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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Huh, is that so." Maya replies, still standing there a little uncertain of what she was doing now, having just made a show of things. Both enjoying the attention to a degree, but also somewhat unaccustomed to receiving it in this way. "Just lousy lizards just running in, killing and kidnapping people..." she mutters out loud, scowling just a little, looking in the direction of the bloodied bodies again. "We're gonna get the rest of them too right?" She asks the aproned man, almost as if asking him for permission, before looking to Tomoe and the other entering the building and wondering what was being said over there. "They got away with all those women..."
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Letting Maya handle the talking, Tomoe keeps her attention on the wrecked house, still not sure if the creature might leap out at them. She goes after the cloaked woman, who clearly was a mage of some sort, entering the building with her

Inside the building, Tomoe can see the creature is now a broken mess. She's never seen anything like this thing before, so she carefully scans the thing's form with her gaze. As the other woman starts to question it, Tomoe stays near her, keeping Kuchinawa on hand if the creature tried to pull out any tricks on them. Suddenly hearing the woman ask about better places to get women from, Tomoe gets wary of the mage again, still not sure about her nature and role in this whole ordeal
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 67/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

(It's unconscious, has a shattered leg, and multiple stab wounds after being thrown through a wall by a stone giant. How much more do I have to do to it until you'll believe that it's crippled? :p )

The creature gave a hacking cough as Phyrra knelt next to it, and opened a pair of black reptilian eyes to gaze at her and Tomoe. When she finished speaking, it replied in the same tone it had spoken with before, one of a superior speaking to an inferior, despite the fact that its body was broken; "We are the Vanguard of the Ones Who Will Consume All! *cough* We take our prey where we *cough* see fit! Even now ou*cough*r masters feast upon your holy places and your masters, consuming your strength before they take all that you are! You cannot *cough* resist! We *cough cough* are but a taste of what is to *cough* come! *cough cough cough* You... Have... Sealed... Your.... Fate...... Hell....Spawn!!!" After that, the creature laid its head down, continuing to cough uncontrollably as a pool of brownish-green blood formed underneath it. It wasn't dead, but it didn't seem like the creature was a threat to them any more.

The man, Roland, looked at Maya strangely for a second, and then said; "Well... Yes..... We will...." Maya could barely make out what the injured creature said, though she clearly heard the last part, which the creature had shouted with all of the breath that it could muster. Many people of the villagers looked uncomfortable, though if Phyrra had been looking, she would have seen that many of those that looked the most distressed were those that knew her secret. "Hell spawn!? Is that what you are... Why you appear so strange.... And have such power!?" Roland shouted at Maya, thinking that the monster had meant the shout at her, the odder of the two who had entered their village that day. Some of the villagers looked relieved after he spoke, which struck Maya as very odd.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra sighed as she heard Roland's outburst. It may be time for her to reveal the truth to the rest of the villagers, but Phyrra hoped to put that off for as long as possible, but she didn't want this girl to be accused of being on of her kind either. Standing up, she stopped as she walked by Tomoe, turning to address the girl. "If you have no other questions for it, I would suggest putting it out of its misery. I'm afraid it will bring others if it's left alive."

Walking past Tomoe, Phyrra left the building and moved over to the catgirl. "Please leave this to me." She said softly, hopefully enough that only Maya would hear, and then stepped forward to address the crowd. "Would you condemn a child for her parent's sins? Whatever her heritage is, I think that what is even more important were her actions here today. Demonspawn or not, don't you think she should be judged on her actions and not the blood in her veins?" Phyrra realized she was going in circles, but she knew she wasn't a particularly good public speaker, especially where she was the one hiding herself under a cloak. But, she had to make one last point before letting the villagers decide. "Besides, she is no hell spawn. Of that I can assure you."
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe listens to the creature give out it's little speech, looking at it all the time as it does so. When the creature fades out, the cloaked woman gets up and walks past her, telling her to kill it or question it further if she desired. Tomoe nods as the woman leaves her there, raising Kuchinawa over her head. She wasn't one to take lives without purpose, but this creature was a danger to the surrounding town, so she was determined to end it's life with a merciful blade. Offering a prayer to her shrine gods, Tomoe beheads the creature lying on her feet before heading outside to listen at whatever was going on out there
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya had turned her head as she heard the creature shout out about a "hell spawn", wondering who it was talking about. She had to presume, of the two it was most likely the hooded cloaked woman, though in the middle of her casual pondering she'd initially failed to realise that Roland's outburst was actually directed to herself. As it snapped in her head, she turns back once more with a surprised expression, ears twitching. "Huh? A hell spawn, me? Oh n..." She begins, though stopping as Phyrra steps over, listening with curiosity to the woman as she 'handled' the discussion.

At first she looks a little confused about the comparatively wordy appeal to the towns folk, though thinking about the woman's words as she spoke. 'Judge on actions and not on blood... makes sense to me.' She thinks to herself, '... oh no, I killed those things without thinking about it. Mother told me not to do that. Except they we're bad right? Which means...' She muses, looking from the crowd to Phyrra. Leaving her train of thought to nod as the hooded woman states her as non demon, "Yeah, I'm no demon spawn or whatever." She adds, though unsure of whether it was appropriate to go into any more detail regarding the actual truth of her nature. Leaving it out for now.

She wasn't meant to reveal her powers around other people, nor tell of her daemon heritage. Her mother had warned that people might well not react well if they found out. And she never had till now, but monsters had never been slaughtering people in the streets before now either.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 67/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

The creature gazes up at Tomoe as she readies her blade, coughing up blood, its alien expression unreadable. With one swing, she separates its head from its body. The creatures body gives a single shudder, a last twitch, before lying still in a pool of its own blood. Leaving it there, she headed out to listen to what the others were saying.

As Phyrra approached, some of the villagers who thought she was some sort of witch back away, but as she spoke, those who knew of her heritage looked comforted. After she spoke, Roland looked mollified, and mumbled; "I suppose that makes sense...." Some nodded at Mayas added affirmation that she wasn't a demon, and the villagers seemed to be calming down, but then, an older man who Phyrra believed to be some sort of official shouted; "But she could have brought those things here! She arrived right when they did! This could all be a trick!" A few villagers nodded, scowling once more. It was about then that Maria, a woman whom Phyrra had met when she got to Argent Vale, and who had known of her origins but never seemed at all bothered by them, was not among those in the crowd. The crowd of townsfolk encompassed most of the population of the village now, and Maria would have been in the market about now, preparing to open up her stall for the day. The creatures had come from around that direction, and the seven women that had been taken by the creatures had all looked young to Phyrra, while Maria was approaching her 40th year. Where could she be?
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With a final glance over the crowd for Maria's face, Phyrra sighed. "If you doubt me, then judge my actions." She said, and turned to Maya and Tomoe. "I'm going after them. I'd ask for your help, I'm afraid I won't be able to save the girls they took on my own, but I won't force you. This is my town, not yours, you don't have to help if you don't want to." She bowed to the two other girls and started walking past them, stopping just after passing them though. "But... Thank you for helping."

Regardless of whether the two would follow her or not, Phyrra headded towards the forest that the creatures came from.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"She's so passionate about her cause, even with the doubt they're openly shoving towards her..." Tomoe thinks as she follows the hooded woman's actions. All reservations about the woman's intentions now gone from her mind, she grabs the woman's shoulder as she attempts to walk past them after requesting their help, stopping her on her tracks.
"This is not a town I'm familiar with, the people are all strangers to me. But my desire to help people in need is not limited by some meaningless concept like that. If my meager skill can be of use, I'll be happy to offer it for you. My name is Tomoe, I'm a shrine maiden fro the lands of Celesis" she gives her mind to to the woman, going after her and urging Maya to follow
"Come on now Maya, your skill would be welcome in this adventure"
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya responds to the older man's accusations with a silent dull quizzical glance. Eventually turning away to the others as they speak to her and smiling again. "Sure, I'll come with you." Stepping up beside to follow. "I'm Maya." She introduces herself to Phyrra, incase she didn't catch the name from Tomoe just then. "So you live here then?" said leaning forward a little, as Maya casually tries to peer round the well concealing hood once more.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Thank you. My name is Phyrra, I live just outside of town in the forest." Phyrra introduced herself as she started walking towards the direction the creatures fled in. Maya would be able to see a youthful face under the hood, but little else, and certainly no indication of why she would hide it, at least, not until they were out of sight of the villagers.
"There is something you should know about me though before you choose to come with me." Phyrra pulled her hood back, revealing her demonic horns. "The hell spawn the creature spoke of was me. I fled hell... a very long time ago. Though I am a demon, I found that I could not live in that environment of hate and betrayal. If you don't wish to be with me anymore, I won't hold any grudge against you." Though she didn't want the two girls to leave, she had to give them the choice once she revealed her heritage. "All I ask is that you don't tell the villagers."
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe looks at the woman's revealed form for a bit before bringing her thoughts out once more
"Where you came from and what you are make no difference to me if your heart is right. I'll help you on this task, even if you are a demon of some sort" she says to Phyrra before continuing "I swear by this sword, given to me by the high priestess of my shrine, that your secret is safe with me."

After giving out her pledge, Tomoe goes with Phyrra once more
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya blinks, her eyes widening as the hood is pulled back to reveal the horns, only leaning closer once more to have a eager look at the curious things attached to the woman's head. "So those are what you were hiding under that hood. Hmm, it's kinda a shame, but I guess I understand why." She says, looking back to the village, thinking about how easily the people turned to pointing nervous fingers. It seemed mother really was right about what she'd said about people not reacting well to such things. Looking back to Phyrra "I don't honestly really know much about demons, so I suppose I'll just have to go on what you said earlier huh. About judging on actions, not blood, and all that." said grinning a little.

She also noted some of the things Tomoe had been saying, specifically about the "desire to help people", and now "swearing by her sword". That meant, like a promise right? She seemed to really mean these things. Was that part of being a shrine maiden, or being from this Celesis place, or just being Tomoe? An added item to the unwriten and ever expanding list of things to be curious about.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

As they exited the town of Argent Vale, continuing to speak to one another and Phyrra revealing demonic origins to the other two, Maya feels the energy she'd used in battle quickly rejuvenate, while Phyrra feels the all too familiar urge to feed slowly building inside of her once again. None of the townsfolk are following them, at least not that any of them can tell, and Phyrra in particular tended to know when one of the humans was walking in the woods. There were no real paths through this part of the forest, but the creatures trail was easy enough to follow thanks to their set of captives, who were clearly slowing the creatures down. They followed for over two miles, burning through almost three hours due to the difficult terrain, but any hopes the group of women had held of catching the monsters prior to reaching their lair were dashed as they come to a stop in front of the entrance into an ancient tower.

The building had been visible for some time, as it jutted well over two hundred feet into the air, rising above the tops of the tallest trees. It was built of mortared stone, but the door was made of solid wood bounded in rusting iron. The area around the base of the structure had been kept clear of trees and underbrush. The creatures track led up to the door of the building, and disappeared. The door was closed, and there were no windows that they could look into at this level. In her time living in Argent Vale, Phyrra had never ventured into the tower, though she'd seen it off in the distance many times. Now, as before, an intense sense of foreboding implored her to turn away from this place, an instinct shared by her two comrades as they approached the structure. There was something that was simply... Wrong, with this tower.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Tall." Maya mutters to no one in particular as the trio approach the tower, starring up to it top, wondering if anyone was looking down. She couldn't help but glare at the building suspiciously. Not suspicion of it being the monsters hideout, that much seemed clear, but almost as if she didn't trust the building itself not to bite her. Despite the foreboding vibes and her cautious expression, she didn't seem at all deterred to actually entering. "So, should we knock?"

After those hours of woodland hiking she was somewhat psyched up on giving these kidnapping reptiles a piece of her mind.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra breathed an internal sigh of relief as the two girls proved accepting of her nature. However, as that familiar feeling returned, Phyrra began to worry they might not be so accepting of her 'feeding' methods. For now though, she still felt as though she could continue without the need to refill. For how long, she wasn't sure, especially if she was going to have to use her magic more in the coming battles. A voice in the back of her head reminded her that these creatures were likly going to be raping the women they took, and that she could use them to refill her energy if they tried it with her.

"It's been here even longer than I have." Phyrra said, referring to the tower. "I've gotten this far before when I wanted to investigate, but I've never gone inside. I'm not suprised those creatures are using it for a base this... aura makes their accidental discovery almost impossible." Glancing between the two other girls and then back to the door, she took a breath. "If the door isn't locked, I think we should just burst in, but they might have traps or ambushes ready, or both." She cautioned.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Oh, this tower looks big. It's no Fujiwara family main keep though..." Tomoe ponders in her head as she looks up to the tower. She'd seen many huge buildings during her early life, some of them massively outclassing this stony tower.

Listening carefully to Phyrra's words, Tomoe steps in to the front of the door, drawing Kuchinawa from her back.
"I think I should be taking the first rank in our team, since you two don't seem to be at your best in the middle of swirling melee." she tells the two, trying the door out to see if it wasn't locked.
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

The doors handle turned without too much effort as Tomoe tried it, and after going 180 degrees it gave a click that indicated it could turn no more. as no traps went off or monster popped out to attack them, Tomoe pushed the door open, slowly. It slid, creaking all the way, until it was fully open, and the amazonian warrior stepped into the tower. It was fairly dark inside, the only light available coming in from outside, and as the sun was on the opposite side of the tower, Tomoe couldn't see very far beyond the entrance. For Maya and Phyrra, however, it was another story. Maya, part Su-Ku-Ta, had enough cat in her to see in the sparse light, and her 'fathers' supernatural gifts enhanced this, to the point that it almost looked like the opening chamber of the tower was brightly lit. Phyrra, being still a demon despite the distance from the rest of her mostly malignant kind, could see in shadows without much assistance, so she could at least make out some of the room, if not the details. Further magical aid might be prudent if they wanted to navigate the tower, however.

The opening hall took up the entirety of this floor of the structure, stretching from outer wall to outer wall, and the walls were lined with rotting paintings and tapestries. An ancient stone table stood in the center of the room, dark red stains covering its face, though it looked more like a dinner table than any sacrificial altar. A set of spiral stairs lay in the far corner, made of rusting iron, and going both up and down. A large crystalline chandelier hung from the ceiling, which was over thirty feet above them, and all three women noticed at once that, if they only pushed a bit of energy into it, it would activate something. What that might be was unknown, however.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With the door creaking open as she gently pushed it, Tomoe steps inside as soon as possible, sword at ready if something tried to charge them. Letting out a sigh of relief, she eases herself as nothing crashes forward to attack. Still keeping her sword at hand, Tomoe is hard-pressed to see anything inside the darkened tower. Noticing a strange chandellier on the ceiling, she turns to her companions
"Could either of you give that lamp some power? I can't see in here."
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Oh, it's open." Maya mutters quietly to herself as Tomoe tests the door. Hopping forward, she lightly treads along a step or two behind the warrior miko, leaning round to peer into the darkness. Whilst she could see okay, she could still tell the difference. The way that things were always far less colourful in the dark, was one thing about the dark that bothered her.

"Sure is gloomy in here. Hmm? What lamp?"
She replies, looking round the room and unable to spot anything that resembled a lamp to her limited understanding of what a lamp could be. She also didn't have any oil on her, which only confused her further regarding 'giving it some power', "Where? I don't see any..." She begins trailing off as she notices the strange crystalline object seemingly calling for energy, and starts to piece Tomoe's request together. "Ohh?" Reaching out to it, she strokes the air with her fingers once, and then trys pushing out a "soft" lump of energy towards it to see what happened.