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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Erik laughed, patting Kala on her back. "I didn't say there was a problem. In fact, I kind of like all the affection. It really feels nice to be desired by you." he stated, trying to diffuse her concerns. "Besides, I'd be horrible if a problem came up and I didn't talk with you about it. So on that note, there's no real problem I can't handle. I just need to take care of some personal adjustment on my end, so... Don't cause yourself distress over it!" Erik insisted, before they sat down with Yevon, who gave Erik a momentary glance.

"Not to meddle on your personal affairs, but Erik is correct," Yevon stated to Kala. "To mamono like us, being assertive is a means of survival. Humans may have time to waste, but for someone such as myself... Breeding with humans is absolutely required. Because of issues regarding this very problem with abducting humans, the clan I came from was wiped out by another clan of dark elves seeking mates and supplies, as well as territory. We didn't have the numbers we could have had if diligently went about our ways without morals getting in the way. As a result, everyone I knew was either killed or captured."

Erik blinked, "Dark elves killing other dark elves?" he asked Yevon, and she nodded in response.

"It was a way of life... In the wilds, there are some locations that are just devoid of men, and supplies. Some may ask other clans for assistance, but when that clan would suffer as well if they spared any more hunting territory, then the only thing that would logically follow is conflict. And as numbers grow, so does our respective power, which we can use to gain even more territory and prosper even more. Not only dark elves are involved in this conflict either. Other creatures, such as the hornets, refuse to communicate with races outside of their own. And as such, they will attack everything." Yevon stated to Erik, before taking a drink from her cup, which seemed to be an alcohol of some kind.

Erik scratched his head. "Our lives were truly different from each other... I guess you're correct despite your harsh words. Though, it does make me feel a little less important... Since men don't seem to have any part other than as husbands or even slaves." he said, clearly not happy with the position of men.

Yevon smirked. "It's not completely strange for men to fight among mamono, but... Humans are weak, and only few are blessed by their angel leaders. Though the church will never admit it, among monsters who are civilized enough to keep track of history will note that 'God' purposefully left the majority of the human population weak so that the worshipers of the Heavens would never have the power to turn on their angelic guardians. Even if the human population completely turned on the angels, their power would be completely annihilated by the power of 'God' and Heaven's angels. So, the humans rely on angels for protection against monsters, and this keeps them loyal. It's that simple."

"I see..." Erik said, thinking about everything he heard, before Kala told Yevon about the strategy Erik came up with.

Yevon shrugged. "For the sake of our army's unity, I will do whatever is asked of me," she replied to Kala. "It sounds like a good plan, nevertheless. Erik seems to speak as if he knows what he's talking about, though. Is he an experienced strategist?" she inquired.

Erik nodded. "Yes, the only better strategist in the Magi army was my best friend Lian."

"I see..." Yevon hummed, drinking the last of liquid from her cup, and leaning to the side in her chair casually, before letting out a loud burp that echoed through the room. Everyone looked to Yevon's crude display of manners, but Yevon didn't seem to care about the looks she was getting. Erik was the most disturbed of everyone upon watching a woman act so rude.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"That's so sad, Yevon. I'm so sorry about your clan..." Kala looked down. Yevon's tale had a harsh truth at its core. Breeding with men was a necessity, whether you dolled it up with loving feelings or simply regarded men as cattle and breeding stock slaves. It was a difficult and precarious existence.

"I wouldn't worry about yourself, Erik. You're part demon, so it means that you've got a natural strength to you. And humans are also ingenious when it comes to technology. Science is a power that even the angels may come to fear. That is why it cannot be in the hands of a society such as the Magi, who would wield it terribly. Humanity will come into its own power eventually. And in the meantime, we must work towards an understanding between mamano societies and human ones."

Kala snuggled up to Erik. "Besides, you're special. Everyone agrees. Claire, Undine, and especially me. I'm sure even Yevon here values you as a person. Especially since you are a good tactician and strategist."

The food arrived for Erik and Kala encouraged him to eat, despite Yevon's odd table manners.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"Do not feel sad, Kala," Yevon told the slime in response to her words regarding Yevon's past. "I still yet live, and that is the most important thing. I can still rebuild my means of survival. Though by doing it with men, or something else, I'm not sure yet. Men are rapidly becoming scarce, and attempting to rebuild an entire clan from scratch would be highly risky. Though if you truly feel my situation, and help me to see my blood prosper through healthy children, then I shall dedicate my loyalty to you by my pride as a warrior." she stated to Kala firmly, glancing at Erik when she suggested Yevon's views towards Erik.

"... That depends on what you define as a person, Kala." Yevon replied. "If I were in charge, Erik would be at my home, prepared to welcome me back from battle, with fresh dinner prepared. Men have no place on the battlefield, and if I understand this plan correctly, then you will understand what I mean, Kala." Yevon stated. "You will only be distracted, knowing Erik is in danger. That alone will put the entire strategy in danger of failing. Do you think you can defeat the magi when Erik is putting himself in such danger, Kala?" she asked Kala firmly, but before she could answer, Erik responded quickly.

"I'm going to make Kala count on me, not the other way around, Yevon. My dream of Kala was being together with her in the face of any dangers as we strove to find our own dreams and make them come true." he stated passionately. "Our dreams are for coexistence now, and Kala wouldn't give up that dream even if I end up in danger, right?" he asked her, eager to see if Kala would back him up.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala looked between Yevon and Erik as they both stared at him, one a pragmatist and the other an idealist.

"I think I'll have my cake and eat it too, thank you very much!" Kala said, folding her two hands together, subconsciously merging them into one another as she smiled back at her friend and her chosen lover.

"As a human I fought beside men and women. It might have been true that I never needed a man as much as I need one now, and certainly Erik's safety will always be a priority to me - a major one. But to keep him locked up in a cage and not trust him to be able to fight for himself, it doesn't seem like I would be doing him any favors? Why feed a man with fish when you could teach him to fish for himself? Erik's not just anyone, Yevon. He's got power in him, the ability to be a Hero. So my answer is that he has to train hard, do his best, and I'll work on protecting him when and how I'm able. If I have to go somewhere else, I'll trust my friends to protect him the same way he wants to protect me and all the other good mamono."

A tendril formed out of Kala's back and pointed itself at Erik. "But, you've gotta promise to understand your limits. No foolish acts that would be suicidal. You can do so much good while you're alive, Erik, you can't be so irresponsible that you risk yourself needlessly. That's why I think having you as our Tactician is a brilliant plan for right now. You use your mind as your weapon, and let us be your tools of victory."

The tendril took a less accusatory position and rubbed Erik's cheek affectionately as the slime girl had said her peace.

"As for seeing you have many children, Yevon, you have my blessing. Though Erik here has an equal say. I only hope when he and I procreate that my future children will get along with yours."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

While Yevon looked away from Kala, unsatisfied, it seemed as if she still managed to please them both with her words. Erik was happy she was still alright with him participating in the battle, and Yevon seemed more focused on the thought of breeding.

"Kala... You would allow me to use Erik's genes to raise warriors?" she asked, looking fairly surprised. "This is certainly splendid news. I'll make sure my children behave when in your and your children's presence." she promised, before looking to Erik when being told she'll need his permission. "... You would not refuse me, correct?" she asked with a serious tone, her surprise vanishing. "After all, you would find me unattractive if you did refuse me." she stated. "And I somehow doubt you have what it takes to insult a woman like that."

Erik scratched his head, grumbling. "There's no real point in saying how beautiful you are, Yevon. And I suppose you're right, I wouldn't lie to insult anyone just like that, woman or not... Although," he looked to Kala, taking her stroking tentacle into his hand. "I guess if Kala is okay with it... I wouldn't mind..."

The moment he trailed off, Yevon leaned forward, and looked at him with interest. "You are healthy, and fit. If Kala would be so kind, I would like to treat you properly as my mate." She announced, while Kala saw Yevon gripping her rope with a sadistic glow in her staring eyes.

But, Erik held up his hand, "If the plan succeeds, I promise to be your mate, provided Kala's willing." He stated.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala inched over to be nearer to Erik and oozed a portion of her body over his leg.

"As I've said before, my only conditions are that Erik willingly agrees and that I get to be present while any mating is taking place. I get to watch, and I get to participate in helpful, supportive ways. I don't want to detract from your fun, Yevon, but I must know that I have Erik's heart and that he can turn to see me and know that he has mine. As long as we have that, I think it would be wonderful for him to share his genes with you. Your little warriors would be the strongest, I'm sure!"

She squeezed closer to Erik, her gaze shifting to Yevon with a smile to hear if she was okay with this. If she was she'd turn back to Erik after seeing the way the dark elf was brandishing her rope. "Besides, you'll want me there for my soothing, healing touch too."

Kala giggled and kissed Erik on the cheek. It was odd. As a human she would have been aghast at this free love and sharing idea. And as a mamono, part of her was very possessive of Erik. But somehow, her trusting nature was shining through, and with friends that she inherently trusted, like Yevon, Kala was unafraid to share her man with them, knowing that she was doing them a true service.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"I approve of your conditions. In fact, I would have likely asked you to observe anyway, since in dark elven society, sex is very much a public activity. Though I'll refrain from breaking him, of course..." she added with what almost sounded like regret. "The only one who should break a man is his wife. It's a direct insult to break another elf's husband, and almost always ends in blood." she states, before taking a drink, and looking somewhere behind Kala. "I must ask though, if that blue haired mermaid will be joining us. She's been staring at you intensely for a long time."

As soon as Yevon said that, a figure in the window of the bar vanished, and ran away, before a splash was heard from the water around the island it was built on. "It's Sapphire again. I sense nothing but hatred from her." Erik observed, sighing before eating the last of his food, and rubbing his hand along Kala's head. "And I sense nothing but love from you, yet I feel as if I'm in the middle of chaos rather than balance." he said with a smile.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"Yes, please don't break my Erik. I like him just the way he is. Charming, trustful, full of dreams, and drop dead handsome," Kala said mushily, oozing ever more over her man, though maintaining a solid enough firmness that she wouldn't be dampening his skin or clothes - just providing a blanket of warmth about him.

"Though some light spanking would be fun~" She winked at him. It was at that point though that Yevon had set down her drink and mentioned the mermaid behind them. By the time Kala had turned, the window was empty and only the sound of a splash gave her evidence that the stalker mermaid had been close to observe.

"She's... obsessed with me, I fear. It's very unfortunate. I think she's a very pretty mermaid, but I can't abide anyone who would go out of their way to hate Erik and prevent me from being with him." Kala said before turning back to Erik. "I apologize for all the chaos. Just know that I'm feeling it too. We've both gone through life changing experiences in the past few days. I don't think I could cope with it if I didn't have someone like you to hold my past and future together."

The slime hugged her beloved man close, not minding all the public affection she was showing. She knew Yevon was okay with this, having already acknowledge Erik as Kala's de facto husband to be.

"You know, maybe Erik might be able to introduce some of his friends to you once we defeat the Magi? I'm sure there's a nice, handsome man who would enjoy your brand of mating." Kala said to Yevon.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Erik shivered a bit, and blushed deeply as Kala suggested spanking. Meanwhile, Yevon chuckled, and directed a finger at Kala. "Not just one, I would take a harem of men and educate them properly on how to be good and loyal dogs to their mistress. I could break any man within a week, and mold him into an entirely new person, someone suited to pleasing his master."

"Why must you stare at me while speaking of such things?" Erik asked cautiously.

"Because I was obviously imagining doing it to you." Yevon replied simply.

Erik flushed and glanced at Kala. "But you just agreed-!"

He was cut off as Yevon interjected. "To not do that very thing? Yes, I did. But to never think of doing such erotic things to you is a right I will not hand over to Kala. You will be stripped, whipped, and teased in my fantasies whenever I please." Yevon stated calmly, grinning slightly at Erik, who shivered at her.

"Do not tell me of your fantasies!" he replied with a shout. "Why would you want to do such things to me anyway!?"

Yevon chuckled, leaning back in her chair. "Have you never been called attractive before? Besides..." Yevon trailed off, before suddenly lunging over the table, and grabbing Erik's raised arm in defense, holding it above his head as she stared directly into his eyes. "A part of you wants to be dominated... To exist solely for my pleasure..." she announced to him with a seductive tone, as her eyes visibly glowed. The moment they did glow, Erik slumped back, his body going limp in Kala's slime as he seemed subdued by Yevon's power... Before she sat back in her seat. "... But you will never know that pleasure. Not from me at least. Perhaps Kala will take a fancy in it, and you'll be lucky enough to experience it."

In response, Erik only shook slightly in Kala's grip, clearly shaken by how easily he was subdued by Yevon.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"Dun' worry hun," Kala said simply to Erik has he fell into her ooze, eyes wide after that thousand-mile stare he'd received from the dark elf. "I'll protect you~ Though if there's any truth to what she just said, I can always take lessons from her, all you'd have to do is ask me nicely. On your knees."

Kala giggled at her own joke and winked at Yevon while hugging her man and soothing his intimidated ego with her warm, constant gestures of loving attachment that didn't involve raping him. In truth, Kala could probably get into Yevon's brand of sexuality, but she doubted she had that hardcore edge to her that the dark elf had to really pull the dominatrix vibe off. This didn't bother her though. As long as she had Yevon as a friend, she could always bring her in to work on Erik... or maybe even herself as well.

"I wonder if a slime could ever be dominated that way?" Kala wondered aloud, arching a brow at Yevon afterward. "It might take more than a stare though for me," she grinned.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"My method is breaking one down and reforming them. As one with no true form... The only way I could have you as my pet would be if you gave yourself over willingly, which... Ruins all of the fun." Yevon stated honestly. "No methods of bondage or torture would work on you. Even my most extreme measures-" she suddenly cracked her whip, which cut at Kala's form and evoked a sudden pleasurable response, as if she experienced a mini orgasm. "-will only amuse one such as you." she said, having used her whip as an example.

"Truly..." Erik stuttered, looking to Kala with worry. "Truly you are not compelled to dominate me!? I would do it if it made you happy, Kala, but... I did not expect this side of you to show itself!" he said with amazement.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala grinned at Yevon's explanation, and then gasped in surprise and then delight as the whip cut through her. "Wow... that, that was amazing Yevon. Oooh, do it again! It's like little starbursts of pleasure! Heehee!"

The slime clapped her hands together, proving Yevon's point that her most extreme measures only served to amuse the slime and not really harm her at all.

"Oh don't worry, Erik. I'm not going to dominate you like that... I'm only teasing. I'm most happy when you're feeling good, and inside of me... wiggling about, half submerged, with your big throbbing cock wrapped inside my core slime just waiting to be milked and coaxed until..." Kala trailed off as she realized she was saying this all out loud in a public place.

"Ah well, erm, you know how I like it~" she blushed, lavender forming instinctively on her cheeks.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

RJ: Erik blinked at Kala, face red in shame as she went a good detail into how she 'likes it.' "Uh... Yeah... I knew that..." Erik replied hesitantly, while Yevon smiled at the pair, a bit happy to hear Kala's own dominative side.

Blue: Kala grinned at Erik's acknowledgement. It was an undeniable characteristic of her new nature that having any sort of 'victim' trapped within her was excitable for her, and to have that same victim be massaged by her inner core slime was as good as if not better than having a man inside of her when she was a human woman. Having Erik release inside of her on top of that was an experience very close to sexual nirvana, and she wanted to experience it again and again with him. She could easily take this experience from Erik should she wish to be 'dominant' since genuine resistance seemed to be a more natural stimulant, but her love for the man overshadowed the need for simply grabbing him and sucking the juices out of him. She was pleased that he would overlook her form to give his seed willingly to her for consumption.

"So Erik, you ah... almost done with that food?~"

RJ: Erik looked up to Kala, and then back to his food, still mostly uneaten. "Oh, sorry... I was a bit pulled into the conversation." he said, before eating his food, which was by now a bit cold. Watching him, Yevon tilted her head to the side. "You have such tablemanners... Does such training come with being a man of popularity?" he inquired. "You do look quite noble while doing that."

RJ: "Ah... Alexis taught me..." Erik replied simply, taking another bite.

RJ: she inquired*

Blue: "Erik was raised in a noble human family. While some of their actions have
been highly questionable, there's no doubt that they did well to raise Erik as a fine gentleman," Kala added happily, watching Erik eat casually, sometimes her eyes watching those nice soft lips of his chew, and other times checking out his other features - his strong jaw, his broad shoulders, his lustrous hair, those clear, penetrating eyes.

RJ: "Being raised to be the groom of a princess-like girl like Alexis... I really had no idea." Erik sighed, finishing his food. "Lian didn't have to go through any of that... He sure was lucky." Erik said distantly.

RJ: "Alexis, Lian, and others you know are on the enemy's side now. Don't forget that." Yevon said harshly.

RJ: "I'm not that cold blooded..." Erik shrugged.

Blue: "Our aim is not the destruction of our enemy, Yevon. This fight is about changing their minds about us. Don't forget that," Kala replied, though not with as much harshness in her voice as she could have done. "The Magi are awful but most of the individuals inside of it are good people who don't know any better and are being fed misinformation. We have to break down their preconceptions and reinforce the idea that coexistence is a possibility. The fact that Erik considers many of these people friends or cares for them is a positive, not a negative."

RJ: "Cleska will be a big problem though, she's the one who keeps everyone's hatred of monsters firm." Erik reminded Kala.

Blue: "I'm not so idealistic as to think we'll convert everyone. Some of them will be intractable. We have to either work around them, or in the worse case scenario, neutralize them. Cleska will likely fall into that category, though if we can discover the root of her own hatred, we may be able to turn her as well."

RJ: "Hatered... Kala, don't you remember? Cleska is even more calm than Lian, and that's a great feat." Erik stated. "I don't think she's really hateful... Rather, it almost seems like she knows exactly what the situation is, and she's working towards a specific purpose. For instance, why are we being given such a breather when we're so vulnerable? I'm willing to wager that Cleska is trying to discourage Alexis from being rash by making it so her invasion will fail. That's just what I think, anyway."

Blue: "Huh? No, I guess I don't quite remember... I assumed that if Cleska is making everyone hate mamono, then she must have a deep-seated reason for it..."

RJ: "I think she does... But I honestly don't know why she would join with the order and push for such hatred."

RJ: "I've heard of this Cleska," Yevon stated. "Half-human, half-machine, powered and kept alive by magi technology."

Blue: "Well, even if she is calm, that doesn't mean she's not full of hatred. You don't have to be a firebrand to feel it." Kala said, before listening to what Yevon had to say, and straining to see if she could get any flashes of insight on this Cleska. "Half-machine huh? Mmm, if magi technology is keeping her alive, then she might be towing the line just to keep herself alive. Let's hope it's that... maybe if we found a way to free her, so that she didn't rely on the technology, then she'd be on our side?"

RJ: "I would not count on that, Kala," Yevon replied. "The popular word flying about is that she is a very evil, and very cruel woman."

RJ: "Everyone in the Magi Fortress knows of the interrogation and experimentation chambers..." Erik said. "A lot of mamono are down in those places, either dying or suffering and then dying."

Blue: Kala grimaced and then narrowed her eyes. "Well, fine then... let's unplug the girl if we get a chance."

RJ: "Kala, I'm not sure what will happen in the future, but if you encounter Cleska... No matter how much stronger you've gotten, I want you to promise me you won't try to fight her unless you've got all of us with you, and an army to boot, okay? You don't remember... But she is not someone you want to mess with."

RJ: "Not even in a measure of power... She uses the things she's learned from experimenting with mamono to learn their weaknesses. The last thing I want is for you to end up as her toy." Erik said firmly.

Blue: "I'll agree not to mess with her unless it's an absolute necessity," Kala said. "But she must have a weakness too. If she's kept alive by Magi technology, then we should see to it that we have a plan in place to cripple their power sources. If Cleska's strengths are to fight on her own terms, then let's not give it to her. You're our strategist, Erik, and you remember the Magi's layout better than I ever will. There are mamono in that place who are being tortured to death. We must bring her down..."

Blue: "I know you'll think of a good plan."

RJ: Erik hummed. "The one weakness I can think of... Is that the Magi fortress is sitting right next to a volcano to siphon the raging magical power that is within the flowing lava. Only problem is, how would we actually use that to our advantage?" he shrugged, and so did Yevon.

Blue: "I'll take the issue up with Undine the next time I see her," Kala said. "Maybe she'll know of a way."

RJ: Erik tapped his fingers on the desk. "Well, I'm done eating." he said, as Yevon grinned at Kala.

Blue: "Oh. So you are." Kala said, suddenly finding herself at an emotional crossroads. The talk about Cleska and her horrible experimentation had not been the sort of discussion to put the slime girl in the mood. "Well then, what would you like to do, Erik?" She asked, putting the ball into his court for once. She was sure that Yevon would disapprove, unless she assumed that this was some sort of trap that the slime girl was setting up for her half-demon consort - which it wasn't.

RJ: "... I would like to get into contact with Lian again." he said, a serious expression on his face as he folded his hands in front of him on the table.

Blue: "Mmm, and how do you think would be the best way to do that?"

RJ: Erik sighed. "Memory or not, your guess is as good as mine. He was never a very consistant kinda guy."

Blue: "Be that as it may, you know him better than most. Think. Where might he wander? Was he free to come and go as he pleased? or would someone be keeping track of him?"

RJ: When Kala said that, Erik leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh in thought, before closing his eyes... And after a moment, he opened them. "... I nearly forgot... The same day as the battle is when he was always off from training with Cai, and he would always ask to play with me at Shingu..." he referenced to the strategy game designed to encourage strategic warfare. "... I think I'm going to see him one week from now..." he nodded, a deep, and serious expression on his face. "I think he will want to play again."

Blue: "One week from now? Don't we have something important we want to be doing at that time? Like say, storming an airship?"

RJ: Just then, Kala felt something bubble up from within her. A memory from the past. "Even when you have less pieces, and have no possibility of winning against me, you never give up, Erik... That is why I trust you as a friend." she recalls a soft, and gentle voice of a man who was sitting across from Erik as they played the board game together.

RJ: Erik nodded to Kala. "Yeah... It's definitely gonna be important."

Blue: "Mmm... I used to watch you play this board game didn't I? I remember you had a tenacity about you even when you were losing. It was endearing to Liam, I think..." Kala said, seeing no reason to keep the flash of her memory a secret.

RJ: Erik nodded. "And he always beat me."

RJ: Yevon rolled her eyes. "That's encouraging."

Blue: "All the more reason to find Liam. If we can get him over on our side, he'll be of great use to Erik." Kala said, glossing over Yevon's comment.

RJ: Yevon twisted her lips. "If he is serving as the enemy's strategist, and he is truly better than Erik, then what of our plan?"

RJ: Erik shook his head. "This time, Lian has less pieces. No matter what, they will be forced to either give up persuit of me, or give up their ship."

RJ: "But if it's Lian... I don't know what he's going to do."

Blue: "Let's assume that he'll do something that will achieve both objectives. Think, Erik. Focus on those two tasks. What are the troops that he has to work with? Could he provide a decoy that would force us to over commit in one area and leave ourselves open in another?"

Blue: "If we've got more pieces, then we need to eliminate risk."

RJ: "One group will retreat when the enemy focuses on them. If the enemy splits up evenly to attack both me and your invasion force, then both will be eliminated. One with you sheer fighting power, and the other will the traps I will have constructed. But the trouble is if they decide to make a full scale assault with everything they've got for a specific group. That group will have to pull back, but you won't ever be in danger because they will have to send a force this way first."

Blue: "Why do you assume that?"

Blue: Kala may not remember all her strategy lessons, but she knew that
assumption was the mother of all fuck ups.

RJ: "I know what they're bringing with them, and our fighting strength. It's not assuming, but covering the basic facts... A lot of other things can happen. A diversionary tactic might be made to stop one of our groups from doing what it's supposed to, perhaps."

RJ: "That's why I asked you to remain firm in your goal, Kala. We don't know what Lian might do to trick our more powerful, clumsy force."

Blue: "Oh, I'll be anything but clumsy. The force we'll use to take the ship needs to be quick. I'd almost prefer a small team of powerful mamono, while keeping the bulk of our force around you, to be honest. Something that will take them a lot of time and effort, something that they can't just bypass with their technology."

RJ: "The main force will be with you, Kala. I won't trust the operation otherwise. You very likely might get overwhelmed all alone."

RJ: "Besides, one of my main goals is to prevent Undine's temple from taking damage. I absolutely cannot have the full scale battle occur here."

RJ: Erik put his arm around Kala. "Trust me."

Blue: "Fine, but if you get captured, I can't be held responsible for the overwhelmingly stupid things I might try to get you back."

Blue: The thought of the two of the possibly being separated was painfully flaring up inside of Kala's core, and she hugged him tightly. "Maybe we should just concentrate on making as many slimes as possible to help fight them off?" She offered, only half jokingly.

RJ: Erik chuckled, "I won't get captured, okay? Don't be worried if the enemy sends all their scary golems at me."

Blue: "So, that's a 'no' to the slime-making then?" Kala giggled, then made a pouty face. "Say, Yevon, how long do dark elf pregnancies last?" she asked suddenly.

RJ: "About four months." Yevon replied. "But my kind often takes a drug that accelerates growth, granted there are a lot of nutrients to eat."

RJ: "If I were cared for in such a way, I could have a child within a month."

Blue: "That's pretty fast, I guess compared to the normal human rate," Kala said conversationally. "Still, it'll take a while to repopulate a tribe."

RJ: "Within a year, I should have at least over a dozen children. With further growth and nurture, my children can grow and birth their own children not long after they're born."

RJ: "Unlike human genes, a mamono's does not degrade, so... Erik can father my daughter's children."

Blue: "Interesting... though in the interest of the tribe society, they should probably be finding their own mates. And I'm sure you'll be looking for a more permanent one to adorn your home with too, am I right?" Kala smiled.

RJ: "A single man can suffice for many... I'm in no position to be greedy for men." Yevon replied.

Blue: A glint formed in Kala's eye, she was determined that her friend get a great husband one day, the sort of guy who would be competent, and still be able to appreciate being with a girl like Yevon. "You're always so pragmatic, Yevon. It's very refreshing." She turned back to Erik. "So you're saying there's no way we can go and sneak Liam away from the Magi ahead of time? Seems boring just sitting her waiting."

RJ: "Their ship is too safe as it is. We'll need them to expose themselves." Erik said as if it were so simple.

Blue: "Hmph, too safe..." Kala pondered. "Maybe I should go see, Undine about the Cleska situation... Yevon, you can keep Erik company until I get back, right?"

RJ: Yevon winked at Kala, "I can still tease him when you're not around, right?"

Blue: "Yeah, of course, but not too much. I trust you." She kissed Erik on the cheek, "I'll be back soon." She promised, then slid out from on top of him and headed out towards Undine's temple again to have a chat about the bigger issues, beyond the immediate battle. When she was next in front of the elemental, she would nod her head respectfully.

"Undine, first, I'd like to apologize for the way I acted before. It was childish and inconsiderate. Claire may be old and powerful, but that doesn't give her the right to belittle you as you are now, and I'm in no position to have encouraged her. Please accept my sincerest apologies." Again, Kala's head bowed down. "I've come to speak with you about the issue of the Magi known as Cleska. Erik reminded me of her existence not long ago, and it's already got me bothered. I know that one day, preferably sooner than later, we will need to bring Cleska down, and I believe it will need to be dealing with her power source. Erik mentioned something about a volcano nearby to the Magi Fortress, and that its magma flow is used in giving the fortress its power. I was wondering if you might have any insight into how we could exploit that fact?"
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

RJ: Undine was seen speaking with Sapphire the mermaid when Kala arrived. Giggling, Undine turned as Sapphire swam for Kala, and glomped her immediately. "Kala! We're finally alone together!" she announced, though the moment Kala began apologizing, Undine waved her hand. "It's fine, Kala. Water flows as emotions do, they pass and are replaced with the new." she comforted Kala. "On the other hand, about Fortmaster Cleska..." Undine seemed to refer to her by her title. "Cleska's powe source also comes from her own soul, so in emergencies, she can draw from her own power, and you're right to think she is more vulnerable, but she would be far from weak. However, as things are, Cleska is indeed currently invincible."

Blue: "Um, I guess... excepting Undine," Kala responded as Sapphire glomped around her hardened gel body which she was keeping at the same firmness as that of a human for the time being. Of more concern to the slime girl at this point was Undine, and her acceptance of the apology, as well as her opinions on the Cleska situation.

"If she's invincible with the external power source, then we need to strip that from her. I know she'll still be strong, but if she has to rely on her own soul, then at least she'll no longer have infinite reserves. If we make her vulnerable, then we have a chance, and really, that's all we can ask for."

RJ: "But, the task itself is equally challenging." Undine announced. "Ignis, the spirit of fire, is unreasonable, and violent. Reason does not reach her, and we'd need her cooperation if we were to attack the Magi from the volcanos."

Blue: "In what way is Ignis unreasonable? What does Ignis desire? Surely there must be someway to motivate her to act against the Magi?"

RJ: "She only desires to spread her fire, and to incinerate things to ash. She might be considered to be my polar opposite. Anything greeted by the fires of her volcano, before even reaching her, is melted or if of course it's a suitable mate, captured."

Blue: "Would it be possible for me to reach her?" Kala thought about her body - certainly a water element, and yet, the diamond core within her was something else, something stronger than just a single element. Perhaps she might be able to make herself so resistant that she could brave the volcanoe's depths? "We have to try. Leaving Cleska in an invincible state isn't an option."

RJ: "There are very few who would be able to accompany you." Undine replied. "It would be extremely dangerous."

Blue: "Did you have any other ideas to surmount the problem? Otherwise, I'll just have to take the dangerous path." Kala said with conviction. "Beating the Magi was never going to be easy."

RJ: Undine thought for a moment. "Well... If you could befriend one who was one with the element other than Ignis herself, you might be able to gain safer passage through the blazing terrain."

RJ: "Like... A lava slime of some kind?" Sapphire asked.

RJ: "Ah... That would make sense." Undine nodded.

Blue: "Do those even exist?" Kala asked, perplexed at never having heard of such a creature.

RJ: "You are proof that what may not exist, can exist." Undine nodded.

Blue: "Be that as it may, I just didn't expect lava to take on the same qualities as slimes. Have you... ever met one of these creatures before? Are they friendly?"

RJ: Undine laughed, and shook her head, while Sapphire nodded, nuzzling against Kala lovingly, enjoying touching her. "Yup!"

RJ: "She was friendly, but she was a guard too."

Blue: "Sapphire? You've met them?"

RJ: "Yeah. I was trying to find a gift for you, when I heard that there were sometimes valuable minerals that come from volcanos. It was getting pretty hot while I was trying to maintain my human form, before a lava slime told me to go back."

Blue: "A gift for me? Sapphire, you didn't have to do that. Where was this, exactly?"

RJ: "I went towards the volcano, and the trail of lava that was going down along the east side, towards the plains." She replied, when Undine interjected, "It would take you a week to travel that far..." she stated, before she giggled. "I asked a witch to teleport me there!"

Blue: "A witch? Was that safe? What did she ask of you in return for that?"

RJ: "A bit of my soul maybe?" Sapphire giggled as if it were a joke.

Blue: "That would be a terrible thing to give away, Sapphire. Your soul is precious. It's the only thing I had left after I died."

RJ: "It was for you, so it was okay!" Sapphire announced, snuggling into Kala again.

Blue: "No, Sapphire. I have no interest in you giving away your soul to some witch for me. Anyone who I would care about and who cared about me wouldn't hurt themselves like that. Please tell me this is just a bad joke!"

RJ: "I-In a couple of days I'll be fine! Besides, if you really cared for me... You'd leave Erik for me~" she said, snuggling to her again.

Blue: Kala slid out of Sapphire's grasp, molding herself through the mermaid's fingers if necessary. When she reformed she looked hard at the girl. "And if you really cared for me, you'd never ask me to do such a thing. You'd let me follow my heart, and if it led to you then perfect, and if not then, you would wish me happiness and search for yours elsewhere!"

RJ: Sapphire pursed her lips at Kala, "That's just your instincts talking! You didn't even love him before!" she announced, before turning, and swimming off in a fit.

Blue: The idea that her feelings for Erik were just Mamono instincts hurt Kala, for she had no true way of knowing how deep her feelings went for Erik. Could she truly say she loved him if it were simply the magic of her very essence drawing towards him? Would she love just any man as much? She couldn't imagine it being so, but she had not met another one since becoming a slime. She let the mermaid swim off, not feeling any better about herself. Sighing she turned to Undine. "I don't know what to do or say about her..."

RJ: "I sense that Sapphire will cause trouble in the future. When she does, you and Erik's loyalty to each other should be enough to teach her a lesson." Undine replied.

Blue: "Isn't there a way to circumvent all that? I don't understand why some people just refuse to listen."

RJ: "If I knew that, then we could have avoided a lot of problems during the founding of this temple."

Blue: "Why? Who gave you trouble with opening this temple?"

RJ: "Everyone... All of the races and underwater tribes who refused to mingle with one another."

Blue: "Do they really not like each other?" Kala frowned, shaking her head. "Well, at least you did overcome their differences."

RJ: "At first, yes. There were a lot of difficulties over pre-existing bad blood between territory fueds."

RJ: "Though now, everyone seems to have found a common enemy, the humans."

Blue: "Which is a shame... that it would have to be a hatred of humans to bring tribes of mamono together..."

Blue: "So, tell me about this lava slime. Where could I find one? and why would one help me find Ignis?"

RJ: "All we have to trust is Sapphire's information that one can be found near lava at the base of the volcano. As for why she would help you... I don't have the answer to that."

Blue: "I guess I'll just have to go and ask for her help and hope she cooperates."

RJ: "Just keep in mind that the common currency in these lands happens to be the exchange of men... And to be careful."

Blue: "The exchange of men? I can't just give Erik to her..."

RJ: "Let me word it more properly... Someone such as a vampire might collect a man into her kingdom, and use that man to please a dozen women. So you could say they each get a fraction of the man, if that makes sense. Similar to how Curly, Yevon, and Pirupi are helping you. Getting such a large share of such company as Erik is well worth their time."

RJ: "And giving a dwarf of cyclops a man as payment will likely earn you enough weapons for a small army."

Blue: "So you're saying I'd just have to let the lava slime have a - a little quality time with Erik, and that would be enough?" Kala blushed. "I worry of how that will make Erik feel... poor man. I don't want to treat him like currency. He has feelings..."

RJ: "In your situation, Kala, many would consider you rich, having a man all to yourself. It should be no surprise that others would extend their hands to you, and desire some of your wealth."

Blue: "Ah... but... then, am I flaunting my 'wealth' a bit too much?" Kala said, rubbing her elbow self-consciously. "I don't really know how to act."

RJ: Undine giggled. "You're doing fine, and being kind by sharing a rarity among mamono communities. This will lead people to trust you."

Blue: "Oh. Okay, well." Kala blushed lavender across her face. "I suppose that's good then. And Erik is handling it well too... oh my, I may have already left him alone with Yevon too long. She might have him begging for mercy at this point. Um... so after we fight against the Airship... I'll go out in search of this lava slime, and maybe if I'm lucky I can befriend her. I suppose it'll be good to bring Erik with me as well."

RJ: "Perhaps you can become a slime queen?" Undine asked her, and giggled at her suggestion. "You seem to be able to mold with other slimes quite well, so who knows if you can become more powerful as a result?"

Blue: "A slime queen? How would I do that?"

Blue: "Would it... change me?"

RJ: "You already molded with Pirupi, do you feel any different?"

Blue: "Not now, but, when Pirupi was a part of me, it was like we were two people sharing the same body... if I had more slimes melded with me... it'd be crazy."

RJ: "But isn't the thought appealing?" Undine asked, being a slime herself.

Blue: "Well... it'd be like... like being a queen and having your court with you at all times - yes... it would be fun. Just so long as I still retained control."

RJ: Suddenly, Undine looked up to no good, before her tendrils reached out, and bound Kala, pulling them both together as her eyes gleamed with curiosity.

Blue: "Wah... U-undine!?" Kala formed her own tendrils and wrapped them instinctively around the elemental. When they were close together, the blushing slime gazed into Undine's curious eyes. "You... you want to meld with me?"

RJ: "Don't be shy!" Undine announced, before her body formed a second layer over Kala, and the water elemental's core took in Kala's crystal heart, encasing her daimond inside her round core. Meanwhile, Kala's eyes glowed blue like Undines, and her skin became a darker tint of blue, while Kala could suddenly 'feel' all of the water around herself, as if it were an extension of her body. As well, her hair got shorter, and went over her shoulder like Undine's.

Blue: "Hey... I.. I'm not shy I just... hnnngh!" The oddly pleasurable feeling of melding with Undine swept over Kala, until the diamond slime realized her own diamond core was submerged within Undine's. She exerted a portion of her control over her own body, or what used to be the slime that she controlled, and attempted to draw it in completely to Undine, so that only one of them remained.

RJ: (May be wording, but I can't accurately understand what Kala is doing)

Blue: (sorry, Kala was melding with Undine)

RJ: (Ah, thought she was trying to do something crazy, like completely dominate Undine's existance and meld with her, which wouldn't really work as they'd eventually split anyway, albeit into the same halves)

Blue: (nah, she just wanted her body to enter Undine's fully)

Blue: (not try to overtake the mind)

RJ: Undine, merged with Kala, moved their hand to their shared face, and experimented movement while in the same body. "This is... Interesting..." She said, "But awkward. We, sharing the same body, have conflicting thoughts, so it makes it a little hard to move, but... I feel as if the amount of power we're giving off is more than either of us could manage." she said.

Blue: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, yes... I understand what you're saying. Though it would be best if one mind remained dominant while so merged. I suppose it would be a matter of a ladies' agreement as to who would be in control. Why don't you try our powers out while I sit back and watch for a bit?"

RJ: "Then it would only be my powers, we must work together, Kala." Undine explained, gathering her power, as Kala could feel, but none of her own was added to Undine's grasp.

Blue: "That will complicate things... most certainly," Kala said with a note of consternation. Nevertheless, she gathered her power as well and pooled it with Undine's. "What are we going to do then?"

RJ: "I didn't think about that," Undine admitted. "I didn't think about beyond trying to merge with you, which seems to have interesting results."

Blue: "And what makes these results so interesting?" Kala giggled. "Have you never done this with a slime before?"

RJ: Undine blushed, Kala able to feel her feel a little shamed. "Don't make it sound so embarressing!" she said.

Blue: "I didn't realize it was anything to be embarrassed about. Do you like merging with me?"

RJ: "It is a very fresh feeling, yes. I feel as if I have so much more potential."

Blue: Kala swirled a bit of herself inside of Undine's body, attempting to give the water elemental a pleasurable feeling.

Blue: "Is that all?"

RJ: "Well..." Undine twisted a little, their shared mouth giving out a small moan as Kala teased her, which Undine didn't seem to mind. "It's kind of arousing I suppose..."

RJ: "Most of all, I really love Erik, and..." she blinked. "Huh? Strange."

RJ: As Undine said that, Kala would suddenly feel as if Claire was a bully for calling her a droplet, and feel a bit upset over it.

Blue: "Claire is such an arrogant goop!" Kala blurted out. "Droplet, indeed!"

RJ: "This is an unexpected side effect, we seem to be sharing each other's thoughts and emotions." Undine said with a bit of worry.

Blue: "I guess we are sharing thoughts..." but that's not so bad. However if you'd like me to separate, I'll understand."

RJ: "Why ask me such a thing? If I was bothered I would pull away on my own."

Blue: "Just being polite, Undine. If you're happy being merged like this, I'm happy too."

RJ: "Undiiiine!" Called the beautiful voice of a blue feathered Siren above. "Undiiine, I have news!" she announced, as Undine broke from Kala's body. "I apologize, Kala. No offense to you, but I must address this."

Blue: "Whoa!" Kala wobbled as she was suddenly ejected from Undine's body. "Okay, ah, no problem. I'll just go back to Erik then?"

RJ: "If you desire!" Undine called out, before the harpy landed, and brought urgent news. "Some guy with a rectangular hat was nominated as their leader for the attack! They were really confident he'd beat Erik!"

Blue: "Rectangular hat? Was his name Liam?"

RJ: "No-no! It was Lian!" The siren corrected her as Undine raised her hands. "Calm down, Diva. Do you know anything else of this man?" she asked, and Diva nodded, "He knows Erik and Kala really well! And he always was looking so calm yet always had this small grin on his face. There was a blond lady there too, and another lady with white hair and half of her face covered in a mask, talking to him! She said to delay the attack by a week so Kala would remain her to defend the temple, instead of doing something important!"

Blue: Kala scratched her head. "Did they say anything more specific about what they thought I should be doing?

RJ: Diva shook her head, "They knew I was there... I think they wanted us to know what they were saying."

RJ: Diva flapped her wings, "The white haired one even looked at me where I was hiding, and grinned at me!"

RJ: "Cleska..." Undine whispered lightly. "What is that evil woman thinking?"

Blue: "Trying to unnerve us. Also trying to make us think whether I should go some place or stay here. They want us to rethink our strategy. False information!"

Blue: "I don't like defending!" Kala smacked her hands together. "We ought to do something unexpected."

RJ: "I'm not sure what to do in our current situation." Undine said, looking to Kala. "But by something unexpected... What could we do?"

Blue: "Attack. Offense. And quietly too. Somewhere their eyes aren't trained upon."

Blue: "I say we kidnap Lian. The rectangle guy is a decoy."

RJ: "Oh, you mean to..." Undine was about to ask, but was left baffled. "Stage an attack on the Magi?"

Blue: "Yes! Something that will catch them off guard! I may not remember everything that I ever learned as a human commander, but my instinct tells me we can't just keep still and wait for the enemy to decide where and when an attack comes. We need temp, momentum, initiative!"

RJ: "But how would we manage to accomplish that, Kala?" Erik asked, coming towards her from the tavern with Yevon with him. "It would be nice if we had the manpower, but only our small group is capable of moving out of the temple."

Blue: "If we had to take on the entire Magi force to do it, it wouldn't be a good plan. But a small team can do what an army can't."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"It would be extremely dangerous... And utterly crushing to everyone if we failed." Erik shrugged. "Right now we have what we need to reasonably win the upcoming fight. But so many things could go wrong with such a reckless strategy that's not even hit or miss. We might even arrive to find Lian and Cleska having a chat together, at just the wrong time. Then our plan would be ruined, and at the very best, we'd be able to run away." he told Kala, clearly worried about such a plan actually being taken into consideration. "Please, let's just stick to my plan." he requested of Kala.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala folded her arms in on herself, frustration playing out across her face. "Okay, Erik. For your sake, I'll do what you want. Because I love you and trust in you."

The slime girl moved in front of the man and wrapped her self around him. pressing her lips first to his cheek, then to his lips. She wanted so badly to not be in a position of uncertainty, or in a position where she was forced to wait while the enemy came to them. It seemed so counter intuitive to her. But she had to relax and not do something foolish.

"Then what shall we do with all this time that we have before the enemy arrives at our doorstep?"
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

RJ: Erik frowned sadly when it seemed Kala was frustrated. "If you were anyone else, Kala, I'd think about your idea... But you would be risking it all. If a single thing were to go wrong... I'd likely lose you for good."

BlueSlime: "I know, I know... but at some point in this matter, we're all going to need to be willing to risk it all. Complacency doesn't win wars, but still, neither does rash decision making. I''ll stay here. They knew they were being spied on when they said that I needed to do something important somewhere else. They're just playing doublethink games with me."

RJ: Erik let out a hum, raising a hand to his chin. Despite what Kala just said, it was clear Erik was thinking about what they said. "Either way... We don't know where that 'somewhere else' is, so... I don't really understand what they intended by letting us hear that." Erik said in reply.

BlueSlime: "Maybe they're counting on someone urgently coming to tell us about it just before the battle..." Kala said gloomily.

RJ: "Unlikely... Right?" Erik reasoned with Undine, who nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I don't even have any other pressing matters that might arupt now that Claire has been released."

BlueSlime: "Well, then I suppose we wait and see," Kala shrugged.

RJ: "Yeah," Erik nodded to Kala. "Hey, Kala, could you come with me and help me prepare for the attack? That's the main reason I wanted to come out here and talk to you. I have a feeling that it'll be really important that you know how I've prepared when you're so far away from me, leading the attack."

BlueSlime: "Of course," Kala said, following Erik to wherever it was he wanted to take her. "I think that's a good idea. Undine, I'll catch up with you later. Thanks for your help again."

RJ: Undine nodded to Kala, "I will prepare as well. I'll gather up a nice little militia to protect Erik and this temple." she announced. "I hopefully won't need any military force with the plans I've prepared." Erik replied.

BlueSlime: "Always have a backup, Erik," Kala suggested, before slipping her hand into his. "Come on, show me what you've got in mind."

RJ: Taking Kala with him, Erik began to enlist in the aid of various mamono that Undine hired to help him with the construction of the traps. "The golems have those large hands which are great for grabbing things, such as me. That's where these girls come in." he pointed towards what looked like hundreds of Pirupi clones in the waters below, all who waved at Erik, "Hi, squishy cheeks!" they all shouted in union. "... Pirupi apparently multiplies very rapidly." Erik stated. "Apparently, jelly fish like them can build up a lot of electricity somehow. Either way, that sudden surge of energy should shut down those golems and will surely zap the pilots of those golems. This will all be made possible when a passage below, just at water level below is made for me to retreat through. It'll be just low enough for the water to be an inch deep so that all of the golems chasing after me, as well as any other Magi troops to be zapped. I should have protection myself because all I'd have to do is use my spear to stab into
the wall at any moment and hoist myself up to avoid the electrical blast."

BlueSlime: "Sounds like a good use of Pirupi, that's for sure," Kala said with a touch of admiration for Erik's innovation. "But what if they try to immobilize you with something else before you can spring the trap?"

RJ: "That's where we come in," announced a familiar nereid from the water, having come up after noticing Erik. "Erik has spoken with us previously about anything that could go wrong, such as a net snaring him. You can trust our teeth and sharp fingers to rip apart even metal that may snare him." Erik nodded. "I know enough not to let the golems get within range, so that's my backup plan."

BlueSlime: "Okay, that sounds good," Kala said, nodding to the Nereid. "Thank you for being willing to fight for him."

Turning back to Erik, Kala smiled. "So what else should I know about? Or is this all just meant to reassure me that you'll be safe?"

RJ: Erik nodded, "I don't intend to run forever either. Should it come to fighting, the escape tunnel I have set up will have a secret cieling exit." Erik pointed above to the currently non-existant exit. "Should you be successful, or opportunity come that I must return and fight, I will fall down from above after signaling the backup force." he replied, before putting his hands to his mouth, and shouting, "HARPY STRIKE!" through the temple, before, without warning, dozens of harpies flew in from the crack in the earth above, straight towards Erik, and fanning out their feathers. In an instant, like daggers, feathers flew down towards their location, before Kala was suddenly surrounded by circles of feathers, as if she were the center of a bulls-eye. About a hundred harpies landed, and saluted Erik. "Was our mission to impress Kala a success?" they asked with bright smiles.

BlueSlime: "Fufufu~ Mission succeeded," Kala said, saluting the harpies in a mirrored gesture to their own. "All of this to impress me? Mmm, I'm glad you care so much about my ease of mind~" She rose up to his height and kissed him on the lips, the slippery goo of her lips sending tingling sensations into his own. "Thank you, Erik my darling."

RJ: Erik gave her an embrace as she leaned in for a kiss, kissing her back passionately. "I actually know what I'm doing. As long as you're successful in your task to attack their ship... Everything should go well. No matter even if they are remotely successful in coming after me... You could easily come back from taking over the ship to eleminate the remnants of the Magi forces. No matter how you look at it, the Magi forces don't stand much of a chance attacking us with inferior forces when we're so prepared."

BlueSlime: "Yes, I see that now," Kala said, looking longingly into Erik's eyes, forgetting for the moment that there were a hundred harpies watching them intently. "I'll concentrate on doing my best, and believe in you completely." She then prolonged the kiss and started to press her body up against his, wanting to show him with her affection that her fears really had been allayed by his impressive planning. She couldn't have come up with better after all.

RJ: "What I wonder though, is how Undine convinced all these harpies to help us." Erik said aloud while keeping Kala in his embrace. Suddenly, he gave a start. "K-Kala, my clothes!" he shouted, before it seemed, in her affection, Kala's body had begun reacting on it's instincts, melting his clothes away to make him ready for sex. "The more affectionate you get, the more dangerous you are to my clothes, it seems..." Erik said, laughing a bit.

BlueSlime: "Oh! Um... sorry. I can't help it. My slime has a mind of its own~" Kala said, removing herself momentarily from contact with Erik's clothes, hardening her goo enough that none remained on his body. "Though I am feeling rather affectionate, and you had to know this would make me feel good. Maybe you should have taken your clothes off while giving me the tour~"

RJ: "... Are you sure about that?" he asked Kala, before looking to all of the harpies present, who were all staring at Erik with hunger in their eyes, as if ready to take flight and take him away.

BlueSlime: Kala looked around at the harpies, noting the hunger in their eyes, and wrapped her arms and a few tendrils around Erik protectively. "We could go somewhere more private?~"

RJ: Erik nodded, hugging himself to Kala again despite her clothes dissolving tendancy as he kissed her again. "I would like that." he replied, before giving a friendly wave to the harpies, who each seemed to not really mind the thought of replacing Kala at that moment, but flew away regardless.

BlueSlime: "Wow! So commanding... since when did you get so many harpies to obey you so easily?" Kala grinned and kissed Erik some more.

RJ: "Ever since Undine told them to listen to me," Erik chuckled, returning the kisses with a smile as the effects of her slime were clearly taking place on his lower regions as he tried to hurry back to their room.

BlueSlime: Kala ran with Erik back to their room, giggling and stealing kisses from him along the way. His growing eagerness was having a domino effect on her own inhibitions, knocking them down with every step as they could get to a place where they could be alone. When they finally did make it back to the the room and shut the door, she had to rein in her own desire not to tear away or dissolve Erik's clothes. Once he had removed them sufficiently, she would hurl herself at his body with a terrific splat, becoming more blob like for a moment as she suffused his chest and neck, and then oozed further down to cascade over his manhood, taking it inside her warm body. She then re-solidified into her her girl form, having his cock wrapped fully inside of her already. She grinned down at him, holding in this position, watching his face under the anticipation of what would come next. She lowered her full, goopy bosom up against his cheeks and let him nuzzle her, then slowly began to rise up and down on top of his rod.

"Hnnn, Erik~ It's been too long~ Did you miss me? Did you miss doing naughty things to your Kala?"

RJ: Erik wasn't kind to his clothes. Dissolved as they were, he tossed them aside after ripping them a bit himself. "There are dozens of pairs of the same clothes just waiting in the draws, I'll wear those as clothing loss seems to be an issue well accounted for." he stated, before giving out a shocked cry as Kala threw herself onto him. Letting himself fall back, he landed on the soft carpet, erect immediately upon her attack, her slime doing well to arouse him quickly. And it did well to keep him aroused too, as he moaned loudly. "It feels like every drop of your slime that touches me is trying to dissolve me. My skin tingles wherever you touch..." he replied back to her, before he nuzzled his face into her bosom as he answered her question. "I missed you the very moment we parted. Once we beat those Magi back, lets find a Sea Bishop and get married to each other."

BlueSlime: "Oh I won't dissolve you, Erik. I'm just trying to get as much of you up against me so I can get you turned on even more!" Kala said, melting further on top of him, blurring the line between where their respective skins met. She was just starting to get into a good rhythm when his declaration of marriage caused her to stop suddenly, staring at him.

"You... you want to marry me? Really! Oh Erik, yes! I'm so happy!" She hugged him tightly, nearly enveloping his entire body before adhering herself to him and to the bed fully. "You'll be my husband! Everyone will know it! Oh I'm so lucky! We're gonna be together always!" Her slime mind was deliriously happy, shunting the rational Kala well back into the distance. Right now, all that was in control was a happy mamono who had just had a male propose to her. "Let's make more slimes! I want you to impregnate me! Or whatever it is slimes do!" She grinned and started to ride him hard.

RJ: "U-unaviodable with the way you're... Riding..." Erik tried to reply, but only ended up moaning loudly in response to her sexual attacks against him. "K-Kala, I won't last long...!" he tried to warn her that her attacks were having full effect on him. Moaning breathlessly, Erik's hips tried to move on their own as Kala would feel, but her sticky cohesion kept him pinned. All the while, Kala could feel his energy pouring into her from every place she touched him, with the highest concentration coming from his groin. All the energy she had slowly lost was returning to her, and she was filled immediately before Kala began to overflow with Erik's energy. But rather than escape, the energy seemed to make her expand, and grow more and more.

BlueSlime: "Hnnn! Oh! You're feeling so good against me!" Her inner core slime tightened its grip around Erik's shaft, milking his throbbing flesh relentlessly. "I'm overflowing with your energies... Hnnnh! I'm gonna go insane! Hahn~~!!"

Kala's oozing body expanded along with the sexual energy flowing into her, and the pleasure coursing through her every drop was overloading her thoughts. She wanted him to cum inside of her, as much as he possibly could. "Give me everything you've got Erik! Fill me up with your cum... paint me white!~~ <3"

RJ: Not letting up despite his announcement, Kala would feel Erik give way under her passion, his entire body shuddering under her own before his orgasm and resulting flow of energy went through her like a lightning bolt of pleasure. Streams of white began to jet into her body from his length as he came not long before the sex even started. The quick orgasm seemed to truly take a lot out of Erik, which Kala would know of personally as she now had all of his energy that he lost. With all of his energy, Kala now felt bloated. If she continued, something told her that her current frame would not be able to hold all of his energy. Still, the urge to continue was very much present, both via her own instinctual lust, and Erik's still throbbing length inside of her. Kissing her, Erik seemed to contribute as well. "I love you, Kala... I just can't hold on when you're so passionate..."

BlueSlime: "Hnnnh! So good... I can feel it inside of me, everywhere your cum floats inside of me~~" Kala tossed her head back, letting her slime 'hair' whip about and her ample bust protrude forward exultantly. She squirmed her tightened core around Erik's cock, trying to squeeze out the last droplets, loathe to let him go. And yet... somewhere deep down, instinctually, she knew that she was taking too much from him too quickly. She needed to simmer down. "It's okay, darling... I can be patient. Hnnnh... just use me as a blanket as you recover. I'll even stop moving around so... we'll just be like this, together."

Staring down into his eyes, Kala satisfied herself with simply kissing her man over and over again, deeply and passionately, but she stopped riding him, so that she didn't waste his energy, not wanting it to spill forth from her. She knew Undine would strongly disapprove.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Like that, Kala and Erik spent many nights together in each others embrace. Often after working hard to construct his traps and preparations, he would return exhausted and without the energy to tend to Kala's more intimate instinctual desires. While Erik worked, Kala was often invited to watch him aid in the construction of the traps and explain his confidence in how many measures he was taking to ensure that the enemy after him would find it impossible to reach him. Erik would be displeased though when Kala was dragged away to discuss plans of assault with Claire, Yevon and the others. While there, the plans that were thought of were fairly straightforward. With Kala and Claire alone, they could handle almost any force in their way. When everyone considered Claire's godly powers, even Cleska was no longer a great danger, especially when so far from her power plant.

"Erik said Cleska is very unlikely to be present among the enemy," Claire announced. "While I was playing with him while he was taking a quick bath to wash off all the dust from the stone, he said that Cleska's nearly invincible while receiving power directly from the power plants. So even if she were to show up, we could handle her!" Claire announced happily. And everyone seemed confident that their attack would be a success. The only problem was of course the defenses. "Erik is taking the gamble of the battle upon himself. This is why men are not favored leaders in my society... They are too overconfident." Yevon stated. "I know you favor him, Kala, but should his planned defenses fail, then we must abandon our attack and form our own, better plan. To be honest, I favored your idea of attacking them directly rather than letting our home be the battleground... I have more faith in you than him, to put it bluntly." Yevon stated.

On the eve of the battle, Claire, Yevon, Curly, and Pirupi, as well as a whole force that would aid in the assault stood around Kala. Not only from Yevon's words, but from the murmurs of the others around them, Kala could hear that it was in general agreement that they did not favor a man as a leader. "Undine, Kala or Claire would make more sense. They seem far more suited..." a whisper graced Kala's senses. "Human society fails without the aid of the angels due to the leadership of men... Why must we follow suit?" another whisper wondered.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

During their days together that followed, Kala tried her best to enjoy her time with Erik in a way that didn't exhaust him more than he already was. The plans were too important and she didn't want to be a distraction. She simply enjoyed lying with him during the nights and providing him warmth by wrapping herself over his body. It was comforting just to hold him partially within her body.

Just as she respected his own duty, she made sure to take her own planning as seriously as possible. After many hours of discussions about how the attack was to proceed, Kala was confident in their chances. Yevon's concerns however, brought back her initial fears.

"Undine has asked me to not risk an attack and I had to respect her wisdom in this matter. I also at some point have got to give Erik some chance to think on his own and trust in him. There will be time for us to take risks, but we need to not go out of our way looking for trouble. Still, when the time for action comes, I'll want you by my side, Yevon."

Later on, on the eve of battle, Kala repeated these sentiments to her followers.

"Erik is more than just a man. He has the potential to become something far, far more important to our overall goals, but he won't reach that potential if we stifle him at every turn, not allowing him to stand on his own two feet. I've heard him explain his plans. They're not bad at all. So please, I am putting my faith in him to keep himself safe, and so should you. Plus, he's relying on the abilities of mamono -- aquatic mamono like you and me. Let's have some pride in our own abilities to fight off these invaders, okay? Human society doesn't fail because of men. It fails because the wrong kind of men are put in charge - ones who seek power for power's sake, or ones who are placed in power by the angels who want to have easily controlled puppets. There are true heroes amongst humanity, and it's on us to find those heroes and let them shine -- and marry them in the process of course!" Here she winked at her followers reassuringly, trying to allay their doubts with her humor.

"We're going to show the world one day that humans and mamono belong together, side by side. And we're going to do this by setting an example of mututal respect, not by believing that we're better than humans just because we have powers."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala's words to the others of the mamono assault force, as well as her own companions didn't seem to sink well with them. Still, Claire stepped up besides Kala to lend her support. "Let us allow this battle to decide if Kala is correct in her beliefs. I know this is a crucial moment... But so is the decision of true coexistence between our kind and humans. At least give Erik this one chance. That is all this goddess asks of you all. Have faith in humanity, just once." she told the assault force, before looking to Kala with her gentle smile of crystal, and gave Kala an assuring nod.

A low rumble suddenly disturbed the scene, before a familiar shadow appeared over the crack in the ground above the temple. "They're here! Use the jet streams and go, Kala!" Erik suddenly shouted from another side of the temple. Meanwhile, Undine gave more power to the streams, causing them to shoot high. "Follow Pirupi!" Pirupi suddenly announced, rushing past Kala, and opening up her umbrella skirt before suddenly shooting over a hundred feet into the air. Everyone else with their own design of umbrella to ride the stream came up, ready to follow after Kala once their leader jumped into the stream of Undine's design, and flew up to the ship.


"Just as you predicted, Lian, they're staging an offensive, but do you really think...?" Alexis inquired.

Standing in the bridge of the ship, reinforced windows showing the terrain all around them, Lian, Alexis, and a crew of Magi were operating the ship and giving various commands and instructions to the crew keeping the ship moving at full capacity. In front of the window overlooking the stream where the first of the mamono assault force was arriving onto the top of the ship, Lian wore a calm smile as he watched the mamono invade.

"Kala is leading them, Alexis, but I imagine she must be worried sick over if Erik will be okay away from her." Lian replied to Alexis calmly. "... Send in the first force to the temple below. I'm curious to see how Erik has prepared for me." Lian gave a simple order.

"What about Kala!?" Alexis exclaimed.

"Yes, it would be rude if we ignored our guest... Alexis, did you not part with her on a bad note? I think you two should make up with each other. So, I'll leave it to you."

"Just me and my personal force? I cannot possibly-!" Alexis complained.

"Alexis..." Lian interrupted her. "Do not fear Kala... She is a very understanding woman. So please, greet her, and treat our guest well. I have things I must tend to, I will be in my quarters."

"Lian, now is not the time! We need you here!" Alexis shouted to Lian, but Lian simply rose his hand and waved her off. "Lian!!! Ah, damn it!" Alexis cursed. "Prepare to intercept the enemy on the ship!" Alexis shouted to the crew, while gritting her teeth. "Kala... I don't care if I'll end up losing the battle with you, I promise I'll break you, you fucking bitch...!"