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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

All looks like could turn worse in any moment. Evelen was reaching her limits and her will was close to let all in hands of the inminent destiny, she feels completely beaten by her dessires, but then Darius decide to dont resist anymore and instead focus on both women mouths, with his free hand he press Evelen head, to avoid any sound to escape. Meanwhile the armor continue using his tentacles to make the girls get more wet and aroused, so it could drink more of their nectars, getting deeper on them and sucking harder from their lactate breasts.

Suddenly, the car start to move in a different terrain, the sounds of the rocks start to decrease as the floor is more soft and irregular, maybe they were out now, but maybe Evelen should wait for Teresa to know if they were safe, but this could make the great sister get a big surprise.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried hard to keep herself from making noise, but it seemed to be a losing battle. This trip was taking too long, the pheremones were too strong, and Celesta was fucking her too hard. Just when all seemed lost, though, Darius let go of his inhibitions, giving his all to making out with Evelen and muffling the sound. It gave her a new strength to deal with the situation as she pushed back against Celesta, trying to get the plant-girl to move slower if she could; in part to help her keep her noises under control, and in part just to try and make the experience last. The carriage seemed to be moving over rocks after a short time, and maybe they were safe, but Evelen couldn't be sure, so she still made every effort to keep quiet, in the back of her mind wondering just what Teresa would think when she inevitably opened the compartment. Maybe she would even be affected by the pheromones herself...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen pushed her sister away, but the armor will not accept it too easily, it soon moved the plant girl even closer and make a firm grapple on Evelen, helped by some little tentacles to secure the speargirl a little more, maybe the ceature know than this could end soon and before that he need to feed until the brim. Darius was giving all to continue to muff both girls and their struggle was making it more hard, until the point where the mercenary was thinking to make them dream for a while, but that idea was out of possibility as maybe they need both in case that the guards attack them.

In a moment all was getting more hard for Evelen, her own hips were against her, as they moved at the same rhytm as the creature need to fulfill it wish, then when she was just to come, the door opened slighty and the big sister voice was heared We made it, any need help to get out of there? The trap door was getting opened even more, soon all will be found in a really compromising situation, but with all the pheromones and what could happen later, it dont matter so much.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The armor creature was having none of Evelen's resistance, and it gripped her firmly with small tentacles as it continued to pound into her. Soon she was too caught up in the moment to resist anymore, her hips moving in time with the thrusts into her ass, impaling herself fully on Darius' hard rod each time it pistoned into her. Just as all seemed lost in her attempt to keep quiet, the door to the compartment opened, and Teresa's voice came through. She tried her best to disengage from Darius' mouth and moan out "ahhh, close the door, don't open it," not wanting her sister to have to see this, while at the same time speeding up her thrusts, desperate to find release.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius also was worried by what could happen, his body was reaching his limits and who know what could happen to the others if they breath all this condensed pheromones. Evelen words were more a lewd mix of words in a moan, but still she was able to give the message, unfortunately Teresa dont react as she expected and it was logic that anyone could get the idea of what was happening there by the wet sounds and Evelen tone.

Dont open it!? Evelen? WHAT IS GOING THER--- "cought" The big sister opened the trap door in the worse moment, when the creature send all to make its victims come together in a potent orgasm, Evelen and Celesta arched their bodies and if Darius were not there, they would had moaned like never. Evelen soon feel the warm mercenary white juices filling her insides and Darius was still ready for other sesion, both women were sucked with an incredible potence and streams of juices leave their bodies to sattle the hungry of the armor, all this had made them get really tired and both were ready to rest in their extasis state.

But this turn worse, as Teresa receive the full impact of the pheromones and even Suzanne get afected, sending both women to their knees, breathing heavily as their bodies get really aroused, it was a miracle that their wills still fight to dont act as their bodies order, but they had breath a large amount and if this continue they will sumit, luckily the driver was safe of all this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa opened the door just in time to see the three occupants of the small compartment all cum together, the noise only muffled by the mouth and hand of Darius. Evelen kissed the mercenary feverishly, rocking her hips against his as Celesta's armor vigorously fucked her ass and sucked the milk from her breasts. Soon enough she felt Darius fill her with his cum, and she continued to slowly move against his body, feeling like a rest was in order. Of course, the armor had other ideas, continuing to fuck and suck her like there was no tomorrow, and Darius was still ready for more. "Teresa... close the door again... and get back..." she moaned out, not wanting her or Suzanne to get involved in this; it could be dangerous if all of them were out of it, after all. Finally she muttered at the armor "calm down and take it slow, and stop with the pheromones. You'll get your food, just let us do the work for a while," hoping it could listen to her and keep the situation from getting worse while still allowing them to have a little bit of fun.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa legs were not the only thing on her stunned, her whole body was completely frozen with the the sudden potent arousement on her, it was like the armor had made these pheromones with the power to afect completely the blood related of Celesta. Fortunately Suzanne had still the control enought to close the door and take her aunt away, but it was really too much for the little girl, her body was really tired of weild the big armor before this get started, maybe she will decide to undress herself soon, as some of the pheromones were now in the carriage.

Meanwhile, Celesta calm herself and just cuddle behind Evelen who noted the creature dont stop to drink the mess behind her legs until it ended, after that the armor just return to rest on Celesta, it looks like it had ate enought and now just decide to rest.

Darius noted it and take away his hand from Celesta's mouth and moved softly Evelen head to have some words Looks like this ended, but your eyes show that you are very intoxicated, maybe soon you will lost the control. Do you want to continue or should i make you sleep for a while?

Evelen was trembling and burning with the needs to be used until fall uncounciest in the mercenary warm chest, she was even starting to press her hips against him before take his staft inside her, Evelen's eyes were completely dilatated with a complete need expression, her body was waiting to feel more of Darius's athletic body, she was starting to only focus in her lust and it was hard for her to express what she want to say, as her moans and breaths cut between her phrases.
[Evelen ap9 (bad/good luck) the monster get full sudenly : ]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

While Teresa wasn't in any shape to listen to Evelen, her daughter was, and soon the door to the compartment was closed again, leaving her, Darius, and Celesta alone again. Just as suddenly, the armor finished feeding on her and her sister and calmly went back to lying against Celesta, who began to cuddle gently with Evelen. Still, she was terribly aroused, even her recent orgasm having done little to help her. Darius spoke to her softly, offering her a choice that she could barely understand as she wrapped her arms tightly around him, pressing herself against his warm chest as she straddled him. Finally she managed to mutter out a response. "Whichever you... want... but I... I would like it if... you would let me... continue..." she said, even in her haze not wanting to seem to force herself on him even more than she already had.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen pleads were heard by the mercenary who think for an instant to decide if they really should continue this. Fine, then is my choice, maybe i should apologize later when you recovered from this. Darius restart where both left ad used his hands to prepare her for the next ride, of course than Evelen dont need to much to reach her peak again, as the pheromones had increased her libido for more of ten times, she just cant have enough of the warm male body close her, it was intoxicating, every touch and kiss were making her moan and shiver without stop and just press her cunt on his member when she was unable to resist more the urge to feel his warm seed on her, wishing to be filled to her brim and just pass all the time possible with the charmed mysterious young male. But soon when she get his rod inside her, she moaned loudly and was nearly completely stunned by the pleasure, she tried her best but her body was getting worse and worse with the strange scence trapped in the little hideout, just then Darius put his hands on her hips and help her to end what she started, tears of joy invade her eyes and she was just there resting on him with the false ceiling over her head, the floor was now a mess of her juices now than the armor was like resting at her side, she thought to reach her climax but soon she noted that something even better was close to come and then Darius put a hand over her shoulder making Evelen just let that the mercenary want with her defenseless body. It was like Evelen just dont bother anymore of anything and just wait to come harder as never she had do it, then her eyes started to feel heavy and tired, her mind get hazed even more than before and before she could noted it she was already unconscious completely happy of had orgasm many times, even when she was unsuccessful in her goal to reach her limit.

Slowly she recover the counciest, a nearly naked body was cuddling on her, but this was smaller than her and more feminine, a little more and she could imagine than a angel or a goddess was taking care of her or just resting after had used her, her nose was stuffed with the pheromone smell and take a time to remember this body. Evelen opened her eyes to found herself outside the hideout and resting close her daughter, both were only on underwear, but for some reason Evelen was completely wet and her arousement was still active, but not as it was a time ago. Teresa and Celesta were covered with a sheet resting in the chairs of the carriage and a full armored guy was just looking to the road. Suzanne just cuddle more when her body noted her mother recover her senses, but she remained resting without open the eyes.

Evelen ap 5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After a short time thinking Darius started on Evelen again, gently rubbing on her with his hand to prepare her for the next round. Of course, the pheromones made that completely unnecessary, and just that little bit of foreplay sent her over the edge again. Still, she tried her best to get the mercenary’s cock inside her again, kissing him feverishly as she ground her body against his. Finally she managed to get herself penetrated again, and stayed completely still after a loud moan; the pleasure was almost too much for her even to move. Seeing that, Darius began to move on his own, fucking her at his own pace as she rested happily against him. The hidden compartment was filled not only with the smell of pheromones, but also their sex juices, their bodies resting in a puddle. She came several more times, feeling as if she was building to something even more powerful, but she finally passed out just beforehand.

Evelen awoke later still in a haze from the pheromones, though she could tell that a soft little feminine body was snuggled up to her. It took her some time to open her eyes and register that the body was her daughter, and she cuddled a little closer, putting her arm around Suzanne. She was still aroused, but not so much that she couldn’t handle it. With just a hint of amusement she noted that Darius seemed to have put Suzanne’s armor on, with her sisters resting under a sheet. She decided to stay there for a while, happy to rest with her daughter until something else came along that required her attention.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With all calmed from now, Evelen enjoy her free sweet moment with her daughter, her soft skin soon comfort the spearwoman to the point to rest comfortable even in the floor as the carriage move. It was more quick than before and just made a stop when the last vigilance spot demand it, but the mercenary acted the enough to dont lift any suspect, soon the land below the wheels was turning more meaty and the car had to reduce the speed to dont lost the balance, ths caused a dangerous effect around the carriage filled with pheromones, as Evelen rest she remain unnoticed of the way of how the creatures were howling and growl by the arousal increase, luckily the beast like horses at least were not affected yet.

The deep sleep of her made her dont notice anything until her daughter shake her, Evelen then wake up and saw nearly all getting ready for a possible fight, her body was still tired and horny by the last orgy, but she certainly could fight, not like Celesta who remain unconscious and even when she wake up, she maybe will be not of much help if that armor try to rape her again, anyway Evelen could try and luckily the plant girl could be able to fight, but maybe Teresa could take care of that problem. The big sister for other hand was easily visible aroused, maybe more than Evelen, but Teresa was dressed and ready to fight any creature if they get close enough at the carriage.

Suzanne was only dressed on her cute two piece pink underwear, in her side was her spear, but the mage will maybe start the fight using her magic, Darius was getting ready his crossbow and looks unaffected by the living armor essence. Just then Evelen noted her mess between her legs and her sweaty skin by all what happened before get uncouncied and her time resting with the little Suzane who was not worried to get drenched by the sex fluids on her mother. Darius take the word, as he see through the closed windowThese things will maybe follow us long time before others creatures take their place and if we open the doors to get rid of this thing our creatures will go against us, so we have three choices.

Try to continue until the next town. Make our beast get uncouncied and try to take care of all the monsters behind us or use range attacks expecting to take care of them and wish that we dont lost control of the carriage

Let me go down, it willl be enough with me to kill all of them Add Teresa, As Darius shake his head In this moment you are not in condition to fight alone. Maybe Suzanne and I could shoot them from over the Carriage
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen rested with her daughter in the floor of the carriage for a while, the soft body beside her making the ride comfortable despite the hard wooden floor. They were stopped at the last checkpoint before they left the city’s sphere of influence, though Evelen didn’t notice, having fallen asleep again at some point along the way. She was shaken awake by Suzanne at some point, though, still tired from the intense sex and aroused by the pheromones. The others were in much the same shape, though Suzanne seemed fine.

As Evelen retrieved her spear, she noted the multitude of monsters outside the carriage, running after them. Trying to take them out from range seems like the best idea to me. I don’t know if I want us all outside fighting them in the condition we’re in right now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa turn to other side and saw to the monsters from the window, her body was already wet, so she understand that all could not have an easy fight with all these lusty monsters Fine, but take care, if anyone fall it will be the principal target of all these creatures.

Very well, both of you defend the carriage if the creatures get close enought, but before, inform the driver to increase the speed to make the air take the pheromones away of the car. Suzanne would not be able to weild her weapon and get over the carriage, so she just huge her mother with an smile and prepare to open the door when Darius give the order.

The two easily climb when the carriage moved at full speed and then Teresa tried to close the doors and prepare her weapon to defend the place, but then she noted a tentacle creature in carriage far end, her greatsword wound him, but the creature apendages resist the potent slash, there was not time enought to kill it and the doors need to be closed as the road have a curve.


After get at their position, Darius shoot to the creatures and impact one of them in the chest who fall in the floor and roll for a time followed by the dismembered hole of a torso and a feline creature who split blood everywhere by the potent shining crystal of the young Suzane that destroy one of her legs until some inches of his shoulder. With three monsters unnable to continue the purtsue they have to take care of 16 more at least


[Celesta is unnable to wake up this turn and Evelen must kill and close the doors before the driver reduce the speed.]

OOC: Every turn i will roll and in case of criticals more monsters will join or get over the carriage to try to rape all, or if they get close enought (two rolls that they win) they could also try to make the same. Suzanne and Darius could fall if the driver dont reduce the speed, if horses earn the arousament enought the carriage will stop and the fight will change into a normal one)

Horses 0 ap
Doors opened: 2 turns to close
Monsters who climb over the carriage and close Evelen
Tentacle monster: 2/4
monsters behind 16/20
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, I think I get the picture" Evelen said as Darius and Suzanne went up on the roof to shoot at the incoming enemies. Meanwhile Teresa began to hack at a tentacle beast that had made its way into the carriage, and Evelen quickly lashed out at it as well, hoping to kill it and close the door. In the meantime she would want the carriage to move relatively fast, not wanting the horses to get aroused; even so, she didn't want it to go so fast that one of the others fell off into the oncoming monsters.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to kill the creature, as she decide to mantain the speed even when the curve in the road could make someone over the carriage fall, for some reason she was unnable to conect the monster as this move away not before receive a hit from Teresa´s greatsword oce again, at least the impact make him stay in the same place and lost the chance to attack or get coser.

Suzanne connect once again killing other creature in the instant and hurting other more, but this was thought enought to dont fall and remain his run against Evelen team, Darius then noted that his weapon was empty and take this time to reload. But something worse happened, three creatures more joint the hunt and the number of monsters was nearly the same as the one at the start of this fight, at least two monsters were hurt and will fall with another blow

Celesta stay sleep
Horses 0 ap
Doors opened: 1 turns to close
Monsters who climb over the carriage and close Evelen
Tentacle monster: 1/4
monsters behind 18/20
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to stab at the tentacle beast, but unfortunately failed to hit. Teresa wasn't so unskilled, however, and chopped off a couple of tentacles. Quickly Evelen stabbed at it again, trying to finish it off and close the door quickly. She thought the carriage ought to slow down just a tiny bit as it rounded the upcoming corner, not wanting one of the others thrown off into the mass of monsters.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen, let me this and close the door quickly, we dont have time order Teresa as she swing her sword to take the life of the creature who fall apart lifeless on the road, then both closed the doors not before order to the driver to reduce the speed, unfortunately the creatres hit the car and some of the pheromones reached the armored horses, at least the driver still have full control of them, even when they beging to make strange sounds as they shake their heads maybe trying to mantain the control on their work.


Meanwhile Suzanne was ready to shoot when Darius noted the carriage getting close the curve, he acted in the instant and hug the little girl with a hand as he take a carriage iron tube kyaa...* a little scream left the surprised Suzanne as the carriage move toward the long sharp curve, the car nearly stay in two wires as it move in the road like cave who has the size enought to let pass a carriage 8 times its size. There in the most wide part a strange creature was on the ceiling of the cave, completely black with dozens of limbs and tentacles hanging everywhere as if was a mass of many humanoid creatures, the creature suddenly make appear a huge eye and saw the carriage pass below it and then with a bizzare laught make appear a giant mouth from where hundred of strange creatures of three feets of large start the fly toward the car guided by a incredibly fast humanoid faceless monster who sorpresely pass the carriage and dissapear in the distance.

What the hell is that thing!!? This is not good whe must move faster or these things will catch us!!! Said the experience mercenary as he try to think in something to do to save all. Sudenly a light surrounded the car and many of the flying creatures die as they touch the light shield, the remain just shout , as they beging to follow the humanoid monster who was now far away. The shield dissapear moments later and just then Evelen noted that two insect tentacle creatures had used the slow speed of the carriage to climb on it, if they dont are taken away they will maybe cause more troubles to the whole party

Celesta stay sleep
Horses 2 ap
Doors closed: slow speed
Monsters who climb over the carriage and close Evelen
Insect T. monster: 2
monsters behind 18/20
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa quickly slashed the tentacle monster to pieces, and then the two of them quickly closed the carriage doors. Of course, the slowed down carriage allowed the monsters to catch up with them somewhat, and the horses to get aroused as the pheromones seeped out into the outside. It paid off when they went around the curve, however, as Darius barely managed to keep Suzanne from falling off into the mass of monsters. Even more of the beasts came out and almost caught up to them, but a strange magical shield held them back for a while. Evelen tried to get the carriage to speed up, wanting to put some distance between them and the monsters before perhaps getting up onto the roof of the carriage.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The horses creatures incresed the speed, as the driver easily move throught the dark cave filled with meaty walls and tentacles sprouting frecuently from the rocks as the carriage pass. With dificulty both range warrior manage to make fall 2 of the beasts, maybe killing one of them, Meanwhile Evelen tried to get over the ceiling, but she should defeat the creatures outside first or see how their transport get destroyed from the inside.

Just then a monster wrap Evelen arm and tried to take her out, only the over worked senses of Teresa acted at time and bring her out of danger, as Suzanne and Darius put their focus on clean the car of the monsters and with their presision they were able to clean all the beasts in an instant. Now with the pass free Evelen managed to get up, not before note that a last creature remain crawling toward the carriage ceiling, meanwhile the remain monsters were getting more behind, but then another curve was getting close, this could be dangerous with three peoples over the car.

All the same, except that Teresa cant attack, as she helped Evelen to dont fall and now the doors are closed.

3 turns to reduce the speed
1 monster over carriage
12 monsters
Evelen received 1 damage without pleasure damage
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen tried to get up to the roof of the carriage to protect the others, a monster grabbed her and tried to pull her off, and for a moment she flailed until Teresa helped her, while the others helped to clear her path a bit. She scrambled up onto the roof, taking a defensive stance and getting low to the ground as she shouted out for the carriage to slow down a little bit around the curve, and then speed up again once they had passed it. "Hold on guys, this might get rough."