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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


Im glad i helped with my piece of information, Shogun Princess is my favorite because it gets rid of the stupid self-insert view, It was a bit of a turn-off to me. Also you kinda made a mistake in the guide about the counter-rape.moves (An extra with). Keep it up anyway!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Update on Shion.
We've split the game with Kawaiianime, so he does the H scenes, while i do the endings (which contain H too). 3\4 endings are done, though they need proofreading and, maybe, some edits. Stay tuned.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

hi everybody I am new here do you guys know how to remove the censor from the jskI games
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I could help if you dont mind, translating that is. Just PM me.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

And what about Fuuma girl, are you translating it? By the way thanks for all the games guys
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

No, I'm not. Not yet, at least. I might do it after I finish Shion though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

hi can anybody reply how to remove the censor in jski games? ritsu plz reply
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You should browse the thread. It was discussed several times already.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

What do you mean by understand? The gameplay, or the plot? The gameplay is actually quite simple: it's just like the previous games. You can perform actions once you have sufficient bar. You defend when she does huge attacks. Your attack damage is based on bar size. Your special gauge goes up with hits on her and you, and also defended hits. Hit her head for maximum damage, hit her armor to destroy it. When she's preparing to do a real super move, she takes double damage to the head. Your best bet is to dump all your initial stat points into damage and then whallop her in the face when she tries to do a special. You get points based on how many times you defeat her, a lump based on clearing 3 rounds, how many times you cum inside of her, and how much damage you do to her in the round you lose.

The plot is basically that you're fighting in a revolution against the "empire." She is an imperial princess defending against the rebellion. You are a soldier who has already fought her before and lost. You're basically in the rebellion now to make sure you beat her.

If you get beaten by her after making her like you, the rebellion is crushed, she makes you her subordinate, and promises to help you reform the empire. If you beat her and make her your traveling waifu, the empire collapses, the two of you live happily ever after, and she's never heard from again. If you make her your slave, the rebellion wins, and you get to keep the princess as your prize for helping the revolution.

The "extra" modes are slave mode and subordinate mode. In slave, you release her from her bonds to fight her. In subordinate, she's basically "training" you. She enjoys being a slut in slave mode, and in subordinate mode, you get to give her impromptu (but well-received) hot dickings.

This is my favorite of all his works. It's just great. Simple, effective, and she's a blond, feisty princess.

Thanks but I'll wait for the translation. The menu screens are hard to understand.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Okay so I'm playing the princess one. Style reminds me of Fuuma in a way. How do I unlock the lovers ending?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I just found this sight and i just DL defeated demon girl love the game but when i get to the end I just hear music and a blank screen any ideas as to whats up?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

funny-games uploaded the games on their site i hope it no heat will come this way.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks for catching that mistake. I've updated the guide accordingly.

The translated menus were posted as an attachment in this thread already. That should help in knowing what items/skills you are buying in the game. Also, all the menus with the buttons that you see during battle are also translated into English. It's also in the guide =).
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Where is this guide you speak of?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Last post of page 22. post 660. It's an attached zip file with a MS office 2010 word document inside.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks for catching that mistake. I've updated the guide accordingly.

The translated menus were posted as an attachment in this thread already. That should help in knowing what items/skills you are buying in the game. Also, all the menus with the buttons that you see during battle are also translated into English. It's also in the guide =).

Which post number is that?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Also for the Princess game, how do you get the lovers ending?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

This game only has three endings. It does not look like it has a lovers ending. Unless you count the traveling wife one? If so, it is 出奔エンド. (The middle one)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

This game only has three endings. It does not look like it has a lovers ending. Unless you count the traveling wife one? If so, it is 出奔エンド. (The middle one)

Yeah about that, I played it through like it said on the workshop document but I got no ending, just text.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Weird. I just went through the steps again. It brought me to the ending in 出奔エンド.

Just to make sure....is this what you did?

2nd Ending: 出奔エンド
Reverse cowgirl on bed
1. 帝国に負けた国の悲惨きを知っているのか?
1. オレの目的は皇帝ではない
Defeat her
2. 見逃す <---When you defeat her, two flashing buttons appear (rape and spare), this is spare [bottom choice]
2. なぜ帝国の為にそこまで戦える?
Defeat her
2. 見逃す <-- spare
2. 帝国の本当の姿を見っめ直す気はないのか?
Defeat her
1. 犯す <--rape