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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Really, you don’t?" Evelen asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. "What do you see, then? And it isn’t your fault, we were supposed to enter into this place anyway, we would have opened the door regardless. I imagine what happens happens to most everyone. This place is awful, though. Easily the worst place I’ve ever been." Teresa stayed there like that for a while, head pressed against her sister’s ample chest as she cried and tried to understand. She kept trying to touch whatever it was she was seeing on Evelen, and in a weird way it looked like she really was touching something… Karn was silent, just watching the scene and letting the brunette handle things until Teresa helped her up off the ground and picked up her sword again. "Let me go check this guy on the ground before we try to move on" Evelen said quietly, moving towards him or her carefully to see if they were alive.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Monsters mostly...some of them try to provoke me Answer Teresa looking ready to hit another crystal, yet she stop and just sigh. Even then we should had never bring her here, this is not a place for our Pure Sweet Suzanne. Teresa follow Evelen toward where the soldier remain on the floor, the blood on the floor and the others dead soldiers give low chances than this remain alive.

Evelen get closer and tried to check if the soldier is still alive, after a while she notice some low vital signals, pressing her fingers on the fallen human, she remove the helmet to reveal than she was a young woman, black long hair tied in a formal fashion, Evelen soon tried to take away her armor to heal her wounds as best than she could, there was a long red mark on her body and her armor has received a long slice, even with her luck she could die without a light treatment, the brunette can see a young body starting to form some luscious curves behind her oficer blue clothes, with an average breast size and soft skin for a soldier, this girl must be nearly the age than Suzanne looks, maybe 15 or 16 yet she could be even older. Evelen must decide what to do now, she could waste some time healing her but it could be lower if she find a best place to rest and Teresa still could get worse.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Those aren’t monsters" Evelen said quietly as she walked over to the soldier, "they’re crystals that give off light. Breaking them is making it harder for all of us to see." By the time she had gotten to the soldier she could see that there were other dead soldiers and blood covering the floor, and it didn’t look good. "I think Suzanne can handle herself, though, and we probably wouldn’t have gotten even this far without her." The soldier still had a pulse, though, and was still breathing, so the brunette took off its helmet… to reveal that it was a young woman. Taking off her armor revealed very serious wounds which Evelen might have been able to heal, but still had a high chance of being fatal regardless. Worse, the girl was just about Suzanne’s age, if that, and she was sure that Teresa had done this thinking that they were monsters. Even if she could help the girl, she couldn’t, because she couldn’t let her older sister learn what she had done. Her gaze shifted to trying to find weapons, and then she said "alright, let’s get out of here. Karn, which way do you think we ought to go? Teresa, where have you already been in your search?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

But some of them attack me... are you sure than you arent affected by that called mist too? Teresa answer wonder why Evelen was checking that monster on the floor. Take care that creature could still be alive Teresa add wondering if she should continue fighting with the monster who has come with who she expect is Evelen.

Karn was not sure than he should talk, but he just hope than Teresa dont try to hurt him now. We could continue this path if you want, the last time i was moving from some stairs and then see the last room from where we were some moments ago, but it had passed some time from that. Between this talk Evelen found an axe from the girl on the floor, close was also a very damaged shield, a pair of little worms start to get out of the floor and start getting close the shatered pieces, looking as if they were starting to eat the remains of the damaged iron.

The blonde girl frown and turn to Karn but Evelen question make her get focused in something else. Well i dont know exactly, i just was looking without stop for any of you and killing any creature in my way.

The three moved to where Evelen choice as they really were completely missed and wthout any clue of where Celesta or Suzanne are, but at least Evelen can have an idea from where Teresa come if she follow the wounds on the corridors. Just when they were leaving, the girl on the floor groaned and cought some blood. She is alive? Karn add and Teresa turn ready to end the life of what she expect is a monster
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"None of them have attacked me yet, I haven’t even seen one move even" Evelen replied, and then sighed a little bit at what Teresa said, but didn’t reply. Instead she picked up the wounded girl’s axe, thinking it a better weapon than the little knife she had picked up for when her bullets ran out. She took note of what Karn said about the direction they were going, and began to ponder that a bit as she got up. She thought it would probably be best not to just retrace his steps, nor Teresa’s, as neither had found the others yet. Or whatever else it was they were looking for, really. So maybe it would be better to try another path. "Well, we can probably figure out where you’ve been by the signs of battle, Teresa" she replied quietly.

After that they began to walk along the path through the dead soldiers, but just before they could have gotten out the young girl let out a groan and coughed up some blood, showing signs of life. Karn was surprised, and Teresa turned and raised her sword as if to put an end to what she saw as a monster. Evelen’s heart was heavy, more so than normal at these decisions. This girl didn’t look like she was in absolutely terrible shape, though coughing up blood generally meant an internal injury of some kind. Did it? She thought she had heard so on TV. Just how true to life were those stupid police procedurals she sometimes watched, anyway? Whatever the case, she had recognized the armor and uniform, if not the girl; it was from the Dragan Academy. The brunette hated to leave her there to die, but she also hated very much the idea of letting Teresa know that she had been slaughtering not just humans, but members of the Dragan faction. It was a pretty tough decision to make. "Yes, she’s alive" she said quietly, "and if any of us knows first aid she didn’t look mortally wounded, either… Teresa, please don’t freak out, but that isn’t a monster either. She was mixed in with monsters." She would try to lie her way into getting her sister to believe that at least the rest of those dead soldiers were monsters, anyway.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I preffer to destroy them than wait to know if they are real or not. Answer Teresa to Evelen dont feeling bad of what she has done, as it has been in self defense, but even then she cant stop of feel ashamed after heard than her path is easily noticed thanks to all the destruction behind her. Once the three started to walk they notice than the girl could be alive, so Karn started to turn back, yet then Teresa nearly was close to feel really bad if Evelen havent said than the girl will be fine, even when really the poor girl would need some healing skills to escape from the dead. Is she really fine?... it was not my intention... but im glad than no one of the others was a human, maybe she was escaping from them... Teresa said trying to calm herself yet she really wonder if she has killed anyone before reach this place, the only image of herself hurting any of her family or any other person was enough to stay pensative all the time. Let me carry her, is the last than i could do after that terrible mistake.

Maybe should be me who carry her, who know how she could react after wake up. replied Karn still exhausted after the fght.

Once they continue their path no matter who finally take her, the group continued for a while through the crystal path, neither Teresa or Karn know more than Evelen about first aids, so their unique chance is find something to heal her or any healer traped here. Finally they reach the end of the tunnel, there was a broken door and a dark room and in front some stairs going up.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen shrugged a little bit. If she were seeing the crystals as monsters she would probably be acting the same way, really. She probably would have killed all of these soldiers as well, assuming she were capable. As for this girl… "Yeah, I think she’ll be fine. I can patch her up for now, and when we find Suzanne she can heal her up good as new. You couldn’t have known anyway, she looked like a monster to you and she was mixed in with all these monsters. She probably was running" she replied, kneeling down to check on the girl. She was no surgeon, so any internal damage would be beyond her ability to deal with, but she could stop the external bleeding just fine. She used the knife she had taken to cut the girl’s uniform into strips, using them for makeshift bandages and binding the girl’s wound tightly, applying firm pressure to ensure the bleeding stopped.

"Teresa should be the one to carry her" Evelen interjected into their dispute, "you’re still tired from the fight, and you need a rest. Maybe you can switch off later." Once Teresa had picked up the girl they began to move on down the crystal path, until finding the end of the tunnel. There was a broken door and a dark room ahead, and off to the side a stairwell up. "Up seems to make more sense, and I’d rather not wander around in the dark if I can help it. Let’s go up the stairs" the brunette said after a brief pause, heading that way.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The true is than i still see a lot of monsters. Teresa answer as she start to carry the young warrior, her eyes look her for a moment as if she tried to see thrugh the possible illusion even using her hands to stroke her eyelids without any result. Karn accept to let Teresa take care of the woman, for him it was just an attaempt to avoid any possible problem when the girl wake up if she manage to do it.

They soon found themselves needing to choice one of the two paths, for both blonde warriors choice one from them was not important and more likely there was not so much chances than Suzanne would be in that room.

They go to the next floor, there they find themselves in what looks to be a fine room, crystals mirrors, female crystals figures of human size, fornitude of the same purple material, the place looks to be really luxury yet the figures and dark grow maintain a lust and evil feeling, there was also a bed and two doors one big one and other of a shinning crystal color, as also a closet betwwen two of the human like figures.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The stairs didn’t go terribly far up, and soon Evelen, Karn, and Teresa found themselves in a beautiful, luxurious room. There were crystal statues of life-size human women, furniture made out of purple material that looked like crystal, and with a number of mirrors. There was also a bed and a closet, and two doors, one that was large and another made of shining crystal. "Hmm… Teresa, lay the girl down for a moment and let’s check this place out" the brunette said, wanting to see if there was anything in that closet. Of course, there was a dark, evil feeling in the room, especially with the dim glow of the crystals, but that was more or less the entire temple. "Karn, check out that closet. The two of us will cover you" she continued, eyeing the statues with her gun in hand. She didn’t like the look of them, and anything could have been in that closet.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa place the girl on the bed with care of not disturb her sleep, the blankets on the bed are warm Teresa said touching them a little before leave the bed. Soon she join and prepared her bloody weapon, having conflicts of how act once the closet get opened. Aiming both of girls at his back Karn sigh and prepare to open the closet, maybe thinking in roll away once it get open and a posible monster try to attack him. His strong arms make the attempt but the doors were heavily secured, so strong than easily he supposed than it had magic in it.

There was not time to be thinking on that as the room started to get dark and shinning in a violet color. Phantom like hands started to rise fro the floor trying to capture each of them, Evelen shoot at her floors and persuate them to get away, as the two others warriors in the last second dodge them moving away or slicing them. The girl on the bed started to whimper and breath hard between dreams, as the hands recovered theirs forms and 4 spirit girls get from the floor and mirrors. Each different but with the same lust face and maid head accesory, two of them have cleaning tools like mops on theirs hands, licking theirs lips they start to surround them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen watched as Teresa put the girl on the bed carefully, seemingly spending more time than she needed to rubbing the sheets. That was a little bit weird, but whatever. She hadn’t really meant to have her sister put the girl on the bed, thinking it might have been trapped. Either way, the two of them quickly prepared themselves to back Karn up as he moved to open the closet door. After several attempts it wouldn’t budge, though, apparently kept closed by magic… in a moment the room began to get dark, the dim light becoming more purple, and ghostly hands began to rise from the floor. The brunette shot at the floor, forcing them away from her, and the other two had similar success. The girl, of course, was surrounded by four spirits, each with lustful faces and maid headgear, some of them with what looked like mops. Not wanting to hurt the girl unintentionally, Evelen put away her gun and began to use the axe she had picked up from the academy student, rushing at the ghosts to attempt to slash at them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The axe soon pass through the phantom maid, making her turn into a white cloud before start to recover again.

...Bad maid...
... Mistress will punish you for being a sneaky thief...

...Weapons arent allowed~...

the nude women start to moan and giggle between words, but they just looks to be also annoyed as Karn and Teresa manage to take them away, yet they looks to be right after being sliced. Meanwhile the young wounded warrior start to move weakly bellow over the blanked, as she is now covered by this one maybe by her own moves.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen’s blow sliced right through the ghostly maid, causing her to dissipate into a white cloud briefly before reforming, taunting the brunette and giggling despite the looks of annoyance on their faces. Karn and Teresa were also keeping them at bay, for the moment at least, and the weakened academy girl seemed to have moved beneath the blankets somehow. "Shut up and leave us alone, we’re just passing through" Evelen replied, "we wouldn’t be using weapons if you weren’t attacking us!" she then swung the axe at the phantoms again, hoping to scatter and disperse them at least a little bit.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The espectral maid roll her eyes as she dodge the next attack from Evelen just floating to a side in a fast motion.

Attacking you? Oh dear we arent monsters, but i could make you feel really good if you swing that thing again~

Adventures, soldiers, explorers, all are the same!

Yes! They are just taking what not belongs to them and for what? after lost theirs minds we waste our time to recover what they steal

We should broke them here so make things faster

But Mistress love to do it for herself and maybe we could earn another friend, she even is dressed for the job~

The spirits started to talk and decide the fate of the three warriors, as Teresa and Karn turn them in mist before they return to theirs usual shape, each time they were more angry and less lusty.

I dont want them to just walk around, monster cum is so yummy but be cleaning as these broken humans walk is frustrating.

What is your problem? Cum is the best and is so funny how they get broken

[COLOR="dark red"]We must punish them for try to open the closet! Also they starting this trying to hit us when we wanted to stop them! >:eek:[/COLOR]

Well, we could curse them too, Mistress will not get angry. Or you could make a little work to see if you suit us in case than you fail. What do you said Roockie? if you accept we could hep you? or we could continue this fight in both ways we will gonna win~

Yaaaay! a game, i want to see them fail.

it could be a good change instead of prepare them for their doom.

All of you are boring, i could fuck them baddly myself

Teresa was close to attack them again, yet she stop when she heard human voices, Karn just prepare himself to continue fighting until find a way to solve this. At the other side of the room, the bed started to move a little, as the academy student get completely under the blanket, she groan and whimper until Evelen was unable to see her face thanks to be completely hidden.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned as the ghostly maid dodged to one side and easily avoided her attack. She didn’t know if it was because she had no skill with the axe, or if the ghost was just that fast, and she suspected from the way Karn and Teresa kept hitting them only for the phantoms to reform that killing them through physical means wasn’t really an option. All of the spectral maids then began to have a conversation with one another, as if the three weren’t really there, about their fate, before finally offering the brunette a deal; to play a little game with them, and if she won they would help, if they lost, something else… "I’d prefer if you left us alone and allowed us to get out of this room. If that’s not possible, explain to me what the game would consist of before I agree to play" she replied, still holding her axe warily.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh dear, we cant leave you walking around making a mess in the Mistress guests rooms, so is fight or the games. The ghost smile and turn to her followers. So what kind of game should be?

Lets see who resist more monsters.

Nah that is not so funy, how about if they clean something?

Bondage games "smirks"

Bondage sound fun, but maybe the rookie will not accept...sigh fine we will let you choice between three bondage games or 5 trials, the lasts ones will be not so hard but if you lose three you will suffer a bigger punishment. Also the blonde girl need to play too.

The bondage games are a secret, but i can give you clues of the two first easy games, the first is cooking related and the second is cleaning related.

Teresa looks with a frown when the strange humanoids start to talk about her. Oh cooking and cleaning, im good in that. Evelen they talk so normaly, are they some kind of monster girls or just maids? The big sister add still afected by the curse in her senses, she was worried of hurt another inocent and after been at the Dragan mansion she feel a lot of respect for the maids no matter if they are half monsters or even demons.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the ghostly maids with a twitching eye, annoyed at the casual way they were discussing what the game she would have to complete would be. Bondage games seemed to be the most popular choice, and though it sounded like something she would absolutely love if she were back in the Dragan mansion, it didn’t sound good for here. The other choice was 5 trials, two of which involved cooking and cleaning, though the other three weren't explained, and failing three trials would result in punishment. Worst of all, they said that Teresa would have to take part too. She didn’t seem to mind, perhaps because she didn’t understand that the cooking and cleaning the phantom mentioned would likely be done during bondage. "They’re ghosts, Teresa" the brunette said flatly before turning to the maids. "Bondage games sounds possible. I'd probably prefer the trials though... however, if you want my sister to participate too, here are the conditions. As you tell us what the trials are, we'll decide between us who attempts to complete what. The two of us won't be doing the same trials. Is that acceptable?"
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The silver maid frown snd turn to the others, two of the maids shaked theirs heads and the last one just shrough. Is a very big advantage and we already are giving you a big chance to pass even when we should just take care of all after your attempt of try to open the closet. The maid answer a little pissed as she looks to want to start this quickly as also the others.

We could accept in part that. look, we give them a brief description of the game then both must decide who should play, but the two should at least play two times. The blue haired one who just shrug add not caring at all to give them a chance

But i want to see tham play at the same time!!! The childrish brown maid ghost said.

I was thinking in only punish the maid rookie if she fail three times, but with that change the two will be in risk. The red head said

Fine you can choice between that or let her act in each game like a helper if you accept you will be the only one who will suffer if you lost, but remember than she must participate in each one in the second choice.

dont read after decide
After decide, the maid say her than the first trial will be cooking something, they guide them for a moment through the big door and then the corridor who as a laberynth take them to a storage and close a kitchen, both were big and many strange smells come from everywhere, in the cooking desk were 5 dishes placed face down, if Evelen choice was the first one, she should choice one and hidden that dish she will find a recipe (or Teresa will choice if she is playing this one), then she will have to look for the ingredients and cook it in the time than the recipe say her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the maids debating again for a while, before they began to address her. "Hmmm… so, if I agree to do all of the trials, with my sister only providing assistance, I’ll be the only one at risk of punishment if I fail? How much assistance is she allowed to give me? Because this seems like the option I’ll want to take" she replied, more or less accepting that arrangement for the trials. Hopefully Teresa would be able to help her enough on the cooking and cleaning trials that she would pass them, and the other trials would be in line with her skillset. She and hers followed the ghostly maids through the big door and down a corridor into a storage room and kitchen. Both rooms were huge, and there were strange smells coming from more or less everywhere.

There were five dishes face down on a stove, and Evelen was to choose one of them, which would contain a recipe, and find the ingredients and make it within a time limit. It seemed difficult, but she wouldn’t be doing it alone, at least. "Alright Teresa, you’ll be helping me find the ingredients I need, and then I’ll probably need some advice on how to cook it all up. It shouldn’t be too hard, with you here to help me" the brunette said, moving to pick the third dish if everything was agreed upon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The phantom finaly looks to enjoy in part Evelen's answers, after heard than she likes the idea of the trial and accepted without complain too much. Sure, we just want to test you rookie and if we got some fun in the process then all will be fine. About what the blonde can or must do depend of each trial.

The others spirits start to leave, some looks exited others just leave quickly through the walls and floors, but even then the silver one stay close Evelen and Teresa.

Dont worry for me Evelen, we can do this easily after all what we had passed, also we must do it as fast as possible so we can find the rest of our family. Teresa finally answer, she looks exited about these kind of trials, maybe thinking than these would be just maid works and even if they were a little naughty she maybe could endure them after had walked naked in a meat narrow tunnel infested with monsters.

we will be waiting here, dont worry i will stay ready in case of any attack said Karn as he get close the door before the maid say him than until that place he could walk and then shut closed the big luxury door.


Inside the Kitchen all looks to be ready and in order, so clean than this looks like a mansion who could match the Dragan house one, yet the place had many strange shapes as if it were of a different culture lost in the pass of the ages, there was not much steel objects and Evelen could see more likely crystal, stone and clay cooking tools, not a single wood one except for some really old ones inside a crystal drawer who looks to dont have a way of open. The plates than she must choice were of silver and gols, maybe there could be others in a safe place.

Evelen reveal her recipe and notice a strange note made of an unknown material very soft yet resistent to be paper.

She draw a Difficulty 4 star recipe

there were some ingredients writed than Evelen dont understand and others than she guess were odd for a recipe
Jar no 45
just made Cumbread
Milky heart spores a spoon
Meat package 1025
mushroom salad DLX3
fresh Sex juices 300ml

the recipe looks to have others ingredients and some instructions of how do it, yet for what it looks Evelen would need more than just follow the steps than the note have. Teresa take the note and frown pressing her free hand and turning to the phantom maid with a dissapointed look.

Just then the red and brunette childrish phantom maid returned.with a bag and a silver chest.

Ok these are the rest of the rules, first no weapons at least in this trial until you start one where you really need them, please store them in the chest, then please use these accesories and the blonde must wear an uniform too, we dont want than anyone else see than someone filled in blood is cooking and walking around these cleaned rooms, please be hygienic. The bag looks to have the green white uniform than Evelen dont take and others two, as also maid accesories than looks like the spirits are waiting than Evelen wear, as she only have the maid dress.

Im against this recipe, it dont have all the info, how Evelen can make this named cumbread if there dont have any step for doing it and some of the ingredients dont have the exact quantity. Exactly why someone would cook something like this, the ingredients names sound like the dish will taste so bad and salty.

Its not our fault than the rookie choice the second worse, at least she dont choice the five star recipe, doubt than someone could make it right even with the complete steps and ingredients, but at least she have you so you could guide her this time and help her to get the ingredients "grind"

Teresa was not pleased with the answer yet she looks stil confident than both could end this before the time end, she undress herself quickly to dont lost more time hidden behind some fornitude yet the childrish one appearded and make her yelp by surprise when the phantom go through the wall and tried to give her a fright. Leave me alone, just give me 2 privacy minutes!!

Dont shout please the young phantom said as she leave Teresa dress herself with a classic yet sexy maid outfit, it looks to be modified in some way to make the wearer show her body but in a discrete way, a dark white dress with many little discrete decorations, silk gloves and thights yet not underwear what dont was well received by Teresa, black high heels, she place an apron and maid hat, tied her long hair and give her dragon made sword yet she just smile turning to a pair of big knifes at the other side of the room.

Ok, Lets start this. Evelen we must first look for the ingredients and start making that named cumbread, i can help you looking for them and then say you step by step what you should do. Can i cook too? she said turning to the phantom, sure but i would start looking for all and preparing this in team or this will be not at time.

Good, Evelen we must start now what do you want to do? i say than i cook this and you look for the ingredients then when all are ready we cook together, is that fine with you? Teresa was starting to take the lead in this and maybe will e her than would make all the hard job, but they only have an hour to make this and the place is so huge than look for the ingredients will take them a long time.

search for igredients (choice 3)
help cooking
find a way of get fresh cum, milk and sex juices.