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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven made his way back to his ship quickly, and finished his pre-flights even faster. With nothing left to do until the Telarin's uploaded the right information to the network for downloading, he relaxed into the pilots seat, and began to think of past events, most of them not pleasant ones.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven's rest is not too long until his communicator goes off. "Zeta 1097 calling the Ingrali ship. Dravon Naros, please respond." Mara is calling him.
Thall nods in understanding. Being a Telarin himself - even though a modified one - he understands Umbral all too well. With a "bing" the elevator announces that they have arrived at the Market Deck.
As the two exit they are met with the sight of brimming life. Humans and Garik browse through the offered goods, Marsora stalk through the crowd on their various robotic legs, Am'Arum stay close to their more wealthy employers. A few Telarin search for anything unknown. "The stand was over there, at the wall." Thall gestures to the left.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral followed, something about how he walked making him seem relaxed, yet completely aware of what was going on around him.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

As Senkek combs over his ship, he would find something slightly different lurking in the scaffolding. Kars was hanging from his feet, holding a small solar panel in his hands, roughly as big as he was. As he turned it over to check it out, he spots Senkek on the other side of it. He quickly turns the panel again to hide himself, though not exactly convincingly.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven's eyes, or what pass for them, snap open as soon as the voice comes across. Taking only a moment to open the link back, he then responds, "this is Draven, go ahead."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

What the Hell do you think you are doing? Yes you trying to hide behind to solar panel: pieces of junk that size never stick out of the side of the heap that far. Anyway, I have salvage rights to anything that might ship trolls out of the space ways. Senkek begins saying, especially since a working solar panel like the one Kars is holding can actually be either used or resold much more easily than straight junk.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Kars shifts the panel and waves. "Hey there Human. I found this. You can have it." He passes the panel (or just puts it down), and grabbing his "foothold" releases his boots to swing upright and drop. "I've got one of that make. They work really well in especially intense light. Get close to a star and they collect five times more than even high grade regular type panels."

He continues to glance around, almost as if he isn't really paying attention.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Is there a reason that you are trying to loot salvage off the side of my ship? Senkek says trying to get across the fact that all of this salvage already belongs to him.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"I've nothing better to do." The diminutive invader calmly states. A rather absurd claim being just moments before he's due to ship out on the biggest mission of his life. "Eh, well that's not to say I was looting. I was just having a look around. Honest. My craft will only hold so many bullets, so I'm out 'meeting the team'. Didn't mean to trespass, sorry, force of habit." He says with a shrug.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Mara seems to have taken off her helmet. Her skull, like all Telarin's, is almost human, save for the large silver pools she has for eyes, the delicate jaw, breathing slits and small mouth. The silver pools shift slightly as Mara looks at Draven. "I wanted to inform you that I have uploaded the relevant information onto the server. I can't seem to reach Cyrus though." Her tone changes a bit with the next words, amusement swinging in them. "Besides I couldn't resist to get a chance and study you and your ship a little bit further."
A small crowd has gathered around the Marsora's stand. The hefty humanoid himself is clad in a bright yellow outfit and praises his goods. "Come closer, ladies and gentlemen. Take a look at my assortment! I have pistols, I have rifles, I have launchers. I have Terran, I have Garik, I have Am'Arum! Come closer and admire my first class products!"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Just know I have rights to any salvage that gets caught on the framework surrounding my ship. If you take anything, that is theft. Senkek says before pulling a small device from his pocket and hitting a few keys. Quickly a few spider-like robots climb out over the hull before retrieving the solar panel and taking it back into the ship. The robots seemed to be some sort of retooling of basic maintenance drones set to retrieve any objects Senkek wants from the outer hull.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Sure thing. I don't want to get on anyones bad side right now." Kars watches as the robots scurry about their business. "Nice. I've gotta get one of those for my own ship."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Wait, what? All those do is carry stuff: I fiddled around with a couple of decade old maintenance droids to make them move around the stuff I have trouble with. Senkek says surprised by the switch to what seems an odd topic.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Viper hung back slightly, his mind choosing to remind him of how unnerved he gets when placed into a crowded situation. More than once, he could feel old reflexes trying to force his hand towards one of the handful of hidden compartments on his suit.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Well I'm far from out of shape, even as a spacer, but what you might have a little trouble moving, I just ain't gonna budge it." He lifts one arm in a loose 'muscle pump' pose. The suit hid any real shape, but the message was evident. Three foot tall, strength of a stubborn hardy child.

"I do most things in zero-G to solve this, but sometimes there's just this sweet big ass gun in a building, and then there's some stairs... a way of getting it out without having to blow the roof off and winch it to the ship, would be so much quicker. Y see?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Ah, most excellent then, though I am afraid I haven't seen Cyrus since we left the meeting." He chuckles slightly at her next words then says, "well I tell you what, if you'd like to come down here, if you have the time, then you can have a look around while I download the information to my data banks and set up the simulators."

This would seem uncharacteristic of his people, since the Ingrali were known to be extremely secretive of their technology, or so it would have been heard should Mara have actually heard those rumors.

((I'm assuming they are communicating over an audio/visual link and not yet directly face to face in the flesh.))
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Well, after this, I can make a few to sell to you. They will still be the basic movers, but they work. If you can get me personal shielding and weapons I could probably make a functioning attack model as well, but the most I have on board of the right size are fusion torches and mining lasers. Senkek starts, discarding his earlier anger when it looks like he might be able to set up a deal.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

If Telarin could blink in surprise, Mara would do so. "Sure, I'd love that. Let me just put that on..." She raises her helmet and puts it on her head. A quiet whirring sound can be heard as the suit seals itself. After a moment her voice comes over the translator. "I'm on my way." The connection is turned off.
Thall browses through the offered weapons with interest. As he comes across one with an especially curious design he stops for a moment. "Well, would you look at that." The Marsora turns around to him and freezes. "Why, this appears to be a Telarin P.O.L.L. rifle, straight out of the Multitude's arsenal." Thall lifts up a weapon that essentially consists out of a rifle's stock that widens into a cylinder. The trigger seems to consist out of two buttons on the bottom of the stock. "It would be a real tragedy if this powerful technology would fall into the wrong hands, wouldn't it?" "Why, umm... Of course. Yes! You better take it! I don't know how this came into my stock, I swear. It must have been smuggled into my containers!" The Marsora laughs nervously, sweat clearly showing on his green skin.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral listened to the exchance, mentally logging it, in case something major happened. For the most part, though, something was starting to bother him, something other than the crowd. Then it clicked. Umbral turned back towards the elevator, glancing over his shoulder. "I've got to head back to my ship. I think I've just figured out something that I've been working on for a while!"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Very well, I will meet you at the hangar airlock."

As soon as the connection cuts out, he exits the ship, and waits by the airlock for Mara.