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Weird Dream Thread


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Well, some of you might have seen my tale of Prussians riding lawnmowers, if not its a few pages back on the Hate Thread. Well, last night I had another good dream, and by good I mean entertaining.

So it starts out I'm in a car chase. Well, it isn't really the start, there was more, somewhat interesting stuff before it, but I don't remember that part anymore. Anywho, I'm the passenger in a 1940s style car, the driver is a sterotypical Mafia type guy in a pinstriped suit, but I'm wearing my normal clothes. We're trying to get away from... I'm not quite sure, we may or may not have a suitcase full of something, I wasn't even sure at the time. The other wierd thing is that the city we're driving through looks like its from a video game, as if the world itself has graphics dating from around 2006.

After losing whoever is chasing us (though they ram us several times, their cars are like giants compared to ours) we arrive in a 1950s style lab. However, there's a modern microscope and xray machine. I discover that I am infact the important object everyone's trying to get. A close look at my skin shows that I'm covered in parasites, like the standard micro-organism with one wiggly hair like tail they use to move (I know what they're called, but will save everyone the horror of me trying to spell the name). Anywho, the parasites are just like those, nasty and green, except their tails all have another one of the things impailed upon them, still alive and wiggling in agony, or as much as single celled organisms can. The theroy being that these things are going to get bigger and devower me, already eating me at the microscopic level.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

You do realise we have another thread for dreams, right? I know it hasn't been posted in for a couple of months, but I dont think it would be considered necro'ing in this instance.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I looked with the search, no results, and people told me to make a new one.

Edit: Almost I'm not a stalker, I'm just psychic.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Mmmm, I just searched for "dream", as technically it could just be an interesting dream thread or something.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Huh. I guess I can't link searches or something. Ain't that some bullshit.

Yeah, just searching for 'dream' gets you a ton of results.
The thread Oni's talking about is on the 8th page of the full forum search, though still first page just searching 'Everything Else'. Hell, I even found a thread older than Lila's.


Anyways, point is, it's there, and while I understand, just fess up and say you didn't feel like CTRL+F 'ing through 15 pages of results :p
Re: Weird Dream Thread


Anyways, point is, it's there, and while I understand, just fess up and say you didn't feel like CTRL+F 'ing through 15 pages of results :p

Or it's entirely possible at the time of his search, the search function wasn't working properly and he ended up getting no results. This is completely plausible on forums...
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Its not on the first page of everything else when I search. I think you're just an ass :p
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a very nightmare. I rarely get those. You know "Regular Show" on the cartoon channel? Well, basically I was with Modecai and Rigby, taking care of old people on a bus, while they were transferring from one home to the next. Suddenly, Rigby decided to help me stay home, which was okay.

Until Rigby decided to mess with my phone by apparently turning demonic and posessing it. Apparently, he wanted to posess me. He tried to morph me by merely CALLING me. He was only able to give me another left eye until I blocked his calls.

He killed Mordecai apparently and wiped out the elderly home. I woke up out of fear. It was creepy.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

So apparently a friend thinks I need to seek help because of a dream I had last night;

It started off, for some reason, with me hacking off my own dick. The wound was pissing out blood (no pun intended) for what seems like ages yet I didn't die from it. Though it did look like it hurt quite a bit. Anyway, it then moved onto me having to defend Earth against aliens while being assisted by another group of aliens. We manage to fight off the aliens but then the people of Earth turn against me because they think I'm working with the other aliens to take over the planet. We then defend ourselves against Earth's armies, and it seems like I'm going to win but at the last minute they manage to take over my island base (which is an actual metal base floating in the water). I then wake up. For some reason in the dream I was carrying around the mangled pieces of my dick in a box.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

The parts that didn't have to do with your dick sound kinda like StarCraft.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

In my dream the following things happened:

"A huge robust serpent appeared, and dove into the sea, before it stabbed an apple with it's broadsword in-between its teeth.
Afterwards, it fired rounds from it's shiny, black, and ominous handgun."

I'm lying, I never had this dream, but I'll say "I'm an inbred and arrogant Englishman with no real intelligence" or something else embarrassing ten times if somebody manages to get the reference without cheating.

If nobody can get it I'll post the reference myself.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

In my dream the following things happened:

"A huge robust serpent appeared, and dove into the sea, before it stabbed an apple with it's broadsword in-between its teeth.
Afterwards, it fired rounds from it's shiny, black, and ominous handgun."

I'm lying, I never had this dream, but I'll say "I'm an inbred and arrogant Englishman with no real intelligence" or something else embarrassing ten times if somebody manages to get the reference without cheating.

If nobody can get it I'll post the reference myself.

So at least one perso- wait, do you count as a person?
Re: Weird Dream Thread

So at least one perso- wait, do you count as a person?

I count as a whole crowd of people, but I exclude myself from the "Challenge" to make it fair.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Some dumb anime.

How's that feel, ya elitist, arrogant, cartoon watching, american hating, tea sipping, english queen
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Some dumb anime.

How's that feel, ya elitist, arrogant, cartoon watching, american hating, tea sipping, english queen


I'm not English silly man, and the anime is perfectly capable of hearing YOUR EVERY WORD. Making it entirely un-dumb.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

What does hearing have to do with intelligence?
Re: Weird Dream Thread

What does hearing have to do with intelligence?

Oh, I used the wrong word, dumb means mute, I thought it meant inability to hear.

Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dumb in the common form generally refers to one's intelligence.

But yes in the form of a disability dumb means unwillingness or inability to speak. Though I very much doubt that it is the disability Toxic is here-in referring to.