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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Weird. I just went through the steps again. It brought me to the ending in 出奔エンド.

Just to make sure....is this what you did?

2nd Ending: 出奔エンド
Reverse cowgirl on bed
1. 帝国に負けた国の悲惨きを知っているのか?
1. オレの目的は皇帝ではない
Defeat her
2. 見逃す <---When you defeat her, two flashing buttons appear (rape and spare), this is spare [bottom choice]
2. なぜ帝国の為にそこまで戦える?
Defeat her
2. 見逃す <-- spare
2. 帝国の本当の姿を見っめ直す気はないのか?
Defeat her
1. 犯す <--rape

Yes that's what I did. Was there suppose to be a special requirement during the rape scene?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yes that's what I did. Was there suppose to be a special requirement during the rape scene?

One of the people who posted stated that after choosing rape, you have to make her cum too. (Cum once and make her cum too(first,choose slow speed,wait until text stops changing, than fast, choose 3rd or 4th variation, and again,wait a bit))

You can try that but I didn't need to do it to get the ending.

I reset my flash to the beginning and re-built the stats of the hero. After about 15 tries I got enough stat points to be around 22-27 points for each of the 4 main stats. I then when in and only did physical attacks to her head every round. No specials, no healing, no combos, nothing. At the rape scene, I just clicked every button on the left hand side once in quick succession. (enter, slow, fast, orgasm). Then I did the pull out button, and then it went to the second ending.

You could try the making her orgasm technique, and you can try making sure you at least use your super move(Special -> Combo) on her in the 3rd round. But I've hit this ending doing nothing but attacks to her head and I still got it. Original post text is below.
Eloping ending(traveling couple,called "shuppon"):
All same, as previous, but rape her in the third round.Cum once and make her cum too(first,choose slow speed,wait until text stops changing, than fast, choose 3rd or 4th variation, and again,wait a bit)

2nd Ending (Riding)
1st choice
1st choice
2nd choice
2nd choice
Probably need to make her cum as evercrow said(didn't test it)

Hope that helps.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Princess game? what's that game? :confused:

Shogun Princess ( The blond chick with the armor) But people please read the damn thread before asking questions , it would be answered about five times in there and you wont be annoying the others and making them repeat themselves.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I just found this sight and i just DL defeated demon girl love the game but when i get to the end I just hear music and a blank screen any ideas as to whats up?

If you are using Mozilla or Chrome, Use Internet Explorer. For some reason, it works like a charm and there is no memory leak like in Mozilla.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Shogun Princess ( The blond chick with the armor) But people please read the damn thread before asking questions , it would be answered about five times in there and you wont be annoying the others and making them repeat themselves.

'aight 'aight, sorry, i was kinda lazy to read the thread, (my bad :p)...
Edit: I'm just saying, not spamming or.... what ever you call it :\
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Well I've managed to get the third ending. Very sweet.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


Any luck with the second ending? Is any of the walk-through for the Shogun Princess Christianne game working for you?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


Any luck with the second ending? Is any of the walk-through for the Shogun Princess Christianne game working for you?

As of right now, I think you may need to revise the walk through. And no still haven't got the second ending. And by revision I mean to include how high your stats must be. I just got the third ending again because my stats were high.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Max your stats before trying to get the endings. It'll just be a pain the in the ass, otherwise.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Max your stats before trying to get the endings. It'll just be a pain the in the ass, otherwise.

Yeah I learned that the hard way. All in all, it's an okay game but not my favorite. The Fuuma Girl Maisa is my favorite.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I will revise the guide to include a suggestion to grind or hack for high stats first.

It seems like JSK is working on another game. Looks like it has the multi-state button of Fuuma Girl Maisa and an antagonist similar to Demon Girl.

Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I will revise the guide to include a suggestion to grind or hack for high stats first.

It seems like JSK is working on another game. Looks like it has the multi-state button of Fuuma Girl Maisa and an antagonist similar to Demon Girl.

I can't wait to see it when it's out.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

No one hasn't even mentioned this but, I always want to see fanart of JSK's characters.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I will revise the guide to include a suggestion to grind or hack for high stats first.

It seems like JSK is working on another game. Looks like it has the multi-state button of Fuuma Girl Maisa and an antagonist similar to Demon Girl.

Looks nice but i hope it is as far as possible from the Archer Girl. AG was pathetically easy and it had no stakes for me.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Looks nice but i hope it is as far as possible from the Archer Girl. AG was pathetically easy and it had no stakes for me.

I really liked the design and idea to change sex scenes depending on her clothes. I even liked the win/win situation of getting sex regardless of winning or losing. But I do agree that the battle wasn't as fun as other games, and the win/win I mentioned liking kills the tension the other games had.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Awwww yeah. Crawled all the way from the bottom to here.
Is there anyone recruiting translating helpers? I'm know a wee bit japanese here and there so yeah, maybe i could help out?

Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I could do with a hand with Defeated Devil Girl. I'll send you a PM.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

many other game of desire uplauded jsk's games now i'm really worried.