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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Yeah? That sounds good. You got a deal. Gives me an idea too. I think I've got just the weapon." Kars watches the drones again, trying to imagine one carrying his intended load.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Just bring me the weapon and we can work out a deal. Here's my com code. Senkek says, handing over a small data chip. Now, you may want to go check to see if your ship is ready to go, I'm just looking through my salvage for either good parts or parts for my pet project.
Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Mara is visibly excited as she hurries along the hangar. Just before she turns the corner to the air lock, however, she slows her steps and takes on a more formal gait. As she walks up to Draven nothing indicates her excitement. "Greetings, Draven. Thank you for this opportunity."
Thall props the weapon up on his shoulder. "You're lucky. It seems my companion wants to leave. I will refrain from informing the Multitudes, BUT...", he says just as the Marsora takes a sigh of relief, "If something like this happens again I'll more than happily chime in to the uproar that's sure to follow. You catch my drift." Thall turns around and walks away from the stand, back to the elevators. As soon as they are around a corner, Thall lets loose another one of those whistling sounds. "Neat! Normally only real soldiers get their hands on a P.O.L.L. rifle."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven nodded his head twice. "Your most welcome. Under normal circumstances this would be highly unusual, and no doubt your wondering why all of a sudden I'm being so generous. The truth is, my race is indeed very secretive, we have been for countless generations. We shroud our technology in secrecy to avoid races not yet ready for highly advanced technology to develop on their own. Too often a species has come across technology left behind by other races and destroyed themselves. Why? Because they use it to gather power, and ultimately destroy themselves because they are irresponsible with it."

He pauses for a moment, before continuing. "However, the Telarin are considered amongst my people to be on our level, not only in technology, but intellect and responsibility. My belief is that allowing your people to see our technology, and perhaps eventually establish a sort of communication with each other will be beneficial to all of us. I know that the Telarin have heard rumors of my kind, though I must admit I am curious as to exactly what you may have heard whispered about."

Another pause as he seems to collect his thoughts. "We can continue to speak on the way, I'm quite sure your interested in having a look around, and standing here won't get that accomplished."
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Oh, the rumors. There are countless of them. Up to now your race has been the only secret we couldn't discover. Well, next to the Ashotur's. That opportunity is forever lost." She says that as if she should be bitter about that, but there don't seem to be any hard feelings in her voice. Like something she was taught to say. Slowly they start walking, Mara following Draven's lead. "Truth be told we always thought that your race would be technologically superior to us. We will see that, won't we?"


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

He blinks for a moment. "Ah yes, the Ashotur. My people didn't have much chance to study them either. Truth be told, I had mixed feelings about that."

"Honestly, I'd say overall both races are about level footing. To my knowledge, the Telarin have never bothered utilizing cloaking technology, whereas my own people have been utilizing it for as long as I can remember. Countless centuries I think."

A small grin creeps into his features as he says, with a laugh, "truth be told I have no idea in your measurements of time how old I am. Never bothered to keep track. Regardless, a possible open line of communication between our respective people would be a bright spot."

They finally reached his ship, and Draven led her inside. For the size the ship appeared to be on the outside, the interior was much more spacious than what one might expect. Several consoles were semi-lit at the front of the ship, obviously the cockpit and flight controls, as well as sensors and weapons. Mara might realize that the ship was designed to be a single pilot ship, and as such, there wasn't much in the way of unneeded consoles or the like.

The sides of the ship seemed to be a greyish metal of some kind, and what was most interesting was that she could even see the core that HAD to be the power source of the ship. Interestingly enough, it wasn't much larger than the average sized human in height, and maybe half that in width. Yet it was unmistakably the power core of the ship.

Off to the other side of the ship was the largest console and screen in the whole ship. The screen itself took up a good thirty feet of wall space, and the consoles near it about half that. This was now displaying a strange symbol on it, and when Draven sat down, he input several commands. After a moment, all the information she had uploaded for him began to scroll across the screen, simply adding itself to what had to be a massive, yet hidden computer core.

"Welcome aboard, and try not to laugh at the name, but the ship itself is called The Deadly Mist. There is reason for this. When she decloaks, she seems to be see through for a moment before becoming solid, and then her weapons are not to be trifled with. Originally we didn't make offensive weapons, but events some time ago forced us to arm our ships with weapons capable of disabling, and even destroying hostile ships in relatively few shots. As I mentioned before, our weaponry is primarily made up of plasma weapons. I mentioned the plasma bombs, which are fairly self explanatory, and I believe I mentioned the plasma beams. The beams strengths lie in several key areas. First, they are capable of being fired at a faster pace than most laser type weapons are, and they don't require anywhere near as much power or charging time as others would. Rather, they charge fast, fire fast, and simply strike enemy shields so rapidly that they can't recover between blasts, and it simply collapses the already weakend part of the shield, punching through."

A moment as he splits the screen, running a quick simulation of how the plasma beams work, as was seen against a strange looking ship that had obviously attacked first. Only six shots were fired by the Ingrali ship, but those six completely pulverized the enemy ship. "This I regret to say was something that happened thirty thousand years ago, during the only war my people have ever been involved in. To this day, we still don't know why the enemy attacked us, I suppose we never will."

Another moment as he called up something else, and a device unlike anything the Telarin would likely have ever seen came up. "This here however is a new experimental device. We've named them, for lack of a better term, shield eaters. They are proto-types, and haven't been tested yet, so I can't say for certain if they will work as planned, but if they do then they would simply eat a hole in an enemy shield, leaving a gaping hole in their defenses. This would be large enough for a precision shot to get through, and simply disable a ships weapons, rendering them weaponless, and eliminating the need to destroy the ship."
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Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Interesting. Very interesting", Mara says as she watches the weapon demonstration. "About cloaking technology though - you'd think we wouldn't need them, but our Beta Fighters sport a cloaking technology that many Garik would kill for. And that means something. Up to now", she absent-mindedly says as she studies the shield eaters, "they have been the number one when it comes to hiding stuff. Even their battleships can disappear from one moment to another. Most unsettling for the enemy."
She takes a step back to think for a moment. "I'd invite you back to my own ship, but the Veda dictates that none of our technology shall fall into other's hands. Not even in that of a friend. As a matter of fact when one of our ships suffer severe damage the system releases a small EMP that fries all circuits."
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral nods slightly at Thall's comment. "Well, consider yourself lucky."

As the elevator heads back to the hangar, he continues, "I think I may have finally figured out where the rest of the command codes for Switchblade are at. I've always found it odd that only about half of the command codes are stored in Viper, the helmet I'd made to help control the craft. It also seemed odd that it looked like someone had split each line of code in half, rather than how such splits are usually done. But I think I may have figured out when I'd put the other half of the codes."

He pauses, then add, "Yes, I know it's known that I designed and built the Fang, Switchblade, and the Viper helmet myself. But there were about four or five bars that I can remember, prior to my finding out what I'd made."
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Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Ah. Hit your head?" Thall seems genuinely interested in hearing more.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

As he exited the elevator, Umbral shook his head. "Don't think so, but that's not to say that I didn't." He pauses for a moment, then continues, "Let me rephrase what I'd said. A group of old friends of mine, along with myself, had been out celebrating one of said group's birthday. The next thing I can clearly remember is me sitting in a make-shift shipyard, with a stack of schematics with illegible notations, the items shown on the schematics, and the mother of all hangovers."

He stops just outside the Fang's entryway, and shakes his head. "I still say that when I actually get that drunk, all bet's are off as to what will happen."
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Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"So wait. You constructed that ship - drunk off your ass? ...Did I say that right? Your language is so flowery." He stops and looks up at the ship. "If something like this comes out, I just may have to get you full of booze, then record the results. It could contain valuable information."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral nods at the first part of Thall's statement. "Yeah, that's the correct phrase. Of course, the previous time I'd gotten that drunk, the entire colony's...uh...bodily waste system was tampered with. Pretty sure that was me."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven nods. "Yes that would be unsettling for an enemy who wasn't expecting such technology from their opponent."

He stops at her mentioning the Veda's regulations. "That's fine, of anyone I understand their reasons better than anyone. Though, would it not make more sense to just obliterate the entire ship with a self destruct? An EMP may fry the systems, but I know there are several ways of repairing damage done by them. All of our ships are equipped with a self destruct system, and it's extremely effective. I'm going out on a limb here and going to guess you may understand the concept, if not exactly what a neutrino ion generator is? If so, imagine the destructive power if it were to overload and explode while still inside a ship like this. Nothing would be left of the ship."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Maybe your system..." Mara sighs. "Almost let that slip. Suffice to say that our method is working." The Telarin puts her hands on her hips and looks at the generator. "So this is what powers this ship. Interesting, interesting."
Thall whistles. "So it's a 50/50 chance. Fair enough. I think I'll head back to the ship and get ready though. No doubt Mara is already there, impatiently tapping her foot." He sighs.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral nods, then enters his ship. After getting the Fang's various systems checks started, he stepped back into the main hold and connected the Viper helmet to his workstation computer. This was soon followed by a modified medical scanner, set to monitor Umbral's own brainwave patterns. After pulling up the data on two side-by-side monitors, he'd found what he was looking for. "So, I was right..."

At this, he disconnected every thing, replaced the helmet in its holding system, and sat down in the flight chair, ready to leave as soon as things wrapped up here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven nods once. "Then if it works, I say leave it as however it is. To borrow a human phrase, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'."

Again he nodded. "Yes, this is the main power supply. I honestly can't tell you how long we've been using this kind of power source, all I know is that it's been a very long time, long before even I was born."

A beeping noise indicates the download has finished, and Draven moves back to the panels. "Alright, let's see what we can work with here regarding those fungal creatures."

Inputting the detailed information on them into the simulator, he adds in his own weaponry to it, then runs it.

((Will leave it to you as to how it turns out, don't want to auto assume here.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

(Kars responding to Senkek above)

"Great. Great. I'll show you my idea latter. I'll leave you to your ship then. See ya." With that said he pointed him self in the direction of his ship and with a sudden scream from his jet pack lept off the Firebird. Landing he took note of response of the armed station personnel nearby. Firing rockets in the station seemed to agitate them. 'Meh...'

His ship really was totally ready. But he reached up into the cockpit to run another diagnostic while he waited. Opening up one of the rear cargo panels again he started searching through his spare parts stock. Pulling out some components he gave repeated glances to the hefty plasma cannon sitting atop (which is really the bottom of) his craft, then searching for another part. He drew a selection of tools out, and set down on the hanger floor right by his ship and started to put something together.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

And he is finally off my ship. Senkek thinks before retrieving a few more pieces of salvage and entering his ship. Soon he makes his way to one of the rear cargo bays where his pet project sits. To most eyes it would seem to by a stretched sphere of patch worked metal but in truth it was a heavily modified remote mining droid. Senkek had originally readapted the drone as a light combat drone to guard his ship will he was rummaging around in wreckage looking for gear. Now he was trying to adapt it for something other than a simple stopgap measure that allowed him to get back to his ship. The main problems where a lack of proper weapons or a strong power core.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Not far from the station, the Spear drifts slowly into range. The ship is completely dark, all systems shut down, running in stealth mode, with no lifesigns aboard.

A tiny flicker of a heat signature, and a black shape is fired from a hidden aperture, about the size of a missile... or a humanoid. After a long, long drift, without propulsion, black boots touch down on the exterior of the Station. Vix had arrived.

Any with sensors scanning the roof of the hangar might notice an odd oscillation in signal return, a ghost of a presence.. but looking up confirms there is nothing to be seen. Just malfunctioning tech. When Vix is certain all eyes are turned downwards, a hatch lifts, then closes, the cloaked bounty hunter moving onwards into the maintenance and ventilation system.

Ghostlike, Vix progresses precisely through the ship, blueprints projected onto it's visor. It turns left, then right, then left, then ducks into a crawlspace. Twenty meters on, and Vix lifts a panel out of the way, placing it aside carefully and quietly. Below, the General's office. A thermal scan reveals life forms inside, but non-hostile. Vix drops into the room.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Finally, the ship's diagnostics were done. Sanya zipped up the back of her suit, before she exited the Nerkat. Hmmm, how to kill the rest of her time? Take a look at the rest of the ships in the hangar? That'd work.

She picked a direction, and started to examine the various ships that have landed in the bay. There were some... interesting... designs, like that one scavenger vessel. Wait a second, didn't she want to see... that... Ingrali's ship? Where could that one be? Sanya started off on the mystical quest to find... the Holy Gra- er... Draven's ship.