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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Alright. If you do need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call. If your going to go see them, looks like they went right to the medical lab, so maybe the girl is injured? Can't think of why else they would go there. Anyway, have fun and all."

With that, the radio once again went silent.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith nods and end the transmission then starts to walk towards the medical room, she always felt so damned exposed outside her unit, but it wasn't something she was about to bring up. Walking around the Sanctuary in a 10 foot tall robot probably wasn't something she would be able to get the humans here to allow.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Figures. From one wierd situation to another," she replied, more to herself as she finishes treating the burnmarks. Quietly she goes to a vacant chair, plopping into it and pulling her trenchcoat up over her head slightly, figuring she could get a tiny nap or so with having to wait for this Magnus person...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec lets the phrone ring while he finishes his sentance, then takes a drink of the still lukewarm water to clear his throat before finally answering.

"Alec Morgan speaking."
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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

There was a pause, and then a female voice came over the phone, speaking to him.

"Oh good, I have the right number, wasn't sure. So listen Alec, this is Melissa, from one of your classes. Was wondering if you could do me a favor ... I need some help over here moving my new fridge around, can't move it alone. Think you would be willing to help? I'm up the block from you in the second building, six-b."

Something told him she might have actually tried moving it by herself due to the fact she seemed a little shaky in her voice.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec frowned. Evidentally she was looking for him, specifically, though he couldn't think why. There were plenty of other guys around who could help, a lot of them probably stronger than him.

"Hmm? Sure, I guess. Are you alright? You sound a bit... shaken."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Yeah, I'm alright. Think I might have put my back out though, it kind of hurts. Anyway, door is open, just come in. I'll see you in a few, alright?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith continues on her way as she walks past a few more of the staff working at the Sanctuary, as well as a few inhabitants, then knocks on the medical room door, despite it being open as she looks in, watching the girl inside, "Hey. Are you the new girl?" Her slightly elongated ears and the seemingly more blank expression in her eyes was the mark of her elven lineage, but it would not surprise her very much if some of the less observant did not realize what she was straight away.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Sarah would give a sudden start, almost dropping from the chair as one hand dashed towards her bag, hitting the zipper before it could hit any contained weapons. "Buhwha-?!?" she sputtered, before seeing the room around her and the curious face. Flushing a bit, Sarah nodded sheepishly. "Y-ya, I guess? Name's Sarah." Still, she kept her hand near her bag. She didn't entirely trust everyone here, especially as she was staring at a elf.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

She slowly enters the room, seeing the hand reach for the bag. She had seen this many times before and knew to be careful not to agitate the human, or well, mostly human, creature was in the room, "My name... well, my name here is Edith. Nice to meet you Sarah." She gives a short bow, a common courtesy, "Did you get hurt on the way here or something?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Bit of an understatement. The guys that supposedly wanted to take a looksie at whatever is in my system instead decided to try and BARBEQUE ME...." Sarah muttered in response, though she had treated most of the burns earlier. Still, she slowly relaxed, moving her arms behind herself instead of near her weapons.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith nods as she listens, pausing a little at the word barbecue as if thinking about it, then smiles a little as she looks at the girl, deciding that she wanted to know more about the new arrival, "So what's your story? Do you have something that makes you different from a normal human? Or did the people here save you for a different reason?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"I guess different would be the polite way to put it, not that I can really control it unless special circumstances that is..." Sarah noted, though partly was being guarded from habit. "So, what's this place like? Have you been here long yourself?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

She thinks for awhile, then puts a hand to her lip as she answers, "This place is nice I guess. My reason for being here is slightly different than most of the others. The people here seem nice, and rather interested in helping protect those that are... different."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Well, that'd be a nice change from the last place I'm sure," she said with a sigh, leaning back in the chair.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

After they were in, Henry pulled the vehicle out and drove off. As he drove, Henry spoke with a light chuckle.

"Hey man, you don't have to be shy, I don't bite."

As promised though, within about ten minutes they were pulling through the gates of what seemed to at first be a warehouse of some kind, then they passed into a sort of underground tunnel. Moments later, they passed back into an area above ground, and Max got his first view of their destination.

The place was gigantic to say the least, and appeared to be of a very old design. If he knew anything about the old buildings , Max might realize the design was similar to that used well back into the 1800's, which meant this place was very old. He also noted that despite the lack of any guards, it seemed to be very well fortified and defended, as a few things stuck out as likely being a form of sentry defense weapon. He also might get the impression that the place had more defense than the royal army combined did.

Declan now spoke as they pulled up to what seemed to be an entry door.

"Welcome to the London Sanctuary. Dr. Magnus should be meeting us shortly."

Max didn't have a reply to Henry, and instead decides to sit in silence as they made their way to wherever they were going. Max's eyes narrow as they enter what he assumes to be the main courtyard of the facility, wondering just why they needed such a large amount of defensive weapons.

"Whats up with all the defensive weapons?" Max asks Declan as they wait for Dr. Magnus.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Alright, I'll be right over."

Alec sets his paper aside and heads off to the room the girl specified.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith continues to approach Sarah, looking at her carefully as she continues speaking, "So what's special about you? Can you shoot fire? Or teleport? Or something weird like that?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Declan replied with a dead serious tone.

"Every now and then people like the ones who tried to kill us earlier, like to try and come here, trying to either kill people like you, or steal them. And as I'm sure you can guess with your own abilities, some of these beings can be extremely dangerous. There's actually one species that can exude radiation out of their hands and kill a person just by touching them when they are angry. I don't think I need to explain how nasty a death THAT can be to you."

Moments later a slender, medium height, black haired woman exited from one of the buildings. Max might actually find himself thinking how attractive she was, at least until Declan spoke.

"Ah, there's Magnus."

A moment later, she walked up and spoke.

"Hello Max. I'm Helen Magnus, head of the Sanctuary Network. I'd like to welcome you here, and if your willing I'd like you to come with me and meet one of my colleagues, and then we'll get you away from here. How does Canada sound to you?"

Once Alec arrived, he noticed two things. One, was that clothing was piled neatly in the corner of the main room, and the other was that there wasn't a fridge in the main room. However, he could hear her speak out to him.

"Second room on the left, door is open. I'm in here."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"I believe the proper term for what I am would be best simplified with 'zombie.' Even with the cure everyone got hit with when that outbreak was contained, I'm still getting back up..." she muttered, more to herself. "My own experimentations still haven't figured out what's up with me... if anything, it's just made me more monsterous for a while..."
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