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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan signalled Emily to stay where she is, making a fist and raising one finger. If they moved, there was a chance that those things would notice them. Since the creatures weren't sure where to look, perhaps they'd fly away after a while. He didn't want to take any risks while those things were still close.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily cranes her head upwards to get a better view of the creatures that were quickly coming towards her and had to stop herself from gasping as she caught sight of them. At Jonathan's command she nodded and lowered herself closer to the branch that she stood upon, hoping to reduce the chances the flying beasts would spot the young girl.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As they waited, one of the beasts landed in a nearby tree, perching for several moment. Suddenly, it let out a loud noise, which brought it's partner, and five more to the area. Then as one, they took off away from the two ... and right towards the area they'd just left the others behind at.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Harrel's face takes on a momentary look of concern as he focuses on his sixth sense. "A moderately sized group just converged near the other's position. I can't tell if they might have spotted... no wait, it's ok they're leaving. No wait, it's not ok, they're coming straight at us now. Moving fast."

"Hmm. All right, get some cover people and be ready." Ellisia responds watching the surroundings intensely. She gestures the direction that Emily and Jonathan had left in to Harrel with a short questioning look, to which Harrel answers, "Yeah, coming from that way. Though now they're coming closer, I can see better... I think they must be in the air. Flyers."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Damn, that's not good..." Emily mutters aloud as the creatures gather together then quickly fly towards the group.

"What do you think we should do?" Emily asks as she jumps down out of the tree and lands next to Jon. "Should one of us head back or should we continue on? I'd imagine they can protect themselves, but what if those things get the jump on them?" She looks back towards where the gargoyles are flying to, forgetting that Harrel would most likely detect them.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan settled near Emily before quickly returning to human form. He felt that he should act like a leader of the patrol, and tried to gather facts before making a decision. "This is bad... We don't have a way of signalling them without revealing our position, and those things can fly... They'll reach them faster than we could."

He wondered how the group would fare in combat. Most of them seemed powerful... "I guess they should be able to take those things on. And besides, they got that Harrel guy." He still remembered him, mainly because of that incident in the cafeteria. "I think he can sense souls or whatever... Unless they got some stealth abilities like me, he should be able to tell that something's coming. Not like those bastards are trying to hide."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh yeah... I forgot about him," Emily replies, remembering Harrel could detect souls. Well if you think the rest of them are strong enough to take on those creatures you think we should continue onward?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan nodded. "Yeah. There are probably other traps on the way, I doubt the bad guy would rely just on a couple of flyers to deal with everything. We need to find out as much as possible before returning." He hoped he made the right decision. Still, if it came to a fight, he probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Emily, perhaps, could shoot some of them down... But that's it.

Letting out a quiet sigh, Jonathan shifted to his dark form and began to move forward. He couldn't help but recall the massacre he witnessed earlier, when Siphon decimated a group of unknown warriors for some reason... This could end up worse. Lives were at stake, and Jonathan felt uncomfortable with this knowledge. At least demons were easier to accept as targets.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily nods before saying, "And if we do get noticed before finding his hide out we'll just have to take care of them." The young girl then begins to run alongside Jonathan as he shapeshifts and continues onwards before leaping back into the tree's.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jackson looked around the area and couldn't make out many hiding spots aside from the larger trees and the ditch off to the side of them. With whatever coming at them flying, the ditch was made useless due them being able to look straight down and spot anyone in it. So he moved to take so cover near one of the tree that could cover him up entirely but still let him was able to peek around.

Jackson kept his eye above the path the others had went seeing as the things coming of them did fly... At least according to Harrel.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Soon enough Emily and Jonathan spotted something. It was a large run down mini fortress of sorts, that appeared to have been cut right into the side of a mountain. Two towers stood, one in extremely bad shape, almost to the point of being nearly impossible to still be standing. Beyond that, there seemed to be no immediate entry to the interior, save for what seemed like a small ditch leading under the ground. From the spot they were in, they could make out shapes moving about in patrol formations, but thankfully they were far enough away they weren't spotted. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell what the shapes were without getting closer.

Siphon shot a look over to Harrel.

"Fliers? Great. Just what I didn't want to hear. Ok uh ... let's see if we can confirm that ... hmm, well, let's hope I can still climb like this."

Grabbing into the side of a tree, he began to climb at an unnatural angle, hesitantly at first, then with more confidence as he seemed to realize it was working. Soon he vanished into the tops of the trees and out of sight.

For several long moments they waited, then suddenly there was a roaring, hissing type sound, followed by Siphon literally dropping like a lead stone and landing on his backside hard next to Elissia.

"Ow ... ok yeah, fliers. Gargoyles I think. Anyone know how to deal with those, cuz I sure as hell have never fought one."

About then the rest of the group would spot the first of the beasts, hovering and hissing as it prepared to attack them.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan stopped, pondering the situation. Approaching any closer could be dangerous, but they needed to get more information. He signalled Emily to stop, then shifted back to his human for and moved closer to her position. "We're in enemy territory now, so we need to be extra careful. At one of us must get closer and try to learn as much as possible about the patrols and other possible defences... Their numbers and weaponry. The other should stay back, or at least at a different position, just in case something goes wrong."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Gargoyles?" Ellisia asks sounding surprised, "I didn't think..." cutting herself off as she spots one. She quickly flicks her wrist down diagonally, a small dinner plate sized red glyph forming in the air around it. Her sword rapidly slides out of the glyph, seemingly emerging from thin air, Ellisia grabbing the hilt firmly before the sword falls past her hand.

She steps out from her tree so to have room to move if needed. She appraises the gargoyle like creature, trying to gauge it's capabilities and intent, raising her sword in a reactionary defensive posture for now. Was it actually formed of stone? "Never seen one before. Thought this kind of creature was purely mythical." she answers Siphon, whilst also making sure to keep her wits to the surroundings still expecting to see more any moment. If it intended to fight, she would let it come down to her. There were few things that her blade could not cut, even stone would shatter.

Harrel meanwhile tried to avoid attracting as much attention in such a way, remaining near the cover of another tree trunk to protect from swooping. "One, two, four, six... Seven. There's seven of them." He states to the group, nervously peering round at the canopy trying to match what his extra senses saw with normal vision as well.

(Harrel will call out to anyone in danger of being stealth pounced. Feel free to assume he does so.)
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hrm... Well I could go scout them out if you want, I doubt any of them could keep up with me if I am discovered," Emily replies as she silently jumps down from the tree, landing next to Jonathan. "Granted, you'd do better against their attacks but you'd be out in the open in the light."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan frowned. "Hmm... The problem is, we have to avoid contact at all costs. Forget about fighting, there's probably too many of them, and we can't let them know that we're here. Let's see how close we can get with this cover... If we can get close enough to simply see what we're dealing with without moving to an open area, it'll be enough... I hope." He looked at Emily. "I'll move first. You should maintain a bit of distance between us, so you won't be spotted immediately if somehow I get sighted." Jonathan tried to estimate the distance between the treeline and the fortress. He really wished he had some kind of telescope right now.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Yeeah... they would probably notice me easily out in the open," Emily comments as Jon explains the plan. "Don't worry, they'll have to look pretty hard to spot me following behind you." With that Emily silently leapt once more into the tree's, jumping and flipping her way up to the very top, almost perfectly hidden amongst the leaves. Once Jonathan starts moving Emily waits for a moment before slowly leaping from treetop to treetop.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Why don't you let--" Sho watched as Siphon scrambled up the tree and shook her head. Probably better that he did the scouting anyway. She'd have to clear the trees and that would mean letting them see her. As he falls, though, she shakes her head and moves over to help him to his feet.

"They're in my turf, y'know. Any good reason I shouldn't cut loose on them?" There's a bit of a breeze stirring around the girl, her coat flapping a little. Strange thing is, it's not bothering any of the others, just focused around Sho for the time being. Her attention's on Siphon, since he knows what they're enemy is capable of. She didn't exactly want to give them away, but taking the fight to the air would give her the advantage and keep the others safer.

"Gahgoyles, huh? Well, they should just be made out of stone. Might be rough breakin' 'em up, but Ah bet that'll put 'em down quick enough."

Ian slides closer to one of the trees, using the thicker top for a bit of cover. If these things were headed for them, hiding likely wouldn't matter too much, or at least not for very long. Until the things got in range, he scanned the terrain for anything he might be able to beat on the things with.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"So did I Elissia. How in the hell ...."

He trailed off as he got to his feet, and as Ian spoke.

"Maybe. Course how do we plan to smash stone with our bare hands?"

The first of the Gargoyles seemed to hang there, watching the group. Then the rest of them showed up, circling over head, feinting diving runs before pulling away. It seemed as if they weren't quite ready to attack, but were more trying to distract them.

As Emily and Jonathan carefully made their way closer, they were able to start making out details of their enemies.

Some seemed to be bug-like creatures of human size. Some appeared to be zombie-like creatures, but with wicked sharp claws for hands. Then there were several creatures that defied description, like a cross between a man and a dog. A nearby howl brought their attention over to another part of the area, where they spotted a small pack of werewolves and what seemed to be a handful of Cerebrus.

Then, as they watched, they would have to freeze as suddenly floating right past their hiding spot were a half dozen succubi. One turned and looked right at their spot for what seemed like forever, before she finally turned, let loose a seductive sounding sigh, and went back to her patrol with the others.

All in all, there seemed to be around fifty or so enemies right in their path, with no seemingly clear cut way around them.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan observed the force with interest. It seemed that it was mostly a rag-tag bunch of demons and undead, altough their abilities were a mystery. Taking them head-on would be incredibly stupid, if only because of the numbers. There was a possibility that this wasn't the entire force, too - the passing succubi squad was something Jonathan had failed to foresee, giving him the idea that perhaps he didn't see everything.

Fortunately, it seemed that they hadn't been noticed... But there could be other creatures put on patrol further from the fortress. He shifted his upper body back into human form for a moment, gesturing at Emily to quietly pull back a bit before transforming back into dark form and pulling back, just enough to still be able to see the movements made by these inhuman soldiers, even if he couldn't recognize the individuals. He wanted to have a layout of their patrol routes and try to find an opening for the infiltration team.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

At the sight of the gargoyles, Al drops to one knee and slams his palms against the ground. A warm, red glow seems to radiate from beneath them. He keeps his eyes on the creatures at all times, ready to move should they attack.