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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Fine. No more logic. I'll just say that she's so out of shape that she can't fly.

Well, when Tiki gets raped by the amoeba, fairycrasher boss, mist sister statue or fluidhunter, she really does get out of shape, if you catch my drift.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just to add my own idea to why Tiki can't fly: Couldn't the enemies who captured her clipped her wings like pet owners clip their bird's wings so they can't escape?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just to add my own idea to why Tiki can't fly: Couldn't the enemies who captured her clipped her wings like pet owners clip their bird's wings so they can't escape?

But in most of her game overs her wings ARE cut short so she can't get away. So it is that she is out of shape since we have no idea how long she was being filled with eggs and know after they catch her again they make it a point to ruin her wings
Re: Fairy Fighting

Do any of you actually know how wings work?
Re: Fairy Fighting

No sir, I would like a detailed explanation.

Why Just FallenFairy?
How about Eluku focuses on improving all characters that are already in the game instead of adding more for a while. He did very well with Eggplant's new move.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Why Just FallenFairy?
How about Eluku focuses on improving all characters that are already in the game instead of adding more for a while. He did very well with Eggplant's new move.

I believe he may going back and improving each character. I'm not sure if he's going to do polls to determine the order in which he will do the rest of the characters after he finishes Fallen Fairy though.
Re: Fairy Fighting

haaaa.... my attempt at sarcasm flew on over your head... was hoping for a snarky response from TS.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I, too, would like a detailed explanation on how fairy wings work from an expert on this subject TS apparently is ^_^
Re: Fairy Fighting

Do any of you actually know how wings work?

Are you trying to apply logic about flight to wings that sits upon the back of a humanoid more than quadruple the size of the wings themselves, that's also a creature of fantasy, 15CM tall, fighting living and levitating lumps of flesh, wolves the size of ones palm encased in ice as well as other even less believable creatures?
Re: Fairy Fighting

So he gets to apply logic to using the wings to get out of the situation, but I get called out on the logic of why the wings wouldn't work in the first place?

Awesome place ya got here, guy!
Re: Fairy Fighting

I had a dream last night where Eluku updated his game and added a siren enemy. The siren's stage was a rocky seashore. One of its attacks was sort of a singing attack, represented by a music note floating across the screen, and when it hits Tiki, her eyes go blank and she starts mindlessly masturbating, leaving her vulnerable to other attacks. Another one of the siren's attacks was her summoning a large wave which splashes down on top of Tiki, leaving two large clams clamped onto Tiki's breasts and starts sucking milk from them. I can't remember the third attack, but I vaugely remember Tiki getting trapped in a giant bubble.

Just thought I'd post it here because relevance.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think the point where you start dreaming about Fairy Fighting is the point where you need to take a break.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I had a dream last night where Eluku updated his game and added a siren enemy. The siren's stage was a rocky seashore. One of its attacks was sort of a singing attack, represented by a music note floating across the screen, and when it hits Tiki, her eyes go blank and she starts mindlessly masturbating, leaving her vulnerable to other attacks. Another one of the siren's attacks was her summoning a large wave which splashes down on top of Tiki, leaving two large clams clamped onto Tiki's breasts and starts sucking milk from them. I can't remember the third attack, but I vaugely remember Tiki getting trapped in a giant bubble.

Just thought I'd post it here because relevance.

Right up there with that nightmare of Mike Tyson eating my kids with a spoon.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I REALLY LIKE the siren dream! The game lack a water thing... well, a fire one too (time for SM). We have ice, air, electrity, "wood"... it lack steel, water and fire. Uhm... fire... can be a new fetchi!

Now, for the fly thing, bumblebee CAN'T fly due to the shape of the wings... but it fly. It create a circular motion that generate little fields of void below the body (most like an helicopter than a flapping thing). SO maybe a fairy, with help of magic and evident absence of bone structure can fly the same. With a BUZZZAAAAZAZAZAZAZAZ lawnmower-like sound. Not so sexy.

"Fairy Science for the Logical Nerds"

Now: WHY ADD a move to Fallen_fairy if she already have such a full set of them?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Got a raperbeast ending when I was defeated by Eggplant
