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Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure


Sex Demon
Dec 14, 2010
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Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure


The story is basically this girl named Tina/Tentacle-tan was born with a very unfortunate curse. Her curse being that she attracts tentacles. As such her life is a constant struggle to avoid the many tentacles that hound her tirelessly. One day on her 18th birthday she gets a message from the Wisp king telling her about a way to remove the curse. She immediately sets out to find the wisp king and remove the curse but of course the tentacles want to stop her and they'll do it the only way they know how (Read: Rape).

World: 1 (City)

Level 1: (Tina's home)

Enemy Types:

1)Basic Tentacles

Sidequest start points: None

Special notes: Game start.

Events: Opening scene, World 1 start.

World: 1 (City)

Level: 2 (Downtown)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
3)Shock Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: Aaron-Sidhe Protection Agency Quest

Special notes: None

Events: None

World: 1 (City)

Level: 3 (Train station)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Shock Tentacle
3)Neru Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: Level does not scroll. Have to defeat a certain amount fo enemies/Survive for a certain amount of time to pass level.

Events: Tentacle Tina first sighting.

World: 1 (City)

Level: 4 (Suburbs)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Tentacle Ball
3)Neru Tentacle
5)Shock Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: Carniss-Find Carleton Square Shop Quest.

Special notes: Finish this sidequest to unlock the shop.

Events: None

World: 1 (City)

Level: 5 (Outskirts)

Enemy Types

1)Trapdoor Tentacle
2)Basic Tentacle
3)Tentacle Ball
4)Shock Tentacle
5)Tentacle Tina (Boss)

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: Boss level

Events: Tentacle Tina boss start, Tentacle Tina boss end, End World 1.

World: 2 (Plains)

Level: 1 (Field)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Shock Tentacle
3)Tentacle Ball
4)Spring trap Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: Every breakable object but one in this level is a mimic. That one contains an item that upgrades your weapon adding +3 to damage.

Events: World 2 start.

World: 2 (Plains)

Level: 2 (Rolling hill)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Spring Trap Tentacle
3)Shock Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: None

Events: None

World: 2 (Plains)

Level: 3 (Depot)

Enemy Types

1)Terrani Predator
2)Terrani Hunter

Sidequests starting points: Glyth-Avenge Us! Quest.

Special notes: Only non tentacle enemies in the main game storyline are found here.

Events: Ruined town.

World: 2 (Plains)

Level: 4 (Grassy Knoll)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Tentacle Ball
3)Trapdoor Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: Nene-Treasure of the Tentacles Quest

Special notes: None

Events: None

World: 2 (Plains)

Level: 5 (grasslands)

Enemy Types

1)Neru Tentacle
2)Shock Tentacle
4)Spider Tentacle
5)Spring Trap Tentacle
6)Aura Tentacle (Boss)

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: Boss level

Events: Aura Tentacle Boss start, Aura Tentacle Boss End, World 2 End.

World: 3 (Forest)

Level: 1 (Forest entrance)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Spider Tentacle
3)Shock Tentacle
4)Tentacle Limb

Sidequests starting points: Roman-Money back guarantee

Special notes: None

Events: World 3 start

World: 3 (Forest)

Level: 2 (Forest path)

Enemy Types

1)Tentacle ball
2)Spider Tentacle
3)Tentacle Limb
4)Neru Tentacle
5)Trapdoor Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: The spiders drop from the tree tops and the treelimbs attack with roots.

Events: What the hell is that thing?

World: 3 (Forest)

Level: 3 (Forest Glade)

Enemy Types

1)Pit Tentacle (Miniboss)

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: Stationary level

Events: The pit trap(Forest), Pit escape(Forest).

World: 3 (Forest)

Level: 4 (Forest trail)

Enemy Types

2)Spring Trap Tentacle
3)Spider Tentacle
4)Basic Tentacle
5)Shock Tentacle
6)Shadow Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special notes: None

Events: None

World: 3 (Forest)

Level: 5 (Tentacle web)

Enemy Types

1)Spider Tentacle
2)Black Widow Tentacle (Boss)

Sidequests starting points: Clarice-Funeral Rites Quest

Special notes:

Events: Black Widow Tentacle Boss Start, Black Widow Tentacle Boss End, World 3 End.

World: 4 (Desert)

Level: 1 (Cactus Sanctuary)

Enemy Types

1)Cactus Tentacle
2)Basic Tentacle
3)Spider Tentacle
4)Neru Tentacle
5)Shadow Tentacle
6)Tentacle Ball

Sidequests starting points: Morgana-Aphrodisiac Potion Quest

Special Notes: First and only status effect in game is found here (Cactus Tentacle Poison)

Events: World 4 Start

World: 4 (Desert)

Level: 2 (Sand dunes)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
2)Sand Pit
3)Cactus Tentacle
4)Sandman Tentacle

Sidequests starting points: None

Special Notes: The bottom of the dunes are where the sand pits are and determination will slowly deplete as the heat begins affecting T-t.

Events: Heat.

World: 4 (Desert)

Level: 3 (Rocky layer)

Enemy Types

1)Sandman Tentacle
2)Abyss Tentacle
3)Sand Pit

Sidequests starting points: None

Special Notes: The rocks work like platforms the sand is all a bunch of sand pits and the Abyss tentacles will try to grab you as you jump from rock to rock. The Sandman can also knock you off the rocks so be careful.

Events: Shifting sands, Heat exposure.

World: 4 (Desert)

Level: 4 (Abandoned Dessert Outpost)

Enemy Types

1)Sandman Tentacles
2)Sand Pit
3)Dust Tentacles
4)Recluse Tentacle
5)Pit Tentacle (Mini-boss)

Sidequests starting points: None

Special Notes: The first part of the level starts out well then, about halfway through, the enemies stop and at the end of the level is when the pit tentacle arrives.

Events: Heat Stroke, Tentacle Sage, The Pit Trap (Desert), The Pit Escape (Desert)

World: 4 (Desert)

Level: 5 (Oasis)

Enemy Types

1) Tentacle Sage (Boss)

Sidequests starting points: None

Special Notes: Heat effect ends on this level.

Events: Tentacle Sage 2 , Tentacles Sage boss fight Start, Tentacle Sage boss fight End, World 4 End.

World: 5 (Ruins)

Level: 1 (Ruined gate)

Enemy Types

1)Basic Tentacle
3)Tentacle Ball
4)Shock Tentacle
5)Trapdoor Tentacle
6)Spider Tentacle
7)Neru Tentacle
8)Spring Trap Tentacle
9)Shadow Tentacle
10) Abyss Tentacle
11) Recluse Tentacle

sidequest starting points: None

Special Notes: None

Events: World 5 Start, Final push.

World: 5 (Ruins)

Level: 2 (Ruined street)

Enemy Types

1) Baron Tentacle (Mini-boss)

sidequest starting points: None

Special Notes: First of the miniboss parade

Events: Enter the Baron, Fight end.

World: 5 (Ruins)

Level: 3 (Temple ruins)

Enemy Type

1)Possession Tentacle (Mini-boss)
2)Possessed Wisp (Mini-boss)

sidequest starting points: None

Special Notes: Double miniboss but not technically at the same time.

Events: Fight start, Possession, Fight end.

World: 5 (Ruins)

Level: 4 (ruined path)

Enemy Types

1) Tentacle Nymph (Mini-boss)

sidequest starting points: None

Special Notes: Determination drops just by being near the nymph.

Events: Nymphomania, Fight start, fight end.

World: 5 (Ruins)

Level: 5 (Spire Ruins)

Enemy Types

1)Tentacle Alpha (Mini-boss)
2)Tentacle Beta (Mini Boss)
3)Tentacle Gamma (Mini-Boss)
4)Tentacle Delta (Mini-boss)
5)Lord Tentacle (Boss)

sidequest starting points: Escape Quest

Special Notes: Congrats beat this level and you have completed the main storyline. Now if you were playing on sandbox mode you're game ends here otherwise there are a few bonuses out there.

Events: Final boss fight start, Fusion, Final boss fight end, The Cure, Game over.


Basic Tentacle: Hanging from the top or slithering along the ground will try to grab Tentacle-tan and rape her.

Mimics: Breakable objects litter the levels and some breakable objects once broken will erupt into a swarm of tentacles which will cover and begin raping T-t. The objects will wobble every few seconds so if you're careful you cna go throufgh the game without ever falling for a mimic.

Tentacle Ball: A large ball of multiple tentacles that bounces around and explodes upon touching Tentacle-tan covering her in tiny tentacles which proceed to rape her.

Shock Tentacle: Hides underground and moves around. Randomly pops out of the ground every once in a while to check where it is (Only time to attack it) If Tentacle-tan walks over it it will launch up, impale her pussy and begin shocking her. (Stun gun not electrocution style)

Trapdoor Tentacle: A possible instant game over enemy. The trapdoor tentacle takes it's name and tactic from the trapdoor spider. It hides underground although in game it's quite obvious when one is around. If Tentacle-Tan steps on the trap door tentacles grab her and attempt to pull her down into the ground. (The player will have a chance to resist and crawl out if they fail it's an instant game over as Tentacle-tan is trapped underground with the tentacles forever) (This is still a work in progress)

Spider Tentacle: A mass of tentacles formed together to create large spider like beings which jump around the level (Or hang from the ceiling and drop down onto Tentacle-tan) and try to grab Tentacle-tan.

Neru Tentacle: Tentacles in the shape of a humanoid figure. Dash back and forth really fast and try to grab T-t. Can also block attacks from in front of them.

Spring Trap Tentacle: This tentacle lies down on the ground and if T-t steps on it it snaps up wrapping around her and raping her orally while constricting her body.

Shadow Tentacle: A black wispy tentacle that moves in random patterns in a small area it cannot be hit but if it touches T-t it morphs into a large orb which envelopes her and begins raping her.

Tentacle Limb: Trees with slightly off colour branches. They are actually hollow and the branches are actually tentacles. (Still not sure how to implement this.)

Cactus Tentacle: A variation of the Shock Tentacle with cactus like spines that inject a pleasure enhancing poison into T-t while raping her. (For 20 seconds after being caught by Cactus Tentacle determination bar depletes faster from other Tentacles due to the pleasure enhancement.)

Sand Pit: The sand is strangely lower than the rest... (If Tentacle-tan steps on the sand she falls through into a nest of tentacles which proceed to rape her.)

Sandman Tentacle: A Neru Tentacle wearing a dust cloak and wide brim hat. Otherwise works just like normal Neru Tentacle.

Abyss Tentacle: A large Tentacle that pops out of the ground at random intervals and tries to grab T-t as she attempts to jump over it. (Think the yellow tentacle in Demon Girl)

Dust Tentacle: Basic Tentacle with a brown palette swap that slithers across the ground like a snake. It will be partly concealed except for it's tip

Recluse Tentacle: Desert version of the Spider Tentacle. It crawls along the ground and attempts to rush and grab T-t.

Tentacle Tina: A Neru Tentacle version of T-t. It jumps around the area and tries to hit T-t. It has a dash attack that crosses from one side fo the screen to the other. It lands on one edge of the screen and makes a recoil gesture before it does this move. If hit by this move Rape ensues Tentacle Tina's "sword" used for penetration.

Aura Tentacle: A large glowing tentacle that's color changes based on it's attack. Red is a ground sweep. Yellow means it's going to drop on her. Green is a quick jab. Orange it morphs into a cage and tries to drop from above on her. Black it begins expanding and tries to fill the screen leaving only the edges of the screen safe and purple is a high sweep. All of these attacks result in a different from of rape upon hitting her. (TBA)

Pit Tentacle: A miniboss. Appears in the forest and the desert. Level starts out empty until you cross to the middle then th floor falls out around you except the one column you're standing on. Tentacles then attack from the pit walls and T-t must defend herself against the tentacle swarms until the pit gives up.

Black Widow Tentacle: A boss Spider Tentacle. Which stands on a raised platform dropping Spider Tentacles on you and after a little bit it crawls down the side of the platform and attempts to grab you. It is at this point that you are capable of hitting it assuming it didn't succeed in grabbing you. Rinse and repeat boss.

Tentacle Sage: A Neru Tentacle that speaks. It's wearing a hooded robe and carrying a staff. It does not attack you directly but instead summons giant tentacles from off screen to grab you and rape you. Also starts the fight with a shield of Tentacles around her that require 6 hits to destroy. After the shield is destroyed Tentacle Sage begins to summon tentacle walls to push you away after every few hits.

Baron Tentacle: A giant neru tentacle wielding two clubs. It tries to crush T-tan and doing so causes no damage but if while down she's hit again before she can get up it begins a rape scene using the clubs which drains determination really quickly.You can hit him anywhere but it's easiest to go for the legs. Be sure to get out of the way before he brings the clubs down.

Possession Tentacle: A very special tentacle that is really tiny and shaped like a circlet. It attempts to attach itself to people and control their minds. It is fast and hard to hit and if it gets you it will possess you and force you to masturbate. This will bring down your determination bar slowly but also lasts until you manage to fight free of it's control (Struggle event)

Possessed Wisp: After you defeat the Possession Tentacle it will take a host from a convenient Wisp Guard. The Wisp guard is slow moving but he can paralyze you and he will lower your determination bar pretty fast during his rape. If he manages to hit you with his grab attack in which he fires a beam made out of energy. It triggers his rape. He wraps you up with beams of energy and proceeds to grope you. The second time he catches you he fists you. Third time you're stuck to the ground and he penetrates you vaginally. He can also just whip you which does very little damage but will paralyze you temporarily.

Tentacle Nymph: A winged tentacle that radiates an aura which drains your determination bar. She pops up 5 times throughout the level before the final fight. Aside from her aura she can also drop a powder which has the same effect as the cactus tentacle poison (Does not count for the aphrodisiac quest though). She fires a beam which causes T-tan to masturbate if it hits her. She swoops down and grabs T-tan by the neck choking her until she falls unconscious then rapes her anally until she wakes up and finally she can Summon other tentacles and induce in them a huge amount of lust causing them to fling themselves berserker style at T-tan. (They are unkillable and must be dodged). She does not take many hits to kill but she moves fast and can fly out of reach and you can not hit her any of the first 5 times she arrives you can only hit her during the final fight.

Tentacle Alpha, Tentacle Beta, Tentacle Gamma, Tentacle Delta-Boss Tentacle/Lord Tentacle: The final boss of the game. Starts out as 4 tentacles that appear around Tentacle tan and attack her like just harder Basic tentacles then join together to create the boss tentacle or Lord Tentacle. It is not fully completed but so far my ideas for it are it can give birth to Basic and Shock tentacles and will attempt to grab Tentacle tan whenever she gets close using tentacles that randomly latch out from it's body.

Sidequest enemies

Animus Tentacle: The boss of the Sidhe Protection agency sidequest. The Animus tentacle is a monstrous sized Tentacle that simply crushes everything in it's path as well the largest part of it is underground and multiple tentacles reach from under the ground to hold opponents and keep them from fighting back as the monstrosity moves forward. When T-tan arrives the Sidhe are all being held by it and she has to release them while dodging the tentacles herself and keep the Animus tentacle from crushing them.

Red Shade: A red shadow that inhabits the zero space. If it hits T-tan it possesses her causing her to masturbate profusely using her sword.

Green Shade: A green shadow that inhabits the zero space. If it hits T-tan it possesses her and makes her anally penetrate herself with her sword.

Dread Light: A glowing orb of light. If it touches T-tan tendrils of light slip out and bind her then proceed to penetrate each of her holes and molest her breasts then explode in a blast of light that blinds her (Screen goes pure white for about 5 seconds)

Tenacity Cloud: A misty creature that absorbs T-tan and rapes her in every hole. It will occasionally also flow into her mouth and nose and cause a temporary status affect which inverts controls.

Caryvan the Archmage: Boss of the Shop Quest. The Lord of Zero Space. You have to destroy him to recover the shop. He appears as a pale skinned human with a top hat and magicians outfit. He carries a staff and floats in the air during the fight. He fires blasts at T-t that stun if they hit triggering a struggle event to break free. At this point he comes down to grab T-t. If you fail to get free he begins raping T-t from behind while choking you with his staff or he will impale T-t vaginally on his staff. IF you manage to break free you have a small window of time to hit him before he goes back up. Hit him enough times and he comes down and summons Shades. Just avoid them and get over to him for one last hit to kill him.

Terrani Predator: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Predators are red headed men wielding claymores. They lunge at T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and kisses her then lowers her to it's front where a cock slips out and she is pressed onto it.

Terrani Hunter: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Hunters are black haired women. They lunge at T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and suck on her breasts as it's front legs enter her vaginally and anally.

Terrani Master: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Masters are incredibly buff men with iron guantlets. They jump on T-tan and knock her down with their blades then lift her up and slams her into the ground kneeling down behind her and slams into her ass grinding her against the ground as it pounds into her from behind.

Terrani Soldier: Terrani are spider like creatures with naked humanoid upper bodies. They all look alike from the waist down but they are different above the waist based on type. Soldiers are brown haired guys with tan skin. They hang from the ceiling (you can just see their two fornt legs dangling down) and drop on T-tan knocking her down then lift her up to their mouth and eat her pussy as she sucks them off.

Terrani Lord Gratus: A giant Terrani wearing crimson body armor over his upper human half. He carries a net and spear. He attacks in 3 ways. Entangling T-t in the net then impaling her vaginally with the spear, Jumping on her and flattening her which does not result in rape but stuns her for a short time or lunging from one side of the stage to the other slamming her into the wall with his front legs and impaling her roughly with his cock at the same moment. You can attack him at any moment and dodge his lunge attack by ducking. Moving out of the way of his jump attack and just staying out of range of his net.

Giga: The Tentacle God. A massive orb with small orbs on it and 20 or so tentacles sprouting from it. It does not actually attack you but it's tentacles dart around randomly and will immediately inititate rape if they touch T-t. In order to defeat him you have to hit each of 4 glowing orbs on his main body 6 times.

Orion: The Dark Tentacle God. A vortex of swirling energy from which tentacles randomly erupt. Occasionally aiming for T-t but usally just launched randomly. There is a red light in the center fo the vortex which you must attack. Each successful attack is followed by a counterattack as 4 tentacles launch out to grab T-t each going to a corner then homing in on T-t. After a couple of successful hits the vortex subsides and the fight becomes an exact duplicate of Giga except the tentacles actually orient on T-tan. After a few more successful hits the giant orb opens up becoming an eye with a serpentine pupil. The tentacles begin spinning around it and it launches at T-t. If you dodge it hits the wall and becomes dazed and you can hit and kill it. Otherwise it rapes you and automatically reduces your determination bar to zero.

Psychopathic clown: A darkly colored humanoid in a clown suit balancing on a ball and wielding throwing knives which he throws at T-tan if hit she takes a small amount of damage but otherwise nothing happens. Once she gets close though he drops the knives and draws out a sword which he slashes at her with. If he hits her it initiates a rape in which she is kncoked down and he jumps off the ball landing on her and stabbing her through both shoulders with blades to hold her down as he begins fisting her vaginally. (Does a huge amount of damage)

Irate Shop Owner: A man in a suit with a bored expression. He walks around during the fight deflecting every attack on him. There are items lining the walls break one of those and he becomes enraged and charges at you. If you dodge he kneels over the broken object and you can attack him. If he hits you he grabs you by the neck and slams you into the ground then a dildo appears in his hand and he shoves it into you. It vibrates causing your movement to slow for a couple of seconds afterwards. He throws orbs of energy at you while you're slowed that do damage. If you break every object but haven't destroyed him yet. You've lost. You have no more chance to beat him. He begins to glow with a black aura and grabs you triggering an immediate loss rape in which he knocks you down grabs you by the leg pulling you up and begins shoving glowing crystals into your pussy. Each doing one damage and it continues until you are completely out of determination then he lets go T-t stands up begins shaking and then turns into a doll which he places on one of the shelves.

Crypt Tentacle: The boss of the funeral rites sidequest. He is a giant tentacle made out fo grass and tombstone that hides as a hill at first but then comes up as a spiral staircase surrounding a blue crystal. He pops out of the cemetary and grabs Clarice eating her. She falls into the crystal which is filled with liquid and begins to drown. You have to beat him in a certain amount of time or she drowns. You can win either way but you don't get the full reward if you let her die. The crypt tentacle has random tentacles sprouting from it's staircase like body. Some are attached to slasb of gravestone which it uses to smash T-t. Some are just normal and attempt to grab her. The spiral is always spinning around the crystal and you have to hit the crystal whenever it's unprotected. If you're hit by the slabs of gravestone it stuns you temporarily and if grabbed it just rapes you tentacle style. But if you are grabbed while stunned it begins a special rape where tentacles grab all your limbs and hold you spread eagle while a phallic looking gravestone is shoved inside of you. Grabs you with tentacles and spanks you with a gravestone if you attempt to attack the core while it's covered.

Leanna: A blond woman wearing a leather vest and skin tight pants. Wielding two knives. One of the three secret bosses. The creators avatar. She offers you one last fight as a reward for beating the game. She attacks with her knives and attempts to grab you. Her knives do minimal damage buyt her grab initiates a lesbian sex scene. (69 ) None of her attacks do much damage however and the fight is actually incredibly easy. As her health lowers she loses clothing and once you get her down to zero your next hit initiates a sex scene. You knock her down and begin fucking her with T-t's sword until she cums and fight over. (Initiate real game end scene and credits. Now go back and finish anything you missed especially Orion and try the special game mode you unlock from beating Orion.)
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Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

I FULLY SUPPORT THIS! My god, it sounds amazing!
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

maybe you can ask one of the peeps who can created simple games. I would definitely play it.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

you inspire me. I want to learn how to make a game, but im in the same position as you. but im currently practicing animation and drawing.maybe i could help you but i first need to find out what things i would need to make this game work. i really want to see if i could handle it. would you want me to help you create your dream game and that we learn together??:D
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

That would be amazing Neko thank you. Anything you need from me just ask.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Nice concept. Keep us updated. Once you have some sprites/animations I would love to help throw some stuff toghter. I use Game Maker which is perfect for NES-style games.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

This is a very great idea, if I weren't busy with my own game I'd probably help you out.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Nice concept. Keep us updated. Once you have some sprites/animations I would love to help throw some stuff toghter. I use Game Maker which is perfect for NES-style games.

I wasn't kidding when I said I have no skills relevant to making this game...There are no sprites or animations coming from me... All I'm good at is coming up with ideas.

Speaking of which I'm still working on enemy designs.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

...There are no sprites or animations coming from me...

Understood. I was implying when you find someone who can make them.

Although I will warn you, the last few "good ideas" that peope got excited about here never got going. It was mainly due to the work being split up amoung mutiple people. Usually one person just disappears and the whole project fails. Just something to consider when finding people to put it toghter.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Im going to help. But i don't know where to start. What do i download and where do i find it? Since were making a run-or-rape game,its going to be 2-d right? What platform to use?
Im going to investigate Game Maker.

also where and how do i start?

im guessing i would have to make sprites first?.... how do i make sprites?

I need a list of basic things to do to make this game. Google, here i come!!!!!

EDIT: Is there a way to get EnterBrain? Its the same platform that eluku uses for FF. maybe tht will work.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

I don't knwo but considering FF that does sound like a good idea.

I wasn't expecting this to ever be anything but an idea I had. So I'm not worried about this falling apart sadly I'm kind of expecting it.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Well then let us plow on with morale high and expectations low!

I reccomend game maker for a run or rape game. EnterBrain is an engine for fighting games.

The sprites you can make with any drawing program.
Also as any one who uses a computer knows, You dont use a mouse to draw with. Get a tablet. I use a nice cheap one called the Bamboo Pen and it works great for such things.

It may sound crazy but Ive always used MS paint to make NES style sprites.

Start by getting GameMaker. Then follow some of thier simple tutorials. If you want to mess around with your scripting, make some tempoary sprites using paint (stick figures) so you can learn how to use them.

I made a Mario-style game awhile back... If only you guys has some sprites I could plug into it....
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

The sprites you can make with any drawing program.
Also as any one who uses a computer knows, You dont use a mouse to draw with. Get a tablet. I use a nice cheap one called the Bamboo Pen and it works great for such things.
where would i get this so called tablet.

and where wuld i go to get the full GameMaker program. I dont want the trial thingy.

and just to have- where can i get EnterBrain as well.

HAVE FAITH IN ME. IT MAY TAKE SOME GETTING USE TO BUT I REALLY WANT TO MAKE THIS GAME. I want to design games on day so this will be my practice.making games is one of my dreams
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

where would i get this so called tablet.

and where wuld i go to get the full GameMaker program. I dont want the trial thingy.

Tablet - Staples 60 bucks (Requites artistic talent - priceless)
I usually draw my stuff on paper and then trace it on the tablet.

As far as GameMaker goes... Ive never had the full version. It functions perfectally as the "trial" and Ive been using the various versions of GM for over 6 years now I think...

Not sure about EnterBrain though. Did a quick Google for ya but to no luck.
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

gah,..... gonna have to spend money....

( pulls out an empty metal can )

Do you guys have any spare change? ( Rattle rattle)

but its fine, im downloading game maker from the site now

thanx rydin32
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

I'll be the dick

just generally have no skills so I'd need someone else

thread wasted
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Again Neko you are a godsend.

btw you do understand what I mean by level design like the mario world game right?

It had like a map where you could move a small mario around to choose where you want to go what world/level you want to go to which gives you the opportunity for side levels and bonus levels as well as backtracking and grinding if I decide on a level system.

Also while tweaking the trapdoor tentacle I realized I could go the other way too and so I present:

The Spider Tentacle: A mas of tentacles formed together to create large spider like beings which jump around the level (Or hang from the ceiling and drop down onto Tentacle-tan) and try to grab Tentacle-tan. (Might also add in some kind of idea for a spiderweb mechanic)

As well we have; The Black Widow Tentacle: A boss Spider Tentacle. Which stands on a raised platform dropping Spider Tentacles on you and after a little bit it crawls down the side of the platform and attempts to grab you. It is at this point that you are capable of hitting it assuming it didn't succeed in grabbing you. Rinse and repeat boss.

What do you think?
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

but imma make the game. Its not wasted cause it will soon be the awesomist illest hentai ROR game ever created - and a half! trust me
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

I'll be the dick

thread wasted

Not a dick (sorry to break it to you) but more the exact response I had originally been expecting.

Very realistic outlook to.

(Is it a bad thing when the one who came up with the idea expects it to fail?)
Re: Random I dea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Well im currently fiddling with game maker now. i need to figure out how it works. IDK what will happen to this forum. i never seen someone say the forum was a waste so idk if it will stay or be deleted. if it gets deleted, remember my name, for one day this game will be playable