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Introduction Thread

Re: Introduction Thread

Name: Maria Roxy
Screenname / Nicknames: outsiderMiracles
Age: 1297, Legit
Gender: Male, But identify as Female
Current Country of Residence: 'Merica

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Blue/Green (Sectoral Heterochromia)
Hair Color: Black (Dyed)
Hair length: I don't know, It's so goddamn CURLY!!!!!
Breasts: Sadly smaller than I'd like
Glasses: Fakey Fakes that give me an air of knowledgeability
Features: The greatest sleepmumbling you will ever hear, and some damn sexy hips.
Height: about 5'8"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Purple as Fuck
Hair color: Pink or Maybe Black still, with a Purple Stripe
Hair length: Lower Back AND FUCKING STRAIGHT
Ears: I would totally have wolf ears, like fuck yeah.
Breasts: They would double as a cup holder.
Tail: Wolf Tail to match like a boss
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: TENTACOCKS MUHAHAHAHA
Glasses: Cool Shades:cool:
Features: I'm keeping my hips and raising it with a nice booty
Height: Meh
Skin: Deathly Pale

~ Personality ~

My Fears: What is this fear you speak of... I only know Joy and Righteous Fury. True Insanity knows no fear.
Common Utterances: Fuck you, Fuck this game, and Fuck EA. All I did was stab you, are you really doubled over in pain from that? Goddammit, I need to fap, I'll be unavailable for the next... two months, good luck.
Is the glass half full, or half empty:What is this water? I ORDERED A COKE!
Bad Habits: Do you want them categorized alphabetically, chronologically, by severity, or in whatever fucking order I feel like putting them in?

3 Things I Dislike:
3)Some other third thing.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Don't really have one, I like Manga, just not enough to have a favourite Artist
Other manga of interest:
Video game series: Half-life
TV Show: Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, MLP:FIM
Anime: There's a fuckton
Webcomic: Homestuck
Drink: Faygo
Shoe: Don't tell my Right, But I like my Left shoe better.
Hat: Fez
Color: Black and Purple
Music Genre: Metal, Rock, and also anything that sounds badass or depressing.
Internet Meme: Challenge Accepted

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: How the fuck should I know
Flip out and kill people: Doesn't everyone?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Excellent!
Knit scarves for orphans: Not really, I feed the homeless though.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Yes
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Possibly
Have furry leanings?: A bit, not massively

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: No, I just work there.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Yeah.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Shenanigans
Other random trivia: JohnKat will forever be my OTP!!!!!

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Re: Introduction Thread

Guess I'm continuing to fill in. Welcome to the new folks. Do hope you enjoy your stay. Have fun. And mind the gap!
Re: Introduction Thread

Alright, having sifted through all 109 pages I think I have everyone's added questions . . .

Name: 4D617474686577
Screenname / Nicknames: Elerneron, El, E, Coldboot_M (former), Coldboot (former), CBM (former)
Age: Ummm lemme see *does the math* 42
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: I had one of those once.

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Auburn
Hair length: Very Short
Cock: Yes, I have one . . . I don't measure . . . average to a little small I guess
Breasts: Nothing really
Glasses: Yes, I wear glasses
Features: I look 10 years younger than I am even though I smoke. I have a bitchin' mole just to the left of my left eye, which makes my appearance pop!
Height: I have been measured at between 5'10" and 6' over the years, so somewhere in there.
Power LVL: -13

~ Ideal appearance ~

Gender: Futanari
Eye color: Ice blue or emerald green
Hair color: Jet black or fiery red
Hair style: Long and straight or a weird anime style
Hair length: Medium to long
Ears: Human unless I'm a furry
Cock: IDK 9"?
Breasts: Tiny loli boobs
Tail: sometimes
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Sounds good
Glasses: Sometimes as a fashion accessory
Features: Young loli futa with precocious puberty
Height: IDK 4' . . . or maybe a tiny little fairy at 4" . . . something like that
Cyclops: Not interested
Skin: One of the extremes . . . very light or very dark
Shapeshifter: That would solve the dilemma nicely

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Aquarius or Rat
My Fears: I do not have any irrational fears
Common Utterances: Ummm . . . I use a lot of ellipses (. . .) but that isn't really an utterance . . . Ummm . . . "Just a heads up" I suppose, I use that pretty frequently.
Condition: Near-mint not-in-box
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty, pessimists are happier people, we are never disappointed
Bad Habits: Too many to list.
Good Habits: I am polite, well-spoken, and generally punctual
Best quality: My intellect
Sexual Leanings: In this body - Straight
Strangest Fetish: Wow, that's hard to choose . . . I guess the strangest would be breast impregnation
3 Things I Dislike:
1) Willful ignorance
2) Overusing 1337 !!!1!11 eleven
3) Green Beans

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I don't know
Other manga of interest: I don't really read manga . . . well except hentai dojin
Video game series: The Sims 2&3 (never played the original, looking forward to 4), Fallout (esp. New Vegas), Anything Bioware (though Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 pissed me off), Elder Scrolls, Saints Row (1&2 but NOT 3), Grand Theft Auto (but NOT San Andreas and more recent)
TV Show: Through the Wormhole, Cosmos, How Things Work, Big Bang Theory, Supernatural (though it's getting pretty old), Warehouse 13 (gonna miss ya), A crap-ton of cartoons
Anime: I haven't watched anime in forever, so pardon me if I'm dated. Bubblegum Crisis / Crash, Macross, Ranma 1/2, Boah, ummm . . . Akira obviously . . . probably some others I forgot
Music Genre: Punk, Metal, Goth (before it got lame and became a culture), Irish Folk Music, Classical (More Beethoven than Mozart)
Movie: Wow . . . A ton . . . all time favorite . . . Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Author: Again . . . big list that I'm not going to type . . . all time favorite . . . a toss up between Michael Moorcock and Piers Anthony I suppose.
Book/Novel: Again again . . . ummm . . . For Love of Evil by Piers Anthony
Webcomic: I don't really follow any
Shoe: 14 eye Doc Martin Combat Boots (I'd have been a punk if things had been a little different)
Hat: IDK Bowler Hat I guess
Color: I prefer color combinations . . . favorite = Red with Black and White
Drink: Pepsi-cola
Food: Porterhouse Steak, Rare, season with just salt and pepper, with sauteed shitake mushrooms
Sport: The game in the movie Blood of Heroes (until they started doing it for real) Actually I don't really care for sports.
Animal: Cat
Mythological / Fantasy creature: The Phoenix (there is only One damn it . . . it is not a species!!)
Internet Meme: ummm . . . don't really use them . . . "All your base are belong to us" I suppose
Superpower: Time Control
Convention disguise: Never been

Do I...

Smoke: Yes
Swear: Yes
Flip out and kill people: Not yet
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Not really
Knit scarves for orphans: Wouldn't know how
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Ummm . . . nope
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Yes
Have furry leanings: Yes
Resemble a celebrity: No
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers: Yes/No/No
Practice some sport: No
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about: No, they are understandable, even the crazy ones
Have a pet monkey: No
Do the Dew: Rarely
Space out easily: Hmmm . . . what were you saying?
Lift: I lift all kinds of things, hard to make it through life without lifting things.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: No, more's the pity
Would you like to see into it?: Hell Yes!
Should Marty have gone back to it?: No, he should have stayed with his mom and made lots of incest babies
You mean from the Old West?: Well by that time definitely Yes, who wants to be stuck in the old west (at least without taking some modern stuff with you)
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Same place I am now.
Future Plans: I stopped planning for the future, as a Pessimist I don't like being disappointed

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I make games + I want people to play games = I spread games all over the internet
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?: Ummm . . . because they're young and stretchy??
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?: High school bullies
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?: I would wish that my every spoke wish would be granted provided it was preference by the phrase "Genie I wish". Wishing for more wishes is foolish, as beings of free will we are unlimited in the number of wishes we get. We can wish forever if we like. It is having the wishes GRANTED that we must wish for.
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?: A power that isn't a superpower . . . so a power that is possessed by real humans but I don't have . . . Eidetic Memory
Left or right?: Right
Yes or No?: Yes
Left or right hand?: Right Hand
Online Or RPG Games?: Okaaaay . . . You know this could have been phrased a lot better. I do not like MMORPGs, I prefer single player RPGs . . . and of course table top RPGs
What corrupted you?: I did. I am self-corrupting.
How are you today?: Not too bad all things considered.
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?: A long time . . . IDK, look at my join date then add like 2 years or something.
U mad bro?: No, it takes a lot to get me mad . . . but watch out after that.
Do you give names to your plants?: No, never have.
Known languages: English, and a few words in a LOT of other languages, but not enough to really help me in any functional way.
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?: HELL YES!!
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?: I am a master of Sleep Wrestling actually
No, seriously, where is my pie?: Did you check the oven?
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?: Lolicon
Do you like pizza?: Yes, most people do.
Shenanigans?: Certainly, if you like, don't expect much participation from me as I am rather serious, but I will look on in amusement.
Can you lick your nose?: No, more's the pity . . . sorry ladies
Are we cool yet?: Yes, I have the AC cranked
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes stareing at you, what do you do?: I wonder why I'm sleeping at night instead of during the day.
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi, Pepsi, and more Pepsi
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?: Now, because I'm a techno-junkie
Other random trivia: Y'all is a contraction that dates all the way back to Middle English for "ye aw" which was a Scottish derivative of the plural form of "thou" (now you) which was "ye" in most English speaking areas at the time (except for Scotland of course). The contraction followed the Scottish as they immigrated first to Ireland, the to the United States where many of these Scots-Irish settled in the Appalachian Mountains. From there it (y'all) spread throughout the southern regions of the US where it still flourishes today. As it derives from the plural "ye" it is only appropriately used to address groups of people, and not a singular individual as a lot of people who are not from regions that use y'all often get wrong.

Screenname / Nicknames:
Current Country of Residence:

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hair length:
Power LVL:

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Hair length:
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part:

~ Personality ~

My Fears:
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty:
Bad Habits:
Good Habits:
Best quality:
Sexual Leanings:
Strangest Fetish:
3 Things I Dislike:

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist:
Other manga of interest:
Video game series:
TV Show:
Music Genre:
Mythological / Fantasy creature:
Internet Meme:
Convention disguise:

Do I...

Flip out and kill people:
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:
Knit scarves for orphans:
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines:
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?:
Have furry leanings:
Resemble a celebrity:
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers:
Practice some sport:
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about:
Have a pet monkey:
Do the Dew:
Space out easily:

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:
Would you like to see into it?:
Should Marty have gone back to it?:
You mean from the Old West?:
Where you'll be in 5 years?:
Future Plans:

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?:
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?:
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?:
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?:
Left or right?:
Yes or No?:
Left or right hand?:
Online Or RPG Games?:
What corrupted you?:
How are you today?:
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?:
U mad bro?:
Do you give names to your plants?:
Known languages:
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?:
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?:
No, seriously, where is my pie?:
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?:
Do you like pizza?:
Can you lick your nose?:
Are we cool yet?:
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes stareing at you, what do you do?:
Coke or Pepsi?:
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?:
Other random trivia:
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Re: Introduction Thread

Wow, bonus points for effort! Welcome to the forum Elerneron. Feel free to jump right in. Have fun and mind the gap.

Eye color: Ice blue or emerald green
Hair color: Jet black or fiery red

Why not both? ;)

Superpower: Time Control

Nice one. I can usually do that in my dreams.
Re: Introduction Thread

Welcome to the fold Elerneron! Mind the gap and all of that fun, jolly stuff. Also, you get an extra rank in my list of potentially awesome people due to the needless yet appreciated effort and TIME CONTROL!
Can't say I ain't jelly of you Rangy, all my dreams are a complete clusterfuck and usually out of hand so being able to time control in them sounds pretty hype.
Re: Introduction Thread

Name: Lucas
Screenname / Nicknames: Lucas
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: BAMF

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Long
Cock: My girlfriends never complained.
Breasts: I like 'em, but I'm an ass man.
Glasses: Yuuup.
Features: I'm the thinking woman's bad boy... Or so one of my ex's has told me.
Power LVL: *scouter breaks*

~ Ideal appearance ~

I'm going to say what my ideal woman is because I already have my ideal appearance. Smugface.jpg

Gender: Female
Eye color: Green <3
Hair color: Brunette or black
Hair style: Bangs, god I love bangs.
Hair length: Long.
Ears: I would prefer she have them.
Cock: No thanks in this instance.
Breasts: B-Cup
Tail: If by DAT ASS, I like a girl with a booty.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Maybe to play with.
Glasses: Yes, because she could just take them off.
Features: A haughty personality.
Height: 5'9
Cyclops: Nah.
Skin: White, the more pale the better. <333
Shapeshifter: Sure, why not.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Dragon for Chinese, Scorpio otherwise.
My Fears: Heights, bees.
Common Utterances: "Blah blah blah persay.
Condition: Laid back.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty.
Bad Habits: I procrastinate a lot.
Good Habits: Observant, polite.
Best quality: I have a lot of wisdom and understanding of others.
Sexual Leanings: Straight IRL, but I fap to a lot of stuff.
Strangest Fetish: TF, Corruption
3 Things I Dislike:
1) Racism
2) Modern Feminism
3) Ignorance

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: The dude who created the Dragonball series.
Other manga of interest: Uh, FLCL I suppose?
Video game series: Mass Effect, Fallout, Saints Row, Resident Evil, Halo, Metal Gear
TV Show: Breaking Bad, Star Trek TNG, Lexx, Kitchen Nightmares
Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball Z, FLCL
Music Genre: Errythang.
Movie: Aliens
Author: Anyone who isn't Ayn Rand.
Webcomic: Las Lindas because cow tits.
Shoe: Vans
Hat: Slouchy beanies FTW.
Color: Green
Drink: Pepsi
Food: Clam Chowder, steak, gummy worms.
Sport: American Football
Animal: Cat
Mythological / Fantasy creature: Chimeras are pretty cool.
Internet Meme: "Drake the type of nigga that..."
Superpower: Teleportation
Convention disguise: I dressed up as a TF2 Scout at the one I went to.

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: Yup.
Flip out and kill people: No.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Barely, but yeah.
Knit scarves for orphans: Nope.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I used to collect Pokemon plushies with one of my exes. Then my balls dropped.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: wat
Have furry leanings: When the mood strikes my penis.
Resemble a celebrity: Nah.
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers: I fap to Linetrap, she is my trap waifu.
Practice some sport: No.
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about: I understand them all except for that anime one.
Have a pet monkey: No.
Do the Dew: Voltage rocks.
Space out easily: Only when I'm in a bus/tram/plane.
Lift: The question is do YOU even lift, bro? (I do.)

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Occasionally.
Would you like to see into it?: Sure, why not?
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Only if he brings me back a hot future babe.
You mean from the Old West?: Yes, because that was my favorite one.
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Doing something successfully.
Future Plans: Get a lovely girlfriend to share my time with.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I've been here from the days of the first forum. Because I'M A ULMF LEGEND.
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?: Ugh. o_O
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?: A fungus.
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?: World peace...on the condition it comes out of my involvement with a vast fortune I share yet keep an enormous sum of.
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?: Better eyesight.
I don't have . . . Herpes, unlike a cheating ex of mine.
Left or right?: Left.
Yes or No?: Yes.
Left or right hand?: Right Hand.
Online Or RPG Games?: RPGs.
What corrupted you?: Da internets.
How are you today?: Pretty fuckin' good.
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?: Again, I'm an old timer despite my post count.
U mad bro?: y u askin bro?
Do you give names to your plants?: I have a lot of them, but no.
Known languages: English.
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?: Yush. :3
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?: I want to be the Master of Unlocking.
No, seriously, where is my pie?: At Marie Calendar's.
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?: Sin Sorority.
Do you like pizza?: Yup.
Shenanigans?: I stole pro-Prop 8 signs in the middle of the night once.
Can you lick your nose?: Never tried, and I'm not going to.
Are we cool yet?: We've always been cool.
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes stareing at you, what do you do?: Turn the lights on.
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi.
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?: Either the 1920's or the 2120's.
Other random trivia: I like turtles. :)
Re: Introduction Thread

Figure I should start sometime. Many thanks to Elerneron for doing something I found 109 pages too daunting to do. Tryin' ta end my lurking habits. I think this'll be the best place to start.

Name: Kevin/Kaito
Screenname / Nicknames: Merikle (current) and too many others to list.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: Troper

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black with some white here and there.
Hair length: Short-Medium
Cock: Average.
Breasts: Flat.
Glasses: Yeah.
Features: I seem to look younger than I am. I keep getting carded.
Height: 6'~
Power LVL: *hides*

~ Ideal appearance ~

Gender: Female
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Powder blue.
Hair style: bangs, possibly hime cut.
Hair length: Long
Ears: human or half-elf
Cock: 7"
Breasts: B or C cup
Tail: Nah
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Please, please, please.
Glasses: No thanks.
Features: Vampire fangs.
Height: 6'
Cyclops: Nope.
Skin: Fair
Shapeshifter: Mmhmm, this would be helpful.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Horse, Leo-Virgo cusp
My Fears: Heights, spiders, rejection
Common Utterances: "...", "...?", "Ah."
Condition: Kuudere.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty.
Bad Habits: Plenty.
Good Habits: Plenty of them, too.
Best quality: Open mindedness.
Sexual Leanings: Bi-curious.
Strangest Fetish: A sort of corruption, where something pure is very slowly and subtly corrupted mentally.
3 Things I Dislike:
1) Discrimination
2) Close mindedness
3) My allergies

~ Favourites ~

Manga artist: Saya Kiyoshi, I guess, if only for Saki. Art is too varied to have a favourite.
Other manga of interest: I don't read too many. More of an anime/light novel person.
Video game series: This needs to be by genre. Counter Strike (Shooter), Tales of series (RPGs), Street Fighter (Fighting), Fire Emblem (Strategy), DotA 2...I'll stop here.
TV Show: It's been forever since I've watched a TV show, I've forgotten so much.
Anime: Saki (Game?), Yuyushiki (Slice of life), Sakura Trick (Yuri), Anohana (Drama), and some others I can't think of off the top of my head.
Music Genre: Rock and Pop usually, though I really like all sorts of music.
Movie: Star Wars
Author: No one really comes to mind.
Book/Novel: I quite liked the Eberron books.
Webcomic: 8-bit Theater
Shoe: None in particular.
Hat: I don't wear 'em, but I quite like fedoras.
Color: Sorts of reds, blues, mixes of the two, and if I may, grey.
Drink: Root beer and cream soda.
Food: I love all sorts of food. If I had to pick, probably sushi.
Sport: Ice Hockey.
Animal: Cats if I wasn't allergic to them.
Mythological / Fantasy creature: Vampires
Internet Meme: 3-13 archer
Superpower: None in particular.
Convention disguise: None yet, but goin' to Anime Expo 2014.

Do I...

Smoke: Nope.
Swear: Yeah.
Flip out and kill people: I'll get there.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes and no.
Knit scarves for orphans: Can't.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Nah.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Possibly.
Have furry leanings: I'm really picky when it comes to this, but yeah.
Resemble a celebrity: Nopes.
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers: Yeah, kinda, no.
Practice some sport: Used to play all lot of sports.
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about: I do know.
Have a pet monkey: No.
Do the Dew: Not really.
Space out easily: It took a while to get here.
Lift: Sure.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Somewhat.
Would you like to see into it?: Get better at it, yeah.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Sure.
You mean from the Old West?: Uh, yeah.
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Physically, not here. Internets, here.
Future Plans: Plans...pshh.

~ Other Stuff ~

Reason for joining: Jungle girl.
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?: Hmm...wouldn't know.
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?: Itself.
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?: Elerneron put it quite nicely, I must say.
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?: My eyesight tends to work against me the most, so great eyesight.
I don't have . . . courage when I want it. I only have it when I need it.
Left or right?: Left
Yes or No?: It depends.
Left or right hand?: Both
Online Games Or RPGs?: Had to fix that. Both. They have their own reasons to be played.
What corrupted you?: I don't know, but I'm glad it/they did.
How are you today?: My shoulder kinda hurts, but I'm doin' well, thanks.
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?: I was there for Jungle Girl...yeah...
U mad bro?: Hardly.
Do you give names to your plants?: No.
Known languages: English, used to know Cantonese and Vietnamese, but lost them growing up.
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?:
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?: Easy yes, please.
No, seriously, where is my pie?: What kind?
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?: Tentacles.
Do you like pizza?: Yeah
Shenanigans?: Of course.
Can you lick your nose?: Nope.
Are we cool yet?: Always have been.
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes staring at you, what do you do?: Ask who it is. If the eyes are human, that is.
Coke or Pepsi?: Vanilla Coke
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?: Present day. Technology is too nice to give up.
*What's the first regret that comes to your mind?: That I picked myrmidon43 for my username...
Other random trivia: My eyes seem to be Korean. My family says my eyes are so, people guess Korean first when I ask them what kind of Asian they think I am, and I'm kinda weirded out by it.
Re: Introduction Thread

Trust the spider to pop in and be his usual scuttling self.

Welcome to the form, Kaito. Have fun and mind the gap.

PS - 8-bit Theater = Awesome!
Re: Introduction Thread

Hello! I'm a game developer whom you will see quite a bit from here on out on the Hentai Games forum. I will be announcing my first game later on tonight hopefully, and am looking forward to discussing it with you guys.

Glad to be here!

- E R O M A N C E R -​
Re: Introduction Thread

almost year here... and almost become death person here until the someone that introduce me this site bump me. told me that I'm free to express myself here. So I figure this would be the best place to start.

Name: Ethernite
Nicknames: Kuro ... or just Ethernite
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: ... I have country? ... my card said Indonesia.
Occupation: Dreamer

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Gray ... Dead gray...
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Short
Cock: I... dunno... =/////=
Breasts: AAA
Glasses: no
Features: think of a zombie. pervert one.
Height: 170cm
Power LVL: 8999

~ Ideal appearance ~

Gender: Female
Eye color: Bright red
Hair color: Bright red
Hair style: Wild
Hair length: Short-Medium
Ears: Human
Cock: please... don't... =_=
Breasts: fit on my palm.
Tail: furry. can be toggled.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: NO!
Glasses: glasses is for weak.
Features: dumb. so I can laugh at her.
Height: 165cm
Cyclops: wait, what?
Skin: Fair
Shapeshifter: Sounds good...

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Capricorn
My Fears: dark. please don't laugh.
Common Utterances: ... =_=a
Condition: dying.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: it's overloaded.
Bad Habits: rarely active in community.
Good Habits: rarely active in community.
Best quality: I can draw well...
Sexual Leanings: *grin*
Strangest Fetish: corrupt the innocent.
3 Things I Dislike:
1) extreme gore
2) cold
3) rarely active in community

~ Favourites ~

Manga artist: I don't know their name so I'll choose myself.
Other manga of interest: any that is good.
Video game series: Elona
TV Show: ... what is that?
Anime: any with good comedy. please make me laugh.
Movie: any that is good.
Author: Noa
Book/Novel: any that is good.
Webcomic: any that is good.
Shoe: none.
Hat: none.
Color: red n black.
Drink: Cola.
Food: anything edible. quantity over quality.
Sport: Gaming.
Animal: Cats if I wasn't allergic to them.
Mythological / Fantasy creature: Eggion.
Internet Meme: NO!
Superpower: Immortality.
Convention disguise: never.

Do I...

Smoke: no.
Swear: maybe.
Flip out and kill people: if I have to.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: never.
Knit scarves for orphans: let's just bought it.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: that's sick.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: no.
Have furry leanings: yes.
Resemble a celebrity: yes.
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers: no.
Practice some sport: Gaming.
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about: no.
Have a pet monkey: why should I?
Do the Dew: Doo dee dam dee doo ~
Space out easily: it's a skill of mine.
Lift: why?

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: yes. I'm a corpse. also all of you.
Would you like to see into it?: obviosly.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: ask his son Patrick or his wife Janet.
You mean from the Old West?: ... what is it now? I'm lost.
Where you'll be in 5 years?: earth.
Future Plans: Pfft~ nice one.

~ Other Stuff ~

Reason for joining: NeithR told me so.
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?: they fat like a balloon.
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?: justice.
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?: I would rather summoned it than to summed.
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?: Power to wake up in morning.
Left or right?: Right handed.
Yes or No?: I like it when they scream "NO!"
Left or right hand?: ... huh? I thought that was for the question before!
Online Games Or RPGs?: anything is good.
What corrupted you?: Internet.
How are you today?: Tired from answering all this question.
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?: half year I guess.
U mad bro?: yes.
Do you give names to your plants?: yes. now you step on Sugus, my beloved grass.
Known languages: English, Indonesian, babynese, introvertnese, a bit of internetnese.
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?: it's gift. and yes, please.
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?: just kick.
No, seriously, where is my pie?: you just ate it.
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?: Tentacles.
Do you like pizza?: I like it when free.
eShenanigans?: Boobies? Poops? what?
Do you know Elona?: *grin* I worship Kumiromi ~
Can you lick your nose?: lend me a knife.
Are we cool yet?: hot.
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes staring at you, what do you do?: scream like a little girl.
Coke or Pepsi?: Cola.
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?: any that is good.
*What's the first regret that comes to your mind?: almost give up trying to introduce myself here until I realize next is the final question.
Other random trivia: I am currently developing a game.
Re: Introduction Thread

thx to Elerneron who helped the lazy folks like me haha :D

Name: Guilherme
Screenname / Nicknames: GuiRadam
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: Brasil
Occupation: none right now, kinda sick so sadly im doing nothing other then here lurking around this forum, hope that after this post ill stop lurking and start having fun with everyone on the forum :)

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair length: really short
Cock: who knows :p
Breasts: :eek:
Glasses: none
Features: none
Height: 198 cm
Power LVL: ofc its over 9000 :cool:

~ Ideal appearance ~

Gender: Male
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Spiked hair just like a super sayan :cool:
Hair length: just a bit below my neck
Ears: idk :confused:
Cock: same as i have
Breasts: :eek:
Tail: monkey tail :cool:
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: :eek:
Glasses: :cool:
Features: metal horns coming out my forehead :cool:
Height: same as now
Cyclops: NOOOOOOOO :eek:
Skin: white
Shapeshifter: nah

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Cancer
My Fears: height and cockroaches
Common Utterances:
Condition: angry
Is the glass half full, or half empty: which glass :rolleyes:
Bad Habits: eat a lot and too fast...
Good Habits: cant think of one right now really :(
Best quality: im sincere, may hurt some ppl some times but i still think its a quality :D
Sexual Leanings: :p
Strangest Fetish: none
3 Things I Dislike:
1) cockroaches
2) surprises
3) being fat :(

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: i dont like manga
Other manga of interest: i really dont like manga
Video game series: Dark Souls, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Dead Island and many more that i cant remember right now
TV Show: none
Anime: SAO, DBZ, Digimon, Toradora, Zero no Tsukaima, To Love Ru, High School DxD and many more i cant remember right now
Music Genre: Rock, Jrock and Jpop too
Movie: Matrix
Author: none
Book/Novel: none
Webcomic: none
Shoe: any comfortable one
Hat: none
Color: black and red
Drink: Tea
Food: i love Fried eggs :D
Sport: Basketball
Animal: Dogs and Cats
Mythological / Fantasy creature: Vampires :cool:
Internet Meme: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Superpower: i would love to have vampires superpowers :cool:
Convention disguise: :confused:

Do I...

Smoke: nooooooooo :eek:
Swear: a lot
Flip out and kill people: not till a little while ago...
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: no
Knit scarves for orphans: really?!?!? :eek:
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: i would love to but im broke :(
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: not really
Have furry leanings: no
Resemble a celebrity: no
Have a thing about Herms/trannies/crossdressers: no
Practice some sport: no
Have no clue what several of these questions are talking about: yes!!!!!!:p
Have a pet monkey: not yet :D
Do the Dew: yes sometimes :p
Space out easily: no
Lift: no

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: sadly or not i dont
Would you like to see into it?: i dont know
Should Marty have gone back to it?: yes
You mean from the Old West?: maybe :p
Where you'll be in 5 years?: here doing a post on this forum :p
Future Plans: none

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: to join the party's :cool:
Why are toddlers ideal for balloon animals?: because balloon animals are lonely most of the time, sad history but true :(
If revenge is a vulture, what is it eating?: ppl mind :D
If you found a mysterious Genie's lamp and you summed the Genie, what would you wish for?: happyness for the rest of my life
If you could have one power (not a super power) what would it be?: :confused:
Left or right?: left
Yes or No?: no
Left or right hand?: right
Online Or RPG Games?: i love em :D
What corrupted you?: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How are you today?: good :)
How long did you lurk (or be a member) before hitting the introduction post?: 2 or 3 weeks
U mad bro?: YEAH :mad:
Do you give names to your plants?: ofc Robert is the best, hes such a good boy :)
Known languages: Portuguese and i risk some English like im doing now :p
Given a chance would you like to have the same curse as Ranma Saotome (turns into hot redheaded chick when doused with cold water, turns back to original form when doused with hot water)?: hell yeah :D
Master of Kick-punching or Punch-kicking?: both :cool:
No, seriously, where is my pie?: my stomach should know better, ask him not me :D
What kind of hentai got you hooked on it?: nothing special ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do you like pizza?: yes
Shenanigans?: i love that restaurant :p
Can you lick your nose?: no :(
Are we cool yet?: ofc :)
You wake up in the middle of the night, and see a pair of eyes stareing at you, what do you do?: ill stab them :eek:
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
If you could live in any time period from the dawn of man to present day, when would it be?: present day :)
Other random trivia: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

oh and sorry for the bad grammar, i did my best :)
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Re: Introduction Thread

I'm new...name is Nyanpasu. Mainly play DMM games. I know SOME japanese so i can translate things here and there.
Re: Introduction Thread

Welcome Nyanpasu,Guilherme and Ethernite. i hope than all of you get all the fun than look at this place
Re: Introduction Thread

Hello there all, Foxhound here. Always polite to introduce oneself when joining a forum so here we go.

Until a couple weeks ago I had no idea things like H games existed. Not out of naivety, just never considered the possibility. Naturally I began some research into them and much to my disappointment nine tenths of them are absolute garbage as games. Many visual novels have excellent art, but there is no game to play. Mash return and if you're lucky you can actually read what's going on in English. The independent effort is unfortunately a mixed bag.

Until I picked up a handful of games produced by active members of this forum I was ready to write H games off as novelty crap. In particular, Kurovadis struck many of the right notes for me. This genre needs more interesting and lovingly crafted games. Going forward I am interested in producing such products and assisting other developers raising the bar for quality.

That being said I will explain what I am and what I am not. Artist by trade, I was professionally trained in software development. I am fully aware of the perils and pitfalls in development and working in groups. I research design philosophy as a hobby and enjoy working within restrictions as I feel the creativity borne of it produces superior results.

I am not a programmer, unfortunately. I am working diligently to correct that problem through study and getting my hands dirty. If anyone is interested in tutoring work I would be very appreciative.

I'm looking forward to discussing design philosophy and product development with everyone! Thanks for taking time to read.
Re: Introduction Thread

Hello there all, Foxhound here. Always polite to introduce oneself when joining a forum so here we go.

Until a couple weeks ago I had no idea things like H games existed. Not out of naivety, just never considered the possibility. Naturally I began some research into them and much to my disappointment nine tenths of them are absolute garbage as games. Many visual novels have excellent art, but there is no game to play. Mash return and if you're lucky you can actually read what's going on in English. The independent effort is unfortunately a mixed bag.

Until I picked up a handful of games produced by active members of this forum I was ready to write H games off as novelty crap. In particular, Kurovadis struck many of the right notes for me. This genre needs more interesting and lovingly crafted games. Going forward I am interested in producing such products and assisting other developers raising the bar for quality.

That being said I will explain what I am and what I am not. Artist by trade, I was professionally trained in software development. I am fully aware of the perils and pitfalls in development and working in groups. I research design philosophy as a hobby and enjoy working within restrictions as I feel the creativity borne of it produces superior results.

I am not a programmer, unfortunately. I am working diligently to correct that problem through study and getting my hands dirty. If anyone is interested in tutoring work I would be very appreciative.

I'm looking forward to discussing design philosophy and product development with everyone! Thanks for taking time to read.

Welcome Foxhound, enjoy your stay!
Re: Introduction Thread

Uh... Hi!

I'm normally one of those 'lurker' types, and I don't much like talking about myself, so I hope you'll forgive me for skipping the introduction-form thingy for now. Sorry... (maybe later?)

But... I DO like making stuff. Like... Games for example!
I've recently taken an interest in making games of the "18+" variety, and I noticed there are several game devs that frequent this forum, so I thought it might be a good place to post screenshots and demos and such and possibly get some feedback. So... I joined. Yup.

I guess I joined for similar reasons as Foxhound up there.

So... I guess I'll be pestering ya'll with some screenshots shortly. *Cue ominous music*
Re: Introduction Thread

Screenname / Nicknames: ExDii/Ryogi07
Age: 22
Gender: Male

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Short
Breasts: Oppai!
Glasses: Yup - thick ones TT^TT
Height: 5'8"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: brown
Hair color:black
Hair length: long!
Ears: Thos robo ears in a lot of sci-fi anime
Breasts: Oppai!
Tail: Mecha tail
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Pass
Glasses: Can't remove glasses they are 70% of my identity
Cyclops: Pass!
Skin: Fair

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Pisces
My Fears: Dolls.Those evil murderous demons are damn scary.
Common Utterances: Crap!
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half-full
Bad Habits: Read too much and forget events and meetings.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Dolls
2) Dolls
3) And Dolls

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Ken Akamatsu
Video game series: Prototype
TV Show: Supernatural
Anime: Hanamaru Youchien
Webcomic: Haven't tried those yet
Drink: Apple Juice
Shoe: Rubber shoes
Hat: Nope
Color: Blue
Music Genre: Jazz

Do I...

Smoke: nope, I wish I could but I go into coughing fits after I inhale a little TT^TT
Swear: No
Flip out and kill people: In my head: always
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Learning to, but nowhere near "can play" level
Knit scarves for orphans: I can't knit
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Do Gundam models count? XD
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: YES
Have furry leanings?: Haven't developed those yet. XD

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Earth is big black ball of contaminated...things.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? Who's Marty?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: H!
Other random trivia: None, I'm a dull character. :(

Notes: Joined way back 2012 but just lurked until that DMM game came out few weeks ago - Lord of Valkyrie.
Re: Introduction Thread

Name: Ren
Screenname / Nicknames: Renzo
Age: 30++
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence:You can see on the IP address

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brownish Black
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: neck-long
Breasts: none
Glasses: yes
Features: broad shoulder, stout like dwarf
Height: short

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Short
Ears: normal
Breasts: none
Tail: none
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: no
Glasses: no
Features: slim
Height: tall
Cyclops: -
Skin: -

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: I don't believe zodiac
My Fears: cockroaches are my hated enemies
Common Utterances: wtf?
Is the glass half full, or half empty: whatever
Bad Habits:

3 Things I Dislike:
1) scumbags
2) douchebags
3) cockroabags

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist:
Other manga of interest:
Video game series:
TV Show:
Drink: alcohol and salty beverages
Color: Black and White, NO GRAY
Music Genre: OST
Internet Meme: WTF!?

Do I...

Smoke: nope
Swear: WTF?
Flip out and kill people: Yeah, at least in PVP
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: nope
Play Keyboard/Piano : yes
Knit scarves for orphans: nope
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: nope
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: nope, I have a full-time income source through my daily job and projects.
Have furry leanings?: nope

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: yes, I'm going to become a great person.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? :confused::confused:

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: searching for game guide
Other random trivia: nope.jpg

Notes: :confused::confused::eek:
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