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Learning Experiences (Archer)

Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Grapple: Vivian wins.

Vivian just barely managed to pull herself away from the pair of slimy, grasping women, who collided with one another as she slipped away. She tripped and landed on her side, the nude girl pulling herself to her feet as quickly as she could. Strangely, rather than attack one another as they had Vivian, they simultaneously turned toward her, seemingly ignoring one another, and started toward her, blank grins plastered on their faces.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian's mind started to race as she got free, she had one chance but she couldn't use her succubus powers since they were covered in slime. She quickly had an idea though and began to stay a few steps ahead of the two. "Hehe come on you two, I know somewhere really fun to go..." Vivian's plan was to lure the two to the lake and get them in the water to wash the slime off and hopefully get them back to normal....
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Grappled

Attack: Hit.
Vivian has been grappled. In the water.

The two slime covered women followed after Vivian as she just barely stayed ahead of them, the two being slowed down when moving across land by Nami. Strangely, the pair remained very close together, the faster woman not trying to run ahead to better catch Vivian. She reached the edge of the lake, and only then did Vivian realize that she was completely nude, having left her clothing far behind. The two were right behind her, however, and she had no choice but to go into the water. She waded through the shallows at the edge of the lake until she hit deeper water, the other two swimming after her. The pair still didn't get more than a few feet away from each other, but Nami could seemingly swim much better than she could, as the naga and fey quickly caught up with her in the water. Vivians head almost went underwater as the nagas body coiled around her, the slime being dissipated into the fresh water before it could get into her system. The fey woman quickly grabbed onto her shoulders, while Namis torso pressed against hers, her tail wrapped around Vivians legs and belly.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian casually dismissed her current lack of clothing, she had heard stories about how her mother had fought her way across the city in little more than a pair of pants, hurrying into the lake she was overjoyed when the women followed her and the slime seemed to wash away although they still seemed very horny. Vivian unexpectedly swallowed some water when Nami snared her but she had a sense of relief when it felt like her friend's tail normally did. "Okay Nami.....I hope this works.." The young succubi knew that escaping this time would be almost impossible to outswim her drugged friend, hopefully she could sate their lust and they would come to their senses after being cleaned off. Vivian slowly put her arms around her dear friend and moaned, letting go and enjoying this moment more than she probably should...

(Vivian stops struggling and willingly lets the women have their threeway with her to hopefully snap them out of it)
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 28/37, PP = 7/38, EP = 25/41, Status = Grappled

Pleasure (Vivian): 4 + 1 + 10 + 4 + 10 + 2 = 31 PP.
Vivian has been drained of 16 EP.
Damage: 9 HP.

Nami pulled Vivian into a kiss within the water, her slime coating still dissolving into the water before it could have any effect on the young succubus even as the naga kept her head out of it. The fey woman once more took up position behind her, her hands wrapping around Vivian to play with her chest. Her soft globes were squeezed and rubbed, and her sensitive nipples were tweaked and pulled on, and it wasn't long before her milk was leaking into the water. Namis hands strayed to rub Vivians cleft, her hand brushing against the girls nether lips and clitoris, and only exciting her further, swiftly bringing her close to an orgasm. However, along with the wondrous pleasure, Vivian also felt something else, something familiar, as though her very soul was weakening through the pleasures being brought to her. Was Nami.... feeding off of her? But, she wasn't supposed to be a succubus......
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian gasped as she felt the sensation of her friend carressing her body, only until she felt her energy get sucked away did she briefly come out of her sex induced stupor. "That.....that's impossible. Nami how are you draining me? What happened to you?" Her mind fought with itself, an orgasm would make her helpless and likely pass out leaving her at Nami's mercy. However as a succubus, being so close to having her incredibly attractive friend take her lustfully was almost too good an opportunity to pass up. The young inexprienced succubus couldn't fight it, slowly her body relaxed again back into Nami's embrace as the fey milked her, she would fight later, why add even more stress to her day right now?
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 1/41, Status = Fine

Pleasure (Vivian): 3 + 2 + 10 + 4 + 10 + 2 = 31 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Vivian has been drained of 32 EP and passes out.
Gain a mutation.

Namis response to Vivians question came in the form of two fingers diving into Vivians womanhood, sliding up to rub against her g-spot vigorously. The fey woman behind her pulled and squeezed on Vivians large breasts, milking her into the water. The naga kissed Vivian deeply again as she submitted fully to the pairs lustful advances, the cascade of sensations brought on by their touch, the utter domination, and the feel of her soul being swiftly absorbed by the two women swiftly pushed Vivian over the edge. Her climax was incredibly powerful, the pleasure indescribable as her womanhood squeezed around the digits embedded inside of it, her nipples released streams of milk, and the very core of her being was left open for the pair to feast upon. The last sensation Vivian had before she blacked out was of pleasure, but also with her sense of self quickly falling away as her essence was drained out of her.

She awakened once more an unknown amount of time later, an insatiable, burning need with her to feed overwhelming all other sensations. Her mind hazily took in her surroundings even as her body relentlessly pulsated with the need for sex. It was night, and the moon was full. She was lying on the beach on the edge of the lake, totally nude and slightly dirty. Nami and the fey woman were nowhere to be found, but she did see someone coming toward her. It was a man, no, not fully a man. Ram-like horns erupted from the mans head, and he wore no clothing, not needing it as the lower half of his body was covered in fur. He spotted her immediately, and started running toward her across the sands, shouting; "Hey! I've found someone!" As he came closer, his voice lowered, and he knelt next to Vivian and said, his voice soothing; "It's going to be alright. What's your name, girl?" At first his eyes remained on her face, but after a moment they trailed down her nubile, voluptuous body, and she easily spotted his member hardening swiftly. The need to feed overwhelmed Vivian with arousal, any concerns about safety being easily pushed aside by the need to restore her dwindling energies, and she had a perfect opportunity right here.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian held her head as she awoke from her sexual coma, it did not take long for her to feel the hunger she had been warned about, it felt so foreign to her to have the urge to fuck anything she saw, even a tree if it was possible. She turned to the voice she heard in the dim moonlight. She smiled as the satyr approached her, half from relief and half from her desire burning inside her. "My...my name is Vivian. I-I'm not corrupted but...drained...need energy...just a little." The young succubus raised up slightly and clumsily put her weight on the kneeling satyr knocking him onto his back. Before he could protest Vivian trapped his cock between her breasts and began to bob them against his shaft. "I'm sorry...I'm nice really....trust me." She gave one last apology blushing brightly on her innocent lustful face before wrapping her mouth around him and starting to suck him off desperate for a taste of his energy.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 13/41, Status = Fine

Pleasure (Other): 4 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 8 = 23 Pleasure.
Vivian drains 12 EP.

The satyr gasps as Vivian pushes him over, though he gives no resistance to it. "What are you...." The rest of his words are drowned out by a moan of pleasure as Vivians massive, soft orbs rub against his length. Even before she wraps her lips around it, the goat-mans shaft is rock hard between her breasts, and as her tongue touches the tip, she tastes something sweet, like honey, and feels a thick sticky fluid on her tongue. Right along with his precum, however, Vivian tastes the feys essence as she began draining the energy of his soul. It was exquisite, the magic inherent in his very being a treat even had she not been spiritually starving, and she felt herself hungering for more even as she regained control of herself. She felt him throb between her breasts, her massive orbs massaging his member, and he clearly didn't want her to stop as he stared down at the part-demon in lustful wonder.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian licked her lips as she moaned, "What's your name? I'm so glad to see someone who isn't corrupted. I just need a little energy....I promise I won't hurt you." Vivian squeezed her breasts tighter around his shaft and resumed deepthroating him, her perfect little rump swaying in the air behind her as she gave a mischevious little giggle relishing her first real encounter using her succubi abilities.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Pleasure (Other): 3 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 8 = 28 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Vivian drains 28 EP.

The satyr only moaned wordlessly as Vivian took her mouth to his member, his legs twitching and his rod throbbing powerfully as she deep throated it and held it between her huge soft breasts. The young succubus felt invigorated as the pleasure she was causing the fey allowed her to drain him of his spiritual energies, and he groaned slightly louder as she stuck her rounded rear up in the air. After another few moments, the satyrs eyes widened, and he threw his had back and moaned loudly as his cock began spurting into her mouth, and he began feeding her copious amounts of his magical essence to her as well. His seed was thin enough to be easily swallowed, but it strangely tasted like sweetened honey as it filled her mouth. After spewing copious amounts of semen into her mouth, the satyr collapsed, his balls and his soul both empty after Vivian had sucked them both dry. He seemed to have passed out after cumming, but Vivian felt fully rejuvenated, as though she'd just regained all of her strength.

A masculine voice from nearby shouted; "There! His voice came from over there!" Footsteps were approaching Vivian where she lay on the beach, totally nude, her mouth still clamped around a satyrs cock and her mouth still full of his cum. A figure, of similar proportions to the fey in front of her, was approaching her. His head seemed to be larger, however, and his horns were much longer. As he approached, she could see something starting to enlarge, and dangle in front of him as he muttered; "What the? Oh......." He was approaching her from the side, and probably had a great view of her shapely body.
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Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian giggled impishly as she pleasured the satyr, something about this made her usual awkwardness and shy demeanor melt away, now she was a cute and playful little seductress eagerly drinking another's soul. As she was savoring the taste the nearby voice snapped her out of her power drunken state just as the second satyr ran up. Vivian removed herself from the satyr's cock and wiped her mouth before sitting up with a blush trying to cover herself to keep the second satyr from getting enamored by her too. "Oh! Um, hello, I'm so sorry, someone else drained all my energy and then he came over to me and I was so hungry, and I guess I went overboard, but I didn't hurt him and I'm really really sorry again...." Vivian finally paused her paniced explaination a moment. "I'm Vivian..."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The figure approached her quickly, gradually becoming easier to see, until, by its goatlike head and legs, Vivian realized that it was a gruff, another type of fey similar to the satyr, but more animalistic. In addition to is inhuman head and face, its member was also much less humanlike, being longer and shaped more like what Vivian would expect to see on a horse. It stopped in front of her, and after she'd swallowed the satyrs seed and given her explanation, he simply nodded and said, in a low growly voice; "It is good that we found you then, Vivian. Some of those who once lived here that the creatures left behind have been roaming about and attacking others who are not so corrupted. They have lost their souls to the creature from the sky. Come, I will carry him until he awakens, we must flee this place. The Hidden Village is lost." Without another word, the gruff pushed past Vivian and picked up the unconscious satyr, and started heading off toward the woods without even checking to see if she was following.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian lowered her head after hearing that the village was a total loss. "I know....I ran into my best friend, she's the one who drained me." She staggered to her feet to follow behind the gruff. "Do you know if there are other survivors? I'm hoping to find my parents, or at least learn what happened to them." Vivian kept her eyes focused on the ground or the trees to keep her still lustful mind focused on the danger around her and not the gruff's crotch.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The gruff seemed to lose his erection rather quickly as he had to carry his unconscious friend. Or was it relative? Vivian wasn't sure. Regardless, as he walked, the gruff said; "Yes. Some escaped, or were not present at the time of the attack. Many fled into the woods, and were found by my people. What are your parents called? I know of at least seventeen others who made it out of the village and into the enclave where I live. Some of us were sent here to see what was happening, and search for other survivors if possible." They'd made it to the edge of the village by the time the gruff stopped speaking to let Vivian respond, and without seeing another soul. She did see a great many decaying bodies, however, most of which were like the tentacled creature that had initially molested her. There were easily hundreds of corpses of the vile things, mixed in with the rubble, and the bodies of larger creatures who might have been humanoid before spells and spiritual powers had taken chunks out of them, or set them alight.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

"My parents are Mina and Tabitha, I just know they survived. My mom once blew up a demon lord, there's no way she would let little tentacle things put her down. I was going to tell them today that I was planning on leaving on my own adventure, guess I got started sooner than I expected." Vivian sighs and kicks at a rock, "So what is your enclave like? I've never wandered outside the village very far."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The gruff responded to her words with a shrug, though it might have just been him shifting aside the satyr he was carrying, as he said; "I do not know of any by those names, but I also do not know all of those who were able to flee. Other groups of my people took some of yours in, and there are also two camps of your people in the woods. You will see when we get there." They skirted the edge of the lake as they talked, until they reached the edge of the forest. The gruff then turned to Vivian and said; "Stay close to me. These woods remain dangerous, despite that the creature from the sky is already gone." With that, he turned away from her and headed into the woods, moving slowly and carefully through the underbrush.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian quickly followed the gruff to remain close to him, "You know my mom told me that she had some friends who were gruffs too from her old adventures. A "stubborn goat" and one she said would sleep with a tree if it had the right figure. I think their names were Akah and Jerr." After giggling a moment thinking about the stories of Jerr she quieted back down. "So are their usually thing in the woods besides the slimy things that the creature dropped off? I've never ventured very far into the forest before."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"My kin rarely use names among one another unless we are among strangers, and I do not know of any who use those names. They may be here, but if they are, I do not know of them." Then, with a hint of laughter in his previously dour voice, the gruff continued; "You will probably find that many of my kin have few... Inhibitions." Then, continuing on in his usually dour voice, her guide said; "There are many of my kin among the trees, and many wild beasts live in these woods. They are dangerous, but not so bad so long as you are careful and wise. Some of the aliens are now among the trees as well, but not so many that we need to worry as yet."

They continued on, moving through the woods, and eventually Vivian and the gruff came upon a glade that sat next to a small stream. He set the satyr down and said; "We may rest here for a moment. It is not far now."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian sat down next to the gruff giggling, "Yeah mom told me about how gruffs tend to like sex, so do I since I'm a succubus but I have to try and be careful because I end up draining people usually if I have it. Kinda like that." She sheepishly pointed to the still unconcious satyr next to them before sighing. "Now that I've spent all day having it one way or another it feels strange not to be doing it. I don't think I've been corrupted because thinking about those tentacles balls still makes me feel kinda icky but I can really see why a lot of succubi just wander the world looking for new things to fuck or be fucked by. Being a half demon is ~hard~." Vivian hung her head with a little whine.

"If my parents aren't around when we get there I promise not to hang around too long and be a burden. Plus it might not be healthy for me to live surrounded by satyrs and gruffs for too long, I'd feel guilty if I ended up going sex crazy and completely working your entire village over." Vivian awkwardly rubbed her neck at the thought of her being in an almost non stop orgy.