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A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Nevanas Stats: HP = 35, PP = 46, EP = 63, Pregnant, Warmth, Light

Katelyn looked downcast at Nevanas question, but, with a resigned sigh, she said; "I'm..... I'm what some people call a succubus. I'm not one of the demons! I swear I'm not! But... When I'm with people.... I take something form them.... And it feels good.... So I want to do it more and more. But... My mother told me not to give in to those urges.... Because they would get me into trouble! I swear, I've never hurt anyone in my life! I don't think I ever could! But, when I get hungry.... Sometimes, I just can't stop myself."
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

"Oh, so... uhh..." Nevana spoke softly not exactly sure how to words her next statement, "Take something... what exactly do you mean? You take something?" Her teachers had spoken of such demons before, but not of their methods, simply to avoid them at all costs.
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Nevanas Stats: HP = 35, PP = 46, EP = 63, Pregnant, Warmth, Light

"Yes. My mother told me that I took little pieces of their soul. Not enough to actually hurt them... But enough to make them pass out, and that if it happened often enough people could get addicted to it. She also told me that if I wasn't careful, I could really kill someone with it, but that if I didn't feed often enough, I'd go crazy, and might kill someone by accident." As she spoke, Nevana thought that Katelyn seemed genuinely ashamed of what she was, and kept looking down into the empty fireplace, shivering despite the magical warmth and light.
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Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

<Wow... that's...> Nevana stood up slowly as she continued, moving closer to the woman as quietly as she could. "don't worry I just met you and I know you aren't a bad person." she said pressing the shivering woman's face into her chest and holding her. "I sort of know what that's like, my village didn't trust me because of my powers and threw me out."
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Nevanas Stats: HP = 35, PP = 46, EP = 63, Pregnant, Warmth, Light

Katelyn seemed surprised by Nevanas embrace, but after a heartbeat or so she wrapped her arms around the elfs back, returning her hug. "Thank you.... Nevana. No one's ever told me anything like that before. It... It means a lot to me, to hear you say it and believe it." When she spoke, her voice was low, and Nevana felt her stop trembling. "That really happened to you? Your people really threw you out of your home just because you were different?"
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

The elf kept her hold tight even as the other woman stopped trembling. "There was a bit more to it than that, but yes." Though Katelyn probably couldn't see it Nevana's face was growing redder at this point. She spoke slowly, obviously pained by the memories. "I was.... picked on... a lot as a kid... I eventually learned how to fight back... and... well... the village leaders didn't like that." She pulled the other woman closer. "You're actually the first nice person I've met.."
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Nevanas Stats: HP = 35, PP = 46, EP = 63, Pregnant, Warmth, Light

"Really? I'm sorry.... I know what that's like. You're the first person that wasn't just polite at best to me. I'm very glad that I got to meet you, Nevana." Katelyn replied, hugging the elf girl tightly. "I never could fight back. I have no idea how to defend myself, other than to let someone have their way with me. Sometimes it could be.... Well, really scary."
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

(Sorry about disappearing for so long, it's been a busy few weeks.)

Nevana simply held onto her for a few moments. The elf really didn't know what that was like, so long as she has a source of darkness she was usually protected. "Well, Katelyn..." she started unsure of what to say, "Do you want to keep living like this? I'm kind of traveling around and could use some help figuring out how things work out here." Her blush was visible even in the low light, Nevana hadn't met anyone like this before and really wanted to help her. Even if Katelyn wasn't able to help much in a fight having a friend on the journey would make it much better. She also was rather easy on the eyes.
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

Nevanas Stats: HP = 35, PP = 46, EP = 63, Pregnant, Warmth, Light

"There's not all that much keeping me here really, so I'd love to come travel with you for a while! We should be careful though, things have gotten very strange around here lately. The towns been very quiet, and I've seen fires a few times."
Re: A World in Cold Shadows (SomCr)

"Hmm, well I'm sure we'll manage. I was actually headed for one of the fires before... well..." She drifted off thinking of the wolves and blushing. Moving back from Katelyn, Nevana looked the other woman up and down. "Do you want to grab anything before we head out? You're kind of..." The elf brushed her fingers against the other woman's substantial chest.