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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


You guys are doing a very good work!!
Can't wait for the next translations :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've read here that hongfire had the devil queen game translated, but since that was long time ago before sopa/pipa/acta I can't find it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've read here that hongfire had the devil queen game translated, but since that was long time ago before sopa/pipa/acta I can't find it.

I'll might have it when was it posted there?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ritsu, you said earlier that you uncensored the Imoutoto game, but decided to leave it censored for the release. How did you uncensor it? I attempted to follow the method on hongfire that was linked earlier, however that method only seems to work for objects and shapes. Can you provide some insight into how you uncensored the game in the first place? Thanks.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The censor bar that you see is either an object or a shape coded to obscure in a particular way (some sort of transparency thing). All you have to do is delete the right one and it disappears completely.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Anyhow yea, You'd be doing me a solid by telling me how to get just the music. Or even Who made the music.

In the newest game at least it says BGM: Bach (something) at the start, I'd imagine the other games also have a place where he says what the background music is. I don't understand moonspeak so no idea which Bach piece it is, though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ritsu, you said earlier that you uncensored the Imoutoto game, but decided to leave it censored for the release. How did you uncensor it? I attempted to follow the method on hongfire that was linked earlier, however that method only seems to work for objects and shapes. Can you provide some insight into how you uncensored the game in the first place? Thanks.

I posted it before, return a few pages back. the censor bar is that blue thingy. replace it with yatinasni program and you're good to go.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

How's the translation of the Shion game doing?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Also how do you get ending 2 on the Shion game?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Also how do you get ending 2 on the Shion game?

I got her to blue (not flashing) mood. Then talk with last option from then on out. Then kiss her, fellatio, and then made her orgasm three times. Then I went for the rape. Don't know if position matters but I got the swimsuit ending after all that and taking her from behind.

Edit: And use look as often as you can.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

We've split the translation with kawaiianime, so it's going faster now. The main scene is pretty much done, working now on the endings.

As for the second ending - try molesting her against her will until she cums a few times, and then fuck her one time.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'll start back again on finishing the translation for the endings. Just finished a series of tests and mid terms for college. -__-
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You guys are amazing! Thanks for your hard work! Can't wait for the translation. :)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So any word on the translation progress of Shogun Princess Christianne and Devil Girl? I'm under the impression that Shion is coming along nicely.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

woah there partner. slowdown. As nice as it'd be to have every one of these games translated, it's a pretty tedious task to do just one. One at a time. Even with two people splitting the workload it's still a monotonous task. Consider the following from a hypothetical standing.

You are a college student, or whatever Ritsu and kawaii are irl. You're busting ass trying to balance work, play, work, and more work. You find it in your heart in your spare time to translate some games you and some friends really enjoy. You open up the flash files and are assaulted with tens of thousands of lines of code and text. In one *.fla file. many of the newer releases from JSK have multiple files. It's a labor of love, that they're translating them at all. But doing more than one at a time, i seriously doubt that. They're not even funded, it's out of the sheer kindness of their hearts and a desire to be challenged that they do this. I can understand impatience, and anticipation of content that one enjoys, but try to be a little patient. Each translated game may add up to mere hours of "fun" to one individual but the work that goes in to translating it is only superceded by the work that went into making it. That's why FLA is more -art- than gaming or porn or what have you. It's not just animating, it's animating using computer language telling individual sprites what to do using a complex series of triggers, Boolean comparisons, and resource references.

I did notice JSK's stuff gets laggy after a few scenes, but I'm guessing that'[s because the previous scripts from previous scenes don't just go away, they linger in the background all "quietly lurking".

Anyhow i've digressed from my point. Point is, it's all good to ask once in a while i suppose but I'd imagine if I were working on something here, i'd get pretty tired of hearing "is it done yet? is it done yet? when will you do this or that?" guys' doing this do it at their leisure, and folks are lucky anyone has enough interest at all to do it. I never would have even thought there was someone working on stuff like this, i know i'd lose patience rather quickly in this scenario which is why i'm posting a rather lengthy scolding. I'd prefer the people doing the work not lose patience with the people who are enjoying the fruits of their effort, because in normal circumstances that could lead to the "end of the effort", at least publicly.

I wouldn't be bothered to comment at all but it's in my own interest that those kind enough to share their work not lose interest. :p

Besides that, if i'm not mistaken, earlier in this thread Ritsu said they'd keep people posted on their progress with translations.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Besides that, if i'm not mistaken, earlier in this thread Ritsu said they'd keep people posted on their progress with translations.

Unless I'm misreading things Ritsu and Kawaii are working on Shion while others are doing SPC and Devil Girl. We've heard that Shion is coming along and that they're working on the endings, but little has been said for the other two games. If I'm wrong then my bad. Didn't mean to offend anyone or seem ungrateful.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Maybe i missed something. I admit i've only read through about 3 hours of the thread before skipping to the last page. lol. but even if my post doesnt apply to you, in the bits that i did read i saw a lot of people saying the same things. If not for your benefit, then for the benefit of others who'd sit here and ask repeatedly is this or that done. If someone else is working on those, my bad man.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yeah, there are two other guys working on 2 other games. Thanks for understanding though :)