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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The Matriarch just turn to other side, her blindfold was getting wet with her tears You will regret your choice, but fine go there, i cant stop you, like i was unable to do it with many others

Celesta tried to just turn to Evelen after sigh, anyway they dont have the choice to just wait Well, i dont get too much attention like you or Suzanne, maybe because im just a plantgirl, not like i had saw others like me, but there were many others different plant humanoids.

We could go where was the Great Matriarch or just check around the ruins, with the matriarch orders we could be safe or we could look for Zunasse too.

Wait Aunt Celesta, Suzanne should go too, she is the only one who can talk with them or read.

Heh, No! Sorry dear, but you must stay in a safe place. Maybe both could practice some magic tricks, as i go to check around.

But, the arena is not so far of here, Why dont we found someone to ask help to the warriors

The girls taking care of us will return in 3 hours with food, maybe we could wait for them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"We could go look for Zunasse, she might have something for us to do. And wasn't she with the Great Matriarch? We could maybe see her too, but I don't know what I'd say to her" Evelen said, giving her opinion on what they should do. "No, Suzanne, you should stay here. Even getting to the arena has been... dangerous... at times. Maybe the matriarch can help you with magic a little bit while you wait. And we'll probably be back in a few hours or less for food" she replied to her daughter, patting her on the head.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

True, we dont have too much to ask her. Maybe she know a lot about the story of this town or about the temple, but the most important topic is about a way to stop Suzanne of get in heat. Said the plant girl, before walk toward her sister. Big Sis. Hey wake up!

Im awake, just let me rest a little more. At least if i stay here, i dont have to see that pandemonium.

Overacting again? Fine, just give me your dress, Evelen need it or someone could rape her

Teresa groan and undress herself still covered by the monster fur. Fine i will protect our little one, at least the Matriarch is blinded, so i dont need to be dressed

Yes, Mama. Suzanne will wait here Her little girl said as she nod and stay with her mother until both women leave.

Evelen and Celesta walked toward the place and then before reach the place, Celesta ask Do you know what is in the basement? Maybe we should check there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, all the knowledge in the world won't help us if Suzanne can't control herself" Evelen replied, nodding. She then took Teresa's outfit and put it on, saying "I hope nothing too bad happened to mine. It didn't make sense to wear it while fighting, so I took it off, but I wasn't exactly in great shape when I left, so I wasn't thinking about it."

Once she and Celesta had gone out, the plant girl asked about the basement. "I don't remember what was in the basement, if they've even told me. I don't think I want to find out right now, though. Who knows what they keep in a place like this? I'd rather we just checked with the Grand Matriarch and asked her where Zunasse went if she isn't there" she replied, not keen on exploring right now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta frown with her sister answer You too? Teresa also avoid the basement when we were exploring this place, i was expecting than you were a little more carefree. Hmm... it should be the maternity, soon you will just desire to stay in a bored peacefull town, taking care of your home and family. Ohhh... what happened with your ass? i was sure than you were not so hot from behind Celesta tried to said it playfully, but maybe she was not making it right.

The two girls walked for a time, Evelen feel a little unprotected, as they get close to where was the last time the Great Matriarch, as she remember the male guards who protect the door. Could she pass without call their attention, could they be able to talk with them?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I know, I'm only 19 and I'm already an old fogey" Evelen said jokingly, though it wasn't too much of a joke. "Maybe if we were back at the mansion, I just don't feel safe in this place at all." When Celesta mentioned her ass, the speargirl reached back and grabbed it gently, trying to gauge if it really was bigger. "I think when they turned me to stone they broke my ass, and put it back together bigger than it was" she said, mildly annoyed for some reason. She hadn't minded her butt before, and didn't think it had needed fixing. As they walked she remembered that the Grand Matriarch was protected by male guards, and wondered if they would let them pass... She hoped that the clothing would get them by, and if not that the guards would accept to let them go with something minor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta was really taking this chance to giggle of her youngest sister. Amazing, so they can change your body with that little trick, maybe you should be glad than they tried their best to recreate your rear, or would you had prefer to dont have something there. Celesta give a little soft slap to Evelen's right lower cheek and then continue It just have a better shape and is a little more juicy, dont need to worry to much. Evelen then checked it with her own hands and notice than she have a size or middle one rear size, maybe nearly have it as a heart shape. You know, maybe you could ask them to change it to try to have it like before, but i doubt than someone of them had saw it right, with all what you have in front, if you want to turn into a stone statue again, of course.

Then they notice the two guards and the plant girl turn to her Dont worry we have the order from the matriarch and if that is not enough, i have a little special move to take care of them, just follow my orders.

Just as expected, the two guards look them ready to jump to them, even when they have the virgin outfits and the order, I dunno why but it looks like they will only let us get inside if they use us. Said with a wink Celesta after both notice the hard ones of both and storing their weapons in their backs. Fine, use your outfit to blind their eyes and then pleasure him, as i take care of their personal lower weapons. Celesta looks really confident of her secret move, she provocatively bounce her hips and slowly moves to one of them, taking out her top and hide her eyes to then point to him and put slowly the blindfolded close his face as she licks and kiss his though chest. The halfmonster, a dragon one, just grind and let her blind him as he steal a kiss from her, she touch his strong arms and pull him slowly to the floor, trying to maintain the control of all and fortunately the guard accept her guide and rest on the floor.

C'mon do the same Evelen. And dont get scared, you dont have any chance to get pregnant
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen let out a slight yelp when Celesta swatted at her backside, and as she groped herself she could tell that it had definitely gotten a little bit bigger and more round. She sighed, still not particularly enamored with it, but she supposed it wasn't too bad. Maybe she would get a little more attention from people who liked asses now, after all. "I think I'll be okay. I'd rather not be turned to stone again, anyway, it was more than a little scary at the time" she said, shrugging off her concerns. When the plantgirl told her that she had a "special move" to get past the guards she raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it.

Sure enough, the guards wouldn't let them pass despite their clothing and the Grand Matriarch's orders. This was really starting to piss Evelen off; these people didn't follow their own rules, not even close, and the only thing they ever seemed to do was sex. She was a slut, that much she couldn't dispute, but it wasn't the only thing on her mind, especially when it could jeopardize her other goals. Still, she watched as Celesta stripped off her bra and tied it around the dragon's eyes, using it as a blindfold as she kissed him and then gently pulled him to the ground. Evelen saw the game then, and slowly stripped off her own bra as she looked at the guard she would have to deal with.

He was a rather large man, with six arms down the side of his body, and from the look of things he had a rather large cock. She had some idea how to take care of him, though, and she moved forward, giving the man a kiss and blindfolding him. Gently but with a measure of firmness she pushed him onto the ground, continuing to kiss him as she slid down until she could feel his impressive member resting against her butt. She quickly trapped it between her thighs and began to stroke. She would continue to make out with the guard, her hands rubbing his strong chest as she used her thighs to get him off, likely all over her back.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The powerfull male just made a little serious smile, as he was treated like his partner for the voluptuos female human, at the start he remain calmed letting her do as she wish. His huge rod dont wasted too much time to grow by Evelen's soft touch, making her feel the warm rod pulsate each time more as the minutes passed, just then four of his huge hands started to caress her back and chest, there was not doubt than each of his fingers could be nearly used as normal dicks for Evelen, the difference of body sizes was really making her feel as a little girl or a sexdoll, easily she could be raped by this man without difficult. But there was not time to feel regrets of her choice, the last two hands were placed on her hips and soon she was used to stroke faster the large member, she nearly could do something in this moment, but if she try to fight back there was not doubt than she will be punished. These town laws looks to be only for foreigns and any woman, yet still these males looks to dont be worried to break them as their wish. Evelen feel him increase his trusts and breath faster, his climax was close and soon he send a load of cum over her back and rear, even her hair was drenched with some cum, but the male dont stop there and lift the girl at the air, her cunt was getting close the member and she was helpless, just then she feel something pressing her lower lips, but it was not warm and she notice slime on it, she turn and she was able to see the dick point disapear and appear in the air between thrusts, she was amazed by this strange miracle.

Suddenly she heard the dragon groan lowdly, her sight saw a huge amount of cum dissapear before touch her sister body, even when she looks to have the huge rod close her, like something invisible was between her and the meat rod. Celesta just perform as if she was cuming at the same time than his partner, no doubt than she was the one making this happen, but Evelen still need to make her move or they will be caught.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The half-monster's dick grew steadily between Evelen's thighs until it was truly massive, and she couldn't help but think that if he tried to put it in her he might rip her open. For a while he allowed her to go at her own pace, his enormous hands caressing her back and breasts, eliciting soft moans from her as small quantities of milk began to leak out, though the difference in size was starting to get to Evelen; this could turn ugly really quickly if the guard decided he wanted more than just being rubbed between her thighs... Soon enough he used his remaining two hands to grab her hips and begin to essentially masturbate using her body, stroking himself faster and faster between her thighs. She didn't really mind this so much; as long as he didn't try to impregnate her or do serious damage she wasn't all that concerned. With a grunt he came, and she felt hot cum spurt onto her back, her butt, and even into her hair.

She thought that he would be satisfied there, but she was quite wrong. Immediately afterwards he picked her up, and lifted her into the air over his member. Before she could even protest, though, she felt something pushing into her, something that definitely wasn't his cock... Looking down she could see that the half-monster's dick was disappearing right in front of her as if it were going through a portal just before it reached her. Looking over she could see the same thing happening for Celesta, who was moaning for all the world as if she were cumming hard, and realized that it was the trick the plantgirl had had up her sleeve.

"H...hah... so big..." she groaned, playing along as best as she could. "P...please, harder... Fuck me like a ragdoll" she begged, though she could barely feel anything at all. She would continue to fake groans of pain and moans of pleasure, intensifying over time until she saw him orgasm, when she would fake her own climax with a loud cry and fake spasms.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)



Without know exactly what she tried to say and just understand her moans and groans, the large man intensify the speed of his moves, it was a fortune than Evelen was protected by the invisible slimy object, or she would be maybe dead now by the huge appendage, her pussy was getting pressed more each minute than passed, until suddenly it get a little inside of her honeyhole, giving her a little of pain mixed with pleasure. The piston had not mercy for her and as she increase her moans more powerful the halfhuman thrust on her until suddenly a groan from him make her notice than the time to moan loudly had appear.

The male creature cum with all his potency and Evelen would have fly away if she were not grappled by his powerful hands, a great cum load was starting to to leak between her legs and suddenly the strange force started to suck and make the guy cum and cum without stop, until the poor guard fall unconscious, Evelen turn to Celesta and she saw her sitting on the dragon guy belly How was? I learn it yesterday with the matriarch, but i cant use it until this thing get hungry again, so lets take care from now on..

Celesta take her top and dress herself again and wait for Evelen, before start to open the door. The place was empty and this looks to had been a time lost until suddenly they heard the Great Matriarch giggles from the left corridor, a male voice was talking with her and Evelen could understand some words, so he must be using her language, maybe the Great Matriarch will be not happy to be interrupted, but if they wait them until they end, maybe the two guards wake up and this could turn into a serious problem.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Whatever it was Celesta was doing to protect them, it was a blessing, because there was no way Evelen would have been able to take this half-monster's enormous cock otherwise. For a few minutes he fucked her relentlessly, her barely feeling a thing as she made noises of fake pain and pleasure, until finally some more of him got inside of her even with the portal, turning some of the cries real. Eventually he began to grunt and groan loudly, and she intensified her own moaning, yelling out loudly and writhing around intentionally as he came. She felt a strange force sucking on him, milking him of his vast amount of cum, even to the point that he lost consciousness. "Huh. That's a pretty nice trick. It may come in handy a lot around here. And elsewhere. I'm glad you ended up with that armor before we left the mansion" Evelen replied, getting up off the six-armed man and dressing herself again. They then opened the door to the Grand Matriarch's room, finding it empty, and Evelen was about to turn around and leave when she heard the matriarch and a male speaking with each other. While she didn't want to interrupt, she also didn't want to be outside when the guards awoke, and so she decided to go inside and close the door, but not to seek out the matriarch or impose.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The door lock was easy to place and after close the door both girls have the time to rest a little and try to heard the talk, Priscilla reach to heard how the Great Matriarch has accepted something from the mysteious man, she giggled and talk with a charmed tone.

Hmm... this could take a while, but at least we are safe now.

The plant girl sit on the stair and strech herself yawning, before focus herself again in the conversation, but it was a little boring, it looks like they will dont have sex and instead they will talk about the war. After many minutes passed, Evelen notice than they had finished and maybe the Great Matriarch could be free.

Lets go now, im really bored of been waiting and Teresa will get worried if we take toomuch time to return. said Celesta before get up and start to go to where is the Great matriarch. When both reach the room, Evelen only was able to see the woman resting in a luxury bed, maybe from the old realm or taken from foreign bussiness, there were many pillows and others three doors, there was not doubt than the Great Matriarch lives as an Empress, surrounding the bed was a purple curtain, letting both girls to see only the luscious woman nude body shape, a pair of wings make the curtains move a little by the wind of them, the smell of the place was filled with some perfume smells and a plate with fruits and meat was at the bed side

...Grettings! why i have this glad unexpected visit? both are welcome to sit and say me all your needs
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

For a while Evelen strained to hear the conversation the Grand Matriarch was having, though she soon learned that it was a very technical talk about the war against the monsters, which she had little hope of understanding without any context, so she began to tune it out. Finally the conversation was over, and she nodded to Celesta as the two of them headed to the Matriarch's room, which was filled with a huge luxurious bed surrounded by a purple curtain. Up close now, she could see that the matriarch had wings of some sort... "We were actually looking for Zunasse, hoping she had something for us to do for the next few hours until it's time to eat" she replied, giving a little bow to the woman. "Sorry if we're imposing on you with this random visit."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Dissapointed to heard than they dont need help, the Great matriarch rest her wings below her, as she turn to see both women. Zunasse dont live here, it could be more easy to find her in her tent or in the training grounds. How is she doing her job ? She said me than one of you have some kind of hormone problem and Zunasse was trying to give you a chance to talk with me Said, as her red eyes turn to see both girls, Evelen could feel how her whole skin shiver and make the human her turn her sight to the floor for an instant.

Well, maybe we could talk of that now than we are here, if you are not busy Said Celesta, as a little of sweat start to drip over her body. Dont worry little one, i always have time to heard the needs of the people and the rest of this day will be so boring than i was close to cancel all my meetings to just rest the whole day Said, as her body strech on the bed and she cuddle more in the pillows at her side, caressing softly her body with them.

Well... Our little girl is getting on heat for first time and she cant control her body, who produce a huge quantity of pheromones. Do you know a way to solve this problem?, we want to take her with us to the temple, but if she get on heat, we will be in problems

The Great Matriarch closed her eyes for a time and after a moment she turn her sight to the ceiling before answer. I will need to make a ritual to all of you, it could be a little painfull, but it will solve that problem for a time, maybe a little more than a week, come here the same day as we planned yesterday. Any other thing?

Evelen have now the chance to ask for more info about the temple, the legendary matriarch or any other thing, but maybe the woman dont know the answer.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I'm sorry, I don't know where her tent is, and I had heard that she was here at some point, so I thought I'd try looking here" Evelen replied, then letting Celesta explain Suzanne's problems. "Mmm, alright. We're already doing one ritual, so what's one more?" she said when the Matriarch had replied. "I was also wondering if you could tell us more about the temple we're going to be going to. Or perhaps about the legendary matriarchs that are similar to my daughter.Whichever you'd rather talk about, really."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Similar to your daughter!? In which way? Ask the woman confused by the question, as she had not heard about Suzanne and her strange powers.

Well... i had been trying to find slime girls or any other halfhuman with her problems and strange qualities. Not many half humans are great warriors and mages at the same time and usually they need more time to train themselves, but Suzanne has been really strong from the start and she dont looks to have a limit in her capacities if she continue training Celesta said resting over a cushion on the floor.

The Great Matriarch remain quiet and after a minute she sit on her bed, still hiding her body behind the purple curtain and looking to the front of the bed. The information about the first years of life from the first matriarch dont exist, she was already a completely mature woman, her body was of a special kind of slime and she usually just remain taking care of the pregnant females and taking care of their child's as his were her own child's, i dont remember any tale about she joining a battle against the creatures of the cave, it was like if they just tried to avoid her and then she just go away as she appear.

About the other one...hmm... The great Matriarch turn to one of the doors and then toward the ceiling, trying maybe to remember. I cant say too much of her, but at least i can give some advices of what could happen to your daughter if she really is like her. The most powerful halfhuman of this place was made of a strange liquid, it was not slime, cum , milk or water. She was just invincible, able to restore her body and dont feel any pain and her magic was beyond the level of any mage, maybe she is already dead.

I suppose than all the people who meet her in her childhood are now mind broken, but i reach to read about be able to control her body and turn in liquid as her will, maybe your daughter should train her natural skills, they could be useful in the future. Its all what i can say now, maybe i could try to find more about them, but its not needed, each of the named legendary creatures could be very different one of the other and we dont know if your daughter is really one of them, its too early to decide that.

The woman take a time to rest again on the bed, maybe not so interested to continue this chat. Abut the temple, many of our tribe went there before get prohibited, the few survivors who managed to return were women, they were close to turn into mindless breeders, but they manage to say something of the place, something about being cursed and turn the males into irrational monsters and the woman into objects of desire for the monsters inside it. Also the place has been getting corrupted as the time passed, maybe its now impossible to pass reach the deepest part of the temple, as the creature had invaded the place.

I dunno, but some soldiers said me than a woman manage to pass until the 3rd level of that place many years ago, some soldiers manage to recover her from some creatures and in her backpack she had many tips of that place. Inside the place looks to be a little fresh maze and then you must pass through the creature before get inside the real temple, take care you could get lost inside the deepest part of the creature and trust me, you will be doomed no matter how much Strong your team could be. Inside the temple were a bunch of trials, but her mind was nearly destroyed at that time to understand any of them.

Any other question or favor who any of you want to ask me? im a little tired after the orgy of the last night, but i can still resist a lot and as i said, i will just take the day to rest and read some things
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the Grand Matriarch's story about the legendary matriarchs and the temple quietly and intently. About the matriarchs she told her nothing that she didn't already know, really, as it was mostly common sense to train Suzanne's natural abilities. She had seen first-hand how powerful her little girl could be. The story about the temple was... distressing, to say the least. It painted a picture of a place that was oozing corruption, enough that it broke the minds of everyone who entered. Evelen began to doubt whether or not their mission was even possible. "That's... So just being there will make us insane? Is there no way to fight against that?" she asked, worried.

After any exchange that took place there she would say "I didn't really have anything else in mind to ask you for. Except maybe an escort out of here when we need to go eat. Other than that... Is there anything you want to talk about or do?" She felt like that conversation hadn't been one the Matriarch wanted to have, so she wanted to try and lift the woman's mood somehow.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Easily the Great Matriarch could feel how both girls were worried until the point of nearly avoid that place, who was fine but there was more to say about that place. Indeed, there is a way to reduce the effects of that place. First dont drink or eat anything of that place, the monsters are high corrupted with the monsters fluids, also their fluids are very addictive. We have some medicine than could restore your mind, but it have a limit and once your personality has been fully changed, there is not a way to make you return. Of course than the corruption will greatly increased if you get impregnate there, once the spell dissapear there will be low chances for all of you of escape and certainly without doubt if you succeed in leave you will be very affected

Finally, we are making some backpacks for all of you, once inside any cloth or usual material will get dissolved with the time, even the metal of your weapons. We could give you weapons made of bones and stone, these maybe could be more weak but they can resist anything or we could bless your weapons to increase their resistence, at leat they could resist two or three days before start to melt.

The woman then turn to Evelen after this ask her if she want to do something and at the instant th Great Matriarch giggled softly. Thanks sweety, but I have all what this place can offer and i dont want more sex until the night. However i will glad to heard more of your daughter, how is she? what she loves and hate? do you cook for her or teach her all what you know? please give me all the detaills of your relashionship with her. Said the Great Matriarch in a better mood, maybe learn something new was her hobby or she really have a great curiosity to know more of a named legendary creature.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen carefully took note of the things the Grand Matriarch instructed not to do while in the temple, or around it. At least it seemed that some corruption caused by the place could potentially be reversed, but only up to a certain point. It made her feel better about the idea of going there, but not too much. "Hm... Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to avoid eating the locals. And hopefully we'll be out of there in a day or two at most, and all this worry will be for nothing" she said, the last bit maybe less convincing than she had intended it to be.

When the Matriarch inquired about her daughter, she thought about her answer for a while. "My daughter is fine, normally. She seems to like learning, and making friends, and being around her aunts. My older sister does most of the cooking and... more lady-like things. I'm afraid I'm useless at that sort of thing. I teach her what I can with the spear, but that's not all that much either. Mostly I just do the best that I can. She's a good kid, though, and she doesn't ever really give me any trouble. At least, none that are her fault. Most of the problems we've had have come from her father, I guess you could say... Like this one now. Besides that, I don't really know what else to say. If you have any more specific question I can try to answer that" she said, shrugging her shoulders a little.