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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai and Yuki take place in the arena, waiting for whatever the new enemy is.

They don't have to wait long before the enemy is dropped into the arena, Ai watches as lots of ropes fall, a giant rope demon forming...

And as it does...Ai can notice...it looks very much like Spinalis, no, she's quite sure that it IS Spinalis. After it forms, it stays still, not doing anything as Yuki prepares to fight it, taking a stance.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Preparing for another enemy, Ai focuses on the hatch in the ceiling, waiting for the new assailant to be dropped in. As bundles of rope fall in, Ai already sees what's coming. But as the demon forms, she notices a familiarity with the still being. Looking at it with loving eyes, Ai stops the girl from attacking
"Is that you Spinalis?" she says, slowly walking towards the big rope demon
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's question is answered when Spinalis grabs her, pulling her into a tight hug from across the room. She can tell that it missed being away from her, as it lets her go and waits for orders.

Of course, Yuki is now looking at Spinalis with a bit of fear in her eyes. It seems she's quite scared by the rope demon.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Spinaliiiiis!" Ai let's her joy out in the open as the rope demon grabs her into it's embrace from the other side of the arena.
"I missed you.." she continues, lovingly rubbing her cheek against the rope demon's "chest" as it hugs her with those long arms.

After a few moments spent leaning against the rope demon, she turns back to Yuki, who is clearly scared of the animated rope form.
"Don't worry about it Yuki, this is the companion I mentioned earlier in the cell. He's quite a gentleman, despite the rough exterior"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"I-I-I just had a few bad experienced with rope demons before...t-that's all" Yuki says, trying to calm down.

Ai can certainly feel that whoever would be watching this is now sorely disappointed that the Rope Demon is not attacking the girls.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Not all rope demons are bad beings" Ai says at Yuki, turning back to Spinalis
"Spinalis, this is Yuki, the girl we're meant to rescue from here." she tells the rope demon with a smile

"But those perverts kinda worry me. They might demand something to happen" Ai thinks, looking towards the peepholes in the arena walls
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Spinalis bows to Yuki, who looks kind of surprised. "Well...what can they do? They're outside and we're in here. I don't think there's anything they can do from there." She says, a grin on her face as she thinks about how they've denied them any show so far.

Spinalis takes a look around the room, noticing the exit gate is still closed. It looks like he's pondering for a moment, before he starts to attack the gate, Ai can see that he's actually making progress, and before long, he manages to grab the gate and make enough of a hole for the party to exit out of.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well that is true, but we need to exit this place" Ai says, looking at the gate on the other side. As if reading her thoughts, Spinalis sets upon the gate with it's arms, thickening them to sturdier form as it clubs at the gate. After a few hard blows, the demon's arms push through the gate. With a swift pulling motion, Spinalis tears a piece of the door away.

Now able to advance through the doorway, Ai pets Spinalis a bit before exiting the arena
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki sort of watches with a bit of awed confusion as Spinalis bashes them an exit.

Quickly exiting, the group find there to be split ahead in the hallway, to the right are stairs going down, and to the left, stairs going upwards.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Waiting for her companions to exit, Ai advances along the hallway beyond the third arena. The group soon come to an intersection
"Oh for heaven's sake, the builders sure liked their split paths.." Ai thinks, opting for the low path herself, but asking Yuki's opinion first
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki took a look at the paths, thinking for a few moments. "Well, the exit is likely up, right? But for some reason I think going down might be better, I feel that there might be something important...I'm not sure why."

With that, she agrees to follow Ai whichever choice she makes.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Let's head down then" Ai tells the girl and rope demon, before starting to descend down the stairs
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai heads down the stairs, Yuki and Spinalis following her. The first thing they arrive at is a hallway, again it looks like there's many cells, in fact, some of them seem to be locked with magical barriers...
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Another dungeon..." Ai thinks as they reach the foot of the stairs.
"What are they keeping here?" she thinks, telling her group to exercise caution as she start to peek inside the cells.
"Magic doors? Now my curiosity has been piqued.."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai quickly finds what they've been keeping here, and the reason for the magic doors, as bars wouldn't hold what's inside the cells. She quickly discovers that there's lot of monsters kept in the cells, of many different types.

In the last cell, she discovers the large slime that she had fought with in the arena.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As they walk through the dungeon, Ai looks in awe at the numerous monsters locked inside the cells. There's simple tentacles, bigger masses of tentacles, all sizes and colours of slime, rope demons and many exotic-looking sprecies Ai can't recognise. But the last cell stops her, as she sees the massive slime behind the door. Immidiately blushing at the sight, she looks at the slime with a shy smile
"How did they manage to lock you in there?" she thinks, starting to look for a way to let the slime out
"You don't deserve to be sealed inside some cold cell. We'll get you free somehow..."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki looks with a little bit of fear at the large slime. "You're not planning on letting it out of there, are you?" She says, looking around, not to comfortable in this cell area.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Take some distance then. This one had reservations against violating us, it seems to be a kind creature deep inside." Ai says to Yuki, continuing to seek a way to release the massive jelly from it's imprisonment
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"A-are you sure?" Yuki says, looking around. "Okay...if you say so...I think, I might be able to lower the barrier."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Yes, I felt it's emotions in the back of my head as we were initially trapped inside it." Ai says back at Yuki

Taking a few steps back to let the slime flow out freely, Ai asks her friend to lower the barrier