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RPG RPG Maker [Moonblack] Rape Quest

Re: Rape Quest

In this moment there are not many new things, some misions and game overs

well id say that pretty much DOES imply there were some new things >.> you know, what with the word new being used in the post. That normally means new, as in different from current version or more things added.

but then again it could just be that im not a clone of you and as such words have different meanings to me then they do to you.

edit: could you re link? the first and last link cant be found
I've never gotten trunk to work, when i try it says RGSS202E.dll could not be found
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Re: Rape Quest

When i write that i was expecting than some of the ideas in their forum were ready or in progress but nope, they have a mess in this moment and i dont have a Pc now to check and try to play this version.

Maybe when this week full of parcial tasks end i will to put more effort to talk to them :(
Re: Rape Quest

that wasnt directed at you, i was just using your post to back up mine.

on a side note, i just played the game from the second link of the first page which is suppose to be a higher version. so why is there so much less on there then on the first link?
Re: Rape Quest

Ah, sorry for my misunderstanding then.

I will try to link them later after the exam
Re: Rape Quest

its ok, lots of that going around now

and thanks
Re: Rape Quest

Raed Version

(the first and last links are the same XP) below there is a link than show you how use the tool

to forgive me here is another root this time from moonblack

Last update 16 oct
- Added another – INCOMPLETE – lesbian scene. It can be repeated any number of times – as long as you have the gold
- You can no longer challenge the three future orc slaves if Elisabeth is present (because the fight would be too easy)
- Changed the picture for when Eva does it with John in the inn
- Began adding Erawen Forest. It’s FAR from complete
- Copied over chars3.png and chars4.png from Raed’s version – though currently neither file is used

This one looks good, it have two new incomplete missions (one have tentacles XP)
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Re: Rape Quest

well id say that pretty much DOES imply there were some new things >.> you know, what with the word new being used in the post. That normally means new, as in different from current version or more things added.

but then again it could just be that im not a clone of you and as such words have different meanings to me then they do to you.

What makes you think being a clone of me would make us think alike???:eek:
Re: Rape Quest

Thanks for this mate. Now I need to find out how to get it to work. TO THE INTERNETS!
Re: Rape Quest

its always assumed clones would be just alike, though there are shows which imply clones think differently. but i find it easier and less time consuming to just say clones think alike and it gets a rather fun reaction from others when im pointing out flaws in games.
Re: Rape Quest

its always assumed clones would be just alike, though there are shows which imply clones think differently. but i find it easier and less time consuming to just say clones think alike and it gets a rather fun reaction from others when im pointing out flaws in games.

Hah, monozygotic twins are clones, but they don't think alike, at best have similar views on things. :rolleyes:
Re: Rape Quest

your enjoying this way too much :p

i was talking about actually clones, like that thing you pout people in, possible a clone machine or some form of genetic cloning in a lab. not that twin thing that can sometimes happen possibly happen.
Re: Rape Quest

or, now stay with me on this one, we can tie it INTO the topic.

so anyone whos taking over posted something yet?
Re: Rape Quest


how to download these updates??? is there any mu link???
Re: Rape Quest

not yet. But there is a good news, the creator of the game after saw than his forum is not dead have decide to combine the versions of his helpers, there are 4 versions of them so it will take a little of time.
Re: Rape Quest

well that seems like it will be interesting
Re: Rape Quest

yes, its another post made by me right under the one i made months ago. deal with it or get it deleted.

so is anyone still watching their site for updates? about a week or two ago i noticed there was a new version with A (as on one) new area set up but nothing could be done in there and one of the achievements bug was fixed.
Re: Rape Quest

There are three versions:

One is Dbugger, who is not planning on continuing anytime soon

Another is by Raed, who has not updated for some time

And the one that is the most expanded on is by MoonBlack
Re: Rape Quest

But you must download two things before try to download the alterned versions

follow this guide to download the RPG Maker and the SVN Client than you need.

to use the SVN use this guide
1. install TortoiseSVN: Link
2. create an emty folder
3. right-click on the folder and select 'SVN Checkout'
4. enter 'http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/RQMod/' as 'URL of repository' and hit 'OK'

Then the download should start.

To get the updates right-click on the folder and select 'SVN Update'.

and last this is the link to some versions
