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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Once she was caught by Prudence, Katerina gave a start. "What are you doing, Pru!?" she exclaimed, before she was whispered to play along. She did protest, but the puppeteer magic Prudence wielded kept her in check. When Prudence lifted her leg, so did Kat, as they stepped together into Seras' room. Once inside the room, Seras seemed to have demonstrated quite clearly that she would be the one in control as they found Yuri tied by her wrists to an ornament of the ship's wheel on the wall via a strand rope. Though despite what it looked like, Yuri clarified the situation. "It's okay," she said in her soft voice, "I let her do this~" she announced with a masochistic giggle.

"Asked for it, more like," Seras responded, sitting on her bed with her left leg folded over the other. "But what's important is the present my latest friend brought to me." Seras announced with a giggle as she stood up, and approached Katerina with a grin. Wrapping her arms around Katerina's neck, Seras planted a firm kiss on the demon's lips. "You're too greedy, Katerina. You want me, Prudence, and little Yuri over there all to yourself, and even my crew and all it's spoils. You wanna be a cardinal so bad, and replace Jezebel on her throne, but you gotta realize that you don't have what it takes to do that."

Katerina frowned at Seras, unable to do anything else. "Are you saying that you're betraying me for a cardinal?" she asked Seras with a deep frown.

Seras only laughed, patting Katerina on the shoulder before stepping over to the two Prudences, and smoothing her hand along their arms. "No, Kat. I'd never do that to ya; however, I have realized rather quickly that potential higher than your own has arrived, a new girl better fit to be our pirate leader. And that's Pru right here. Lookin' at the way she moved, every single step she took was a careful calculation. She handled conflict quickly and with little mess. She's..." Seras giggled smoothing her hands over the human Prudences chest from the top, and slowly downwards, her hands rolling over the mound of her chest. "... Perfect, and far better of a leader. You were great for a while, Kat, but you're too damn selfish. I think even Pru knows that. As long as we acknowledge who the new leader is, shall we have the fun we intended?" Seras inquired, as her hands went behind her corset, and her large, healthy breasts bounced free into he open air.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Upon entering the Captain's Quarters the Prudences were treated to the sight of Yuri tied to the ship's wheel that hung on the far wall. And by all means she looked like the happiest thing in the world. Leave it to that girl to find someway to get herself bound...

But that wasn't why they had come in, and with Seras springing from the bed the twins watched her carefully as she embraced her captured captain and gave Kat quite the kiss. A moment later she chastised the demon for her greed, the human even outing Katerina's desire to become a cardinal herself and overthrow Jezebel. This caused Kat to question her first mate's loyalty, and as the question was asked both halves of Prudence listened intently to see just what kind of motivation Seras held for wishing to see her captain bound like this.

What came next was a complete and utter surprise. Prudence had known that Kat was always a bit of a loose cannon, but to think that even a group of pirates would think she was far too reckless... Or maybe it was just Seras. With all the things that Kat does to keep herself occupied it wasn't too much of a stretch to think that her crew went mostly unsupervised. That meant that they weren't given any direction, and given that Seras was so much like Katerina the first mate's ambitions were left unfulfilled. That begged the question of why the didn't just act on their own. Maybe Kat ordered them all to wait at port so she could board whenever she felt the need. Or maybe Seras was really a submissive soul at heart. She made such a fuss of showing her dominance in front of her crew when she 'attacked' the demonic twin, and those that make such a public display usually act the complete opposite behind closed doors.

Should we put that theory to the test? The question that flowed across their link was answered by a rather enthusiastic mental nod from the human, and in the next moment her voice rang out over that link as Katerina was allowed to listen in. We'll need to talk about this once we've had our fun, but let's indulge her for a few more minutes before we turn the tables. Kat really didn't have much of a choice at the moment considering she was still held by Prudence's magic, and whether she wanted to join or not Kat would find herself rising and flanking Seras just as the more human Prudence did. Her hand snaked down across the pirate's leg, a couple passes rubbing at her inner thigh before slowly rising and approaching the heavy breasts that had been freed from their prison.

But before any fingers could rise to pinch a nipple the two bodies that surrounded the human pulled extremely close as if they were preparing to smother her between them. "Yes, let's have our fun." That little whisper in her ear was all the warning Seras received before she was led to the bed, and once all three were close they all tumbled onto the mattress. The first mate would land on her back, Prudence and Kat landing right next to her, and before she could rightly recover a pair of mouths descended and captured those nipples between a pair of puckered lips. Puppet and puppet master began to suckle on those lovely tits, and though they remained clothed their hands were not kept idle and started to slowly and meticulously undress the woman trapped between them. Great care was taken to keep her distracted with their mouths and tongue, so once they finally managed to free her from her pants she wouldn't notice the third set of hands before those pants were removed. A moment later a third mouth would be felt as it attacked the juncture between her legs, and if the woman wore panties it would only offer token protection before the demonic Pru started working on the little love button that had yet to reveal itself.

With Seras laying there being pleasured by three women the twins simply kept kissing and sucking on the girl. Though they had plenty of chances to move forward they chose to hold back and wait, their attention focused on the girl as she was attacked by three different women. They knew that even with them working to please the girl she had relatively no say in the matter. She was at their mercy for the moment, and she was as dominant as she always claimed to be then she would either struggle or simply break free. But they had a feeling she wouldn't, and once that feeling was confirmed they would finally move forward .
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

All of the things Prudence expected from the woman would not be found from the pirate's reaction. Struggle she did not. In fact, she embraced the two girls as they led her down to the bed. Her tan, firm arms went around Pru and Kat's shoulders as she was lain on the bed. And when their lips sought out her nipples, Seras placed her hands against the back of their heads, embracing them to continue to suck her nipples while she grinned down at them with a pleased expression. Not the victim, Seras still seemed like she was in perfect control despite the presence of the three. Her expression said that this was what she wanted, and they were giving it to her.

Putting her legs together, she giggled as their hands went to her pants, "Willing to take care of everything, aren't ya?" she said to the excited demons as she let her pants be slipped right off to reveal a daring set of red panties that did nothing to cover her features, and only made them much more noticeable. The round of her ass cheeks, the slit of her pussy, and point of her clit and curve of her crotch all brought to light by the attention grabbing, bright red color. Watching the demonic Prudence lean down, Seras lifted her legs, and locked her legs around her head, holding her face against her crotch in a welcoming embrace. She rubbed her thighs against the sides of Pru's face as the demon attacked her point. "Ah... Kat..." Seras moaned as she brushed her hand along Katerina's blood red hair. "It really does feel so much better when you're more gentle like Prudence. Your tongue never felt so soft before~" she giggled, clearly enjoying herself. But she didn't reserve all her attentions for Kat, as she would turn to look at the beautiful, blond Prudence next, petting her hair as well. "You're a mighty fine beauty..." Seras told Prudence softly, petting her with compliments as well as her hand as she watched the flesh of her breast shift from the movements of Pru's mouth. "I wanna know everything about you... I wanna be your's forever~" she giggled.

Releasing her embrace around the demon Prudence's neck, she propped her legs up on the ends of her bed, spreading her legs in full display, "I'm a woman of my word. Do with me as you like~" Seras chuckled with a confident grin.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Guess we were wrong... The welcome embrace, the hands that encouraged their every motion, the contented look in her eye as she accepted every bit of pleasure thrown her way, this was more than enough to tell the twins their little assumptions had been wrong. Seras was still the confident looking woman she always was, and she was enjoying every pleasurable little lick and kiss showered upon her form. Can't win them all...

But there was something else that caught their attention, and whatever worry they held was replaced by a slightly mischievous mirth that played across their faces. They the human didn't stop her little bit of worship in the least the demon made sure she gave both Seras and Kat a rather playful smile as she rose her head. "Poor Kat, always in such a rush for gratification." That smile continued as she regarded the demon that was latched onto her first mate's nipple. "Always so impatient." Even with the legs locking her in place Pru managed to bring a finger up to those delightful red panties, and her finger ran up and down those barely concealed lips. "Sometimes it's better to take your time." This was an odd reversal, especially since Pru had acted very much like the still inexperienced demon back at Yuri's home. "To let yourself simply sit back and enjoy the gift before you." A momentary departure to circle Seras' clit led to those panties being pulled to the side to expose that wonderful mound to the open air. "To savor the taste that dances across your tongue." And at that the demonic twin dove down and ran her tongue between the woman's folds, the very tip of it dipping slightly into her recesses and gathering that flavor before dragging even higher to flick across the now revealed crown.

For a while the trio simply continued like this, their mouths and tongues doing all the work as they were rewarded by the faint trickle of Seras' essence flowing into their souls. But when the woman unhooked her legs and urged the demon to do as she pleased Pru simply sat up once again with that wry smile on her face. She was soon joined by her more flaxen twin, and this would bring Kat's face to in whatever mood she chose to show. "Looks like someone else is impatient." "And just as insatiable. She even said so." The blonde nodded her head toward her puppet. "She warned us, said you were impossible to satisfy." "And that just won't do." "We're going to do our best to sate that need." "Because we truly are willing to take care of everything." "So if there's anything you would really enjoy just let us know." "And until then we'll see what we can do about scratching that pesky little itch of yours..."

Once that was said all three mouths descended once again, and they each captured their own respective jewel before resuming their gentle suckling. It would be a glorious thing. Three mouths working in perfect harmony, Seras' nipples and clit trapped and sucked on and lovingly licked as one, the occasional break given to allow the demon to bury her tongue within the woman's folds while the other two mouths explore their respective globe and search for any hidden spots that would make the human squirm. And as time went on she would probably notice her spirit slowly ebbing away, the hungry mouths sucking it right out of her body with every little flick. But as she was drained she may notice something else filling that space, a presence that slowly filled the growing emptiness from being fed on by a pair of demons. And as it filled her it slowly wound its way around her soul, that touch nearly smothering her astral form but somehow holding itself back.

It would almost seem like Prudence was preparing to convert this soul into another demon to join her and Kat's little infernal coven, but she had a far different thing in mind. First and foremost, she was preparing to capture Seras. The girl had dropped all of her defenses, and it would take very little to snare her with the same puppet magic that so ruthlessly held Katerina, but she was still going to hold back for a bit. This was far too much fun, and this is what led to her aura's second purpose. This would be a distraction. As Prudence laid her trap the power that was ebbing into the woman would set her nerves alight, a small little charm that would make every flick of the tongue that much more pronounced and enjoyable. And the more the woman was pleased the more of her essence the demons would share, weakening her just a little more until it was time to spring that trap. But as they continued to tease and play the twins had one more thing they wanted, and as Seras slowly gave in to the pleasure attacking her they would start discretely searching through her soul. The sifted through her memories, through her desires, through everything that brought the woman to this point and her desire to make Prudence her new captain. There had to be a reason for it, and they were going to find it before they were finally done.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Seras looked like a queen from where she lay, with the three women pleasuring her. Her powerful aura was both great in presence and in taste. Every little trickle Prudence absorbed seemed like she was removing one shovel of earth from an entire mountain. The way she held herself, and her ever constant smile on her face only spoke volumes of how she saw the three as women who were providing her pleasure. Her petals were open to Prudence, welcoming her tongue to drink from the nectar she was leaking. But when they stopped, she looked down at them with a calm grin, "Katerina was never of a mind to work with others. All of her attempts to assert herself over me always ended up turned over on her because of who I am. But this is why I chose you, Prudence. You're not so stubbornly proud that you would only approach me as one woman. And in the end, I am not a leader. I prefer to find someone who's qualified to show me their ideals, and be led by them. And I like you, Prudence. I felt knew I could trust someone like you the moment I saw you. And this is why little Kat should take after your example. Be someone trusting, instead of someone who just wants power and pleasure fit to be the new Cardinal Sin of Lust."

She spoke these words as the twins of Prudence and Katerina fed from her body. The threads she extended into Seras' soul welcomed her. Immediately Prudence found her presence inside Seras' soul detected as Seras let out a small laugh, "You don't need to be like that, Prudence," Seras said during her laugh, "It's all there for you to enjoy at your leisure." she told her flatly, offering no resistance to Prudence as she nursed off of Seras' soul while at the same time, searching through it to locate Seras' specific memories...


Seras was lying naked in the very same bed that she was now, with the three women around her. On top of her, with her arms and wings wrapped around her, and hips between her legs, was Katerina, who plunged into Seras' depths with hunger and passion. The motions Katerina made were skillful and stimulating, but Seras still wasn't pleased. Katerina lacked the care and love that she desired. Katerina only attacked what she saw was food like a wild beast after fresh meat as she did with any other meal, man or woman. There was nothing significant about their union in the cabin other than Katerina's first mate providing her service. Seras' lack of satisfaction seemed to anger Katerina, and the demon did all she could within her power to try and force satisfaction out of Seras. Many of her victims might have been fine with that, but she was not.

Seras never once experienced orgasm. All of the trades with demons built up in her body with their natural magic as unsatisfied lust desiring to be vented in the form of sexual pleasure. Seras developed intimate relations with her crew, but few were actually holding any of the love or care for her that she wanted. Seras brought many to climax herself, as she was more than confident in her ability to show tender love and care for her partners. The act of sex itself was sacred, not by the church's way in that it shouldn't be done, but by the demon's way in that it should be enjoyed.

"I want someone who can give me that tender feeling, a feeling I never felt, but know I desire." Seras whispered to herself those words very often over the rail of her ship, looking out to sea, as if expecting her desired person to emerge from the very waters. And more often than not, the little dictator herself was on board as she said that. Katerina always swore to provide her the pleasure she desired, but Seras knew Katerina couldn't understand patience. Sex is a special thing, and those who share such intimacies learn a great deal about each other. Katerina however simply has sex as casually as she shakes hands. She's willing to extend herself out to try and make that impression of pleasure, but misses the point completely.

Eventually Katerina became frustrated over her lack of success, and Seras was ultimately disappointed that she would simply vanish with only a few words of disgrace. All she said was that she would return, and would fuck her so good that she'd nearly go into a coma from the pleasure. Still with her beastly nature, and still with her aggressive attitude, Seras was not pleased with Katerina. From then on, Seras sailed the seas around the desert port, and attacked ships owned by the Order. The select few special men and women aboard, Seras educated them on the meaning of true pleasure. And too many did even fall in love with her. Various faces of her crew came to mind, women who were charmed by her skill and passion, and became unsatisfied with their current lives of 'chastity' and 'purity,' as too quick did they learn from Seras' touch, that that special kind of pleasure was only of the purest form.

There were no dirty or mean spirited women among her crew. Seras personally hand selected only the most tender, passionate, and dependable women she found. "If I can't be given the sensation of this pleasure, I won't be bitter," she said to herself. "I'll show it to others, so that they can learn the true meaning of tender passion."

But then, something struck Seras like a bolt of lightning. A set of twins who talked and moved exactly alike, one demon and the other a human. Even on the earth her steps were tender, and against the wind, she seemed to politely brush along it so as not to be rude to the elements. Her voice was tender, and her judgment was firm. This is the one. She knew it, and she'll be damned if anyone thought otherwise. Every beat her heart made caused her to swoon for this woman, and her soul desired nothing else but to feel her tender touch.

"I'm sorry, Kat, but my heart tells me to follow this woman."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Katerina... Within the demon's mindscape an image of Prudence could be found draped across her lover. At the moment she had her eyes closed, the memories she had found playing through her head. For a while she simply sat there and held her mentor close, but eventually the redhead would feel the human soul squeezing a little tighter before those eyes opened to show a bit of sadness. I'm sorry, but I can't give her to you. The golden threads that kept the succubus trapped tightened a bit to ensure Kat would not simply force her way free, and as they did Prudence swung around so that she now embraced her love from the front. I won't take your crew, and you can punish me as harshly as you wish once we're done, but I can't deny this woman's desire.

A gentle, almost chaste kiss was given to the bound demon, and for a moment it almost looked like Prudence was going to simply let go, but a thought passed through her head and caused her to embrace her sister once more. Kat, I know you want to claim her, but you can't. Not yet. You don't understand how. A hand rose to brush against Kat's cheek. But that doesn't mean you never will. You just need to learn what I've learned. I could show you, teach you, but only if you truly want it. Prudence didn't ask the obvious question or demand an answer, and she started to pull away once again. Just let me know when you're ready.


For a few short seconds Seras would think that the blond at her teat was distracted by something else, but it quickly passed, the mental conversation between Prudence and Katerina completing far faster than it would had they been talking out loud. At that same time the aura pouring into the pirate's body pulled back, and only when a faint trace remained did it finally stop and settle throughout her soul. "At our leisure? Well, what I saw was quite the bounty." "We could spend an entire day simply lapping at that treasure with all our teasing, and that wouldn't be nearly enough." "You truly are a wondrous creature, Seras."

"So let's see how much of the day we can waste."
At that the demonic twin rose and climbed over the woman, and the dress she wore did nothing to hide the excitement displayed all over her body. Pru's nipples had turned into hardened points, the tips of which looked like they were trying to bore through the fabric to find freedom, and as she climbed over her twin and the bound Kat her body swayed too and fro, her more interesting features shifting from side to side until she finally hovered over the woman who had been denied so much. A wicked little smile graced the demon's face, but that soon melted into a contented moan as her kips descended and graced Seras with a long and drawn out kiss.

While that kiss continued Prudence and Kat were forced to abandon their nipples, but there was so much more to Seras than two tits and a cunt. Their mouths rose with Pru, and as the demon found the woman's mouth other two found her neck. A trail of kisses were showered upon her flesh, from nape to chin to collar and back again. Their hands explored her curves, outlined the generous swells of her bust, ran across the toned fields of her stomach before sliding over her hips and brushing up and down her thighs.

But this simple bit of kissing would not do. Not when Pru had already had a taste of the true treasure. she broke contact with the woman's mouth and started planting a trail of wet pecks down her center, Pru's cohorts slowly following until the returned to those now neglected nipples that glistened with their saliva. Those hands worked more thoroughly on Seras's thighs, even going so far as to pull her legs farther open and even pulling further to force Seras to lift her ass of the bed.

And this is what the dark twin found as she returned. A welcome kiss was given to the woman's clit, but it was nothing more than a short peck before that mouth was back at her entrance. The demon's tongue entered her once more, the tip flicking forward to taste her nectar before retreating as it had last time. But instead of pulling out completely it dove in once again. The tip flicked forward, deeper than before as it tasted and explored, and with each pull back it simply went further. Soon enough Seras would feel the end tickling her cervix, that muscle seeming to somehow squirm in just the right way to make it writhe against all her most sensitive points at once.

For a few seconds Pru's tongue stayed where it was, its length undulating within Seras and teasing her flesh, but eventually that organ started to pull out. It retreated a few inches, just enough to run its length against those velvety walls, and then it pushed back in. Another pause, another couple of seconds, and then it started to move once more. The pause shortened with each push, and in no time at all Pru was slowly tongue-fucking the pirate as deeply as she could. With her tongue moving at its languid pace she could keep this up for hours, and if needed to she would. Seras had been denied release so many times, and the twins hoped that this slow pace would give her the build-up she needed to find release. If it did, great! If not, oh well. But either way this wouldn't be the end. They were going to take their time and enjoy every second they had with this hopefully satisfied beast.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Katerina at first looked surprised by what Prudence said as the image of herself formed in Prudence's inner eye as well, before she turned her head to the side, and folded one arm under her breast and gripping at her other arm in a posture of insecurity. "The hearts of the crew belong to Seras, who now belongs to you. Say what you will, but I do not deny the nature of our kind. I have no other choice than to relinquish my authority to you." she promised, before putting a hand on her hip in confidence. "I don't want your pity, or to have my hand held by you as if I were a child. I am a woman of my pride, and I will take what I desire on my own accord... And believe me, I will take it back from you..." Katerina told Prudence, a heavy tone on her voice as she vanished.

Back in the physical world, Seras cared not for the momentary pause, but when Prudence came crawling up to her, she welcomed all three of the women who came up to kiss her. Her hands caressed and ran over the entirety of Prudence and Kat's forms on either side of her, and passionately kissed the twin that was in front of her. "More than an eternity or day I'd waste with you, if it meant this tenderness continued the whole time." Seras replied to Prudence, her hands that were roaming over Kat and Pru's bodies finding their way to their crotches, briefly running her hands and fingers along their folds before roaming over their fine bodies elsewhere.

Seras gave a delighted moan of surprise as Prudence spread her legs even further, and rose her ass from the bed. Her hands back to petting the head of the human Pru and devilish Kat, Seras smiled contently like a queen being worshiped. "Yes..." Seras whispered ever so quietly as Prudence's tongue touched against her, and as her clit was licked. As Prudence's tongue went deeper and deeper, the moment it touched her cervix, Seras' hand shot down to the devilish Pru's head, moaning loudly as she ever so gently pushed against the limits of her human body without abusing them. Prudence felt Seras' folds squeezing down slightly with every advance she made using her tongue as a clear sign that Prudence truly was pleasuring her. Prudence's tongue had to go deep inside of Seras before she met her cervix, an impressive amount of space inside of her for a human being that seemed almost built to perform the very tasks a succubus must endure.

Prudence found Seras' hips slowly rocking with her motions. "I've waited so long..." she whispered, taking the human Prudence in her hand, and lifting her mouth before placing a passionate kiss on her lips, and letting her go to continue toying with her sensitive breasts. "Can you feel me trembling, Prudence?" Seras asks her, letting out a rather loud, lewd moan. "Keep going, don't stop..." she urged her on. Seras' body began to make erratic movements, her legs suddenly twitching and moving, while her back arched on the bed, pressing her breasts against Kat and Pru. Suddenly, she let out an unannounced cry that caught everyone's attention. "This is...!" she announced, and the three knew well enough what it was even though Seras was just experiencing it. Straight into her mouth and all over her tongue, Prudence tasted an overflow of Seras' cum juices flowing into her mouth as her tongue was squeezed by Seras' inner walls. Moaning, and panting through the ordeal, the three women found Seras going limp on the bed, before the pirate smiled.

"I want more..."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

What? Pity... No, that wasn't what she meant at all...

As Katerina gave her rather dark answer Prudence opened her metaphorical mouth to say something, but it simply hung there until her love simply vanished. She really had no idea what she could say, and as she very slowly closed it she came to a realization. I offended her... She really had no intention of doing so. Kat had offered her so much over the years and taught her even more, sometimes even forcing a lesson down her throat when Pru was less than willing. But now Pru had knowledge her mentor lacked, and she wanted to return the favor, show Kat how to think past her own needs and desires so she could empathize with Seras and give the woman what she needed.

But she wasn't wrong... Her demonic half called out to the human, and after a bit she realized that there was a sense of pity. The entirety of Prudence could see that Kat was a rather proud creature, and even after saying that she would help the demon claim the one soul that had escaped her Pru reduced that proud soul into nothing more than a spectator. Kat's pride had been stripped away, and no matter what good will she had Pru's offer was still a bit of a boast. Katerina would never accept anything from someone lording their position over her like that.

But even so Pru still wanted to help her sister overcome that one failing. If she could then Pru had no doubt that Kat would become an almost unstoppable force. All she could do now was hope that her love would someday realize that same thing and put away her pride...


"Can you feel me trembling, Prudence?" A slight hum answered Seras, but that wouldn't be enough. The woman deserved a proper answer, and with their mouths otherwise occupied the demon between her legs let her tongue do the talking. She was carefully watching the human, every little twitch and moan cataloged while she explored, and as it pulled back the tip lingered on an especially sensitive spot that would normally leave most others collapsing into sexual bliss.

But Seras wasn't like most others, and Prudence was determined to completely satisfy her partner. The slow exploration continued, the tongue diving deeper than expected and revealing just how fine a body this human held, and it didn't take long for that body to respond. It started with the slight rocking, the every clear sign that a soul was truly enjoying itself as Pru showered it with attention, but eventually that gave way to even more. Every little twitch, each little spasm, every lewd moan was a signal that Seras would soon be reaching her peak, and as the woman arched her back and cried in pleasure Pru knew that moment was near. Her tongue focused its efforts, its length pressing just a little harder against those sensitive points that made the woman jump. Even when she finally cried Pru never once changed her pace, and just when she felt the woman finally over she sealed her mouth around Seras's sex. A moment later she felt the human exploding all over her tongue, and she happily sucked every last drop into her mouth while she continued to stroke those inner walls.

When Seras finally collapsed Pru slowed to a halt, and as the woman recovered she simply let her tongue relax while her hands joined with Prudence and Katerina as all three massaged her legs and thighs. Her two cohorts had pulled their own mouths away some time earlier, and the human half could only let out a knowing smile as Seras claimed her desire for more. "Of course. You've been waiting so long that your body needs to make up for lost time." Prudence let her mouth descend for a passionate kiss, her far more normal tongue dancing with Seras while her twin simply let hers rest. "And it's such a wondrous body. Look." At that the demon started to pull her tongue free, but instead of letting it retreat back to her mouth she pulled back farther and farther, the length of it rubbing at the woman's walls once more before popping free, every inch glistening with a mixture of cum and saliva and revealing just how deep Pru had to plunge. "See how deep she went? You're a match for a demon, Seras. You may even put a few to shame. I wouldn't be surprised to learn you have a bit of demon blood within you..."

"But if we're going to continue we can't just sit here and talk." The demonic twin finally sat up on the bed, and with her tongue returned to its proper place she grabbed her other half closer until the two were pressed together. For a moment it looked like they would kiss, nothing more than a faint breath separating the two, but eventually they both turned. They faced Seras, their bodies still connected as they leaned into each other. The human nuzzled her head against the demon's neck, and their breasts pressed each other on their sides, and a slightly wicked smirk graced both their lips. As the twins embraced they opened their mouths to speak, but instead of the pair of voices the human would expect she would find the two merging into one sultry sound that beckoned her to rise. "Care to help us undress?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Seras laughed in response to Prudence's worshiping comments on the wonders of her body, "Katerina was one of but many to make me aware of this. It's not compliments I desire, you know." Seras took care to inform Prudence of this. Rather than seeming tired after her first climax, Seras only looked more demanding for satisfaction as she rose from where she lay, and began to tend to the desires of the two women who asked for her to take off their clothing. Walking on her knees, she approached them both at the same time, smoothing her hands from their shoulders down to their sexy rumps as she looked back and forth between them.

"I would gladly like to help you out of those garments. I've seen them before, so I'm no stranger to how they work." she revealed, before both Prudences found Seras wasted no time, working her hands as if she'd done it countless times. Swift, yet graceful were her hands as she removed any lace of their dress and any clip of their skirt. Though she took special care around their breasts, slowly letting them out of the clothes that bound them, and bras if Prudence were so refined as to actually wear them. Taking one moment to free the devil's breasts first, Seras leaned in, and sucked on one of her breasts for a moment just as the human Pru and Katerina had done, before revealing the human's breasts and doing the same, making sure to suck and lick her breasts and arouse the girls as they had done for her.

Once Seras had removed their panties, she leaned in, and grinned at the pair. "You're quite the lookers yourselves~" Seras chuckled.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"But even so it's hard not to say something." "A true piece of art needs to be appreciated." And appreciate it they did as Seras came closer, each of the twins simply waiting in the other's grasp until they felt a hand land on their respective shoulders. From there those hands smoothed over their frames, the woman's palms gliding over cloth and flesh until she found their shapely rears. This caused the two to let out a harmonious "Hmmm~" that had them pressing themselves against Seras' grip just before she agreed to help them undress.

And she proved quite the eager little helper. Her skillful little fingers glided over them both, clips and pins either pulled free or removed as necessary. Layer by layer the twins were revealed, a generous amount of caresses and near gropes accompanying the undressing, but once it was time to pull the bodice free Seras was treated to quite the sight. With her first choice being the demon she found a corset much like she and Katerina had chosen, but instead of it being a functional piece of clothing that still showed the barest bit of modesty Pru's was nothing more than an invitation to attack. The lacing ran down its front, the tightened string crossing over the demon's torso before disappearing as it met the very top of her waist, but the bust was nothing more than a small shelf. Enough fabric remained to gently support her bosom and allow it to sit a tad higher than it usually would, but beyond that there was nothing to hinder the pirate's enjoyment. And enjoy it she did as her mouth fell to an excited nipple, the demon letting out an appreciative little moan as she leaned forward to give the woman easier access, and in almost no time at all she would find that nipple becoming rock hard with every little lick it was given.

For a few moments the pair were connected as such, Pru leaning forward with her hands in her lap while her entire body rocked slightly with each suckle from the woman at her breast, but eventually her nipple was released as Seras turned her attention to the more human twin. Where Pru wore a corset Prudence was more traditional, and the pirate would find the woman contained within a pair of white silk panties and matching bra that hid her intimates from view. But this fabric was nearly as sheer as the camisole she wore to bed with Katerina, one only had to look to catch a glimpse of a rosy nipple that was soon let free so Seras could claim her prize.

Now it was Prudence's turn to sit and rock with someone suckling her teat, but just before Seras would pull away Prudence felt a rather devilish flash of glee from her other half. In the next instant another mouth caught the unattended nipple, and with a small cry the human fell to her back. She cried out again as her body gave in to the licks and nibbles that both her twin and her pirate were showering on her peaks, and she cried a third time as her hands took on a mind of their own and dove into her panties to start caressing and massaging her slit while a a few fingers chose to worry her excited crown.

A fourth cry soon followed the third, but Seras would immediately notice that it came from her side instead. If she looked she would find the demonic Pru arching her back with her hips rising and quivering as if someone had just touched her sensitive sex. This caused both of the twins to stop and stare at each other for a moment, then they both shared a rather wicked looking smile. "Seras, would you mind indulging us for a moment~?" "We want to conduct an experiment~!" At that the demon rose and quickly crawled over to Kat, the spell Prudence had used to keep her utterly bound abandoned once she started touching herself, and as the humans continued to stroke along her netherlips Kat was left doing the same due to the puppet magic that still kept her in check. But a moment later both puppet and master pulled their panties lower, and after a short little chant from them both a pair of cocks quickly sprang into the air, both proud, both thick, both large enough to fill a demon, and both leaking just the faintest bit of pre-cum from their tips. Pru was already climbing into position, her entrance hovering over Kat's prick, and once both twins turned toward Seras with an excited look in their eye there was no denying what they were waiting for.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Seras continued her task diligently; however, her eyebrows raised when the demonic twin suddenly joined in, and the human twin fell back in pleasure and submission. Giggling at the sudden change, Seras followed Prudence down, taking her nipple back into her mouth for a quick kiss, before leaning up to gently tuck one hand under the girl's head, and pull Prudence up slightly in order for their lips to meet. Sharing a short, but tender kiss with her before looking at the both of the twins with a serious expression. "Don't compare me with art. My qualities are not the results of talent, but merely come together to shape who I am. For you... I may only call my desire fulfilled," she said with a happy grin, before joining her mouth with the human's neck and kissing it as if a vampire, doing all but biting her flesh as she played with Pru's sensitive neck with her mouth. Working her way down, Seras broke contact with Prudence's neck, and placed kisses along her flesh in steps, going over her shoulder then ribs, before finding her breast again.

Intent on torturing her as much as she and Kat did a moment ago, Seras continued to tease the human girl, until she let out a moan at just about the same time the demon twin did. Blinking, and stopping, she looked just as stunned by the event as the two were, but didn't seem to miss a beat, smiling at the thought that she knew without being told that was going between the twins. As Katerina crawled away, Seras grinned, and happily took the human all for herself, mounting herself over Pru's waist, and finding Pru's hands with her own before locking her fingers between the Pru's own, and pinning the woman's hands above her head in a dominant, yet gentle gesture. Seras' larger bosom pressed against and almost entirely engulfed Pru's smaller, more modest pair. "I can't get enough of you... Both of you," Seras whispered to the human half before pressing her lips ever so gently against the other girl's, and held herself there, inhaling as if intent on stealing Prudence's very breath. And when the pair of cocks grew, Seras gave Prudence one last peck on the lips before leaning back, and raising herself up on her knees, getting into position just like the demon to her side. Turning to look at the red haired demon, Seras smiled. "Shall we match our movements, me heart?" she asked Prudence with a loving wink and smile.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

As Pru watched her human half practically surrender to the impossibly gorgeous creature straddling Prudence's waist she nearly giggled at watching Katerina's fingers curl around a phantom lover before the bound demon's arms rose over her head. Pru couldn't stifle another as Kat started to slowly grind her body against the lover that didn't exist, a clear sign of what her other side was doing as Seras kissed and pressed herself on the human trapped beneath her. Pru leaned forward, her own body meeting Kat's, but just before their lips could meet she simply stopped, her open mouth letting her breath rush over her mentor and teasing the woman something fierce.

When Seras asked her question Pru didn't react just yet, but a moment later Kat's fingers opened long enough for the demon to find her own hands gently held. "Aye." That answer led to a rather impish but still wonderfully loving smile of her own. "And let's start nice and slow." But that smile wasn't solely for Seras, and as Pru turned her face back down toward Kat her face said it all without even thinking it over any connection that may linger. Looks like you'll be getting your first lesson whether you want it or not.

A pleased sigh left the demonic twin's open mouth as she eased her hips down, Kat's presence parting her lips and slowly filling her inch by inch. But that sigh soon turned into a surprised gasp after after having taken only half of Kat's length, and that eventually turned into short little moans by the time Pru was resting her hips against her mentor. "Oh Kat, you were right..." Across from them Prudence gave a little flourish of her hips stir herself within Seras, and when Kat did the same Pru could only straighten herself out and arch her back as the pair let out an almost tortured cry. "Kat, I feel you inside me..." "And Seras is gripping every inch of me..." "This is bliss!"

For a few brief seconds their pace was kept nice and slow, the sheer novelty of sharing each other's pleasure allowing them to keep some semblance of control over their growing passion, but that control didn't last. Seras would feel Prudence starting to swell and twitch, and Kat would find Pru shivering all around her as she started to pick up the pace. "It's..." "It's too much!~" Their hips bucked against their respective lovers, their sexual fury starting to overwhelm their shared minds as their passions reflected against each other and grew faster than either could have expected. "We... We can't..." And at that they both exploded. Prudence slammed her hips up into Seras and let loose with a torrent that threatened to fill the human to overflowing, and Katerina slammed her hips down as her fleshed started milking Katerina of every drop of seed that the other demon had most likely not yet released.

But even when the last of their mutual orgasms receded the girl's started once again. Prudence started thrusting into the first mate with renewed passion, her release coating her length and easing her entry even as her arms reached forward to pull Seras closer, and shortly after a thread would wrap around the woman's soul. Soon the first mate would start feeling what the pair felt, the pleasure of being filled twice as well as feeling her own folds stroking and caressing someone else. Kat would find the same waiting for her once Pru's tail folded over itself and slid its way into the demon's unoccupied sex. And from that point on they just kept going, the twins finding themselves rushing toward another quick climax, only now their partners would feel every burst of pleasure reflecting from soul to soul and lingering even after the next burst overwhelmed it. And just below that they would feel the two souls beating as one as they encouraged their visitors to simply surrender to the ecstasy that would soon overwhelm them all.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Seras took the human girl's length inside of her with grace, adding to their belief that she was a work of art purely by the stimulation she brought on to the eye as she glided herself down. She merely grinned at the twins as they both expressed the bliss of feeling each other's sensation, and never once did she stop looking beautiful at her task. Just like a succubus, giving pleasure to another was a pleasure in and of itself. "Embrace the pleasure, as I did with you~" Seras told the Prudence below her, grinning down at her as she matched the movements of Pru's demon twin. And before she could even do so, Seras said, "I do wonder if I could experience that sensation as well," even as she bucked her hips as fast as the demon to her side, and rode out her orgasm, giving off her first moan during their motions together as Prudence began to fill Seras with her infertile seed. Seras herself seemed more fitting to Katerina's description as Prudence would watch her spear herself on the length below her without even flinching or showing any reaction related to pleasure asides from the obvious pleasure she took in watching the human girl beneath her moan, squirm, and buck her hips in delight.

Leaning forward into Prudence's embrace, Seras pressed her breasts against the human beneath her, and gave out a second moan as the connection the twin's shared was given to her as well. "This is... Strange... I can feel the insides of my own body..." she said, quite a bewildered expression on her face, no longer following Prudence's pace as she began to roll her hips, testing the sensations shared between them before a lewd smile went across her face. "Hehehe... I feel really good," she said, chuckling at how she felt as if she were fucking herself, now visibly showing her pleasure, though seeming highly more tolerant than the other twins. However, as the sex continued, Seras' pleasure began to visibly increase, before she, as well as the others, gave in to the pleasure, and reached her peak atop the human girl, moaning aloud as she sprayed her juices over the already cum soaked length inside of her, before hugging Prudence tight in the afterglow, panting with satisfaction.

... Meanwhile, still tied up on the wall, "Did everyone forget about me?" asked Yuri.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

A sudden gasp flew from the twins' lips the moment Seras started rolling her hips at her own pace, and as the woman declared her pleasure a single voice answered once again. "Me too!" It was a glorious thing to feel Seras embracing them so openly and listen to her moan as she shared in their mirrored ecstasy, but the sight of watching her surrender to her own passion was something else. Prudence was nearly drunk on it, that perfect face hovering mere inches away, that perfect body pressing against her own, those perfect eyes drinking in every inch of pleasure that crawled across the human's face and making it her own. Prudence wanted to reach up and capture the pirate's mouth, their lips locking so the girl could scream her passion directly into her lover's mouth to show just how much she was enjoying herself.

Across from the pair of humans the more demonic twin simply watched in fascination at how a human could be so finely skilled without the benefit of either decades of practice or the ability to feed of your partner's pleasure. It was like watching a master at their craft, an artist weaving sexual delight by bucking her hips in just the right direction or gripping her lover at just the right moment. Pru even found herself mimicking the motions atop Katerina like a student trying to learn the very secrets of sex from a goddess made flesh, and it didn't shame her in the least. Human, demon, it didn't matter, not when someone was this skilled.

For a while the twin's passion echoed against itself, each pulse of pleasure rocking them to their very core and threatening to bring them to another premature release in only a few more thrusts. But they couldn't stand simply ending it so soon. They wanted to satisfy Seras completely and take every once of pleasure she so willingly offered them. So they simply stopped. Prudence held her hips still while Pru focused her attention on the pirate's next stroke. But that pause lasted for no more than a second, and as Seras rolled her body back Pru let hers roll down to consume the length that filled her. "Oh gods..." It was nowhere near as intense, not with their motions running counter to the other, but as they continued that feeling of being filled never left them. As Seras rose Pru impaled herself on Kat's length, and when she could take no more and rose to start again Seras was swallowing Prudence to the hilt.

It was amazing. The presence of something thrusting into your deepest depths would never end, and it pushed them all closer and closer at a steady pace that was only slightly slower then the spike they felt when two actions were synced as one. But the gradual build let them save some bot of control, and the split souls focused nearly every effort into holding back their release. They could feel Seras climbing toward hers, such a slow yet exquisite ascent, and they tried their best to keep themselves composed. But every second was a struggle, both bodies crying out and primed to explode at even a simple breath blowing past their ear. Nearly every attempt they made to reign in the beast that was their pleasure as it simply pushed them clser to the edge, but by some divine grace they could barely feel the knot within Seras finally break. Prudence thrust herself up into the woman as deeply as she could before bursting within her once again, her arms and mouth reaching out to hold the pirate close as she rode out whatever monster of an orgasm she gladly embraced. Pru felt the same as Katerina followed suit, and she nearly swallowed her lover's mouth before crying as her flesh tried to rip Kat's release from the demon. And neither one loosened as they rode their mutual climax, the human squeezing Seras close in a vice-like grip while the demon wrapped both Kat and herself within her leathery wings.

Neither one knew how long it lasted or when it finally did, but when they were finally reduced to panting piles of flesh their respective holds finally relaxed. A voice called out to the side, and they both let out a somewhat delayed laugh at Yuri's expanse. "Looks like we got carried away..." "Sorry." A few more seconds were taken to recover before the human finally looked Seras dead on. "It was rather rude of us to leave her sitting there all alone..." "Even if she loves being tied up..." "So how she would we make it up to her?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"It's all well and fine," Seras replied, rising from atop Prudence with grace, as if she still had energy to move even after such passionate lovemaking. "I do think one of our companions here has had enough though," Seras commented, wading over to Katerina and looking to Prudence, before grabbing the demon firmly but gently as Prudence strangely felt quick movements of threads seemingly from Seras move, and cut the threads binding Katerina to her own movements. "You've got some things to think about, I wager." she said to the red haired demon, who gave her a sullen expression, before making her way out of the bed.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air." Katerina said, before making for the deck of the ship.

Seras meanwhile let out a hum once Kat left. "Katerina will come around once the time is right. Whether she decides to embark on her quest to become a leader again or to simply follow you though is another matter," Seras motioned to the twin succubi. "Meanwhile, we have this matter," she announced, motioning over to Yuri, taking the boy-turned-girl off of the hook she was bound to by the rope around her, and sat down on the bed, sitting Yuri down in her lap. "Well, little lady," Seras said playfully to the still tied up Yuri. "The cap'n made an inquiry of you, and I'd like to make my interest known as well. How'd you like to be compensated?"

Yuri fidgeted in the ropes, before Seras' expression went into surprise as she and the two Pru's saw the ropes slide right off of Yuri's frame, as if they weren't terribly tight a moment ago. "It's no problem at all, I could have escaped any time I wanted. I've been in ropes so long I just sort of learned~" Yuri said softly, giggling. "But... I don't really know what to say. You can do whatever you want with me. Nothing, or something, I won't mind." Yuri explained, looking to the three women in the room with an innocent smile.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Pru and Prudence were feeling quite wonderful at the moment, each of them giddy and drunk on their shared climax as if it were the true secret to happiness, but once Seras rose that giddiness turned into curiosity. That gave way to surprise when Kat was simply released with little more than a small push, but that then led to regret. Katerina looked like her pride had been dealt a mortal blow, and when she left to get her fresh air a bit of the twins' joy left with her. Even if Seras was certain that Kat would return on her own terms Prudence couldn't help but feel that she had shamed her love.

But as mopey as the pair wished to be Yuri was brought over and laid in the human's lap, the question of recompense brought forward once more so Yuri herself could answer even if she was tied... "My my, aren't you full of surprises?" Yuri's escape was even more of a surprise than Seras's strength, and it was enough to disturb the growing sense of melancholy that was starting to settle within the two. The little alp was proving to be a god-send, even if she was a fully-fledged demon.

But she was also a bit of a puzzle, her willingness to do anything or even nothing not answering the question in the least. "Now now, you were asked a question." The demonic twin scooped Yuri from Seras's lap only to bring her down to the bed, and once the girl came to a stop she would find both halves flanking her on either side. "And you were promised a meal." A hand from each side started to work on Yuri's kimono, and as the belt was loosened those hands disappeared to openly tease her more intimate flesh. "So you need to answer. Which would you prefer..." The human leaned closer just for that added effect. "The cock you wanted last night, or someone who can be a bit more..." A short pause was enough to let the girl hear Pru's tail whip through the air. "...visceral?" If Yuri wanted the former then Prudence would be happy to answer that desire, but if she wanted the latter then a question would be asked. "Seras, do you know anyone who could give this little boy-toy the whipping he deserves?" Prudence wasn't ready to delve into her demonic side's inner sadist, but considering the number of women aboard there had to be someone who could indulge the alp's masochism.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Before Seras could answer the twin's question, Yuri rose her hand, and smiled. "If Prudence doesn't do it, I don't want it!" she announced simply, smiling happy, with child-like innocence.

Seras shrugged. "Seems that the only one is you... Or rather, both of you," the pirate replied, looking to both twins with her confident expression. "Well, you heard her. What will you do?" she inquired.

Yuri hopped off of Seras' lap, and jumped onto the bed, crawling towards the twins on all fours, her butt waving in the air as she smiled at the two of them with playful glee. "If it's you, Prudence, it's okay. I can find... Many ways to be satisfied." she announced, looking to the two Pru's with expectation.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

With Yuri crawling forward at her own pace the twins had a moment to simply sit and watch as her ass swayed back and forth with each inch she came closer. The fact that the newborn demon wanted them and only them was exhilarating, and they both decided they wanted to give her what she desired. But there was a problem with that. Yuri's desires were a bit too drastic for Prudence to satisfy. Not necessarily. There's always a way to compromise. A rather curious look overcame the blond while her sister simply grinned, and a moment later that grin spread to the human as well. Yes, compromise.

Once Yuri was finally within reach neither one of them made any overt motions to claim her, but the human's cock still laid straight in the air, the mix of Seras and her own juices glistening from tip to stem. Not a word was said, but a rather noticeable look from Prudence would be enough of an order. Yuri's first task would be to clean her new captain, and the moment those lips came forward to greet Prudence's length Yuri would find something pushing gently between her folds. A peek would show Pru using her tail, but that peek would be interrupted by Pru giving the alp a look that basically said Get back to work. Once the girl did the demon would push deeper, and with a rather gentle motion she started exploring Yuri, the spade curling around itself while rubbing against every bit of the masochist's inner walls and testing what limits she had to work with. And with every push and prod Yuri would find the cock in her mouth starting to shift every so slightly, it's length and girth changing with every little moan that Yuri happened to make.

Once that job was done Pru would encourage to small demon to pull herself away, and once that cock finally popped out Prudence would let out a low and somewhat disappointed moan. "Excellent work, Miss Yuri." With it now out of her mouth the girl would find that it looked almost tailor-made to fit her because it was slightly too big. It would stretch her depths to their limits and then some, a fit so tight that it could become painful if proper care wasn't taken, and even then it would still leave her sore in the morning. And the human simply leaned back with her chest puffed out and her hands keeping her from falling onto the bed. "Now it's time to put it to use."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Given the silent order, Yuri obeyed every command she was given. She got on all fours, and leaned her head for Prudence's length. Taking it into her mouth, Prudence would at first feel as if Yuri was nibbling on her length when in fact, she was wetting her mouth with as much saliva as she could manage. After a mere moment, Prudence saw Yuri dip her head down, sliding her length into her mouth until Prudence felt her tip touch the back of Yuri's throat as Yuri moaned, stimulating her length with the vibrations of her voice. The taste of all the sex juices that still coated her dick were no doubt strong to Yuri, yet she hardly seemed phased. Even though her length was in the back of Yuri's throat, Yuri still continued to push down as Prudence felt herself sliding down into Yuri's throat, which visibly expanded with the invader inside. Only when Yuri had swallowed Prudence's length whole did the demon seem content.

Making short, deep thrusts, Prudence would feel herself overwhelmed while Yuri gagged herself on her length, suffocating herself in bliss while only becoming more ferocious. Though once Prudence had gotten what she wanted, and pulled Yuri off, the masochistic demon put up a bit of fight and complaint, wanting to finish Prudence off, and feed off more of her energy. Although when Prudence suggested it be put to use, Yuri beamed, attempting to crawl up, before stopping suddenly, and sitting on her heels, looking back to the demon Pru. "Um..." Yuri gave her a worried look as she rose a finger to her lips. "Aren't you supposed to be the demon half? You were really gentle with your tail... I think she's in control of the magical flow because you aren't being true to yourself." Yuri observed. "You're both linked by a powerful bond, yet you are very different from each other. I think..." Yuri shuffled slightly. "I think you're trying too hard to be human... I think that maybe... You want to rejoin with her and let her take control again. As a demon, you should have a little more pride than that, you know?" Yuri stated what she thought of the demonic Pru.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"You really think so?" When Yuri turned she would find the more demonic twin nearly hovering over her. But the alp's observation put a bit of a contemplative look in Pru's eye. She seemed to be seriously considering this even while one hand yanked Yuri's tail into the air before quickly gripping the her lifted ass and spreading her cheeks wide. "Maybe you're right..." A rather introspective silence spread through the air, the only sound to be heard the steady push of a fat cock into Yuri's ass. Once it was finally buried within the girl's bowels Yuri would find that it was as long and thick as the one she had just recently cleaned, and a moment latent later her body was being lifted until the human's cock was sitting right at the demon's entrance.

"What do you think, Prudence?" Once the question was asked Yuri's weight was allowed to fall, and as that small body consumed the human's prick she would find that she had only so much space to give. The length entering her pussy had to fight for room even while the one in her ass was almost nearly filling her completely, but a constant pressure from the demon behind her forced that body down until she was somehow speared on those twin cocks.

"So... So tight..." Whatever answer that was expected from the human was completely ignored as her body practically fell to the bed, and though Yuri's sheath was gripping her entire length her hips started to very casually rise and fall. At the same time Pru hugged Yuri from behind, her arms wrapping just under the alp's chest, and a moment later the demon started matching her sister's thrusts, both lengths gently inching in and out so they didn't completely tear the girl open. "You know, she's always been at my side ever since I came to exist. I think she may have even saved my soul from being reduced to nothing more than a mere shade." The thrusting from Pru paused for just one moment, just long enough to feel her sister pull back before she started pumping into Yuri once more. It left the alp with a cock entering as one left, a part of her being filled at every moment while the two phalli rubbed against each other in her overstuffed depths. "I wouldn't mind rejoining with her once again, but..." A rather powerful moan from the human beneath them said that Prudence was thoroughly enjoying herself. "This is nice, too. I get to watch her enjoy the life she was denied before she first became a succubus. And I get to en... fuck, that is tight... enjoy it right beside her."