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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So I have been very busy as of late, and I can finally announce that the Picture Albums are finally UP! PoP 3 & 4's albums could see additions between now and their eventual release, but yes, you now have an idea of what is to come, and what already exists!


Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Small Tweak to the Necromancer:

Golem attacks will only occur if you land an attack. If you do, the Golem hits regardless, and it can critical.

Tweak to the Spiritmaster:

Spirit attacks once you gain the mastery skill will have a chance to critical hit.

Other News:

Possibly working on a PoP 5! Had some ideas the other night, and I am currently in the building phase. Work on PoP 2-4 is still in progress, but mostly completed at this point save for the math figuring on damage and stat tables.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So yeah, it's been a weird week but starting tomorrow posting gets back to normal!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

It happens. Good to know you didn't completely poof on us though haha. Nothing sucks more than having 5 games to work with and then never getting past the first heh.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Updates again tomorrow, been a long weekend here.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Ugh, March has been the month from hell. OK so here is the scoop, starting tomorrow or Friday I should be able to update this regularly again. I've had a lot of people in and out of the place I am staying at, and the door is frequently flying open because people seem to have forgotten how to knock first, and the locks on this thing are like 50 years older than me. AKA they don't work. Tomorrow though, I'll have enough money to actually go and get a new lock and everything for the door, so I'll be able to lock the damn thing and be able to update in peace without having the door fly open every six seconds. Depending on what time I actually get in from everything tomorrow and get that installed will determine if I can post then, or have to wait til Friday.

So yes, just confirmation this isn't dead, and I haven't given up on it. The posting process for this takes a bit of time and requires certain material to be up in front on my desktop, hence why I don't want the door just randomly opening all the time. Other items such as a normal post or what not I can easily write down on a notepad and pass off as something I'm writing for a book or whatnot, and don't have to minimize. So never fear, the mighty Thembrihkal and his evil ways will be returning soon!

Oh, and someone tell Mother Nature to stop sending me 50+ MPH winds? It'd be appreciated.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

And people always wonder why I have a bolt lock on my room door. No problem Siphon.

As for the winds, I blame Pazuzu.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright, assuming the forum stops deciding to lock me out every time I click on this thread, I should be posting updates either later tonight or sometime early tomorrow morning for this. I'm hoping for tonight, but we shall see if things work to that. If not, then tomorrow morning will be the goal since I will have plenty of time (which is sorely lacking right this second).

Apologies for the horrific delays and such again. I am most likely going to start keeping full out copies of the last post I have seen from you folks and my previous post so I can write the latest replies in a notepad and then copy/paste them in to save some time and frustration of slow to non-existent loading.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

No worries. Huh.

You know it just occurred to me. I don't actually know how technologically advanced the Mathosians actually are. Hm. Or at least when Lorelai was grabbed, it's been like 1000 years since her time so I have to wonder. Heh, which makes her running into the Lamia and Medusa all the more awkward cus far as she knows they're all still friends.

Least her Norn buddy is there to help. Good ol Melissa, definitely carrying the team there haha.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Update will be coming later today, have a few odds and ends to take care of but should be able to get everyone done throughout the day.

Lorelai probably wouldn't recognize Mathos anymore, and now that I think of it, the poor girl won't even be heading to the same planet she knew lol. Much has changed, if/when she returns, she'll be in for a shocker.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Dont take this as a complaint siphon, more a curiosity, when do you think you would be able to update more frequently like you used to or are you still super busy/people walking in on you?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I can imagine. But just so I can have her react properly, what was their technological level when she was last amidst them? Just so I can know if she knows how to work a computer or thinks cloning technology is magic based or something.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Mathosian Technology wasn't even at the cloning point stage when she left, and computer stuff was only a few years introduced at that stage. And you were right, at that time the Lamia and Medusae were all sweet and innocent, not as they are now. The Mathosians also would have known about the Gateways, probably have been using them for some time at that point. Though at that time Mathosian society was much more widely spread out in it's 'classes' than today. She'd be expecting lower classes, middle classes and nobility types, when in reality they are now more of a unified 'everyone has the same rights as the next person' society and more united.

Sophina, I am hoping by the end of this week I'll be able to with little to no interruptions until later in the fall or holiday season. If not, certainly by the time this month ends as I'll end up having the place to myself for a while and eventually I'll run out of shit that HAS to get done at the rate I am going.

Edit: I'll get everyone else either early tomorrow or sometime in the evening tomorrow when I get home. Hopefully I'll be able to update once or twice a day most days starting this week or by the early portion of next week.
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright so she'd be vaguely familiar with the concept of cloning so her reaction made sense. And she;d be familiar with computers in the lower inclinations as a scientist but no tech wiz. Not that she would be, she;s foremost a scientist of biology and spiritology or whatever they'd call it.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Good to hear, just dont burn yourself out, exhaustion is nasty. As for my game and the stalemate just roll it again there isnt anything else to be done
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Like how much corruption have my partner? I mean wow she has been for months on that planet.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

This goes in the Character Building Section thread, Alkalannar.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Updates should come tomorrow, assuming I haven't gone Jack the Ripper on someone's ass in the next 24 hours.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

This will be going on a temporary hiatus so I can rework some features of the game. Here's the break down of what will be changing, effective for this version of it.

NEW combat system simplifying the square off mode. D20 vs. D20, higher roll wins whatever the 'situation' was. A perfect roll = critical success, and an automatic critical hit, complete escape + chance to counter-attack, critical pleasure (yes, enemies will have a chance to critically pleasure you).

NEW changes for the stat system doing away with 90% of the base numbers. This means debuffs, perks and the like will be changing for character classes, races and shrines depending on what the original was and how the new system changes it.

Alterations will be made to skill damage and such, with a level up changing the amount of damage you do with EACH skill. HP, MP, and Stamina will also go up each level, and stat distribution will be done away with in the simplified system.

Adrenaline Boost will give a +5 to your final roll, while a debuff will mean instead of a d20 roll, you only get for example a d18 roll. If you still roll a perfect roll AND win under a lowered roll, you get the critical success. Also, all attacks while under the influence of Adrenaline Boost will automatically be critical damage.

A percent chance for a counter-attack upon successful defense will be instituted with this change.

The sexual combat arena will make it's appearance in some way in this update.

The Current plan is to implement these changes and continue onward, however if you want a complete restart to your character with the new system, I can arrange for that too.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Not that I got very far along in the first place, but I would be all for that complete restart stuff.