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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Cuz I said I was getting reports of rep abuse?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Cuz I said I was getting reports of rep abuse?

No, your response to the situation sounded as though you didn't really want to handle it. Some people translated that to a possibility that you knew who was behind the abuse but didn't want them to get into any trouble. Of course, the neg reppers didn't really listen to you and chose to keep doing it anyway.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No. MNF has made it clear they don't want me doing anything. They want to self police and that's why I said they better self-police it. Take a look at my profile if you want reason for why I'm not allowed to make decisions in the community.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Aww you ruined the surprise. We already suspected that he was one of the users behind the neg reps in the first place

I'm not. I've made a few negreps mostly because the topic is full of morons, but nothing like systematic "abuse" you claim.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm not. I've made a few negreps mostly because the topic is full of morons, but nothing like systematic "abuse" you claim.

No one really said that you did it as we have no real evidence, you just seem very likely to a couple of people. Actually we don't have enough evidence on anyone that's been suspected just yet. I myself am only suspicious of one person right now because of his modus operandi of leaving behind medieval style messages (which I haven't seen since the 19th of December) and the only reason I suspect him is because it ties in with his username. Guess Who! :D
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Spider is not racist against those who play MnF. He's racist against people who act emotional for little reason.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not a race lila.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


HentaiSpider doesn't punctuate hate for MnF games by negrep. He punctuates hate for reactions which are emotional for little reason.

Rep is just brownie points. I would not worry about it unless someone gangrapes your rep bar.

And even then, nunu likes Organisms and does her best to undo any unjust negreps.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I could really give a Damn if my Rep is in the Red. It bothers me more that others are getting hit for no reason and as such people don't even want to post as much anymore.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The rep system's going nowhere, shit nugget.




Wow, u mad bro? I'll give you a little tip, you can rep someone twice in a day as long as you rep some other people in between. Or were you trying to make it look like it was several people? Also, pro insult there, really inspired.

Taunting aside, let's discuss this for real. What benefits does the rep system in it's current form have over a simple 1 power for everyone system? The only one I can see is that it's easy to nuke the rep of someone who's unliked, which will happen reguardless.

With 1 power for everyone, well, this thread would most likely get alot less attention. It would require an actual CONSENSUS of the forum for a user to have negative or positive reputation instead of what, the 30-40 members who have insane rep?

I'd honestly like to hear other people's thoughts on this.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The rep system's going nowhere, shit nugget.




Wow, u mad bro? I'll give you a little tip, you can rep someone twice in a day as long as you rep some other people in between. Or were you trying to make it look like it was several people? Also, pro insult there, really inspired.

Taunting aside, let's discuss this for real. What benefits does the rep system in it's current form have over a simple 1 power for everyone system? The only one I can see is that it's easy to nuke the rep of someone who's unliked, which will happen reguardless.

With 1 power for everyone, well, this thread would most likely get alot less attention. It would require an actual CONSENSUS of the forum for a user to have negative or positive reputation instead of what, the 30-40 members who have insane rep?

I'd honestly like to hear other people's thoughts on this.

As said by Nunu this is up to Aika if he wants to do this. Either way I really don't give a shit about Rep anymore whether Red or Green.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

But then how else will I know I'm better than most of you?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I encourage everyone to fix Haseo. He may have complained too much, but we are nice people. I doubt he's done as wrong as, say, StiffSponge.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That guy whose been leaving nothing but "..." as his messages has been doing this since early December. Forgive me for using this word but if he hasn't gotten bored of doing this by now, I think autism is his driving force here.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

>Guy chucking negrep about
>Say -anything- about aforementioned negrepping
>Thus show that you care about rep, even if only a tiny bit
>Thus the guy will continue, as he knows his actions stir the pot
>Year two-thousand and fifteen of our Lord
>Caring about rep

My nick contains 'fish' and even I know better than to bite the bait.

You guys are awful at this whole 'internet' thing.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I encourage everyone to fix Haseo. He may have complained too much, but we are nice people. I doubt he's done as wrong as, say, StiffSponge.

Well I know there are cool people, I have gotten to know many over the last 2 years since I have joined up :)

The only reason I complained was so that I can fix the problem for others who care more about the system that I do. Some people care how Green their Bars are and a lot of people don't want to post because their Rep is going down. While I do think that is stupid I will respect their opinion and try to help them out. That was what my job as a Moderator is, but alas my ability is limited, so it is time to move on from it and just do what I have been doing and bringing "Shitty Content" (Thank You Mysterious Neg Repper haha xD) to people lol :D
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

>Guy chucking negrep about
>Say -anything- about aforementioned negrepping
>Thus show that you care about rep, even if only a tiny bit
>Thus the guy will continue, as he knows his actions stir the pot
>Year two-thousand and fifteen of our Lord
>Caring about rep

My nick contains 'fish' and even I know better than to bite the bait.

You guys are awful at this whole 'internet' thing.

All the more reason to either abolish it or reduce the rep power to 1 point. I used to be a huge forum troll back when badjojo.com had a forum and there was one called bakajojo after badjojo's forum was removed. I would spam gay porn and shock images in general discussion sections for my entertainment so I've been pelted with a lot of neg reps in retaliation back in the day but I've grown used to getting it.

When you've been part of a forum for a long period of time, you tend to integrate your ego with the reputation system, positive rep makes you feel pretty good about yourself but neg reps makes you feel as though someone stabbed you in the chest. However the problem is this can cause some people to go crazy, we could potentially lose some contributors just because someone here wanted to see them get emotionally unstable.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That guy whose been leaving nothing but "..." as his messages has been doing this since early December. Forgive me for using this word but if he hasn't gotten bored of doing this by now, I think autism is his driving force here.

Why do you attribute autism to willful attacks?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Why do you attribute autism to willful attacks?

Repetitious behavior. People who have this disorder find it enjoyable to keep doing the same thing over and over regardless of how boring it would be to others and the neg repper has been at it for almost a month now.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

>Guy chucking negrep about
>Say -anything- about aforementioned negrepping
>Thus show that you care about rep, even if only a tiny bit
>Thus the guy will continue, as he knows his actions stir the pot
>Year two-thousand and fifteen of our Lord
>Caring about rep

My nick contains 'fish' and even I know better than to bite the bait.

You guys are awful at this whole 'internet' thing.

Whilst that would normally stand, you can't expect all people to ignore it entirely. And when a specific thread has been getting bombarded to the point that people have been discouraged from posting in it, then something has gone bad.

If someone started negrepping all the RPers on the forum to the point where everyone was stuck in full red, trying to make you feel as unwelcome as possible, I feel even you'd still have something to say about it regardless of not caring about the rep score itself.

I don't care for the thread and find the games cringe-worthy, but neither do I care for this kind of abusive nonsense.
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