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ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Sinful gets a nod of one professional to another, before Rapture turns to deal with the other questions.

Grave's line of questioning draws a faint wince from their commander, though.

"That's... the bad news. Radios don't work through the shield, so once we're in, we're in without radio contact. For calling in the big nuke, though, we're back to basics.. so smoke grenades. I'll be carrying them, and can hand them out to anyone who wants one.. as long as you don't use them without my specific authorisation. Well volunteered for the backpack though, Grave."

Then finally, Shrike.

"Yes, they've been tested. As in, I've had these.."

Fingers splayed in the air before her.

"Pressed against that compound wall. As for teleportation.. it's not something I want to risk. Going in underground would take too long, and again, we can't guarantee the field stops at ground level... and no. We haven't managed to see the contents. Locked containers, and the trucks refuse to stop, no matter what we do. But yes. It's fairly obviously a trap. Nonetheless, it's still our best lead. So we're going to treat it like a beartrap. Poke it with a stick and walk on in once it's closed. Lucky us... we get to be the stick. Of course, the squad coming in with me to be said stick is volunteers-only.. if anyone wants to hang back with the reinforcements, that's your call."

A deep breath.

"How are we doing..? Questions..? Yes, Host, you're coming too. No, you can't stay with the chopper. Thanks for volunteering."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Grave let out a sigh. "So glad to be the idiot going for obvious bait with no support. Then again, I shouldn't be complaining about something I'm asking for." The darkling cocked his head to the side with a nearly silent crack. "One psychopath volunteering for stick duty."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"So yep, it's a crapshoot. I'm in." Shrike says after listening to Rapture. She raised a hand when the other woman mentioned being inside the field, which raised a few more questions, but those didn't really matter, so she keep quiet.

"Oh, and we may not have to rely on smoke to contact the outside," she pointed out, tappping her head. "Telepath, I may be able to reach outside the field, if we have someone waiting outside with a proper radio. Though we shouldn't rely on it until after we're in and I've tried. Apart from that, I'm all set whenever."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Wait with the reinforcements? That's not my schtick. I'm going in," Sin said carefully, and cocked her head violently to the side, cracking her neck with a small pop.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Suri was somewhat intimidated by the presence of the others. They had most likely been around the forum for much longer than he had. Despite that, he didn't let it affect him too much. Rather then trying to speak and converse, he chose to listen to the briefing and everyone else's questions. The questions he would've asked were already brought up, anyways.

A high altitude nuke and an EMP? I really wish we wouldn't need to use them... Suri thought, but he had some experience with fighting in the conditions left behind by the two weapons.

With everyone mostly done asking questions, and people volunteering to be the first squad to infiltrate he thought to himself for a moment. Making his decision, Suri finally spoke up, "This is still gonna be risky, but if we work together we should manage. I'm in for the primary squad."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Host nods lightly at most of the points of information that Rapture relays, having heard most of it before. I wonder if they would be more or less trustful of the information they’re getting if they knew it was from the Lurkers… He gazed around the assembled group, lingering on Rule. …Less, probably.

The use of the nuke, though, comes as a surprise to him – and gets a roll of his eyes in response. “Honestly, for a forum with only one nuclear device, you’re unusually trigger happy with it. ‘Ooh, the first hive is attacking, let’s use the nuke!’ …except Siphon’s interstellar freighter did the hive in without the need for it. ‘Ooh, the second hive is coming, let’s use the nuke!’ …except the Lurkers did that one in before it even got near the forum, seconds before that crazy bastard Siphon would have kamikaze’d with it.” (That’s a minor retcon – in the original run, Siphon used the nuke before the Lurkers finished off the hive. This time around, the Lurkers got to it first.)

“…Try to ensure that it doesn’t come down to that.” Rule adds, a general air of discomfort around him at the new aspect of the plan – using a nuclear device would be very high profile, and very negatively looked upon, far from something the forum’s head of external relations and internal investigations would like to occur. Still, he couldn’t deny that the nuke would be the only way to get ULMF’s squad out of the complex alive if the first EMP’s didn’t work, and they couldn’t shut the field down from the inside.

"How are we doing..? Questions..? Yes, Host, you're coming too. No, you can't stay with the chopper. Thanks for volunteering."

“Unfortunately, that’s a given. Part of the agreement between the Lurkers and ULMF requires that I am a part of this squad and its operations. And, given that the whole squad is going, I wouldn’t be fulfilling that if I was standing around outside twiddling my claws.”

“Well, now you’re aware of what you’re doing – so here are the rules about how to do it.” Rule says, then turns his gaze over all the assembled squad bar Rapture, resting his gaze on Grave. “What we have seen of the enemy so far only amounts to addbots, meaning anything goes. However, given our, frankly terrible standing with v-Bulletin at the moment, we can’t afford to have any incidents that could cast a shadow of negativity on ULMF. If there turns out to be something there other than bots, you need absolute confirmation of hostility, and must cause no intentional inhumane wounding – and by that I mean no inhumane wounding in totality. I don’t even want anyone to be able to complain about excessive destruction of property. You must come up from this smelling of roses, and offering tea and scones to Toonpimp’s members, if you find any.”

“…With that in mind, do what you have to, to stay alive.” Aika subtly overrules. “Well, I think that’s everything. There’s a truck to take you to the site that leaves in an hour, although it can go sooner… I had expected this to run a little longer, but that’s hardly a bad thing. If you have to stock up on anything before you go, help yourself to anything you might need from the armoury; Rapture knows where it is, you can just follow her when she goes to arm herself.” An open armoury policy? Well, presumably it had been working for them so far…

Unfortunately, there is a catch, as Rule informs them. “Do note that v-Bulletin is no longer supplying us with military resources, leaving us with only a small-to-moderate standing amount of… effectively everything beyond parabellum rounds, assault rifles and pistols, which are easy enough to acquire.”

Aika gives Rapture a sympathetic look. “Well, they at least didn’t take away anything we already had… we’ve still got the prototypes you were more recently testing.”
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"I have my own equipment already. I won't be needing access to the armouries for the moment," Sin said casually, hinting at her mercenary past, before a smile crossed her features.

"And don't worry about anything I do. I've done enough dirty work for v-Bulletin in the past that they won't want to sully my name, or the squad I'm working with," she continued briefly.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Pfft." Grave made a disgusted grimace. He could understand why V-Bulletin was pissed off at them, but he really didn't like the fact that this made his job harder. The part about rules they had to play by was especially irritating. Personally, he'd rather offer blood and pain to whoever was running that base. However, it seemed that Rule knew well enough that this was exactly what he'd do. Pity. Seems he'd have to restrain himself this time. He would, however, take it out on Host after the mission. Altough he took care not to show it, the reptile's taunt really pissed him off. He still remembered how Siphon met his end. And thus that particular remark made the darkling's blood boil. Grave took a deep breath, then let it out with a sigh. "V-Bulletin, useless as usual... I do hope we have at least one sword in stock? I could use a spare one, just in case."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shrike was silent for a few seconds, mulling the offer over before replying. "I could use a small rifle, something accurate. Don't have much I could use at a range." She says with a shrug. "Apart from that, I'm ready to leave whenever.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Suri thought about what he could use for the mission, and ultimately decided to go with the equipment he was used to. A particle repeater rifle and his two pistols, Surine and Syl.

"I just need to pick up my rifle from my home, and I'll be all set. I just have one question concernin' the squad. What's everyone's role in the squad gonna be? I don't know too much about everyone, so pardon my ignorance."

If he was gonna be working with everyone as a team, he'll need to know who his comrades were.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"I'm an assaulter, a TCCC, and some demolitions in the back pocket for shits and giggles," Sin said with a smirk.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"I don't think we usually keep to much of a unit structure, honestly. That may change, however. I generally deal in melee range combat, door opening whether there's a door there or not, side dish of communications in a pinch. Got a ship, will travel. Small background in guns, extensive knowledge base of mostly useless stuff, usually in the higher technology trees. Probably missed some stuff, but I like to figure stuff out as we go along, so I guess you'll all know it when I do." Shrike explains with a chuckle and an 'oh well' shrug, before nodding back to Suri. "You?"
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Roles?" Grave paused to give the idea some thought, then began to list his own qualifications. "Heavy combat specialist, assault. Mostly melee, short to medium range works as well. I know most types of dark magic and I'm very good at the destructive ones. Can put up a shield if necessary. Not terribly good at stealth, but will do in a pinch. Like Shrike, I can open a path, though that might apply to nearly all of us... Familiar with magic lore and different schools of magecraft, even if I can't use them. Extensive knowledge of magical creatures. Skilled in unarmed combat and use of melee weapons. Aside of that, I've got no training whatsoever." He shrugged. "Basically, if it involves melee combat or magic, I'm the one for the job."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Host cocks his head at Suri, finding an oddity in the man's statment. "You'll 'run home'? Not being an ULMFer, running home would be some feat, given the hour you've got. I hope you left that rifle somewhere in ULMF..." "...and unless you're hiding the lower half of your legs somewhere, I would hope it's somewhere in ULMF close by, Gimli." the almost-two-meter demon prods, quite litterally looking down on a man a half-meter shorter.

When the matter of his combat role was raised, though, Host clammed up.

"I shoot things. With guns. I'm generally not too bad at it."
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Having heard everyone's answers, he nodded now that he had some knowledge of the people he would be working with. When he heard Host's reply to him going home to get his rifle, and a few comments about his height, he smiled with light amusement.

"I may not have been around ULMF for a while, but I do consider it my home now. And don't worry, it is close by. I'll be back within the hour I'm given, I'll assure you that."

To Shrike's question of his own capabilities, he thought for a moment before answering her, "Many things. But I lean toward armed combat from a medium to long range, using guns. I can bring the fight closer to the enemy, if I need to. As for special operations like stealth and whatnot, I'm not bad. But I'm not overly good, either. I'm somewhat average, I'd say. But place me where you wish, I can adapt."

Having answered her statement, he looked at Shrike for a moment before flashing another smile and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Oh?" Grave's eyebrow raised in suprise as he noticed the sudden change in Host's attitude. "What is it, lizard? Suddenly you got awfully modest." A smirk appeared on the darkling's face. He had a little experience as a troll - enough to notice an obvious target. "Could it be that you're not on par with us in combat? That can't be it." He mockingly feigned disbelief. "Surely someone as great as you, an important and honorable Lurker, is a skilled and fierce combatant. In fact, I believe that you'd do great on the front line of offense, in case we run into trouble... I'll even accompany you there." Considering the tone Grave used when speaking, it sounded more like 'drag you out there myself and laugh as you get your ass shot to pieces'.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shrike chuckles at Host's answer, waiting till Grave finishes to add her own retort. "He's just shy, I'm sure. I'll fill in some blanks though, in the interest of teamwork. From what I recall off the top of my head, he's a bit of a Batman. Got some gadget, plan, or otherwise for nearly any occasion. High enough in the Lurkers to seemingly be able to get whatever he needs from them, be it intel or supplies. Noticably selfish, I can think of two times when a battle has hit us and all of a sudden he's nowhere to be found, only to show up again after with something new to show for it." She explains in a monotone. "I'm sure if he hunkers down and actually joins the team he'd be quite helpful. Seems like that's a big 'if', however."

Once Suri finishes, Shrike gives him a nod and stands up. "Alright then, now that introductions are finished, where's the armoury?"
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shade moved toward the medical tents, going slowly, his limp bothering him greatly. His face was shadowed by the hood of his robes, leaning on his staff, hoping there would be something to do once he got there. These past few days had bored him considerably, and he had been making short journeys out to see if he could spot some animals, or even a forest. He carried himself with confidence, but his shoulders were slumped, as if under a great weight, and he muttered to himself, wondering what the day would bring as he trudged his way along, keeping his head down and avoiding others as much as possible. "Crap," he muttered to himself, remembering a meeting he was supposed to be in right now, hobbling his way to where the others were.
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Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

(Shade, I'm fairly sure you're supposed to be in this meeting with everyone else, unless I deleted some correspondence between us that I'm forgetting.)

Grave’s trolling strikes true enough for the Lurker to snarl in his direction, predatory teeth bared… on the outside, at least. Internally, Host was smiling to himself. More and more, the darkling looked like he would make a good Lurker…
“Oh, shut it. I’m perfectly combat effective – in melee and at range – if I’m not sized up against horrific freaks of nature. Just because I don’t shit bullets and vomit lightning doesn’t mean I’m not more effective than the average mortal… though I’m still not playing meatshield for you.“ His grin returning, Host begins to counter with jabs of his own. “It must be hard, someone so used to bullet immunity finding themselves suddenly vulnerable again. Do try to remember that, at least, won’t you? I know that’s asking a lot of you, but the consequences if you don’t could be worse than a nick on the chin…”the reptile remarks, running his claws along the same spot Grave had scratched on his own face. “By the way, you -have- managed to find a way to compensate for that, right? Some way to get into melee range without dying in the meantime, one which doesn’t involve using your allies as shields? Or is your only way in to waste mana on your darkness shield as you get into range? Sure, that’s practical…” he closes, with a dismissive wave.

Host feigns being taken aback at Shrike’s appraisal of his nature, hand over heart as he backs up in shock, evident overacting giving away the jest.
“Now, now; such attacks on my character! I maintain that that disappearance of mine was entirely co-incidental. I merely realised that…” he stops grandstanding for a moment to clutch at his head, bent over in thought, before bounding up with ”My scales were in dire need of…” …and then turning slightly, hand on his chin, before continuing with a click of his fingers - ”powdering, and rushed off to get them done!” He finishes, with a fool's grin before returning to his usual demeanour. Funnily enough, that actually was an accident. Of course, if they consider me a coward, well, that’s all the better. For the time being, anyway. “But yes, if I am anything it is versatile.”
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Grave's smirk disappeared from his face after Host's jab struck. He was proud of his abilities and did not like being doubted. He certainly didn't like the gesture either, and judging from his glare, Rapture's orders to "go easy" were the only thing that prevented him from getting violent. "Funny you mention that... Last time I checked, I've had that immunity for less than two weeks, I believe. Not quite enough to get used to it, I'm afraid. And I was doing fine without it, thank you very much. If you think that just keeping distance and shooting is going to ensure your safety, well... You're in for some really nasty suprises. My reserves aren't that small either." Waste mana... Bah! He had a shapeshifting arm he could simply reinforce. High-speed movement technique. Heck, he could use mana to simply close the distance without giving them a clear chance to aim... Or just toss a darkball. "Worry about yourself... I've heard that people who put their claws in the wrong places can lose them quite easily."
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