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ADV [NearFatal] The Ghost House (June4/2012 update)

Re: The Ghost House Part2

Just to prove my point about Eripme's post, I will now analyze the first post of the thread:
HI long time lurker here thought I might try posting for once, Nearfatal.net just came out with The Ghost House Part2 figured maybe some of you folk might be interested.(1)

looks like its a actual game now and you can explore the house, there seems to be some tentacle action as well.(2)

I purchased the game (12 bucks) and gonna try it tonight. Also since I want to see more nearfatal work especially for Dangerous Vaults 2 don't ask me for a copy :p(3)

kinda looks like a quest type game

w00t tentacles, not just ghost sex :D
  1. Translation: "I'm coming out of lurkering to show you all a fun game I found that you might want." - Sounds overall normal for a game thread.
  2. Translation: "The demo is almost a completed game, although it has a bit left to go." - Sounds reasonable, most freeware games are like this. Given that Eripme said it looks like a game, then it is quite clear that it isn't a finished game yet.
  3. Translation: "I bought the demo and it cost me 12 dollars, why you need to know this, I don't know, but I feel like telling you. Also, I shall now proceed with the taunting (Insert smiley that is the equivalent of gloating given the context)" - Now then... This is the part of the post that gets a bit dicey. The first part is just odd: why mention the cost? It contributes nothing to the discussion if this thread was added for that purpose, and also strikes me as odd since Eripme essentially declared the game to be a demo earlier in the post. Also, the second part is not discussion at all, it's only use is to gloat, much like a troll statement, and comes off with a 'Look at me, suckers, I got the game and I feel like rubbing it in your faces *Stick out tongue*'

Eripme then goes on to provide two images, and two very small descriptions. Simply put, if Eripme wanted a discusion thread, then he should have posted that in the first thread instead of bringing up the game and bragging about having it. As such, this doesn't resemble so much of a 'I want to discuss this game' thread as it does a marketing post with troll tendencies.

Given that, after re-reading that post, I realized that the post serves no purpose, I am going to go edit it in a minute to change it to something less provocative and more on topic.
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Re: The Ghost House Part2

Eripme said:
LOL I has a game that you all probably want but its MINE ALL MINE.
Is anybody else reading this in between the lines? I mean I'm all for giving devs money so they can produce more games, or at least feel rewarded for their efforts, but was this post really necessary if you're not going to at least give PM-only links? Why do I care about this game if I can't play it?

Also, LOL at the guy wanting a drivers license picture.


I'm 18, sure I am!

Without a way to verify the face that goes with the picture, needing a picture of an ID is retarded. Or does he require a picture of yourself HOLDING your license?

Bad form to quote yourself, I know, but this is relevant... thanks to PA for reiterating my point.

Eripme, please just stop trying to mask your transparent attempt at advertising. Nobody here wants this game, partly because it's going to end up like all of the other games from this particular developer - unfinished. In fact, I wouldn't doubt that you're on the guy's payroll, seeing as you give absolutely no evidence that you even own the game.

The fact that you've incited this community to rally against you does not prove our burning desire to MUST OWN DIS, it only proves that we do not tolerate your blatant disregard FOR the community. Do we pirate? Yes. If you don't agree with our methods, I would suggest you not post here.

And to you, bobthesevenman, please do not throw out insults like they're candy. I make perhaps fifty dollars a month that doesn't go toward bills. That money is spent on food, and on making my lady happy. I do not have the money to spend on porn games when there are millions of terabytes of FREE porn out there. Some of us have better things to spend our money on. Like paying our rent. You know what's going to happen if you don't share a dl link of this game? I'm not going to buy it anyway. Do not impugn my integrity or my respect for game developers, as I happen to be one. Can you make the same claim? I have nothing but the utmost respect for those that go into a job that actually doesn't make you tons of money (as everybody seems to think) for the love of the game. I have even more respect for those that ignore the social norms and go into the niche of adult games, as they're going to make even less if any money, and they are most likely doing it in their free time.

And, by the way, if Eripme is in fact in cahoots with this particular developer, then it only furthers my already low opinion of him. Charging money for a demo? Is s/he retarded? You give the demo for free so people will want to buy the full game. Requiring a picture of a photo ID only proves my suspicions of his lack of common sense, if not outright stupidity. I will not be playing this game even if someone grubs up a free version, very much contrary to your proclamation that everybody on this forum seems to be wetting their pants over this game. By the way, we have seven or eight pages of threads with FREE games (possibly more, I haven't checked - plus we have two old versions of the forum we can go back to). We don't give a damn if we can't play one, especially if it's as mediocre as it looks, or as the previous games this developer has produced.

Mods, I would humbly suggest locking this thread, as there is absolutely nothing constructive going on here. At the rate this is going, it's just going to turn into a flame war, for which I will be partly at fault. I do not like people who lord their acquisitions over others, nor people on high horses looking down at all the people who just might not want to pay for a leisurely pastime. This board is for sharing H-games, or requesting H-games (and thus hopefully sharing them). Not discussing games that 90% of the users here will not get, by choice or by circumstance. Can we please shove this somewhere else?
Re: The Ghost House (Discussion Thread)

Point taken. We cannot properly discuss the game as none of us have access to it, and posting a link would be out of order anyway because there is quite possibly a direct victim losing potential customers. Thread closed.
The Ghost House

Hi all,

Just got this game, (I know it's a few years old) it seems pretty cool, but I'm stuck.
Now here I was thinking this old game must be played hundreds of times, walkthroughs available and everything... wrong...

I found a thread on this forum but it was closed.

well here's a link for download:

So start playing and help me out! ;P

Anyways, in the beginning move your mouse around the girl, there's a blue thing (only visible when moving over it) to click on on the right side near her head. The rest you'll have to find yourself ;)

If ya need help maybe I can assist, I got allot of items and things already.

ps. If there is an active thread anywhere, then I'm sorry, looked for it but couldn't find it.
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Re: The Ghost House

Not this game again. Oh god.
Re: The Ghost House

@ Zboczuch
I know m8, but that one is closed
(Not many could play it and so no one could discuss it.)

@ noman
LOL well I honestly didn't know it was discussed THAT much ;)

I have moved on with the game though ^^
Re: The Ghost House

Nope. Got stuck in the room after opening the chest. This is quite a hard game.
Re: The Ghost House

Yes it is :)

How do ya do that spoiler stuff, like you have to click on spoiler to see the next text?

You can grab a small piece of glass from the broken mirror (not from the ground). Then you can cut the bag within the chest.
Re: The Ghost House

Nope. The only things in my inventory is the paper and the piece of wood. I tried punching, picking, looking and using the piece of wood at everything. I can't find this shard of glass you talk about.
Re: The Ghost House

alright its the smallest piece of mirror that you can grab
after you cut the bag inside thy chest... only to find rocks

you can push the chest from right to left i don't know wich icon I used
but then a hole have appeared
as far as I could see I explored a bit and i must warn you about the
the shiny piece of jewelry... game over when you touch it
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Re: The Ghost House

When you shatter the mirror you need to click the small fragment.

Btw, any guess for how long it will be before NF pulls the links?
Re: The Ghost House

You helped me, so I'll help you. After you take the rock, if you click in the right side of the box where the rocks were (Not sure of where, so just click and click until it works) it will move. Keep clicking until it stops moving and it reveals a hole. Not sure what to do from here =p

EDIT: You can go through it. =p

EDIT2: In the room of the dress, there is a shining pink crystal. Don't touch it. Don't even touch near it. You will get sucked in and get a bad ending. You will unlock a scene, but you will have to start over.
Re: The Ghost House

My first contribute =)
If you scroll down a little, it has the full walkthrough, enjoy

Re: The Ghost House

When you shatter the mirror you need to click the small fragment.

Btw, any guess for how long it will be before NF pulls the links?

Probably not long, but it may be because he asked not to have his games shared here. Amazing how the mods will honor Swissmade's requests but not NF's.
Re: The Ghost House

my first thread was asking for help with this game hoping some people here had a copy already, unfortunately no one did and I wound up getting snubbed when I refused to upload the game :(
Re: The Ghost House

I can't even figure out how to get back to the girl. I am following the "walkthrough" (as broken as it is) and yet see no mention of how to get back to the girl once you have all the ingredients.
Re: The Ghost House

You find the girl if you go to the screen where you have stairs and doors to among others the bath room. Walk to on the left hand side on the same level as the doors iirc.
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Re: The Ghost House

i'm stuck with the scene where you use fishing rod to pull blanket...

how do i "Grab back fishing rod." ... :confused:

edit: found answer.
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Re: The Ghost House

Dude...if you want the Scenes. Secret ones too.

Just open the biggest Non-Program Start SWF file. With SWF. And you can scroll past and forth Scenes. Easy.