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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Which games have been completed? I was assuming the 96% completion meant for all the games :p

when I said 96%, I was talking about the first game... it has a LOT of dialogue. And we are not just going for computer translation. We are going for a full translation with no confusing statement coming out of left field. The one we started with is Imoutoto. The next one, Kaname, has far less dialogue and he will have more experience under his belt. And I have figured out a few things to make my editing work faster.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The vampire one might be a good idea too. afaik it has a good story and H scenes are fine too.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yea, I would go with either the vampire one, monster lord one, or Kaname. Basically the more recent ones or the ones with more story.

Edit: According to dlsite, the Monster Lord one has the highest number of sales out of all of his games.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Your choice, Ritsu, but I love the vampire one. :cool:
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The new game is out!!!!

Unfortunately I can't post URLs unless I have 15 posts or more.

Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

now gief walkthrough plz :3
description of skills would be nice

beat her a few times already in different ways... no ending so far.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Holy shit his new game has loads of text...

I managed to somewhat stumble through his previous games by using a machine translator (the text ripped wasn't made for flash though, so it would keep repeating the text infinitely and I had to manually copy and paste a segment) and decompiling the flash to get the text for the skills you choose to level up.

Edit: Had a quick playthrough, and there's a couple changes
Again, there's the ATB bar on the right, however you don't have to wait for it to be full before you can do an action, you can click with the mouse button to act whenever you want. This however affects your attack (a full bar does more damage than half), and defending doesn't work unless you have 3/4 full
When you are hurt, your special bar (yellow bar below health) increases

When you left click, there are 3 options, top is attack, bottom left is magic, bottom right is defence
Magic has 4 versions, top right is attack all 3 body parts, requires slightly more than 1/2 full special bar, bottom left is heal, requires slightly less than 1/2 full special bar, bottom right is special attack, requires full magic bar
No idea what top left does

As usual, only the top right special can stop her from casting

Everytime you lose, you gain points which you can then spend at the start. This time you either level up your spells, or purchase attribute points to spend in the next screen
There's other stuff but I don't know what they mean without decompiling the flash

After you defeat her once, again 1st option is rape, 2nd option is to leave her, both lead to a 2nd fight where she starts doing special attacks a lot more and has more health, I'm yet to beat this stage...

Edit: I did a translation of the 1st buying page, but I'm not allowed to post an image until I've posted enough so I can't post the image I made
1st option is to buy more attribute points
2nd group is to level up you specials, last skill lets you see her next move or something
3rd group, all the 500p are to level up the positions whilst the 300p are to increase cum volume and total number of times you can cum, 3000p i think is the one where you could grab her during her special in the previous games
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So, i found three endings and two counter-rape moves. Think that's it.
Pretty interesting battles(at first,at least) and endings(though somewhat similar to previous games),but dialogues are too simple for my tastes(that's why Imouto is still my favorite).

About the action bar: half full lets you put up guard until next action and activate moves(if you have enough of special bar).Full bar do more damage on basic attacks and useless for everything else, defence is more important here. As soon as your action bar is past half, put up guard(except against her basic attack or spells),this way you guard against damage and accumulate some of the action bar for the next attack.It's crucial in the third round, where you don't have much leisure for wasting action bar.Watch her bar too, some of her slower skills give you time to attack her couple of times before putting up guard.When she's in different stance,she takes more damage(especially to the head).

Skills:upper-left -quick slash,lets you interrupt spells(but don't bother interrupting binding spell),needs special bar at 1/4
upper-right - attack for breaking armor,cost 3/4 of sp bar
bottom-left - healing spell,cost 1/2 sp bar
bottom-right- combo attack, takes full sp bar
Special bar replenishes when blocking high-damage attacks, attacking her,and taking damage yourself.

How to get endings in spoiler:

Subordinate(aristocrate) ending:
This one is basically about being goody two-shoes.But i couldn't get it at first,so it may require some items or skills bought first.But maybe just the conditions i wrote(that's what i did differently when finally got the ending)

Edit: the first two dialogue choices are in prologue.And you don't have to bother with skills and making her feel good for second ending.

1->1. Spare her(that's second option).2.Spare again.2.Spare again.
Conditions: broke all her armor, use all moves on her at least once.I think, most important is to use ultimate skill(bottom-right) at third round.

Eloping ending(traveling couple,called "shuppon"):
All same, as previous, but rape her in the third round.Cum once and make her cum too(first,choose slow speed,wait until text stops changing, than fast, choose 3rd or 4th variation, and again,wait a bit)

Slave ending:
All opposite dialogue choices, you can either rape her three times,or spare her two times(picking appropriate dialogue) and rape at the end.
If still doesn't work, do the conditions from previous endings. She basically admit your strength in every ending if you do that ultimate move.

Well,hope this helps someone.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Still waiting on that translated game, whats the status?

The aristocrat ending is not working for me.

I have to fight her over and over or end rape sequence to fight her again. I beat her maybe 10 times now not sure what to do.
I can't grab her during combat either.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So far I got 3 things unlocked :

1. The normal game button
2. Something like normal, but u fight her infinite time with a 1 after the name, right under the normal game and an added blowjob scene selection
3. The bottom-left ending with her strapped to a wall in a cave
4. The "travelling couple" thingy middle ending where she's dressed with a long robe

My guess is at least 2 other things might fit in the title screen but I'm lost :confused:
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Still waiting on that translated game, whats the status?

The aristocrat ending is not working for me.

I have to fight her over and over or end rape sequence to fight her again. I beat her maybe 10 times now not sure what to do.
I can't grab her during combat either.

Wait,why are you trying to rape her for aristocrate ending?
Did you get the "traveling" one? If yes, then you are just one step away from this ending too. Because in both endings she starts last dialogue with admiring your strength,basically.

Try to level up your skills first(2nd group, 1200p option especially)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Still waiting on that translated game, whats the status?

It's done, actually. Some minor fixes left. Will post it in a day or two.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

... the bottom left button doesnt do anything (magic)

do you need your yellow bar full to even click it? because she kills me stone dead before it even gets halfway... not being able to heal makes this game inpossible

might have something to do with the fact that i dont get any stat points to spend...

edit: huh, you get to keep whatever you bought if you replay after you die... farming time.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

1->1. Spare her(that's second option).2.Spare again.2.Spare again.
Conditions: broke all her armor, use all moves on her at least once.I think, most important is to use ultimate skill(bottom-right) at third round.

Eloping ending(traveling couple,called "shuppon"):
All same, as previous, but rape her in the third round.Cum once and make her cum too(first,choose slow speed,wait until text stops changing, than fast, choose 3rd or 4th variation, and again,wait a bit)

Slave ending:
All opposite dialogue choices, you can either rape her three times,or spare her two times(picking appropriate dialogue) and rape at the end.
If still doesn't work, do the conditions from previous endings. She basically admit your strength in every ending if you do that ultimate move.[/spoiler]
By 1 -> 1, you mean the "まだ、、、" top option you get after you choose not to rape her? I followed the instructions for the aristocrat and shuppon endings but I keep getting the ending where the soldiers from off-screen seize her.

Edit: I'm I maxed out everything in the shop except the 2000 item which lets you see her attacks and the 3000 ability which allows you to rape her when she uses her special moves.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

DON'T skip the intro (it is important).

1st Ending (Jail)
Just Rape 3 times. Pretty sure thats all you need to do.

2nd Ending (Riding)
1st choice
1st choice
2nd choice
2nd choice
Probably need to make her cum as evercrow said(didn't test it)

3rd Ending (Missionary)
1st choice
1st choice
2nd choice
2nd choice

Not sure what the difference is between the extra battle 1 and 2
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Not sure what the difference is between the extra battle 1 and 2

Only the dialog. In battle two you are training with her to serve the empire. In battle one she is your slave and tries to kill you rather then train with you for enslaving her.