind the counter just as the creatures appear in the doorway. The maid says nothing, and simply shivers in fear against Allyria, unsure what she should do now. The demons do not enter the room, but stop and look in, even sniffing the air a few times.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(The one velociraptor scene from Jurassic park comes to mind.)

Sensing the presence of the demon just before it opens the door, Allyria holds up her hand to the shivering maid, intending to tell her to stay still. With that, she stands up and steps around the edge of the corner, directly into the demons sight. She walks toward them, swaying her hips just like she had when she'd been walking down the steps, before she'd even known that there were demons here, and says; "Why, hello boys. What might you be looking for?" She does make sure to stay well out of attack range from the foul creatures, and remains limber in case they attempt to come toward her.

(Put all attack into dodge.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Too bad you don't have a walk in freezer to lure them into ;) )

The maid sits on the ground behind the counter, eyes wide, mouth hanging open in astonishment as she watches the assassin's show of bravado. As soon as Allyria stands up, the demons' eyes lock onto her, and their mouths widen in evil grins. They spread out into the room, one moving to her left, another to the right, while the last remains at the door. Though the others are moving to flank her, this one seems to remain still and calm, and she notices that it's build is slimmer than the others.

"Give up," the creature mouths in a raspy voice. The demon stays where it is, making no move towards her, as do the ones to her sides.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

A grin steals across Allyrias face as well as the demon issues his demand, and she calmly replies; "No." As she does so, her body begins to glow as it had in the great hall, when the demons had first revealed themselves. Her spiritual power floods through her, making her stronger and faster. Her golden hair reflects the light coming from her body, amplifying it and giving anyone looking at her head a good bit of nearly blinding light.

(Activate Battle Aura 5.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 48, P = 43, EP = 73/81; Battle Aura 5; Cursed

The sudden flash of light causes the demons to recoil in pain as their dark accustomed eyes are overwhelmed. Their stupor doesn't last long however, and the two demons to her sides quickly leap at the glowing woman.

To-Hit (Stalker 1): Miss
To-Hit (Stalker 2): Miss

Allyria easily dodges the two demons, jumping out of the way as the two go crashing to the floor on either side of her. The demon that had ordered her surrender, however, does not rush forward, but instead raises one hand towards her while chanting in his raspy voice.

Casting: Success
Mind Check: Enemy wins. Allyria has been cursed!

As the demon finishes the words he had been chanting, Allyria suddenly feels a blast of wind crash against her. While the blast is nowhere near strong enough to push her down, she can't help but notice her entire body tingling strangely, and all her muscles twitching randomly. "Have it your way," the demon says as an evil grin spreads across his face.