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Lust (Maple)

Re: Lust (Maple)

Everyone froze, including her parents, when they saw Maple suddenly appear. The man listened to Maple without interruption as she spoke, looking upon her with his dark brown eyes, holding a neutral expression as she explained, and begged for him not to cause anymore harm. But when she finished, he suddenly smiled at her, "That's very brave of you, girl." he congratulated her, "I must admit, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon. And I did not expect you to so readily rush to exchange yourself for your loved ones."

The officer took steps towards Maple, until he stood directly in front of her, standing a good few inches taller than her, as he suddenly took Maple by her waist, pulling her closer to him as he leered at the young woman before him, looking down at her. "You are as beautiful as your mother, it would seem," he chuckled, while his other hand went to grope Maple's ass. And as soon as she would react from his molesting of her, he gave her a look of warning, "Remember, if you truly want us to leave your town, and your loved ones in peace, until told otherwise, you are Magi property. Do you understand, girl?" he questioned her, testing Maple's loyalty to her parents, wanting to see just how much he could pull her strings...
Re: Lust (Maple)

The man's praises went through one ear and out the other, Maple only cared what was happening to her parents at this moment. She quickly glanced toward her father, then her mother to see if she was still being grouped. Of course her attention went straight to the leader once she heard his footsteps.

It felt like every muscle is her body tensed up when the man suddenly held her by the waist and pulled her closer. Being near this ogre simply disgusted her, and all his praising did not help one bit. It only got worse for the girl felt her butt cheeks suddenly grouped and her cheeks blush pink and a small cry to escape her lips. As horrible as this all felt she still made no attempt to stop the man. Two things helped her from lashing out, the first being that this treatment wasn't nearly as bad as watching her family suffer. The second being that her parents were there, her father and mother having to watch their daughter be molested. Whatever they felt must of been far worse then what she was going through. " Y-yes, I understand..." she struggled to say. One thing the man said had caught her attention, when he said Magi. She hadn't the slight idea who the magi were.

" W-who are the Magi?" she nervously asked, wanting to know who her captors were.
Re: Lust (Maple)

The man chuckled, "You'll find out, soon enough. You're going to be one, after all." he claimed, before turning to the men holding Maple's mother, "Let her go, we have what we came for." he commanded them. The various men that had groped her mother before her arrival let her mother free of their groping hands, before she suddenly burst forth with a mother's passion, not wanting her only child to be stolen away by the same perverted men that had sought to abuse her.

"No!" she screamed, "Let her go!"

Maple's mother was suddenly struck by the same hand that knocked her father to the ground, only it was a far less extreme slap, meant to discourage any attempts to rescue her daughter, as well as send her to the floor. "I believe your daughter has already made her decision, has she not?" said the man holding Maple. He leaned his head over Maple's shoulder, looking at the side of her face, while a lecherous hand went down her waist, before dipping into her pants, and giving her panties a light tug, "Go on," he whispered to her, "Tell mommy and daddy you want to go. Tell them you'll be fine..." he instructed with a forked tongue.

"... If you don't do as you're told, then I can't guarantee your loved ones safety..." he chuckled menacingly.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

" Mother don't! " she pleaded as her mom rushed forth in futile attempt to rescue her. Maple could only cringe at the sight of her mother being slapped, having to restrain herself with every bit of her will to keep herself from lashing out at the man who did it. She only looked at her mother with pleading eyes after she had been sent to the floor. Her look begged the woman not to do such a thing again. Watching one of her parents being hit was far more painful then perverted hands grouping her ass or tugging at her panties.

As the foul man commander her to tell her parents she had decided to go she nodded, slowly walking away from the man and toward her mother. She dropped to her knees and got to the woman's level, her eyes looking into hers and looked like they were on the verge of tears. " I have to go Mother... " she said; " But I promise ill come back as soon as I can. " She recalled the man saying that she could come back in a few years, though doubted even a bit of that was true. No, the best she could hope for was her parents not being harmed because she had agreed to go.

For a final time Maple reached her arms out and pulled herself into an embrace with her mother, savoring the warmth as it may just be the last time she ever feels it. A tear fell from one of her eyes, rolling down her cheek and landing on the floor below.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple's mother clung to her for dear life, squeezing her child to her bosom with all the love in her heart as tears and sobbing overtook her. "I won't let them take you," she whispered, although loud enough for the men to hear, "I won't let these bastards hurt you!" Although she made that declaration, the officer made no movement to tear Maple away from her mother. And strangely enough, seemed to show sympathy for her.

The man made a strange motion with his hand at his troops inside the house, to which they responded with a nod, before marching out of the house. While the man was the last to leave, he gave Maple a side glance, "Say your farewells. I expect you to be ready to board our caravans by the hour. You know what will happen if you try to run." he warned her. If not her family, then her entire village will suffer the consequences should Maple try to save herself. And with that reminder, the man vanished outside the door... Leaving Maple alone with her parents.
Re: Lust (Maple)

' Maybe these magi have a shred of human decency in them after all... ' Maple thought. To think these crude barbaric men would actually let her say her farewells before dragging her off and doing god knows what to her... At least now they seemed decent enough to keep their promise to leave the village and her family alone. At least she wouldn't have to worry each and every night as she wondered if her village was safe or not. She still doubted she could ever return though. She was still certain they were forcing her into servitude and planning on using her powers for their own twisted agenda...

Maple began hugging her mother back, her arms wrapping around her tightly as her face buried into the woman's shoulder. She brown eyes shed tears as she was in this embrace. Her simple, easy life was over, her friends and family were all being taken out of her life. She hated this so much, yet she had to accept it, else her entire village would suffer. " Mother... " Maple finally spoke up. She wanted to say something simply couldn't. There was nothing she could say that would express how she felt right now. Instead, she began to apologize. " I-I'm sorry for leaving last night and making you and father worry last night..." she said, chocked up by tears. " I'm so sorry! " she cried.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Her mother shook her head, before holding Maple by her shoulders, trying to hold back the tears of pain and sadness, "Never mind that, we must leave! Immediately! I'll die before I let any of those savage men touch you again!" she announced.

Her mother made quick gestures at Maple's room, swinging her hand, "Get your things, hurry!" she told her, before tending to her father, dabbing a cloth on the cut he'd received from the officer's gauntlet.

Leaving as her mother said might spare her the torture she was likely to receive from the perverted Magi, as well as ensuring the safety of her parents if they escaped without being spotted, but it would be impossible to evacuate the whole village. And it would likely be everyone else who would suffer should Maple choose to save herself; The kind old woman who made Maple's favorite apple pies, the silent, but gentle town smithy who made a special grave just for her own deceased grandmother, and the kind man who treated her grandmother, so she could live with her family a few more years of her life, would all be forced to give their final gift to Maple, their lives, in exchange for her own safety...

"Honey..." Maple's father whispered, his face turned to her, while mother gave him a worried expression, "You are... An adult now... You are free to make your own decisions in life... But you must also suffer the responsibility of those decisions... This is the burden we all bear..."

"Your mother and I will always fight to protect you, it is our responsibility... No matter what you decide to do, I will fight these men, even though I cannot win against them...

He smiled, a single tear running down his face, "I love you, Maple, daddy loves you so, very much... You've become a very brave woman, just like your mother...

"I'm proud of you, sweetie.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple was overwhelmed with emotions, however she did as her mother and tried to keep herself together. She wiped her tears away with the cape of her beloved red cloak. After taking a few deep breaths she was able to calm herself enough to face her parents, to face the reality of this situation and deal with it. Though, as her father gave her his heartfelt talk, and she actually saw him cry, she couldn't help but cry herself, tears welding up and her hands quickly wiping them away. She had to be strong for this.

Decisions, Maple was now faced with one. One that would decide the fate of the entire village, of so many people. Does she flee with her parents or let the barbarians take her away to god knows where? Oh how she wanted to run away with her mother and father, to find a new home and live there, hidden safe and sound from the Magi.

She could do no such thing though. She could never live with herself knowing she chose to sacrifice the lives of her friends and family for her own happiness. There were woman and children in this village, some children just beginning their lives. Maple refused to run away and leave so many people to the mercy of the Magi. Who knows what such brutes would do to a bunch of innocent woman and children?

" I'm an adult now..." Maple suddenly said after her father finished, repeated his words in a melancholy tone, " If I'm free to make my decisions then... Then I decide... To go with these barbarians for the sake of everyone else. " Maple then shifted her gaze at the floor, simply unable to look her parents in the eyes as she spoke these words. " I love you both so much... But I can't do this. I can't run away and let everyone else suffer because I decided my happiness was more important then their lives. I just can't..." Her head then tilted back up, looking back at her parents once more.

" Ill go with them... To protect everyone... But if I ever can, I promise to come home. "
Re: Lust (Maple)

Her mother's eyes went wide as she listened to Maple declare her decision on the matter. The thought of her own daughter 'giving' herself to the lot of those magi made her shiver with fear. Thoughts of them violating her, abusing her, and treating her like nothing but a slave nearly drove her to the point of insanity. "Maple! How could you say such a thing!" her mother shouted, "I... I couldn't live, knowing that you're in the hands of those beasts!"

Before Maple could reply, there was a light knocking on their door, before a female magi stepped through. She was wearing a helmet and armor, like the rest, but her voice painted a picture of a cute looking girl, very gentle in tone, and seemingly sympathetic with Maple's situation. "It's time to go... The commander said you could ride in a private wagon with me, if you'd like..." she invited Maple, before her head lowered a little bit after noticing the scene before her, no doubt a motion of shame from having to tear a girl away from her mother, "I'm sorry..." she apologized quietly.
Re: Lust (Maple)

As the soldier stepped inside Maple's interested was seemingly piqued. The last thing she expected to see was a female among the ranks of barbaric soldiers and brutes. Her theory on the Magi not just being an organization of killers and slavers suddenly felt more plausible.

" Don't be... This isn't your doing..." Maple said to the head hanging warrior. She didn't want her feeling bad about this, it certainly wasn't her fault. " I, umm..." Maple suddenly stutters, unable to find the right words for her sudden request. " Could you... Reassure my parents I won't be harmed before we go? I could use some reassurance myself..." Maple stated, stress visible in her voice. After hearing men talk about wanting to violate her then seeing her father smacked, then her mother, she was still a little more then hesitate to trust that the magi wouldn't harm her in any way. She could use some reassurance right about now.

After whatever the armor clad girl said to her mother and father Maple would then get ready to leave, but then stop to look back. Suddenly, she began talking her red hood and cloak off, removing her cosplay like clothing. Bunching it into a ball she would walk it over to her mother. She was only reminded of her beloved grandmother by this thing, it hurt so much that she wouldn't be able to say goodbye to her. The woman was old, but still in good health! She would surly still be around when Maple came back. If not then... Feeling a sudden tug at her heart strings and tears beginning to weld in her eyes the girl quickly shook the thoughts she was having away. " Here, hold onto this for me, ok mother? Ill want it back when I come home... You can wear it while I'm gone though! " Maple weakly laughed at her desperate attempt to make her mother feel a bit better. Hopefully her red riding hood attire would give some comfort to her family.

Telling her mother and father she loved them a final time Maple would give them both a hug and kiss on the cheek then leave with the magi girl with nothing more then the cloths on her back. She assumed she would get a new tooth brush right along with this new life she was starting. She had no idea what to expect, and even though she hated being torn from her family as much as she did, maybe, just maybe, she could make the best out of a bad situation and turn this into a real adventure.

An adventure in a far away land full of magic, magi, and god knows what else.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

The masked woman raised her head when Maple asked her of a favor, before nodding to Maple's mother and father, who were looking at her with curiosity. "I was taken from my home to... Some people there can be mean, but I never was really hurt at all..." The girl stepped in, standing at the side of the door, holding her hands behind her back, and leaning back against the wall shyly, "I'm really sorry your father got hurt... They're really strict when it comes to Sentients... I guess because monsters target them so much..."

As Maple got up to bid her parents a final farewell, giving her red bonnet away, her mother looked up with scornful, but pleading look on her face towards the lady Magi, "... Please, take good care of her... Make sure she's safe... Bring her home..." she told her.

The magi lowered her head, giving an unsure nod, "Alright... I'll try..." she acknowledged hesitantly, inadvertently informing Maple that the life of a Magi certainly had it's own dangers. Then, she watched quietly as Maple kissed, and said goodbye to her parents, giving faintly heard sobs of sympathy as she watched the child depart from her loving parents.

Opening the door for Maple, the magi stood off from the wall, and held the door open for her. Once she walked through, the magi followed, before hesitating at the last moment, looking back at Maple's parents, "I'll bring her back..." she promised, before closing the door shut.

The Magi lead Maple on towards the wagons stationed not far from her home, just a few minutes walk away. Although, she didn't talk much at all. Something seemed to be bothering her as well. She walked oddly, she folded her hands in front of herself instead of walking normally, and her head was constantly hanging. No doubt she felt guilty over what she witnessed, afraid that Maple would hate her just as much as the man that hit her father...
Re: Lust (Maple)

With a heavy heart and a deep sigh Maple followed behind the Magi soldier. As much as it hurt and even scared her to walk out the front door and away from her home and family she had to do it. For the village to survive and thrive she now had to become a part of this organization. As much as she wanted to cry right now she pushed the tears back for now. She didn't want to cry any more, she still felt woozy from her night with that damned monster and the running and sneaking she had to do. If anything, she wanted to sleep and forget about everything.

As upset as Maple was, anger and sadness along with fear swirling around in her mixed in with her near physical exhaustion, she was not oblivious to how the masked girl was behaving. Maple had heard her sobs earlier and now noticed the awkward way she was walking. The girl was under the impression that she was terribly upset over this.

" Umm..." Maple suddenly looked to the solider, trying to think of the right thing to day. " What's your name? Mine is Maple. " Red figured a simple introduction would be a good way to start off.
Re: Lust (Maple)

The girl stopped, frozen when Maple began to speak to her, as if shocked. She slowly turned to Maple, hands folded in front of her. She was silent for a moment after Maple introduced herself, before she slowly raised her hands to her helmet, gripping the sides, and gently removing the protective headgear, revealing the beautiful face that did lay underneath.

"My name is Juli..." she introduced herself with an embarrassed blush. She reached her right hand under her bosom, gripping her left arm as if to shield herself in some way, or to boost her self confidence, since there didn't seem to be much within her. Asides from shy, Juli also seemed to have something on her mind that tugged at her greatly, as seen on the tense expression covering her face. But, instead of speaking, Juli looked down to the ground in thought, and self scolding over a silent conversation she had with herself, before looking up at Maple with an expression that she'd never been given before. Juli's eyes seemed a mixture of different emotions in that one instance, each directed at Maple; Denial, concern, compassion, fear, and even lust, all wrapped into one expression.

She did not linger on Maple for longer than a second, quickly turning about, and picking up her feet again, walking towards the caravans.

Juli quickly opened the pair of doors on the back of the wagon, pulling herself up, and inside the dark vehicle. She placed her helmet on a bench seat inside, before getting down on her knees, and reaching her hand out to Maple, who might have a little more trouble pulling her whole body up like that, offering to help her up into the wagon.

"Here... I can help you..." she said softly, stretching out her hand to Maple.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

The look Maple received from Juli hadn't been one she expected. It caught her off guard and to made her feel more nervous then she had been. The gaze was something the girl simply could not identify and just did not know how to react to. It almost scared her simply because she hadn't the slightest clue how to react to it. Did she have something to be worried about or was this girl just acting strangely from something like guilt?

When the woman went off and continued to the caravan Maple wasted no time in following right behind her. Along the way she found herself rubbing one of her arms from the awkwardness she felt. By the time they managed to get to their destination, and Juli was opening the doors to a wagon, Maple shook it off best she could. She didn't want the warrior feeling worse then she already looked. That would only make her feel more on edge they she already did.

The scout like girl was about to climb in herself, but stopped when she saw the girls hand extended to her. " Oh, thanks. " She said before slowly reaching out, then finally grasping her hand firmly, trying to put a small amount of trust into the woman.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Taking Maple's hand, Juli gently pulled the smaller girl into the wagon. And just as she was nearly standing on her own feet inside, Juli reached down, out of Maple's eyesight, and gently placed her hand on Maple's ass, lifting her up. Although it seemed like she was just making it easier to get Maple into the wagon, it certainly might seem odd to the brunette girl, when Juli's hand gave her round butt a slightly noticeable pinch of her hand...

Juli would lead Maple to a seat inside the wagon, before closing shut the doors on the back, and taking a seat next to her. After a moment, Maple heard the shouting of the commander, announcing that their business at the town was concluded. Through the windows of the back doors, the only windows in the wagon, Maple would see various Magi soldiers moving about, a surprisingly even division of men and women getting into wagons. And even more surprising, was how the soldiers treated each other.

A woman, seeming to be shy like Juli, was walking with two men on either side of her. The men were groping her with her hands, going under her armor, while she hung her head, and moaned softly from the treatment. She didn't hesitate to get into the wagon either, and the last glimpse Maple saw of them, both men were helping the woman out of her armor, their intent as obvious as it could ever be, while the woman seemed to consent the entire time...

Then, a man, or rather, a young man, walked without his helmet, accompanied by nothing but the opposite sex. A harem of three female soldiers teased, and tortured him. The short haired, blond recruit was overwhelmed by his female, higher ranking officers. One had her arm around his neck, walking along his side, guiding him to another wagon, speaking words Maple could not hear, that seemed meant to degrade him, and humiliate him, since the other two women were clearly laughing at his expense, as their hands poked and prodded various sensitive areas, sometimes digging into his trousers.

"It's like that all the time..." said Juli, who noticed Maple was observing the situation. "It's alright... No one gets hurt... And..." she smiled a little, her face going red, "And it feels really good, once you get used to it..."

Sounds of steam blowing through metal tubing would sound, before Maple felt the wieght under her shift, as the steam wagon began moving on it's own. Since Maple did not see any horses, nor would she know of such a thing as steam technology, Juli simply gave her a look that said, 'you'll get used to it,' before sinking her head, looking to the wood floor of the wagon in silence...

As the wagon left the town, should Maple give her home one last look, she'd see her mother and father, standing at the edge, looking at her wagon, and watching it go. Her mother was crying uncontrollably, and her father was trying to fight back his own tears, trying to look strong, should Maple be watching him. He held his wife against his side, allowing her to rest her wieght on him, as they painfully stood in place, watching the wagons leave with their only child.

Juli, eyes still to the floor, had the same, troubling expression on her face as before. From what Maple could see, Juli was sweating, and her eyes looked glazed. She occasionally made glances at Maple's leg, and thigh, before looking away quickly. Her hands folded in front of her, Juli did seem deeply troubled by something...

Sweat ran down her forehead, and into her eyes. She quickly wiped it away with her hand, trying to take a deep breath. The sweet, adorable Maple sat so close to her. She was looking outside again, paying no attention to her. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. Frantically, she checked her bag again, and stared at the syringe inside. She quickly closed the bag, shaking her head, but trying to make her motions unnoticed by Maple.

'I need it- I need it- I need it!' she repeated frantically in her mind, before wincing, 'No! I can't! I-I told Maple she could trust me! If I... Maybe...' Her hand slowly reached for the bag, so ready to inject herself with the heavenly blue liquid, and lose herself to pleasure, power and lust it provided. 'Maybe if I... Just take a little...' She violently ripped herself from temptation once more, forcing her hand in front of her, and folding both hands together, forcing her eyes to stare at the ground, and not the attractive body of the girl next to her. 'I won't rape her! I can fight this! She trusts me! I'll just take it later!' She winced at that thought, since the question of how much later would arise.

Focusing her eyes on the ground, her vision began to blur, and the world slowly started to feel light under her feet...

(Juli is addicted to a lust inducing drug, and is going through withdrawal. She is attracted to Maple, and as a result, her body begins to naturally crave the drug. She is fighting the temptation to take the drug, due to the fact that once she does, she knows that she will force herself on Maple.)
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Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple gets inside the wagon with Juli's help and, having hardly noticed the pinch on butt, thinks nothing of it. What instead caught her attention was the commanders booming voice and the various soldiers pouring out and back to the wagons. The lustful and degrading behavior she witnessed, it nearly sickened her. How that shy girl seemed to be taken advantage of by those men and how that young man was degraded by those harlots. Each group got into a wagon of their own and seemed to be about to do something of the lustful nature so... Maple suddenly feels incredibly tense as she realized she is in a wagon, alone, with a much stronger magi soldier. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up as her eyes widen, her body nearly trembling as she hears the woman speak to her.

Maple said nothing back, only looked away from Juli and back out into the fields, spotting her parents. From where her parents stood, if they looked close enough, they would see Maples head suddenly hang low and tears falling down from her face and onto the wagon floor. Looking up to them she waves to them for a final time and looks away, moving away from the wagons exit and going deeper inside.

Looking at Juli Maple saw everything, the sweat and looks, and even remembered that strange look she was given before, and how Juli had pinched her cute, round butt earlier. It wasn't hard for her to figure out just what was going on and just want Juli wanted from her.

"...You want to have sex with me, don't you?" She says right at the woman, her teary caramel eyes looks right at her. Letting a sniffling sound out Maple suddenly unbuttons her shirt, pulling it open to reveal with white bra which concealed her nearly small, perky breasts. She spreads her legs open and Juli is given good view of her white panties. " Go ahead and do it Juli... I should just get use to it here and now, before I'm forced too..." She said in a defeated tone, crying a bit more as she awaited the woman to climb on her and begin. She suddenly pats the floor near her, signaling for the woman to come to her.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

Juli's eyes went wide from the accusation. She immediately began distancing herself from Maple the very next moment, clumsily losing her footing, and falling on her rump, before screaming, "No! Stay away from me!" as she continued to crawl away. Her sweating became worse as she looked with unblinking eyes upon Maple's petite body, eyes trembling as she watched Maple spread her legs, and her fists clenching with tension as Maple patted the floor, actually inviting Juli to violate her.

Juli's eyes began to tear up, and her legs bunched together defensively as she shook her head in profuse denial, "I won't! I won't give in! I won't let this..." she quickly reached into her pack, pulling out a syringe containing a glowing blue liquid substance, and squeezing it with hatred, "I won't let this garbage take over!"

The caravan suddenly shook violently as it's wheel hit a rock. And in the sudden moment of shock, the blue syringe was knocked out of Juli's hand. It landed on the ground, and began rolling away quickly, towards the doors of the caravan, threatening to be lost to the road. "No!" Juli shouted, her addiction for the drug driving her to give chase. She made a leap for the liquid, only to fall short a few inches, and miss the syringe with her grasp. She quickly crawled after it, as it turned, and rolled towards Maple, going under her leg, and stopping at her panties.

Juli seemed to give up on chasing it, especially now that it was fairly within Maple's possession. Laying prone on the ground, Juli stared up at Maple with eccentric blue eyes, now filled with fear, fear over how Maple might react. Whatever it was, Maple could tell that it was some kind of addictive substance, due to how Juli was acting over it. But, it's effects only became clear when Maple would inspect the blue vial, and read the inscription on the side;

Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple is easily frightened by Juli's sudden outbursts, suddenly cowering against the walls with her arms raised as if she was about to be hit. As the woman ranted she kept quiet, until the thing that was causing all of this suddenly rolled over to her.

Maple quickly snaps out of her defeated, crushed state and overcomes the fear she had been feeling and picked up the syringe that had rolled to her. She stairs at the drug curiously before looking to the warrior. What was this drug? Would they force her to take it as well? Would she go mad from addiction just like the woman was? These thoughts scared her, but right now Maple was more concerned with the state Juli was it. She was going crazy and must of been in a lot of pain. Maple desperately wanted to help her. ' I... Should I toss it out? Juli is going from her withdrawal... Is there any way I can help her? Maybe if I...' Maple's face suddenly flusters red at the lewd thought, unsure if she should do such a thing. Would sex help Juli with her desire of the drug or only worsen it?

" Juli..." Maple says, suddenly reaching her hand out, the one holding the drug. " It's okay... You can take it. Just take it an do as you wish with it, alright? "
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Re: Lust (Maple)

Without a response to Maple's words, Juli reached up, and snatched the vial away. With the blue liquid back in her possession, Juli retreated from Maple, pulling herself back with both hands, until she was sitting against the wall. Holding the syringe in her hand, Juli quietly pulled her legs up to her body, wrapping her arms around them, and hiding her face between them in shame.
Re: Lust (Maple)

For a moment she just sat there, silent, but then cautiously moved toward the woman. " Umm... Juli..." Maple started, unsure what to say. " I... want to help..." she claimed, getting within arms length of the woman. If the woman didn't show any sighs of hostility or resistance she wold reach out and grasp her shoulders.